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Thread: backoffs, baring and play restrictions

  1. #101
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    You can make good money counting by traveling the country playing a hit and run style. Not spending to much time in each casino. There are guys on the road consistently making mid 6 figures without problems.
    Seedvalue, are you really talking about now, present day, or are you going back a few years?

    I knew some players playing doing this 8,10,12 years ago. Travel the country playing higher stakes for a year or two until you burn out everywhere. You could make 400, 500, 600K before you were done, depending on how long you lasted a year, 18 months. It was basically what KC did in the documentary inside the edge. It was often debated on forums as milking vs slaughtering or shearing vs slaughtering. You get the analogy.

    But I don't know anyone doing this now. You just can't outrun the technology. I had two different cases of losing that race myself. One when I was backed off at Valley Forge on one of my East Coast trip about 5 years ago. I actually was a dick and fucked with them figuring I wouldn't be back to that small sweaty dump. THAT was a stupid move. 2 or 3 days later when returning back to Vegas I was immediately backed off two of my regular locations. You Can't outrun technology and electronic transferred information.

    A very similar incident a year or two later, when I was backed off in Reno. I returned to Vegas a couple days later and was backed off one of my regular spots. Then that night I got a call from my pit friend, who advised me I had a brand new entry in the database. I said "yeah, I figured".

    So I just don't know anyone still doing that whole rome the country playing high stakes for as long as you can thing anymore. If you want to achieve longevity with card counting I really think it is about figuring what stakes you can play without rocking the boat too much, plus lots of other subtle little things you can do to make your play more tolerable. Of course there is a ceiling to playing like that, 80-100k. And that is probably why there are so few pure card counters left. They have moved on to other more lucrative things.

    Yes currently as in this year and every year. When I say hit the road I’m talking multiple months, and states at a time. Most Guys idea of a road trip is a weekend flight to an area with 3 or 4 casinos. This can be profitable as well, but there are still road warriors out here making good money only counting. Staying in one town for 15 years well that’s just not real life

    Regarding VF I had a play worth 5 to 6 k week there that I ran for over three years pre to post pandemic. Easy money that I set up on auto pay with a local that I would chop with. I only had to go out there a few times a year to keep things rolling. After the pandemic many idiots showed up there and the surrounding casinos coinciding with the opening of Philly live. Everything went straight down hill. All the Biden bros with their stimi checks playing AP ruined many good plays

  2. #102
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    More evidence that PV and UNKewlJ are cut from the same raggedy cloth is how both seem to think MDawg would be wearing a cheap 20-30k watch. Yes I have many of those but I moved beyond wearing them years ago.

    Until I see PV put UNKewlJ down like the rabid dog everyone else sees him as, there’s no need to even point out the obvious fact that they’re linked.

    Serious question why do you spend so much money on these things?
    Every time I find myself looking at a expensive watch I just think how I could take that money and buy land or invest in something else. When I was in my 20s with “New money” I would basically buy all sorts of stupid shit. Now I could care less and rather invest it. I probably have another few million if I didn’t blow so much money in my 20s. I just done see the point even as a store of value watches are not that great. I Just never understood peoples fascination with watches. I would need like a billion dollars before I would start buying watches. Cars I can see but watches not so much

  3. #103
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    More evidence that PV and UNKewlJ are cut from the same raggedy cloth is how both seem to think MDawg would be wearing a cheap 20-30k watch. Yes I have many of those but I moved beyond wearing them years ago.

    Until I see PV put UNKewlJ down like the rabid dog everyone else sees him as, there’s no need to even point out the obvious fact that they’re linked.

    Serious question why do you spend so much money on these things?
    Every time I find myself looking at a expensive watch I just think how I could take that money and buy land or invest in something else. When I was in my 20s with “New money” I would basically buy all sorts of stupid shit. Now I could care less and rather invest it. I probably have another few million if I didn’t blow so much money in my 20s. I just done see the point even as a store of value watches are not that great. I Just never understood peoples fascination with watches. I would need like a billion dollars before I would start buying watches. Cars I can see but watches not so much
    The same reason he post on random forums. To get Attention. To impress complete strangers.

    It would be one thing if he purchased them solely as an investment for their appreciated value, as they can be decent investments. But MDAWG wears them.

    It is his way of saying, "I am better than you."

