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Thread: kewlJ

  1. #141
    Regarding kewlJ:

    I will be happy to see whatever proof he has to present to me. And I will keep everything confidential, of course.

    I have nothing against kewlJ. I think he makes quality posts here when he's not lying or complaining about something. I'm being serious here, not sarcastic. It seems we sometimes have "good kewlJ" who makes thoughtful contributions in the topics being discussed, and then we have "bad kewlJ", who is either lying or complaining. More of good kewlJ would be appreciated.

    I still don't understand why there's ever a need to lie in order to protect your privacy. Changing small details is totally fine. So, for example, if I were anonymous and posted about a play I ran at a casino in September 2019, but didn't want to be identified by any casino personnel reading, I might fudge it and claim I ran the play in May 2019. That's a meaningless detail change, and doesn't affect the veracity of the story being told.

    But inserting extraneous details like a phantom lawsuit? Just makes no sense to me.

    Additionally, kewlJ (and now redeitz) seems to frequently complain what I "allow" or "endorse". That's nonsense. kewlJ, you are very aware exactly what this forum is and isn't. You always have been. You chose to participate here actively, and that potentially comes with all the trolling, bashing, and off-color remarks. Everyone else here is subject to the same treatment. Look at how Rob was mercilessly mocked when his various hoaxes were torn apart.

    Some things are posted here which I don't agree with. They stand because this is a free speech forum. I try to look at the individual posters involved and the seriousness of the thread before deciding whether or not to interfere.

    If people trolled you with gay jokes in a serious thread, I would remove the messages and ask the users not to disrupt it with such speech. If you're caught making up tall tales about lawsuits and acting indignant when people question it, I'm less inclined to play language police.

    I don't bash gay people on PFA. I've said on the forum and on my radio show that I think gay people should just be their authentic selves, come out, and be with whomever makes them happy. In general I am very big on people just being who they really are, and not what others tell them they should be.

    It does not bother me in the slightest that you're gay. I just wish you'd understand that the lying and the subsequent condescending attitude are what's putting people off.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  2. #142
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Dawg I’m responding to something from WOV. In the money laundering thread I suspect you assume that the Tito is tracked from machine to machine and tied to a players card. This is not always the case and APs doing what Oz myself and others do know how to uncouple the Tito from the card, and even in some specific shops tie that Tito to another person. It depends on what player tracking software they are using, and what slot machines are available. Remember there are many different systems communicating with each other all set up by humans (who make mistakes). Older slot machines interfacing with new player tracking systems, different slot machine mechanics and protocols. No one is going to explain it exactly but there are people here that most definitely could do what you are asking in the challenge. If you bet Axel you will lose. Unless the criteria is so narrow like you must play at Resorts world or only play tables. You would be correct that in some casinos this would be impossible, however Axel does have options in Vegas where this would be very easy.
    Hey there SeedValue, how goes it?

    D.Oz plays rated because of his scheme, he wouldn’t have any need to pass off the play from one person to another and anyway the post he made subsequent to what you posted above contradicts that he can or does do whatever it is you’re referring to. Anyway, as far as D.Oz he's talking about slot machines I don't play them, so yes, you'd know more about these than I would.

    Anyway, my Challenge is
    which has to do with table games only and it’s solid the reason no one undertook it is because they know or at least suspect that I know what I am talking about with regards to table games, and I do. I would not lose that wager no way.

    AxelWolf was just thinking he’d mail in a sports ticket and win the wager that way, but he hadn’t even read my Wager. Table Games. Typically he barely reads or misreads whatever has been posted and then runs off with this or that half baked response. Axel is a has been as far as brick and mortar casinos he has no idea what is going on in especially the top Strip casinos these days. I assume most of what he does these days if he does much at all has to do with online casinos.

    The other guy TomInNV aka TomG who claimed at WOV that he could convert chips to check is deliberately vague with whatever he’s talking about because he knows it doesn’t fit the parameters of my Challenge, and probably has nothing to do even with straight buying chips for cash and converting them directly to check anyway, anyone who has any real experience with casinos knows that casinos haven’t allowed that sort of thing for over 20 years.

