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Thread: Request For Mickeycrimm

  1. #161
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    Maybe a good way of staying under the radar just dealing with accumulated credits but I don't know about 3 mil in a year. That would be a lot of play.
    My understanding is you are not limited to one collection. Get a 4oak on quarter BPD. Switch to $1 and collect a few times and move on to another place. I could do 10k+ a day and still wonder what to do with all my spare time. With .25-$1 I would never even hit a taxable. I'd much prefer .50-$2 though.

    After giving it some thought, if I wanted to avoid W2-G's, I would play 9/6 Jacks on a machine that had a denom spread from $1 to $10. At $1 denom the straight pays $20, flush $30, full house $45. I would activate the bug on these three hands making them pay, $200, $300, $450. All three of these hands have a frequency of about 90. So it would take just a short period of time to rack up a reasonable amount of money with no W2-G's. Percentagewise you would be at 364%. I wouldn't activate the double up bug on 4 of a Kind or the Straight Flush and the only W2-G I would get would be for a royal. Would I activate the double up bug on that royal? That would sure as hell be tempting.
    Who cares about the payback of the game your playing. I will play 3/2/1/1/1/1 Jacks with this glitch. That aside, my initial response was to Rob when he claimed playing a 4:1 ratio on this play was something one would not do. Why not? Admittedly I would prefer .25 - $2 BPD. You could make $3million+ per year without even trying and hardly draw any attention with the huge rotation of casinos that had the game available. This along with Rob never residing in Vegas at the time would be my argument for why he never played it.

  2. #162
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post

    My understanding is you are not limited to one collection. Get a 4oak on quarter BPD. Switch to $1 and collect a few times and move on to another place. I could do 10k+ a day and still wonder what to do with all my spare time. With .25-$1 I would never even hit a taxable. I'd much prefer .50-$2 though.

    After giving it some thought, if I wanted to avoid W2-G's, I would play 9/6 Jacks on a machine that had a denom spread from $1 to $10. At $1 denom the straight pays $20, flush $30, full house $45. I would activate the bug on these three hands making them pay, $200, $300, $450. All three of these hands have a frequency of about 90. So it would take just a short period of time to rack up a reasonable amount of money with no W2-G's. Percentagewise you would be at 364%. I wouldn't activate the double up bug on 4 of a Kind or the Straight Flush and the only W2-G I would get would be for a royal. Would I activate the double up bug on that royal? That would sure as hell be tempting.
    Who cares about the payback of the game your playing. I will play 3/2/1/1/1/1 Jacks with this glitch. That aside, my initial response was to Rob when he claimed playing a 4:1 ratio on this play was something one would not do. Why not? Admittedly I would prefer .25 - $2 BPD. You could make $3million+ per year without even trying and hardly draw any attention with the huge rotation of casinos that had the game available. This along with Rob never residing in Vegas at the time would be my argument for why he never played it.
    Then I'll just shorten it from 9/6 to any Jacks or Better. Sure, I'll pay 8/5, 7/5, 6/5 if 9/6 is not available.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  3. #163
    Originally Posted by quahaug View Post
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    Originally Posted by quahaug View Post

    So the bottom line is it's the correct sequence because Singer say's it's the correct sequence.....Uh.... OK, I guess.

    I find Rob's version of the DU bug very believable and I believe Axel has verified that it's correct.

    I think if you read his description with an open mind you'll conclude it's either correct (though he still may have learned it from a third party), or it's a very ingenious invention. Was it even publicly known that the WIRED story was inaccurate? If not, why wouldn't Rob just repeat the version from the story?
    I think Rob might be holding back a little bit of info. My sources tell me that on Thursday through Sunday you must be wearing your Patriots cap, the rest of the time a Celtics or Red Sox cap will do fine. It's your call.


  4. #164
    I'm now going to be wearing a Tampa Bay Bucs cap for the foreseeable future.

  5. #165
    Some Vintage Gold...

    Singer building up the anticipation to reveal his DU bug claims, on his debut appearance on GWAE. The below quote is his perception of the response, IF he were to get on Gambling with an Edge...

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    There is no doubt--given the proper notification, this will be the most anticipated, most listened to, and definitely the most game-changing revelation in the vp world of all time. GWAE may even become a syndicated show after this.

    Apparently, Munchkin and Dancer didn't think it was worthy.
    Shocking, I know!

    They even gave Richard Marcus a couple episodes on GWAE.

    Thanks for the link, Mickey. This is Gold!
    Last edited by PositiveVariance; 11-27-2023 at 08:54 PM.

