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Thread: Redietz Has Resorted To Making Threats Behind The Scenes

  1. #41
    How ya gonna make a thread like this and expect a bunch of pats on the back from the VCT Crew?

  2. #42
    Fucking Crimm literally bashes Redietz 24/7 over here and other forums for years on end and now is a scared little twat lol.

  3. #43
    Originally Posted by Gottlob1 View Post
    If people posted about only their real experiences, say, their very own encounters with police, and the like, it would be a great forum.
    That's a good idea Bill, but the problem is these kind of posts can lead to doxxings (if the encounter lead to a case which can then be looked up on the interwebs) which is bad for business for most of us, since a big part of the gig is anonymity. At this point though it probably doesn't matter since almost everyone on here has posted enough information to get doxxed anyway.

    Originally Posted by Gottlob1 View Post
    As far as I know, the most common trait of schizophrenics is the urge to avoid others. The reason that they rarely show up even at the online forums. Nor are they overly opinionated. Most schizophrenics will lie about it, so, why would they put themselves out there, to begin? Moreover, with today's medications, most of them thus blend in nicely with the remainder of us. Hold decent jobs, get married, and all the rest of it. Many completely recover quickly, if treated soon enough, after the first psychotic break.
    Yes, under various medications, say, for anxiety, people become highly suggestible, candidates for hypnosis, but it's just not likely what's going on in KJ's case.
    Ok fair enough, however it looks like it's a general rule, since it doesn't seem to apply to all schizophrenics - for example, Kuntsone, who posts here periodically.

  4. #44
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by Gottlob1 View Post
    If people posted about only their real experiences, say, their very own encounters with police, and the like, it would be a great forum.
    That's a good idea Bill, but the problem is these kind of posts can lead to doxxings (if the encounter lead to a case which can then be looked up on the interwebs) which is bad for business for most of us, since a big part of the gig is anonymity. At this point though it probably doesn't matter since almost everyone on here has posted enough information to get doxxed anyway.

    Originally Posted by Gottlob1 View Post
    As far as I know, the most common trait of schizophrenics is the urge to avoid others. The reason that they rarely show up even at the online forums. Nor are they overly opinionated. Most schizophrenics will lie about it, so, why would they put themselves out there, to begin? Moreover, with today's medications, most of them thus blend in nicely with the remainder of us. Hold decent jobs, get married, and all the rest of it. Many completely recover quickly, if treated soon enough, after the first psychotic break.
    Yes, under various medications, say, for anxiety, people become highly suggestible, candidates for hypnosis, but it's just not likely what's going on in KJ's case.
    Ok fair enough, however it looks like it's a general rule, since it doesn't seem to apply to all schizophrenics - for example, Kuntsone, who posts here periodically.
    EXACTLY... If you don't want to get doxxed or you don't want internet bullshit problems... DON'T FUCKING POST ON THE INTERNET!!
    Shit... I can't wait till someone shows up around my house.

  5. #45
    The hobo poked at Red almost daily for months. Then one day Red tells him to stop or he's gonna get a monk shoe upside the head. Then the hobo runs into the middle of a crowd begging someone to save him from certain death....LOL

    I'm so glad I started reading here again. You really can't get this entertainment anywhere else.

  6. #46
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    The hobo poked at Red almost daily for months. Then one day Red tells him to stop or he's gonna get a monk shoe upside the head. Then the hobo runs into the middle of a crowd begging someone to save him from certain death....LOL

    I'm so glad I started reading here again. You really can't get this entertainment anywhere else.
    lol... Monk Shoe!
    I stopped reading VCT for months, but this thread woke us all up from our slumber.
    Stupid Fucking Hobo... RIP.

  7. #47
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by Gottlob1 View Post
    If people posted about only their real experiences, say, their very own encounters with police, and the like, it would be a great forum.
    That's a good idea Bill, but the problem is these kind of posts can lead to doxxings (if the encounter lead to a case which can then be looked up on the interwebs) which is bad for business for most of us, since a big part of the gig is anonymity. At this point though it probably doesn't matter since almost everyone on here has posted enough information to get doxxed anyway.