    Even as far back as 1996, Nevada law disallowed casinos from “ Issuing a casino check in exchange for more than $2,500 in cash” and since then that amount has been lowered to 0 absent a win, because issuing a check for a win has nothing to do with an exchange for cash, it’s not an exchange at all, it’s a payout.
    You're wrong about how I would do it. I would do it multiple ways just to cover my bases. I talked to Mike, I said I would run over and deposit 25k with him for 10 days while we negotiated if you would do the same. You wouldn't put up money with Mike on deposit. so I wasn't going to waste my time negotiating or discussing terms.

  3. #143
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Mr V you dork. You put this idea that Kewl is a master troll in his head so he has now amped up his whole man behind the curtain who trolls on the side spiel.

    I'm really not sure why he is still trying to save face but it is clearly all in his head now. He is only saving face to himself.

    As Max said.

    Kewl, get help. ( but don't leave us)
    One of the other back-stabbing AP idiots.

    MrV didn't pup shit in my head. I revealed this not once, but twice before. One here, once at GF.

    MrV was just smart enough not to be completely blinded by hate...a hate not even real. I also though mickeycrimm, JBJB and Axelwolf always understood what was going on. Maybe I was wrong. I also though Maxpen understood, but in the end, I guess I was wrong about Maxpen. In the end it isn't about who know or didn't know. It was that I put out a carrot for casino personnel to chase and ended up a bunch of trolls and even some back-stabbing AP's chased the carrot.
    I haven't been keeping up with this forum. Last I knew you were done with it. always "understood what was going on" regarding what?

    I just know going back a long time ago, I mentioned some concerns I had regarding your BJ persona, I was skeptical about quite a few things and I had a few theories. Eventually, I didn't care anymore and figured I could be wrong about my concerns about your story. I thought you were a good poster doing your own thing your way with an interesting perspective unique personality, and some fair Blackjack knowledge.

    I'm leaning back to my original theories after this saga. You have spent many years on the forum telling your life story, building a reputation with both fans and haters. Have you been through countless battles, and hardships spending countless hours on the forums building a persona/reputation while defending your stories and reputation as a believable person. The forums and your KJ persona are an integral part of your life.

    I find it very hard to believe you would let yourself be believed as a lying fake storyteller if everything but one aspect of your story was true... YOU WOULD ABSOLUTELY FIND A WAY TO PROVE YOURSELF AND SHUT DOWN YOUR CRITICS. Because of that alone, I don't believe any part of your backroom story and I'm skeptical about 75% of everything else.

  4. #144
    In 2011, I was robbed at gunpoint outside my condo as a direct result of things I said on forums. From that moment on, I felt if I was going to continue to share my experiences of a mid-level card counter making a living in Vegas that I would have to be sure anyone looking to find me couldn't. I was specifically thinking of thieves and thugs like the one that robbed me as well as casino personnel, including that database personnel that read these forums.

    I accomplished this by lying, exaggerating, making up some shit about my personal life and situation, that would serve to misdirect anyone looking for me. No one should have cared about any of that shit anyway, except the very people I was trying to send on a wild goose chase. I mean, I don't know or care the personal situations of most AP's. If someone says they live on the moon and fly home every night, what do I care. If someone says they can transform themselves into a street sign at night, what do I care. If someone says they live with this person or that or are married to this or that, what do I care. I care about only what they post about gambling and advantage play.

    So why the fuck should anyone care if I say I have or had a partner twenty years older than me when I didn't. It meant that anyone looking for me, and add trolls like Singer, Mdawg to that mix was now looking for a 5'8", 155 lb blond guy with a heavy 20 year older boyfriend. That is what I felt I had to do to protect myself, so that I could share what I wanted to share....what Druff calls my "quality" posts.

    And it served me well.