  6. #166
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post

    Thanks for the link, Mickey. This is Gold!
    So just out of curiosity, having read this "gold", what are your thoughts?
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  7. #167
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post

    Thanks for the link, Mickey. This is Gold!
    So just out of curiosity, having read this "gold", what are your thoughts?
    The odds that he would have independently stumbled upon the "Double up Bug" on his own, in my opinion, would be astronomical, like "18 y.o.'s in a row" type of odds.

    I would be surprised if the number of people that knew about the DU Bug when it was active, is more than in the single digits. To last as long as it did, it had to be a very, very well kept secret.

    If Singer had said, he was told about it by someone else, I still wouldn't believe it, but it would have slightly better odds of believability vs. independently figuring it out.

    A side note, I always have a hard time believing people that say they throw out their tax returns after so many years. Could they? Sure, but unlikely. Especially something like this where you would have had so many W2G's. They take up such little space overall. To say, "I think I'm going to throw these away". Even though you probably won't need them legally, it's just not something most would toss out. This factor obviously isn't conclusive evidence, it is just one piece of the puzzle. The "totality" of the evidence.

    As far as Singer supposedly knowing that the "correct" sequence was wrong? Hard to say, but the VICE article was the most well known, but the story was in other publications and it's possible he got the steps from another publication that identified the correct sequence. He could have even contacted the VICE writer, prior to whom ever did it in here.

    Ultimately, I would put the odds of him independently discovering the DU Bug at greater than 1 in a Billion.

    I actually believe even Nestor or Cane (Don't remember who actually claimed to discover it) may have received the info about there being a bug in the software from a programmer that worked for the manufacturer. I am not completely set on this theory, but it is a real possibility.
    Last edited by PositiveVariance; 11-27-2023 at 09:39 PM.

  8. #168
    Thank you, PV.

    Unrelated questions for Rob. This seems as good a place as any. Your book, Undeniable Truth, still for sale on Amazon by Gamblers General Store. I don't image many copies sell these days or recent year. Do you get money for each book sold Rob? How many books have been sold?
    Last edited by kewlJ; 11-27-2023 at 10:12 PM.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  9. #169
    You know what....I don't even need answers to the questions I just asked. If Rob wants to answer fine.

    Rob's story was originally that he tried to be a Video Poker AP from 1996 -2000 and failed losing several hundred thousand dollars. And then in 2000 he played his Singer Progression video poker system for 10 years and made over a million dollars (I forget the exact number). That was the original claim that myself and so many people had a problem with. Later when Rob stole the double up bug claim from Nestor/Kane he had to change timelines to make it fit, so he amended his video poker claim to 4 years, $375k, and the Double-up took up the rest of the years.

    So currently Rob's claim unless he has amended it again that I am not familiar with is that he played his progression system from 2000-2004 for $375K.

    So enter Rob's book, Undeniable truth about video poker. Published December 12, 2000. The write up says: ""inside secrets of a winning professional player".

    So Rob lost several hundred thousand according to his own account from 1996-2000, and then published a book, promoting ""inside secrets of a winning professional player", not even a full year later.

    Now in the past I have described both Rob and Mdawg as scammers. Not all that different that the youtube scammers. That has been met with some resistance from Dan Druff and others, that neither Rob nor Mdawg has solicited money, so they do not qualify as scammers.

    I am sure you see where I am going here. Rob tried damn hard. His book is still selling for $16.95. Now I don't imagine he sold many copies. So he failed as a scammer, but he did try.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  10. #170
    Curious, I checked Robert's listing for the book on Amazon, and found this bit of information about Robert...

    "Singer is a professional gambler who lives in Arizona and travels weekly to Nevada to play video poker..."

    "Weekly" much for traveling around the country and the world, eh?
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #171
    It is super easy to publish a book these days with Amazon, you upload the document. It is free, you only pay a percentage of each book sold (mostly ebooks for $9.99). 60/40 split I believe. That is why you see some of these people publishing 100 or more books per year. Zero downside.

    Maybe Rob is working on his DU Bug book?

  12. #172
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Some Vintage Gold...

    Singer building up the anticipation to reveal his DU bug claims, on his debut appearance on GWAE. The below quote is his perception of the response, IF he were to get on Gambling with an Edge...

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    There is no doubt--given the proper notification, this will be the most anticipated, most listened to, and definitely the most game-changing revelation in the vp world of all time. GWAE may even become a syndicated show after this.

    Apparently, Munchkin and Dancer didn't think it was worthy.
    Shocking, I know!

    They even gave Richard Marcus a couple episodes on GWAE.