  4. #104
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    both seem to think MDawg would be wearing a cheap 20-30k watch.
    Your right MDAWG, what was I thinking? The Great MDAWG would not be caught dead getting Trick Rolled with only a $25k Rolex on his wrist. Only $100k and up. 😂😂😂

  5. #105
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    I don't care how much some people may not like Redietz because they find him condescending, or even how wrong he is about EV , or the stupid thing he said about mickeycrimm's social security, this is absolutely the truth. There is ZERO evidence redietz has used these forums to solicit any clients. There is exactly one person who has ever claimed that, and he is if not the least credible person, then 1 of 2 that I have ever run across.

    It is just really low and small of people to make up shit, just because you have decided you don't like someone.
    He was panhandling for investors on his website. I and many others saw it.
    That is fine mickeycrimm. We all know what the sports betting industry is and that many sports bettor do that type of touting. I don't beleive there is any rule against having your own site and doing that, is there?

    And if you guys want to point out that he did that on his own site, that is fine too. My only gripe is people making up this narrative where he has used this and other forums to solicit people, when I see no evidence of that at all. Remember when Dan Druff busted Mdawg for soliciting people? And that was only involving trolling activity. If Redietz was soliciting members here, Dan Druff would have known about it and put a stop to it, don't ya think?

    I am not talking specifically of you, but I am just getting really tired of this bullshit where if someone doesn't like someone it is fair game to make up whatever you want about them. THAT isn't free speech, as Druff defends it as. That is slander, and in the real world people would have their ass hauled off into court for slander and defamation.

    Can't we all just not like someone, not believe someone's claims without this kind of bullshit? Redietz has done and said more than enough things to warrant legitimate criticism hasn't he? Do people really need to make up shit?
    Watch the latest video in the Sports Betting thread. A syndicate sports bettor said they don't solicit for money. They can't get down enough of their own money so other people's money does them no good. It's other people's accounts they want to exploit. They will bet their money on other people's accounts and give them a cut of the win.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  6. #106
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    What's the real purpose behind things like the book club talks? What are you fishing for at something like that?
    There is a Johnson City Seniors Book Club but I can find no evidence of a Johnson City Men's Book Club. And wouldn't excluding women be politically incorrect?
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  7. #107
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    He was panhandling for investors on his website. I and many others saw it.
    That is fine mickeycrimm. We all know what the sports betting industry is and that many sports bettor do that type of touting. I don't beleive there is any rule against having your own site and doing that, is there?

    And if you guys want to point out that he did that on his own site, that is fine too. My only gripe is people making up this narrative where he has used this and other forums to solicit people, when I see no evidence of that at all. Remember when Dan Druff busted Mdawg for soliciting people? And that was only involving trolling activity. If Redietz was soliciting members here, Dan Druff would have known about it and put a stop to it, don't ya think?

    I am not talking specifically of you, but I am just getting really tired of this bullshit where if someone doesn't like someone it is fair game to make up whatever you want about them. THAT isn't free speech, as Druff defends it as. That is slander, and in the real world people would have their ass hauled off into court for slander and defamation.

    Can't we all just not like someone, not believe someone's claims without this kind of bullshit? Redietz has done and said more than enough things to warrant legitimate criticism hasn't he? Do people really need to make up shit?
    Watch the latest video in the Sports Betting thread. A syndicate sports bettor said they don't solicit for money. They can't get down enough of their own money so other people's money does them no good. It's other people's accounts they want to exploit. They will bet their money on other people's accounts and give them a cut of the win.
    Do you ever read your own garbage, mickey? Jesus Christ, rub some brain cells together.

    Five things, off the top of my head. First, you have to be winning consistently to do that, which is a rare, rare thing. So kudos to anyone doing that and then sharing the wealth. I don't do that, by the way. I'm not betting more than 50K a game, so no need.

    Second, if a person uses someone else's accounts as beards, you run the risk of those "someone elses" withdrawing the money and hightailing it. Or you run the risk of those "someone elses" breaking site rules with their own betting and getting you labeled.

    Third, if you are discovered in any way using multiple accounts, offshores will ban you and withhold your money. It's right there in most sites' rules and regs. They will also define you a certain way. Non offshores will simply ban you, and I'm sure they will spread the info of your transgressions to other non offshore books.

    Four, literally 80% of my wagering is college football. That creates an idiosyncratic profile that is unmistakable. I couldn't hide who I am if I wanted to. There are only a handful of people with any betting profile resembling mine.