    Now the back-room story occurred exactly as I stated, including the broken arm. Fuck Dr AccountinQuestion, who thinks a person can't fracture an arm by banging it on a metal desk. He is wrong about most things these days. My first instinct was to not pursue anything. People here, including Druff, Axelwolf, Mickey and even Maxpen made good points that I should pursue something and I reconsidered. I especially liked Axelwolf's suggestion of pursuing a settlement. That is what I decided to do. I was never going to pursue it to court, just get the best settlement I could. I was surprised at how quickly and willingly they settled. Makes me wonder what I could have got had I been willing to give up my identity and gone the distance. But I am happy with the settlement amount.

    So while waiting for the money to hit my account, the story broke. I am not going to tell where it broke because there is personal information I don't want known. I was sure Dan Druff or somebody would post and/or link to the story. A couple days went by and no one did. I don't know who broke the story, complete with details inclduing my identity, but there were only two parties that knew about it and it wasn't my side. It makes no sense that it was the other party either, so maybe an employee or something. I have no idea.

    I had been talking about the case, when the story broke, so I just made up the lawsuit part starting with the casino being served. I figured it was better for someone like Mdawg to be searching the court records for a case he wouldn't find than to be looking for this story that broke. Maybe that was panic. Maybe I didn't need to make up that lawsuit stuff and no one would have seen the story. I don't know.

    It was Mdawg that I was afraid of finding out my information. He had attempted to dox me before. The only reason he didn't succeed is because I sent him on a wild goose chase with the wrong information. I didn't want him to get the correct information. Maxpen wasn't even in the picture. Honestly, if Maxpen has contacted me privately before he went on his "mission", I would have told him what was going on in confidence. But he didn't do that. I don't blame Maxpen for that, but don't understand all the false things he has been saying since. Things like he has seen me playing low stakes. If he really thinks that, he is wrong, but it just seems like he now has some issue and is out to harm me.

    I am not directing anybody to this information. I don't care who believes what. Anyone even asking me for proof or to direct them, how about you post up your personal information or bank account info, or a picture of yourself? (Not you Druff, as you are not anonymous). Otherwise fuck off. I do what I feel I need to do to protect myself, so I can share what I would like to share and I don't really give a fuck what anybody thinks.... especially the trolls of which there now are many on this forum, including some APs.

    I am not going to discuss it any further. Beleive whatever you like. Doesn't matter to, nor effect me.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  5. #145
    Careful, KJ. Maxpuke is on the ball. Remember, he swore he seen that Singer 1.5 million jackpot picture at Caesar's long before Singer posted it. The guy never makes a mistake. You're done for.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  6. #146
    Anyone--especially a weakass, lame loser--who goes thru all these constant insane hoops trying and failing to save pathetic face after being annihilated with humiliation thru their own fault, only becomes more of a joke, post by post by post. The body is buried but the worms aren't resting. And a homo insulting someone for being Jewish? Just because he doesn't believe the nonsense and runs his forum his way?

    Obvious kew isn't having any fun. Never really has. The idiot invested his whole life in posting on forums, and for what? To LIE because he feels so inadequate compared to others? Makes me shake my head, but I don't really care how he suffers the torture he creates for himself. The fool made his bed, complete with bedbugs, and now they're eating him alive. Chomp Chomp!

    Also looks like redietz is feeling some of kew's pain. I wonder....does it get any better than this?!

    Moments ago kew put up a post (no pics of course) saying that he and "straight baby bro" were in Lahaina, Maui hanging five, but quickly removed it. He's learning.....

  7. #147
    And Axelwolf, I don't care about shutting down "critics". I look at what is going on with you, darkoz and Mdawg and think....what a waste of time. I have been there and done that....I guess sometimes it is easier to see when your not involved. The people you call "critics' are trolling, just like Mdawg is trolling you guys. Nothing can and will EVER satisfy them. They are trolling. Look how many times Mdawg has changed his story, deflected and changed the goal posts. It is a waste of time. I share what experiences I want to share and don't honestly care what anybody wants to believe or not believe. It doesn't change where I am, what I do, what I make, one bit. It is just internet forum fluff.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  8. #148
    Singer, you are just a very, very bitter, angry old degenerate life-long losing gambler, who has trolled the gambling community for decades. And now you aren't even a good troll anymore. Just a pathetic angry old dude.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  9. #149
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I am not going to discuss it any further. Believe whatever you like. Doesn't matter to, nor effect me.