    Thanks for the link, Mickey. This is Gold!
    Rob and Dancer go way back to like 2000. Dancer was highly critical of Rob’s strategy. It took Dancer awhile to figure out what he was dealing with. Rob is a master troll. Dancer couldn’t out troll Rob. The stuff Rob wrote about Dancer was comedy gold. If you think Rob has been hard on KJ, hey, not even close. So Dancer finally took the tact of totally not responding to anything Rob wrote, ignoring Rob and not giving him any publicity.

    When I pitched the idea to GWAE, Munchkin told me Dancer didn’t care how big a story it could be he would never let Rob have an audience on GWAE. And I think Rob knew that.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  13. #173
    After reading Robs posts he seems exceptionally deluded about so much.
    All these things to try and gain respect.

  14. #174
    PV, another thing that made me think Rob’s double up story might be true I remembered that Rob announced his retirement from video poker and shut down his website within 2 months of Kane and Nestor getting busted. I remember thinking at the time that if it were me I would want to lay low and I certainly wouldn’t want to go back to grinding video poker after having such a big play for years. Was it just coincidence that Rob retired at that point?If so it was a BIG coincidence. [QUOTE]
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  15. #175
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Some Vintage Gold...

    Singer building up the anticipation to reveal his DU bug claims, on his debut appearance on GWAE. The below quote is his perception of the response, IF he were to get on Gambling with an Edge...

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    There is no doubt--given the proper notification, this will be the most anticipated, most listened to, and definitely the most game-changing revelation in the vp world of all time. GWAE may even become a syndicated show after this.

    Apparently, Munchkin and Dancer didn't think it was worthy.
    Shocking, I know!

    They even gave Richard Marcus a couple episodes on GWAE.

    Thanks for the link, Mickey. This is Gold!
    Rob and Dancer go way back to like 2000. Dancer was highly critical of Rob’s strategy. It took Dancer awhile to figure out what he was dealing with. Rob is a master troll. Dancer couldn’t out troll Rob. The stuff Rob wrote about Dancer was comedy gold. If you think Rob has been hard on KJ, hey, not even close. So Dancer finally took the tact of totally not responding to anything Rob wrote, ignoring Rob and not giving him any publicity.

    When I pitched the idea to GWAE, Munchkin told me Dancer didn’t care how big a story it could be he would never let Rob have an audience on GWAE. And I think Rob knew that.
    One thing I know about Dancer and Munchkin, like You and I both, they are "Math guys". They want some type of evidence, for such a big claim. Putting aside the history between Singer and Dancer... if Rob had evidence that showed it was even plausible, not even likely, but only plausible that he discovered and or played the DU Bug, I'm sure Munchkin at a minimum would have an interview him. If you move that threshold to "likely", I have a strong feeling Munchkin could have convinced Dancer to do a show. The problem is Singers reputation doesn't help him.

    There is a way that Singer could have proved with 100% certainty that he worked this Bug. Get a copy of his tax return. I know Troll Belly is going to say, they only go back 6-10 years, or whatever it says online on the IRS website. If someone wants a copy of any year of their tax return bad enough, they will get it! We know the IRS has it. It may take a few phone calls, but anyone that knows how to get things done will not have a problem making it happen.

    Next way is go to the casino. Same thing, it may take a few phone calls but you will eventually get it. If he made the amount of money he claims, this would be a few hundred W2G's per year. 20 or so W2G's from the last year working the DU Bug should suffice. I'm sure he would have numerous at many casinos. 3 or 4 casinos, and you get all you need. In what I do it is rare I get a W2G, not long ago I was in an Indian casino asking for some info on something unrelated, the clerk told me the only thing in here is from 2006 (A W2G for a slot jackpot). There is no question if I would have asked for a copy, I would have received it.

    Will it take some work to get them? Yes, it probably will.

    If we know one thing, we know Rob Singer WANTS TO BE BELIEVED! I think we all know, that if he had in fact played the DU Bug, we would have seen some proof by now.

    We all know the evidence will never be shown, but it is satisfying to know that if the claim were real, the evidence is out there and can be obtained by Singer.

    What these guys that make these outrageous claims of winning don't understand, is that most, if not all of us would be absolutely thrilled if their stories were real! We want people to take money from the casino. I would absolutely love to see someone (including Singer) hit a $1.2 Million VP Jackpot. I wish it was true, but sadly for now, it only remains a fantasy.

    Oh, and yes, I agree, Singer is a Troll... However, he is a unique troll as he really wants us to believe the gambling claims. All the other stuff, yes I believe it is to try and get certain people fired up.
    Last edited by PositiveVariance; 11-28-2023 at 03:47 AM.

