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Thread: Dying in America

  1. #1
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    A man in very poor health was staying in an adult care home when he decided that his life was not worth living and that it was time to end his suffering.

    He lived in a state which allowed assisted suicide: he made the arrangements and told the owner of the adult care home.

    The owner, a religious person, tried to talk the fellow out of suicide, saying "You will rot in hell."

    The owner also forbade the man from taking the death pill in his facility.

    Shortly before being evicted the infirm man received two unwelcome visitors: black-clad priests sent by the adult care home owner who attempted to change his mind.

    He would have none of it and shooed then away.

    The man was taken to his home where the death potion was constructed: his final words to his family were "Bye."

    One of the man's family members has filed a complaint with the state regulatory authorities about the unprofessional conduct of the adult care home owner.

    As a bit of personal revenge on the adult care home owner for his insensitivity and cloddish behavior, a family member made a contribution to the Death With Dignity support group in the name of the adult care home owner, which generated a "thank you" e-mail to him and likely inclusion in their newsletter.
    What, Me Worry?

  2. #2
    The exact opposite of James Brown.

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