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Thread: Hahahahhaha lost a $128 ticket

  1. #61
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post

    Cosmo has also been known to kick out video poker players just checking the pay tables and looking for good ones. They give the excuse that you're "Bonus Checking".
    Interesting. I have never heard that term.

    Don't just ordinary players (ploppies) check pay tables looking for at least decent pay tables?
    The odds a guy checking all the paytables is +EV from the casino's perspective is quite small. And if they are +EV to casino then it won't be that much. It isn't a loss for them.

  2. #62
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post

    Nothing is more detrimental than being a lying sack of tunnel dwelling shit....RIP
    Fuck off MaxPen, you asshole. There is nobody on this forum that has lied more than you about more people than you. Not just me and all the stupid lies you say and repeat, but mickeycrimm and almost anyone you decide you don't like.

    You are, if not the biggest asshole on this forum, one of the top few.
    lmao. He is an asshole to 2 people. Crimm likes to mix it up. So he is only abusing you but honestly given the way you drag people into your bullshit and insist that every lie you tell is still true even when it fails in front of any reasonable analysis.

    Maxpen is good at 1 liners. Kinda like mdawg is good at finding quotes to keep people in line and showing things from the view of a high-roller. Everyone has their place.

  3. #63
    Zenking, do you only come here to rant about losing money? :/ You do this constantly, lose money, rant rant rant, go away for months, lose money, come back and rant rant rant, go away for months, lose money, come back and rant rant rant , go away for months, lose money and rant rant rant, rinse and repeat. :/ It got REALLY old a long time ago. :/ Do you ever come here when you actually WIN money?

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  4. #64
    I wonder if when he ends up with a big slot loss on a holiday weekend, he will rant about the casinos rigging slots on holiday weekends?

    In theory rigging slots would be much easier than rigging a blackjack game.

  5. #65
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post

    In theory rigging slots would be much easier than rigging a blackjack game.
    Are you sure about this ?

  6. #66
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    I wonder if when he ends up with a big slot loss on a holiday weekend, he will rant about the casinos rigging slots on holiday weekends?
    Those god-damned Chinese slots...
    What, Me Worry?

  7. #67
    Lmaoo. So let me get this straight. Axel like all the people on discord is trying to act as if the one slot they showed me that I made ZERO dollars on is the reason why I've been successful so fast with slots hahahhaha. Oh man everyone always wants to take credit away from me any chance they get or they just more credit than they deserve, a very common characteristic in this degen community. Axel thanks for your kind words but the fact you're trying to basically say and/or IMPLYING the one slot you showed me that was like 3-4 years before I even started playing slots is the reason why I've been successful is hilarious. It's consistent with all the discord people as well. Face it, anything I do, I dominate and you guys can't believe I've been this good this fast in the most competitive city in the world for slot vulturing. The fact that people don't even believe me is the biggest compliment of all hahahha. I wouldn't believe it either Mr. V if I was a miserable retiree that never bet on himself in nothing. The shit people showed me I was breakeven overall and just now I made an adjustment to the one game I was struggling on after being given a pointer of how to think about the game from a kid in thr casino and im playing slightly looser than them and taking all their plays and doing well now but that info wasn't given from anyone on here or on discord that are claimimg helped me so much. But yeah what a coincidence, the crackhead info everyone and their uncle knows doesn't work in Vegas lmao. Then there was a game that was public info that someone tried to claim it was their work and numbers lmao where I made 4k in another city and have broke even in Vegas on that game. Once again, crackhead info. Or n your case axel, ZERO profit. That game isn't even around anymore. It just cracks me up. But you know what you guys will claim then? It's because of what you showed me that has somehow allowed me to analyze way different games lmao hahahaha. Yeah keep thinking that. Games that are no way shape or form identical in the games I'm destroying and the only thing I was given is a number not how to break down a game or how to think about breaking down a game.

    Also let me also say KJ, you just keep exposing yourself. I haven't followed your posts on here in the past year but apparently you've been caught and exposed on lies. I don't know about any of that but what I do know is dl you just repeat shit you've heard from others to sound smart? Cosmo was sweaty? Wow what a statement that everyone online repeats all the time. Really? How the fuck did I take 50k from them and was able to log over 150 hours or so before my first backoff before even being kicked out once and then another 100 hours after being kicked out and heated up? The exact hours I'm not sure hard to remember but they're pretty close estimates. I had about 250 hours logged at Cosmo. It was probably only around 150-200 hours where I started getting heat and then it became hard to play. You got one thing right they are big OSN contributors and their surveillance is really good just like Aria BUT only after they get you. Most of that 50k was done during COVID. Are you going to sit here and tell me it was cause of the face mask? I was logging many hours before that no problem and winning a bit. Face mask was the most overrated bullshit from noobies on these forums and discords that don't actually play blackjack but just like to sound smart. You know how many times I was kicked out wearing a face mask at Cosmo? Once you generate heat it doesn't matter if you have a mask cause the mask goes straight into OSN with you and they will make the connection with the rest of your face next time. I swear these forums and discords are full of fucking frauds that just love to sound like experts. In fact wearing a face mask after everyone wasn't wearing one was the biggest heat trigger alive.