    Originally Posted by Gottlob1 View Post
    As far as I know, the most common trait of schizophrenics is the urge to avoid others. The reason that they rarely show up even at the online forums. Nor are they overly opinionated. Most schizophrenics will lie about it, so, why would they put themselves out there, to begin? Moreover, with today's medications, most of them thus blend in nicely with the remainder of us. Hold decent jobs, get married, and all the rest of it. Many completely recover quickly, if treated soon enough, after the first psychotic break.
    Yes, under various medications, say, for anxiety, people become highly suggestible, candidates for hypnosis, but it's just not likely what's going on in KJ's case.
    Ok fair enough, however it looks like it's a general rule, since it doesn't seem to apply to all schizophrenics - for example, Kuntsone, who posts here periodically.
    As far as I know, the courts here don't make the information about cases, say, judge's endorsements, available forever. Say, only seven years for small claims court, up to $35,000.

    One of my best friends, the one to, and all the way through university, was schizophrenic. Very analytical, studious, with a good work ethic. Only one time, years later, I guess when he stopped taking the medications, did it show. Rumors swirled, long before, back in high school, but, it was something that we never talked about.

    I was responsible for someone on the mental floor of a hospital, for a couple of months, years back. Even the other doctors on the other floors were afraid to get into what went on up there, next to top floor. (One guy admitted as much to me.) For some reason, they put the people with eating problems on top. Anyway, half of the floor was open access, with the patients free to wander, but not leave. The other half, with the violent cases, was totally inaccessible to the public. You could walk (exercise for that purpose) on a walkway all around the floor, but, no way to access the other area. Quite an experience, in many ways. People have zero idea what goes on in a hospital there, either. Easy as hell to get yourself admitted, but, you might have to get a lawyer involved to get yourself out, which they won't let the patients use the payphone, which is in front of the nurses' station. They have their "own" rules, truly scary people. Demented. Very few had any outside visitors. One of them had personal nurses, for which they paid out of pocket.
    Last edited by Gottlob1; 09-20-2023 at 10:31 AM.
    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder + Bill Yung + 1HitWonder ---> GOTTLOB1 = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  8. #48
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I really hate being in the middle of this shit. I have no idea what's going on, and redietz tried to explain it to me in PM but I still don't understand.

    Can someone clue me in as to what this is all about?
    I can clue you in to what is going on. YOU created this microcosm of a society with no laws. An anarchy. Welcome to WhittlesWorld.

  9. #49
    Remember boys and girls: "Gun control means hitting what you aim at."

    As for the veracity of the alleged death threat: just keep in mind that there's more bullshit on this forum than in the Oklahoma National Stockyards.

    Name:  ok421-2-1.jpg
Views: 167
Size:  98.7 KB
    What, Me Worry?

  10. #50
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    just keep in mind that there's more bullshit on this forum than in the Oklahoma National Stockyards.
    Again, this is Dan Druffs doing.

  11. #51
    Monet’s pussy stinks
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  12. #52
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Didn't MickeyCrimm threaten to kill Wizard?
    I already posted that.
    The Fucking Guy has been nothing but Tough Guy Bullshit for over ten years.
    I just never said anything about it.
    Obviously the Covid Vaccine, his heart attack and medication has Fucked Up his head beyond recognition.
    He is best buddies with Rat Fink Boz... Nuff Said.
    All these tough guys scared of COVID vax because they're too tough for COVID.

  13. #53
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Didn't MickeyCrimm threaten to kill Wizard?
    I already posted that.
    The Fucking Guy has been nothing but Tough Guy Bullshit for over ten years.
    I just never said anything about it.
    Obviously the Covid Vaccine, his heart attack and medication has Fucked Up his head beyond recognition.
    He is best buddies with Rat Fink Boz... Nuff Said.
    All these tough guys scared of COVID vax because they're too tough for COVID.
    You're so stupid.
    I'm not scared of it.
    I just don't trust most medicines.
    Yes, I am susceptible of taking some NyQuil and Aspirin now and again because I've been brainwashed.
    But the truth of the matter is that none of this shit really helps you.
    I like the NyQuil cause it will knock you the F--- Out.
    Everything else is pretty much psychosomatic.
    But you keep thinking that the shot did anything for you which it didn't.
    And get ready to booster up.
    You like putting things into your body... good for you... do what you like.
    But don't force everyone else to take heroin when they do not need it.

  14. #54
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Monet’s pussy stinks
    What a great comeback lol.
    Why don't you just get it over with and call the Internet Police on all of us.
    Straight Out of the Nazi Playbook.
    You're a Fucking Scam and now we all know it.

  15. #55
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    All these tough guys scared of COVID vax because they're too tough for COVID.
    I wouldn't worry much about the Monet's of the world. Not that long ago he was posting up his weekly shopping list, to do with so many pounds of this meat, and that. Some sort of deal, or something. And, handing out stuff from the casino gift shop. $5 dollar garbage listed for a $100, or whatever.

