Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
Originally Posted by redietz View Post
Lunch next week will feature some debunking of the Walters how-to chapters -- what he has right, what he has wrong. Why the chapters' context is faulty, which is why he probably included them. He knew, of course. A little bit of math will be involved, which is fine since folks who taught college stats will be at the lunch. I'll post the location in case you can make it.Have a good one.
What did you use for the meeting? A 4-person table or a 6-person table. I can't find any press on the meeting. What's up with that? You said they would be there. Another lie?

Care to divulge the name(s) of those with, ahem, press credentials that were there?

So you are saying that a book that was released with much fanfare has deliberate false information on sports betting? Do you really think Walter's would set himself up for the criticism from all corners that would follow such a thing? There's no way something like that could be swept under the rug. Do you really think he wants his legacy to be that he lied in the book?

Let us know which reporters from your meeting run with this assuredly big story and which newspapers publish it. I'm sure the publisher wants to hear about it.
Mickey when/where did you apologize to