    North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov. [UNIVERSITY OF RUSSIA]

    The Last One Forever and Ever (For Real This Time) (We Fucking Mean It).

    Confer with my last post at . Amazing to get back to back anagrams with the same number, and type of, solutions. But, as usual, the same approach, to look at the first and last bits of a quote. This time, the only the last, because the first bit was too long to fit into the anagram solver.

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  10. #150
    Wait so KJ just folded without anyone looking him up?

  11. #151
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Keep your eyes on the horizon, KJ, and keep smiling: this is getting good.

    Oh, why the hell would you want to confide in Todd about anything?

    You just posted " So fuck you, you stinking, money grubbing, hairy Jew."

    I look forward to eventually getting more details from you about what "really happened," as I am catching grief for being your only supporter.

    The thing about Todd -- he allows Singer to make comments that are horrendous and not at all humorous. Some of the things Singer posted about Arcimede$' family, my family, and kewlJ's (ostensible) family have been both public and unforgiveable.

    Todd finds this humorous. Can you imagine Todd sitting at a WSOP table and me distributing the comments he's allowed to that table? I'd have no problem doing that and then sparring with the WSOP about why they allow a hate speech advocate to play in their tournaments. Hell, at some point, I'll do a YouTube video about Todd allowing those kinds of comments and how he's promoting hate speech and I will send links to that video to every poker tournament sponsor.

    I'm surprised people don't take more direct action regarding these kinds of things. Todd bears the moral and judgmental (if not legal) weight of everything on this forum. We're living in cancel culture days. Now personally, I despise the whole cancel culture schtick, but if the shoe fits....

    KewlJ, if it comes down to that, I have a friend who knows his way around making YouTube videos. If you ever want to put out a "Todd Witteles allows libelous posts and encourages hate speech" video, let me know. I'll pick up the tab.
    SOMEONE hasn't been watching poker streams recently. What goes on here is fairly tame, by comparison.

    Anyway, if you're suggesting that you'd actually do any of those things, then you must not hate cancel culture that much. On the other hand, they say you become the thing you hate.

  12. #152
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    In 2011, I was robbed at gunpoint outside my condo as a direct result of things I said on forums. From that moment on, I felt if I was going to continue to share my experiences of a mid-level card counter making a living in Vegas that I would have to be sure anyone looking to find me couldn't. I was specifically thinking of thieves and thugs like the one that robbed me as well as casino personnel, including that database personnel that read these forums.

    I accomplished this by lying, exaggerating, making up some shit about my personal life and situation, that would serve to misdirect anyone looking for me. No one should have cared about any of that shit anyway, except the very people I was trying to send on a wild goose chase. I mean, I don't know or care the personal situations of most AP's. If someone says they live on the moon and fly home every night, what do I care. If someone says they can transform themselves into a street sign at night, what do I care. If someone says they live with this person or that or are married to this or that, what do I care. I care about only what they post about gambling and advantage play.

    So why the fuck should anyone care if I say I have or had a partner twenty years older than me when I didn't. It meant that anyone looking for me, and add trolls like Singer, Mdawg to that mix was now looking for a 5'8", 155 lb blond guy with a heavy 20 year older boyfriend. That is what I felt I had to do to protect myself, so that I could share what I wanted to share....what Druff calls my "quality" posts.

    And it served me well.