    Five, there has been no one, on any forum or any site, going back 50 years, who has reported that I'm using their accounts. Ever. Zero.

    Mickey is simply doing his usual "AP" speculation. LOL. He speculates; he uses the math of random events to predict non-random events. It's mostly ballpark guessing and making up whatever shit helps him have an excuse to bet the alphabet. And he bullshits about anyone who calls him on it. The mickey crimm "AP" playbook.

    He needs to spend five seconds, at least once in awhile, thinking about the bullshit he posts. If any of you take crimm's advice on anything but pure machine gambling, God bless you. He really does think he's Leonardo Da AP. He's not.

    There's really no evidence mickey knows what he's talking about outside of his machine gambling. In fact, he sometimes sounds like a naive maroon when he discusses other stuff.
    Last edited by redietz; 11-27-2023 at 08:19 AM.

  8. #108
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post

    But no, he claims he discovered it on his own.
    Well, he didn't discover it on his own. He read about it. Right here on this very forum, 3 years after the fact.

    Just for a good laugh, I may go back and read some of his older post around that time.
    Here's one of the threads involved. Rob's original account of exploiting the double up bug was published by Alan Mendelson on his Best Buys site. So I think we may have lost that to history, unless someone knows how to find it on wayback.

    This was back in early 2019. It was the start of the animosity between the rat pack, max, KJ, ditz, and I. Two things they didn't like. Rob and I mutually agreed to a truce. And I gave my opinion that it was possible that Rob worked the double up bug. Those two things set the rat pack on fire. I had a good relationship with all of them until then. But because of those two facts I became public enemy #2, right behind Rob Singer.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  9. #109
    I was temporarily trespassed from a certain Casino for a week 10 years ago. I will not tell what caused by temporary trespassing. Let's just say, I definitely didn't do THAT again.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  10. #110
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post

    But no, he claims he discovered it on his own.
    Well, he didn't discover it on his own. He read about it. Right here on this very forum, 3 years after the fact.

    Just for a good laugh, I may go back and read some of his older post around that time.
    Here's another thread. KJ had been arguing that it was easy for Rob to claim he worked the double up bug because the procedure to trigger the big jackpot was published in the Kane & Nestor article in 2009. So Rob chimed in and said the published procedure was wrong. This sent the rat pack into a tailspin. KJ contacted the author of the article and the author told him that they had deliberately published the wrong procedure.

    How could Rob have known the procedure was wrong if he didn't do the double up bug? The rat pack came up with all kinds of wild cockamamie theories to try to explain it away.

    The whole thing was actually pretty funny....and maybe the best period on VCT. They still haven't come up with a decent explanation of how Rob knew the published procedure was wrong. And I have had a standing 1K reward for any credible information on someone teaching Rob the formula. It's been 4 years. No one has been able to credibly crack the case of how Rob knew the procedure was wrong if he didn't work the double up bug.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  11. #111
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    Well, he didn't discover it on his own. He read about it. Right here on this very forum, 3 years after the fact.

    Just for a good laugh, I may go back and read some of his older post around that time.
    Here's one of the threads involved. Rob's original account of exploiting the double up bug was published by Alan Mendelson on his Best Buys site. So I think we may have lost that to history, unless someone knows how to find it on wayback.

    This was back in early 2019. It was the start of the animosity between the rat pack, max, KJ, ditz, and I. Two things they didn't like. Rob and I mutually agreed to a truce. And I gave my opinion that it was possible that Rob worked the double up bug. Those two things set the rat pack on fire. I had a good relationship with all of them until then. But because of those two facts I became public enemy #2, right behind Rob Singer.
    It's all related to these envious bozos not wanting this or that thing I've accomplished in my gambling career to be true. They don't understand the totality of a special life, they have no idea what it's like to have played utra-hi limit vp anytime or anywhere, they despise my arrogance, and as such their tender existences are unable to properly handle my fun insults. So what are they left with? Constantly trying to talk one another into RS scenarios that they won't lose any more sleep over. And they hilariously do it over & over again, believing that somehow....someway, they can one day lie loudly enuf that others--and even themselves--will finally believe at least some of it.

