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Thread: Yo, Spike...

  1. #101
    Originally Posted by 1HitWonder View Post
    Still a head-scratcher that the casinos are as open given the number of AP's who, supposedly, easily make anywhere from a hundred thousand, to twenty million, a year.
    Bill, if a machine has an overall RTP of 85%, and an AP takes it in a 115% state and a ploppy takes it in an 55% RTP state (due to the AP stripping it clean) then the overall RTP is still 85%. The casino cares about the aggregate.

  2. #102
    Because for every 1 AP making $100,000 a year, there are thousands of ploppies LOSING MILLIONS per year.
    Last edited by jbjb; 11-12-2023 at 08:32 PM.

  3. #103
    1000’s of A P’s losing millions. Clearly AP in their minds only.

  4. #104
    Originally Posted by regnis View Post
    1000’s of A P’s losing millions. Clearly AP in their minds only.
    Good catch. I edited my post.

  5. #105
    Originally Posted by Spike View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by Spike View Post

    It's been happening for 18 years I'm used to it. I beat roulette on a daily basis and they don't and they just can't stand it. Just played tonight online and got my one unit and quit. That's my goal, make a unit and quit and that unit can be any size I want to be.
    That might be true if people believed you actually beat roulette.

    The only possible people that might believe you are complete idiots and retards.
    That would be the casino they're the only ones I need to prove it to. And when I do they pay me every damn day. Imagine that..
    I'm fairly certain you had imaginary friends as a child as well. I bet you were one of those kids that made up crazy stories all the time hoping it would impress people and get them to like you. You actually believe they believed you. Meanwhile, they're all thinking... this guy is a real weirdo and makes up s***. I knew like guys like that in school, heck, I still know a few people like that, they just can't help themselves.

  6. #106
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    I didn't even comment for days.
    You came here today and gave him attention, writing the exact same shit that you've written ad nauseam.

    According to you, the guy came here looking for a handjob...

    ...and you looked him up.
    . I'm 100% positive I never said anything about a handjob. Of course, I'm not surprised that a weirdo's mind like yours went directly to that.

  7. #107
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    I think Spike has more credibility than FraudJ and even with all the cats and candles his house probably smells better than the tunnels
    Do you really think they have internet in the tunnels? It's always good to have a backup plan.

  8. #108
    Originally Posted by Spike View Post
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    This bozo out-dawg's the dawg, claiming he wins all the time.
    Is this what has your panties in a twist, or is it his living conditions that you find so bothersome?
    LOL! He has no idea what my living conditions are he's just guessing. I live alone I have some cats in a house that was built in 1850 and he just makes up the rest. He's a lawyer, that's what they do, they make everything up.
    It must really suck having to use an outhouse.

  9. #109
    Originally Posted by Spike View Post
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by Spike View Post
    More or less doesn't cut it, either you tell people or you don't.
    Would you believe him if he told you?
    That's not the point, being believed or not. The point is just doing it. If nobody believes I'm 74 that's fine, I don't look 74 people tell me I look like I'm in my 60s. .
    Oddly enough you've mentioned this multiple times now. I've known a few other older people who seem to frequently mention stuff like that. Maybe they're are so old to keep forgetting they said it multiple times to me. Is this a common old people thing, or is it more of a personality trait(obviously younger people do it as well, they just don't keep repeating it over and over)?

  10. #110
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by Spike View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    Spick, probability math put a man on the moon. Could YOUR math put a man on the moon?
    I don't need to, why would I. The problem with the math in roulette is they got it by making random bets against random numbers. Once you're not choosing randomly anymore the math totally changes. Just like it did for blackjack when that book came out showing that the math changed when you stopped making random bets and started making the correct non random bets. All of a sudden the player had the edge. Just like I have the edge roulette.
    first at Gamblers Glen.
    Oh yes, an innocent old tender cat-loving man finds a forum in search of a helping hand, confirmation, and joyful new friends who also love roulette. When he seeks support regarding his newfound possible roulette system(I bet we can find somewhere where he actually called it a system). BAMM, POW, ZING !!! The Hammers come down, the criticism, the name-calling while pounding him to a pulp. Oh, the disappointment, the hurt, and the horrible shame he felt turned his heart that's black as asphalt.

    With something to prove and vengeance in his heart, he spent years tearing his brain apart, but with no math skills or logic to start it's a fruitless endeavor because he's no Descartes.
    I think therefore I am. No, no, that won't do... I play therefore I win. Yes that, it! fuck these people, Ill just lie and dig in.

  11. #111
    First, on a scale of 1 to 10 for nastiness on VCT, V isn't even on the radar. While most of us are in the high single digits for nastiness, V is like a 2, maybe a 3. So, Spick, hang around and find out. You have all the nasty's laughing right now. Sooner or later they are going to pounce.

