I want to pose a question to the people on here. A friend of mine asked me for my opinion on this but I would like to hear the opinion of others.
Here is a generalized version of what happened.
So there are 2 gamblers working on abusing online promos who are just starting to work together.
Everything is to be split 50/50 down the middle
Player A deposits the BTC for both. The deposit is for $1000 but has to be done in crypto. So player A deposits $1k worth of BTC which we'll say is .1 BTC. (made up numbers)
So half of .1 is .05. This is the BTC that is owed at the moment of the transfer but here is where it gets confusing.
Player B asks player A if he would like the receive the money now. (The .05 BTC)
Player A answers "Nah I'm in no rush - lets settle up at the end' so no transfers were made and it was not discussed for some time.
The accounts have went bust and it is time to settle up.
BTC goes up in value during this time. So instead of $10k a BTC is is now $20k in BTC. (again, made up numbers)
Player B is expecting to send $1k worth of BTC at the current price but Player A was expecting to be paid back in the BTC he sent to the site.
So there are roughly 3 options.
1) Pay the original amount of BTC deposited. BTC equals BTC.
2) Pay the original amount of USD but using the current price of BTC. USD deposit means you pay it back in USD.
3) Meet halfway. Take the outcome of both 1 and 2 and average the results.
I was going to make a poll but responding to the thread would be better as it shows actual thought was behind the answer.