    Mickey, after years of battling me on forums before most of these idiots knew how to handle a deck of cards, coming to a truce with me automatically meant horror for these little people, believing this equated to him seeing everything my way and believing everything I've said. In reality though, all it really meant was he and I were tired of the nonsense, and he actually knew how to think for himself without being influenced by the hate-crew. But while this state infuriates the weak, it has no effect on mickey's ability to be a decent person.

  12. #112
    The only thing Rob works, is running his mouth on here!

  13. #113
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    The only thing Rob works, is running his mouth on here!
    Why thank you jb--that's the purpose of these forums!

  14. #114
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    I was temporarily trespassed from a certain Casino for a week 10 years ago. I will not tell what caused by temporary trespassing. Let's just say, I definitely didn't do THAT again.
    Let me make an educated guess based on your history.

    You shit on the floor after eating some greasy food that your body has been proven unable to properly digest.

    And YES, you did do it again.

  15. #115
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    The only thing Rob works, is running his mouth on here!
    Why thank you jb--that's the purpose of these forums!
    100%. And you get them all worked up over it. Good job I’d say.

  16. #116
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    That is fine mickeycrimm. We all know what the sports betting industry is and that many sports bettor do that type of touting. I don't beleive there is any rule against having your own site and doing that, is there?

    And if you guys want to point out that he did that on his own site, that is fine too. My only gripe is people making up this narrative where he has used this and other forums to solicit people, when I see no evidence of that at all. Remember when Dan Druff busted Mdawg for soliciting people? And that was only involving trolling activity. If Redietz was soliciting members here, Dan Druff would have known about it and put a stop to it, don't ya think?

    I am not talking specifically of you, but I am just getting really tired of this bullshit where if someone doesn't like someone it is fair game to make up whatever you want about them. THAT isn't free speech, as Druff defends it as. That is slander, and in the real world people would have their ass hauled off into court for slander and defamation.

    Can't we all just not like someone, not believe someone's claims without this kind of bullshit? Redietz has done and said more than enough things to warrant legitimate criticism hasn't he? Do people really need to make up shit?
    Watch the latest video in the Sports Betting thread. A syndicate sports bettor said they don't solicit for money. They can't get down enough of their own money so other people's money does them no good. It's other people's accounts they want to exploit. They will bet their money on other people's accounts and give them a cut of the win.
    Do you ever read your own garbage, mickey? Jesus Christ, rub some brain cells together.

    Five things, off the top of my head. First, you have to be winning consistently to do that, which is a rare, rare thing. So kudos to anyone doing that and then sharing the wealth. I don't do that, by the way. I'm not betting more than 50K a game, so no need.

    Second, if a person uses someone else's accounts as beards, you run the risk of those "someone elses" withdrawing the money and hightailing it. Or you run the risk of those "someone elses" breaking site rules with their own betting and getting you labeled.

    Third, if you are discovered in any way using multiple accounts, offshores will ban you and withhold your money. It's right there in most sites' rules and regs. They will also define you a certain way. Non offshores will simply ban you, and I'm sure they will spread the info of your transgressions to other non offshore books.

    Four, literally 80% of my wagering is college football. That creates an idiosyncratic profile that is unmistakable. I couldn't hide who I am if I wanted to. There are only a handful of people with any betting profile resembling mine.

    Five, there has been no one, on any forum or any site, going back 50 years, who has reported that I'm using their accounts. Ever. Zero.

    Mickey is simply doing his usual "AP" speculation. LOL. He speculates; he uses the math of random events to predict non-random events. It's mostly ballpark guessing and making up whatever shit helps him have an excuse to bet the alphabet. And he bullshits about anyone who calls him on it. The mickey crimm "AP" playbook.

    He needs to spend five seconds, at least once in awhile, thinking about the bullshit he posts. If any of you take crimm's advice on anything but pure machine gambling, God bless you. He really does think he's Leonardo Da AP. He's not.

    There's really no evidence mickey knows what he's talking about outside of his machine gambling. In fact, he sometimes sounds like a naive maroon when he discusses other stuff.
    Is redietz' inferiority complex glaringly apparent to you? It is to me.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  17. #117
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    Watch the latest video in the Sports Betting thread. A syndicate sports bettor said they don't solicit for money. They can't get down enough of their own money so other people's money does them no good. It's other people's accounts they want to exploit. They will bet their money on other people's accounts and give them a cut of the win.
    Do you ever read your own garbage, mickey? Jesus Christ, rub some brain cells together.