    Now the back-room story occurred exactly as I stated, including the broken arm. Fuck Dr AccountinQuestion, who thinks a person can't fracture an arm by banging it on a metal desk. He is wrong about most things these days. My first instinct was to not pursue anything. People here, including Druff, Axelwolf, Mickey and even Maxpen made good points that I should pursue something and I reconsidered. I especially liked Axelwolf's suggestion of pursuing a settlement. That is what I decided to do. I was never going to pursue it to court, just get the best settlement I could. I was surprised at how quickly and willingly they settled. Makes me wonder what I could have got had I been willing to give up my identity and gone the distance. But I am happy with the settlement amount.

    So while waiting for the money to hit my account, the story broke. I am not going to tell where it broke because there is personal information I don't want known. I was sure Dan Druff or somebody would post and/or link to the story. A couple days went by and no one did. I don't know who broke the story, complete with details inclduing my identity, but there were only two parties that knew about it and it wasn't my side. It makes no sense that it was the other party either, so maybe an employee or something. I have no idea.

    I had been talking about the case, when the story broke, so I just made up the lawsuit part starting with the casino being served. I figured it was better for someone like Mdawg to be searching the court records for a case he wouldn't find than to be looking for this story that broke. Maybe that was panic. Maybe I didn't need to make up that lawsuit stuff and no one would have seen the story. I don't know.

    It was Mdawg that I was afraid of finding out my information. He had attempted to dox me before. The only reason he didn't succeed is because I sent him on a wild goose chase with the wrong information. I didn't want him to get the correct information. Maxpen wasn't even in the picture. Honestly, if Maxpen has contacted me privately before he went on his "mission", I would have told him what was going on in confidence. But he didn't do that. I don't blame Maxpen for that, but don't understand all the false things he has been saying since. Things like he has seen me playing low stakes. If he really thinks that, he is wrong, but it just seems like he now has some issue and is out to harm me.

    I am not directing anybody to this information. I don't care who believes what. Anyone even asking me for proof or to direct them, how about you post up your personal information or bank account info, or a picture of yourself? (Not you Druff, as you are not anonymous). Otherwise fuck off. I do what I feel I need to do to protect myself, so I can share what I would like to share and I don't really give a fuck what anybody thinks.... especially the trolls of which there now are many on this forum, including some APs.

    I am not going to discuss it any further. Beleive whatever you like. Doesn't matter to, nor effect me.
    All those words = FRAUD

    Oh, and just stop with the "If MaxPen would have contacted me privately" bullshit. Because the PMs you sent me regarding the matter all contain the same lies....RIP

  13. #153
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Dawg I’m responding to something from WOV. In the money laundering thread I suspect you assume that the Tito is tracked from machine to machine and tied to a players card. This is not always the case and APs doing what Oz myself and others do know how to uncouple the Tito from the card, and even in some specific shops tie that Tito to another person. It depends on what player tracking software they are using, and what slot machines are available. Remember there are many different systems communicating with each other all set up by humans (who make mistakes). Older slot machines interfacing with new player tracking systems, different slot machine mechanics and protocols. No one is going to explain it exactly but there are people here that most definitely could do what you are asking in the challenge. If you bet Axel you will lose. Unless the criteria is so narrow like you must play at Resorts world or only play tables. You would be correct that in some casinos this would be impossible, however Axel does have options in Vegas where this would be very easy.
    Hey there SeedValue, how goes it?

    D.Oz plays rated because of his scheme, he wouldn’t have any need to pass off the play from one person to another and anyway the post he made subsequent to what you posted above contradicts that he can or does do whatever it is you’re referring to. Anyway, as far as D.Oz he's talking about slot machines I don't play them, so yes, you'd know more about these than I would.

    Anyway, my Challenge is
    which has to do with table games only and it’s solid the reason no one undertook it is because they know or at least suspect that I know what I am talking about with regards to table games, and I do. I would not lose that wager no way.

    AxelWolf was just thinking he’d mail in a sports ticket and win the wager that way, but he hadn’t even read my Wager. Table Games. Typically he barely reads or misreads whatever has been posted and then runs off with this or that half baked response. Axel is a has been as far as brick and mortar casinos he has no idea what is going on in especially the top Strip casinos these days. I assume most of what he does these days if he does much at all has to do with online casinos.