  16. #176
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Some Vintage Gold...

    Singer building up the anticipation to reveal his DU bug claims, on his debut appearance on GWAE. The below quote is his perception of the response, IF he were to get on Gambling with an Edge...

    Apparently, Munchkin and Dancer didn't think it was worthy.
    Shocking, I know!

    They even gave Richard Marcus a couple episodes on GWAE.

    Thanks for the link, Mickey. This is Gold!
    Rob and Dancer go way back to like 2000. Dancer was highly critical of Rob’s strategy. It took Dancer awhile to figure out what he was dealing with. Rob is a master troll. Dancer couldn’t out troll Rob. The stuff Rob wrote about Dancer was comedy gold. If you think Rob has been hard on KJ, hey, not even close. So Dancer finally took the tact of totally not responding to anything Rob wrote, ignoring Rob and not giving him any publicity.

    When I pitched the idea to GWAE, Munchkin told me Dancer didn’t care how big a story it could be he would never let Rob have an audience on GWAE. And I think Rob knew that.
    One thing I know about Dancer and Munchkin, like You and I both, they are "Math guys". They want some type of evidence, for such a big claim. Putting aside the history between Singer and Dancer... if Rob had evidence that showed it was even plausible, not even likely, but only plausible that he discovered and or played the DU Bug, I'm sure Munchkin at a minimum would have an interview him. If you move that threshold to "likely", I have a strong feeling Munchkin could have convinced Dancer to do a show. The problem is Singers reputation doesn't help him.

    There is a way that Singer could have proved with 100% certainty that he worked this Bug. Get a copy of his tax return. I know Troll Belly is going to say, they only go back 6-10 years, or whatever it says online on the IRS website. If someone wants a copy of any year of their tax return bad enough, they will get it! We know the IRS has it. It may take a few phone calls, but anyone that knows how to get things done will not have a problem making it happen.

    Next way is go to the casino. Same thing, it may take a few phone calls but you will eventually get it. If he made the amount of money he claims, this would be a few hundred W2G's per year. 20 or so W2G's from the last year working the DU Bug should suffice. I'm sure he would have numerous at many casinos. 3 or 4 casinos, and you get all you need. In what I do it is rare I get a W2G, not long ago I was in an Indian casino asking for some info on something unrelated, the clerk told me the only thing in here is from 2006 (A W2G for a slot jackpot). There is no question if I would have asked for a copy, I would have received it.

    Will it take some work to get them? Yes, it probably will.

    If we know one thing, we know Rob Singer WANTS TO BE BELIEVED! I think we all know, that if he had in fact played the DU Bug, we would have seen some proof by now.

    We all know the evidence will never be shown, but it is satisfying to know that if the claim were real, the evidence is out there and can be obtained by Singer.

    What these guys that make these outrageous claims of winning don't understand, is that most, if not all of us would be absolutely thrilled if their stories were real! We want people to take money from the casino. I would absolutely love to see someone (including Singer) hit a $1.2 Million VP Jackpot. I wish it was true, but sadly for now, it only remains a fantasy.

    Oh, and yes, I agree, Singer is a Troll... However, he is a unique troll as he really wants us to believe the gambling claims. All the other stuff, yes I believe it is to try and get certain people fired up.
    First---kew and his made-up history about me and my vp play...its not even close to reality. I believe everyone knows by now that he lies about whatever bothers him, including himself. Case closed.

    On my 1st book, published by Gamblers Bookshop: I sold my right of royalties to them after 2 years for $20k. Whatever transpires now or has transpired over the years regarding the book or its sales is not something I follow. Probably an issue ripe for kew to concoct another scenario that will help him sleep just a little bit better.

    MrV: I traveled almost weekly between Az. and Nv. during the years I was a professional vp player (2000-2009). From 1975-1985 I worked for the DoD around thus f'd up world. From 1985-2000 I worked in Aerospace as VP of Int'l. Military/Commercial Air Traffic Control Programs Development, which took me to virtually every country on the face of this earth, multiple times. Chew on that, from your go-nowhere/do-nothing lawyer's chair.

    PV: it's normal for critics & jealous haters to try and downplay the fact that I discovered and played the DU bug so successfully. Was I the only one? Who knows....or cares. How did I do it in the way I say I did it? Because I'm smart--that's all there is to it (and I know the majority understands this).