    Five things, off the top of my head. First, you have to be winning consistently to do that, which is a rare, rare thing. So kudos to anyone doing that and then sharing the wealth. I don't do that, by the way. I'm not betting more than 50K a game, so no need.

    Second, if a person uses someone else's accounts as beards, you run the risk of those "someone elses" withdrawing the money and hightailing it. Or you run the risk of those "someone elses" breaking site rules with their own betting and getting you labeled.

    Third, if you are discovered in any way using multiple accounts, offshores will ban you and withhold your money. It's right there in most sites' rules and regs. They will also define you a certain way. Non offshores will simply ban you, and I'm sure they will spread the info of your transgressions to other non offshore books.

    Four, literally 80% of my wagering is college football. That creates an idiosyncratic profile that is unmistakable. I couldn't hide who I am if I wanted to. There are only a handful of people with any betting profile resembling mine.

    Five, there has been no one, on any forum or any site, going back 50 years, who has reported that I'm using their accounts. Ever. Zero.

    Mickey is simply doing his usual "AP" speculation. LOL. He speculates; he uses the math of random events to predict non-random events. It's mostly ballpark guessing and making up whatever shit helps him have an excuse to bet the alphabet. And he bullshits about anyone who calls him on it. The mickey crimm "AP" playbook.

    He needs to spend five seconds, at least once in awhile, thinking about the bullshit he posts. If any of you take crimm's advice on anything but pure machine gambling, God bless you. He really does think he's Leonardo Da AP. He's not.

    There's really no evidence mickey knows what he's talking about outside of his machine gambling. In fact, he sometimes sounds like a naive maroon when he discusses other stuff.
    Is redietz' inferiority complex glaringly apparent to you? It is to me.

    Great response, mickey. I think that's what is called a non sequitur.

    Other than the fact that what you initially speculated makes zero sense, you are spot on once again.

  18. #118
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    I was temporarily trespassed from a certain Casino for a week 10 years ago. I will not tell what caused by temporary trespassing. Let's just say, I definitely didn't do THAT again.
    Let me guess ... you didn't want to leave the machine as it was "due" to hit so you "answered a call of nature" while sitting in front of it.

    Bad girl.
    What, Me Worry?

  19. #119
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    Watch the latest video in the Sports Betting thread. A syndicate sports bettor said they don't solicit for money. They can't get down enough of their own money so other people's money does them no good. It's other people's accounts they want to exploit. They will bet their money on other people's accounts and give them a cut of the win.
    Do you ever read your own garbage, mickey? Jesus Christ, rub some brain cells together.

    Five things, off the top of my head. First, you have to be winning consistently to do that, which is a rare, rare thing. So kudos to anyone doing that and then sharing the wealth. I don't do that, by the way. I'm not betting more than 50K a game, so no need.

    Second, if a person uses someone else's accounts as beards, you run the risk of those "someone elses" withdrawing the money and hightailing it. Or you run the risk of those "someone elses" breaking site rules with their own betting and getting you labeled.

    Third, if you are discovered in any way using multiple accounts, offshores will ban you and withhold your money. It's right there in most sites' rules and regs. They will also define you a certain way. Non offshores will simply ban you, and I'm sure they will spread the info of your transgressions to other non offshore books.

    Four, literally 80% of my wagering is college football. That creates an idiosyncratic profile that is unmistakable. I couldn't hide who I am if I wanted to. There are only a handful of people with any betting profile resembling mine.

    Five, there has been no one, on any forum or any site, going back 50 years, who has reported that I'm using their accounts. Ever. Zero.

    Mickey is simply doing his usual "AP" speculation. LOL. He speculates; he uses the math of random events to predict non-random events. It's mostly ballpark guessing and making up whatever shit helps him have an excuse to bet the alphabet. And he bullshits about anyone who calls him on it. The mickey crimm "AP" playbook.

    He needs to spend five seconds, at least once in awhile, thinking about the bullshit he posts. If any of you take crimm's advice on anything but pure machine gambling, God bless you. He really does think he's Leonardo Da AP. He's not.

    There's really no evidence mickey knows what he's talking about outside of his machine gambling. In fact, he sometimes sounds like a naive maroon when he discusses other stuff.
    Is redietz' inferiority complex glaringly apparent to you? It is to me.
    Yes, but what about his backers?

  20. #120
    Whatever happened to this thread anyway, other than establishing that UNKewLyingJ lied once again?
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

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