    Reminds me of a neighbor, in Windsor, from twenty-five years ago. Some guy who told stories about drug dealing in Florida, knife fights, the scars to prove it, and, etc. But, by then, the guy had seen the "light", and, so, became an avid pow-wow religious freak, used to load up the van to go across the river to the pow-wows in Detroit, every weekend. He laid out a 60-something-year-old non-fighting guy, one day, in front of me, for saying, "You're not religious!" Well, Gary got cat scratch fever, or whatever, from another neighbor's cat, sometime after. He had a yellowish vein that the yellow moved up an inch every few days. "No doctor for me," he exclaimed, "God will take care of it!" Eventually, he chickened out, saw a doctor, but, he never said any more of it. Same as, I guess, Monet is too cheap to throw any of those twenties over to his mentor, Trump. Ha.

    Geez, what was that guy's name? Oh, yeah, Gary H. Better not write out the last name. Half-Indian guy. I bet that he, too, would have told no one to take the shot(s) were they available even at the start of the pandemic.

    P.S. I've had, let's see, at least three death threats, that I can remember. One was on the internet, before this forum. The others were up close and in person. Reported the latter ones, to generate a police report going forward. The threats are the ones not very to happen. It's when there's no threat of it that you watch out for. A guy on the high school bus, from a rich family, got taken out by the mob, not that many years later.
    Last edited by Gottlob1; 09-20-2023 at 01:12 PM.
    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder + Bill Yung + 1HitWonder ---> GOTTLOB1 = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  16. #56
    Originally Posted by Gottlob1 View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    All these tough guys scared of COVID vax because they're too tough for COVID.
    I wouldn't worry much about the Monet's of the world. Not that long ago he was posting up his weekly shopping list, to do with so many pounds of this meat, and that. Some sort of deal, or something. And, handing out stuff from the casino gift shop. $5 dollar garbage listed for a $100, or whatever.

    Reminds me of a neighbor, in Windsor, from twenty-five years ago. Some guy who told stories about drug dealing in Florida, knife fights, the scars to prove it, and, etc. But, by then, the guy had seen the "light", and, so, became an avid pow-wow religious freak, used to load up the van to go across the river to the pow-wows in Detroit, every weekend. He laid out a 60-something-year-old non-fighting guy, one day, in front of me, for saying, "You're not religious!" Well, the guy got cat scratch fever, or whatever, from another neighbor's cat. He had a yellowish vein that the yellow moved up an inch every few days. "No doctor for me," he exclaimed, "God will take care of it!" Eventually, he chickened out, saw a doctor, but, he never said any more of it. Same as, I guess, Monet is too cheap to throw any of those twenties over to his mentor, Trump. Ha.

    Geez, what was that guy's name? Oh, yeah, Gary H. Better not write out the last name. Half-Indian guy. I bet that he, too, would have told no one to take the shot(s) were they available at the start of the pandemic.
    Stop being an idiot.
    I post mostly for entertainment.
    The truth is, if you run really good, you got about 75 years on this planet.
    Most likely 40 years on average.
    And after 40 years... it's Fucking Over anyways.
    Try to love someone.
    Try to do some good.
    Try to enjoy it.
    Stop trying to control the inevitable.
    Planet Earth has survived for much longer than mankind and will continue to do so.
    It's basically indestructible.
    Wise Up.

    And stop being a pussy like MickeyCrimm.
    Dan Druff threatened to ban you and you turned into a complete and utter coward.
    At least BlackHole had some balls.
    Not you... you're a pussy!

  17. #57

  18. #58
    Monette is butt hurt
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  19. #59
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    And stop being a pussy like MickeyCrimm.
    Dan Druff threatened to ban you and you turned into a complete and utter coward.
    At least BlackHole had some balls.
    Not you... you're a pussy!
    Not at all! Nothing wrong with explaining one's self. In a nutshell: what a joke, the people with self-admitted perceived serious mental health conditions calling me a psycho or whatever for posting up a few anagrams-with-gematria that nobody forced them to look at. Ha.

    Anyway, Red ended up with no redeeming qualities. A real eyesore. And, I doubt that Crimm is any sort or degree of coward.
    Last edited by Gottlob1; 09-20-2023 at 01:27 PM.
    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder + Bill Yung + 1HitWonder ---> GOTTLOB1 = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  20. #60
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Monette is butt hurt
    He`s just irritable. He hasn`t gotten any pussy from TablePlay lately

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