    The other guy TomInNV aka TomG who claimed at WOV that he could convert chips to check is deliberately vague with whatever he’s talking about because he knows it doesn’t fit the parameters of my Challenge, and probably has nothing to do even with straight buying chips for cash and converting them directly to check anyway, anyone who has any real experience with casinos knows that casinos haven’t allowed that sort of thing for over 20 years.

    Even as far back as 1996, Nevada law disallowed casinos from “ Issuing a casino check in exchange for more than $2,500 in cash” and since then that amount has been lowered to 0 absent a win, because issuing a check for a win has nothing to do with an exchange for cash, it’s not an exchange at all, it’s a payout.
    You're wrong about how I would do it. I would do it multiple ways just to cover my bases. I talked to Mike, I said I would run over and deposit 25k with him for 10 days while we negotiated if you would do the same. You wouldn't put up money with Mike on deposit. so I wasn't going to waste my time negotiating or discussing terms.
    THIS needs to be posted over and over.

    25k is nothing but half a positive count BJ bet to the mighty MDawg, but the humiliation of being called out is something his ego couldn’t tolerate. So nothing but crickets.

  14. #154
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    Wait so KJ just folded without anyone looking him up?
    That's what happens when nothing is there. Everything with the dude is a fraud and suspect as fuck....RIP

  15. #155
    Boz, I posted a challenge,
    but AxelWolf wanted to do a challenge based on that he'd "come up with something." As usual either he never even read my post or is hoping that he can come up with something entirely different. Especially given his history of backing out of commitments, such as when he offered sight unseen to buy Wizard's watch then later retracted the offer, I ignored his nonsense.

    Anyway, go back to making UNKewlJ like posts, you're pretty much at the point where little you have to say matters, now you're saying you lied about mailing that letter to the casinos. Only a liar would go through all that effort of posting some long post about what he supposedly did and then retract it. Oh wait a minute - isn't that what FraudJ does every day? Welcome to the UnKewlBoz club.

    The reason that it's likely that you did mail those letters is because you are a rat and rats do things like that. You came up with some identity that you believed was MDawg and then PM'ed people with that name. Someone who would do something like that is already a rat, and certainly would also rat a person out to the authorities.

    Which is why I ignore you frequently. You're a rat.

    The rat part is documented people told me about the PMs you sent - do you want to see them. And now you're adding liar to your list?

    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    lul, Return of the Rat Fink Boz.
    Last edited by MDawg; 08-24-2023 at 08:55 AM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  16. #156
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Boz, I posted a challenge,
    but AxelWolf wanted to do a challenge based on that he'd "come up with something." As usual either he never even read my post or is hoping that he can come up with something entirely different. Especially given his history of backing out of commitments, such as when he offered sight unseen to buy Wizard's watch then later retracted the offer, I ignored his nonsense.

    Anyway, go back to making UNKewlJ like posts, you're pretty much at the point where little you have to say matters, now you're saying you lied about mailing that letter to the casinos. Only a liar would go through all that effort of posting some long post about what he supposedly did and then retract it. Oh wait a minute - isn't that what FraudJ does every day? Welcome to the UnKewlBoz club.

    The reason that it's likely that you did mail those letters is because you are a rat and rats do things like that. You came up with some identity that you believed was MDawg and then PM'ed people with that name. Someone who would do something like that is already a rat, and certainly would also rat a person out to the authorities.

    Which is why I ignore you frequently. You're a rat.

    The rat part is documented people told me about the PMs you sent - do you want to see them. And now you're adding liar to your list?

    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    lul, Return of the Rat Fink Boz.
    Sounds like I got to the mighty MDawg.

    You are a FRAUD 100%, you know it, I know it and everyone here knows it. And you aren’t new to WoV or these forums. Regardless of who you quote. And no one plays the PM game like you. Always playing behind the scenes trying to get people on your side. Since I’m a rat I might post some of the PM’s you sent me over the years trying to get me to attack others on your behalf.