    2nd, here are some slurs I despise:

    "bitter old man"
    "old white man"
    "dirty old man"

    They are all pejorative and on a par with the N word.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  12. #112
    To the people ragging and dragging Evenbob on here, at least Evenbob actually POSTS on here . Gordon from WOV signed up on VCT, and then NEVER posted, despite Posters directly asking him questions. WHY did Gordon sign up and then NEVER post?

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  13. #113
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    I'm 100% positive I never said anything about a handjob.
    Metaphorically speaking about looking for attention.

    But I was being polite, compared to where your mind is really at....

    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Some people love taking it in the ass I guess.
    ...and you looked him up, to stick something in his ass, because you guessed that he would love it.

    So who is the weirdo here?
    Last edited by coach belly; 11-13-2023 at 08:16 AM.

  14. #114
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    I worked at the Moorestown Mall before putting NJ in my rear view in 1976.
    So now I'm gonna go with a young 65, born late 1958.
    I looked up a thread about what V watched, in the old days.

    Seems like a lot of old stuff. So, despite the quote above, from him, I would still go with a bit older were he to bet something on it.

    P.S. He did mention having prostate cancer, a couple(?) of years ago.

    Prostate cancer is more likely to develop in older men and in non-Hispanic Black men. About 6 cases in 10 are diagnosed in men who are 65 or older, and it is rare in men under 40. The average age of men when they are first diagnosed is about 66.
    May as well have a bit of fun with it. I'm sure that he's laughing at us trying to figure it out. Ha.
    Last edited by 1HitWonder; 11-13-2023 at 08:50 AM.

  15. #115
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Ill just lie and dig in.
    As usual you're talking out your ass because you think it sounds good. As usual you don't know shit from Shinola, and feel like you have to share it.

  16. #116
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    First, on a scale of 1 to 10 for nastiness on VCT, V isn't even on the radar.
    I don't care what he's doing now, I'm talking about what he did in the past. Until proven otherwise and he never will, he was born in 1946 or 1947 and he knows it but he can never admit it because then he'll lose his ammunition of constantly calling old people senile when they disagree with him.

  17. #117
    Originally Posted by 1HitWonder View Post
    I looked up a thread about what V watched, in the old days.

    Seems like a lot of old stuff. So, despite the quote above, from him, I would still go with a bit older were he to bet something on it.
    Looks like you are onto something 1Hit.

    He claims to have watched Andy's Gang after school got out.

    From Wikipedia:

    Andy's Gang is a children's television program broadcast on NBC from August 20, 1955, to December 31, 1960, hosted by the actor Andy Devine.

  18. #118
    Originally Posted by Spike View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    First, on a scale of 1 to 10 for nastiness on VCT, V isn't even on the radar.
    I don't care what he's doing now, I'm talking about what he did in the past. Until proven otherwise and he never will, he was born in 1946 or 1947 and he knows it but he can never admit it because then he'll lose his ammunition of constantly calling old people senile when they disagree with him.
    I've read him on several forums including Gambler's Glen. Though I tried I couldn't joint gamblers glen, just read it. V is just not that bad compared to the rest of us.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  19. #119
    Originally Posted by Spike View Post
    he was born in 1946 or 1947 and he knows it but he can never admit it

    I will never "admit" that because to do so would be a falsehood, and I do not have a habit of prevarication.

    My offer of betting with you as to my age is still open, BTW.

    If you haven't ready cash, I can think of another subject you can bet...

    __________________________________________________ _______________

    Sozan, a Chinese Zen master, was asked by a student: "What is the most valuable thing in the world?"

    The master replied: "The head of a dead cat."

    "Why is the head of a dead cat the most valuable thing in the world?" inquired the student.

    Sozan replied: "Because no one can name its price."
    What, Me Worry?

  20. #120
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by Spike View Post
    he was born in 1946 or 1947 and he knows it but he can never admit it

    I will never "admit" that because to do so would be a falsehood, and I do not have a habit of prevarication.

    My offer of betting with you as to my age is still open, BTW.

    If you haven't ready cash, I can think of another subject you can bet...

    __________________________________________________ _______________

    Sozan, a Chinese Zen master, was asked by a student: "What is the most valuable thing in the world?"

    The master replied: "The head of a dead cat."

    "Why is the head of a dead cat the most valuable thing in the world?" inquired the student.

    Sozan replied: "Because no one can name its price."
    The master came upon 2 monks watching a flag on a pole. One said flag is moving. The other said wind is moving. The master looked up and said mind is moving.

    Been studying zen since 1969. My copy zen flesh zen bones is tattered.

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