    Tax returns: at the time I played the DU play (very early 2004-mid 2009) the LAST thing on my mind was how to prove I played it in some future "post statute of imitations" years to a bunch of mostly anonymous people. I wasn't seeing current events then as you see them now. Back then it was all about "was I breaking the law....was I cheating?" as well as doing my best to perpetuate the play in the very unique manner I chose to play it. I had what I felt was perfection going on. And keeping tax returns past their required date just so critics could find fault with them a decade or more later, was total irrelevance. Maybe YOU want to think raising returns from the dead is possible. But all that shows is how little you know about how the IRS operates.

    Mickey got it right in his overview of why Bob Dancer wants zero to do with promoting me. My fault, for sure. I stiĺ believe he passed up on a heluva story with massive interest had he interviewed me on putting down what was probably the greatest vp advantage play ever.

    This theory about my getting the DU play details from some unknown source is deep net phasing. Where, Who, How, When? And don't you think that axel, who's as sharp as a tack when it comes to this stuff, would've performed a major Gotcha! by now about any part of what I've said? Similarly, I wouldn't be so quick to discount mickey's point about when I retired from being (and filing as) a professional gambler....and why.

    Yes, the reason I went to him and mickey about the play is because I wanted the very best to evaluate what I said I had done, and why wouldn't I be proud of this accomplishment in my "2nd career"? In fact, the main reason I bring up my gaming successes is to burn ass. The next reason is because some of you need to see how blessed a few of us are. Is this trolling? I have no idea---but I sure HOPE so!

    You may now pick up your chin.
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 11-28-2023 at 05:39 AM.

  17. #177
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    On my 1st book, published by Gamblers Bookshop: I sold my right of royalties to them after 2 years for $20k. Whatever transpires now or has transpired over the years regarding the book or its sales is not something I follow.
    Interesting, impressive. More details would be appreciated. How did, does all that work? Obviously, something one could show proof of or have collaborated/verified.

  18. #178
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    First---kew and his made-up history about me and my vp play...its not even close to reality. I believe everyone knows by now that he lies about whatever bothers him, including himself. Case closed.

    The next reason is because some of you need to see how blessed a few of us are.
    Ok, so what did I get wrong according to you NOW Rob? I see no mention from you today of 1996-2000 when you tried to be a video poker AP and lost several hundred grand. If that is what you think I got wrong, I am sure I can dig up posts from you claiming this. Or is it about the changed timeline to make room for the double up bug? I see you are NOW just lumping those years together under professional VP player. But initially you claimed to have played all nine years playing your "system". Is that what you are now claiming I got wrong, because again, I am sure I can dig up where you said that.

    If not one of these two, then tell me what and lets see if we can resolve it.

    "Some of us need to see how blessed a few are" What the fuck is that? Sounds like a braggart to me.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  19. #179
    PV, I agree that the production of tax returns from that era would be helpful in an effort to verify whether Robert's claim is genuine or just more hot air.

    Arguably it would be as helpful to view his bank account statements from that era as well.

    Alas, he says he tossed the tax statements, so I assume he'd also say he tossed the bank statements which presumably would show frequent deposits of winnings.

    Ah, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel, a way that Robert can help remove the stain of prevarication which besmirches him: he can produce the bank statements immediately before and then following the time he claims he won the $1.5 Million VP hit.

    Those statements most certainly are available to him.

    Of course he might say that $1.5 Million is "small change, pin money" to a big shot such as himself, that he never deposited it: baloney.

    If he won that amount he'd invest it somewhere, probably depositing the check in his account initially.

    Of course he'll tap dance, say there's no need to prove anything, but it really would be a Golden Opportunity for the guy to step up, show that his detractors were wrong in doubting him.

    I doubt he'll do it.

    Name:  rob singer meme.jpg
Views: 110
Size:  81.4 KB
    What, Me Worry?

  20. #180
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    the LAST thing on my mind was how to prove I played it in some future "post statute of imitations" years to a bunch of mostly anonymous people. I wasn't seeing current events then as you see them now. Back then it was all about "was I breaking the law....was I cheating?".
    This absolutely rings true(For certain people*). I played a great many interesting plays, hit big jackpots, found many glitches, etc. That last thing on my mind was thinking there's a reason to take pictures and document all this stuff. I avoided getting pictures of almost everything possible. There were times when the casino insisted or it looked too odd to refuse. I have a few old photos of myself hitting jackpots, and there's a magazine that published some tournament wins with me holding a Big check, etc.
    But, overall, I politely declined 99% of the pictures and never took many myself. I do occasionally take jackpot pictures nowadays, but I keep them to myself.
    Most of the interesting stuff I found and played... there are plenty of witnesses that can verify.

    For certain people* Rob, given your background and personality, especially the fact that you were a gambling writer, I do find it suspicious you didn't preserve any evidence at all.

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