    The only believers are the casinos that welcome and beg you to come back.

    And quoting Monet doesn’t exactly help you. Like with your quotes against KJ it shows how desperate you are for acceptance. All your cash can’t buy you credibility here, like KJ, you are considered a joke. And that burns you up. A huge JOKE.

  17. #157
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    5'8", 155 lb blond guy with a heavy 20 year older boyfriend. That is what I felt I had to do to protect myself, so that I could share what I wanted to share
    He's back to that nonsense about lying to protect himself. He still hasn't come up with anything that even begins to make sense as to why he lied about the lawsuit. Because...the only reason he lies is to try to back up other lies.

    As far as that he is now claiming that he doesn't look white, we already know this. He looks Pacific Islander.

    Anyway, we've already been through all this before, when he claimed that he was not even gay,
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Let me make sure I understand this:

    KewlJ, it is now your claim that you are not gay. I really don't care one way or another, and never did, but what is a little annoying about that is that it seems like you got some undue sympathy when your partner died (and you discussed it) because, if you're not gay, then there was no partner. Even then, I don't really care...I'm just going to assume that everything you say vis-a-vis your personal life, both previously and ongoing, is probably a lie.
    and that he had made up all of the details about himself. Just a few days later he retracted all that
    and claimed that everything he had said about himself was true.

    And that flip flop led to,
    Mission146 on the UNKewl one: I'm just going to assume that everything you say vis-a-vis your personal life, both previously and ongoing, is probably a lie.

    And now he's back to that same back and forth nonsense. He's even walked back the whole claim that he made to back up that he was doxxed - that the moniker "KewlJ" was entered into some casino database. There's really no difference between this new smoke screen lie about "I'm not who I claimed to be" and his "the lawsuit is sealed from public view" - in the latter case he came up with that line when he realized that MaxPen was going to search for the lawsuit, and in the current situation he knows that he's never been entered into any casino database so he wants to come up with some reason for why no search will find him there.

    It's also obvious now that he made up the lie about being robbed. He claimed that the robber called him "KewlJ" the same way he claimed that someone entered him into the casino database adding the screen name "KewlJ." Both were clearly lies.

    He's realized now that MaxPen did in fact spot him playing red to green and twice in a compromising Sugar Daddy companionship situation, so he's trying to make up some nonsense to dispute those facts, the same way that he briefly made up some nonsense about not even being gay when he thought that people were too close to unearthing him a couple years ago.

    MickeyCrimm on how UNKewlJ is incapable of telling the truth: He'd rather climb to the top of a tree just to tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth.

    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    I don't believe any part of your backroom story and I'm skeptical about 75% of everything else.
    Bottom line, MaxPen on the UNKewl one: Compulsive liar is a fair assessment of what he is. If people go back and look at your last few stories they will see a trend in you always changing the story after you get caught lying.

    Just the fact that funny boy has been on
    Name:  tilt.gif
Views: 307
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    with manic 10x multiplier responses galore ever since he reappeared from his latest "I can't deal with this any longer I'm too depressed" exit, tells us everything we need to know.
    Last edited by MDawg; 08-24-2023 at 10:05 AM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  18. #158
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    I wasn't going to waste my time negotiating or discussing terms.
    Instead you keep wasting more time, on multiple forums, explaining why you won't negotiate or discuss terms.

    Did you even read his challenge?

  19. #159
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    As far as that he is now claiming that he doesn't look white, we already know this. He looks Pacific Islander.

    Take a gander at this pic, culled from when Alan snipped pics of two bj tables.

    Which one is KJ?

    Name:  bj hounds.jpg
Views: 292
Size:  763.6 KB
    What, Me Worry?

  20. #160
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Yes, he's a seemingly nervous poodle
    Name:  KewlJ_nervousPoodle.jpg
Views: 283
Size:  37.1 KB
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

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