    Yo Boz, how's it feel that you've been destroyed in your prediction about me being under a bridge and now You're holding onto the most bullshit thing saying it's cause axel helped me hahahahha. He showed me one slot years before I started playing and I made zero dollars off that slot. Nothing was shown to me other than a formula for a specific game that can't be used on other games let alone the methodology on how to break down other games. Nothing was shown on how to think about breaking down a game. So boz, I got one question for you? Actually Mr. V too. How's my fucking ass taste?
    Last edited by ZenKinG; 12-13-2023 at 04:24 AM.

  8. #68
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Lmaoo. So let me get this straight. Axel like all the people on discord is trying to act as if the one slot they showed me that I made ZERO dollars on is the reason why I've been successful so fast with slots hahahhaha. Oh man everyone always wants to take credit away from me any chance they get or they just more credit than they deserve, a very common characteristic in this degen community. Axel thanks for your kind words but the fact you're trying to basically say and/or IMPLYING the one slot you showed me that was like 3-4 years before I even started playing slots is the reason why I've been successful is hilarious. It's consistent with all the discord people as well. Face it, anything I do, I dominate and you guys can't believe I've been this good this fast in the most competitive city in the world for slot vulturing. The fact that people don't even believe me is the biggest compliment of all hahahha. I wouldn't believe it either Mr. V if I was a miserable retiree that never bet on himself in nothing. The shit people showed me I was breakeven overall and just now I made an adjustment to the one game I was struggling on after being given a pointer of how to think about the game from a kid in thr casino and im playing slightly looser than them and taking all their plays and doing well now but that info wasn't given from anyone on here or on discord that are claimimg helped me so much. But yeah what a coincidence, the crackhead info everyone and their uncle knows doesn't work in Vegas lmao. Then there was a game that was public info that someone tried to claim it was their work and numbers lmao where I made 4k in another city and have broke even in Vegas on that game. Once again, crackhead info. Or n your case axel, ZERO profit. That game isn't even around anymore. It just cracks me up. But you know what you guys will claim then? It's because of what you showed me that has somehow allowed me to analyze way different games lmao hahahaha. Yeah keep thinking that. Games that are no way shape or form identical in the games I'm destroying and the only thing I was given is a number not how to break down a game or how to think about breaking down a game.

    Also let me also say KJ, you just keep exposing yourself. I haven't followed your posts on here in the past year but apparently you've been caught and exposed on lies. I don't know about any of that but what I do know is dl you just repeat shit you've heard from others to sound smart? Cosmo was sweaty? Wow what a statement that everyone online repeats all the time. Really? How the fuck did I take 50k from them and was able to log over 150 hours or so before my first backoff before even being kicked out once and then another 100 hours after being kicked out and heated up? The exact hours I'm not sure hard to remember but they're pretty close estimates. I had about 250 hours logged at Cosmo. It was probably only around 150-200 hours where I started getting heat and then it became hard to play. You got one thing right they are big OSN contributors and their surveillance is really good just like Aria BUT only after they get you. Most of that 50k was done during COVID. Are you going to sit here and tell me it was cause of the face mask? I was logging many hours before that no problem and winning a bit. Face mask was the most overrated bullshit from noobies on these forums and discords that don't actually play blackjack but just like to sound smart. You know how many times I was kicked out wearing a face mask at Cosmo? Once you generate heat it doesn't matter if you have a mask cause the mask goes straight into OSN with you and they will make the connection with the rest of your face next time. I swear these forums and discords are full of fucking frauds that just love to sound like experts. In fact wearing a face mask after everyone wasn't wearing one was the biggest heat trigger alive.

    Yo Boz, how's it feel that you've been destroyed in your prediction about me being under a bridge and now You're holding onto the most bullshit thing saying it's cause axel helped me hahahahha. He showed me one slot years before I started playing and I made zero dollars off that slot. Nothing was shown to me other than a formula for a specific game that can't be used on other games let alone the methodology on how to break down other games. Nothing was shown on how to think about breaking down a game. So boz, I got one question for you? Actually Mr. V too. How's my fucking ass taste?
    You seem to lose your mind some whenever you lose.

    As the late Vince Lombardi said: "If you're a good're a loser."

    Those who lose regularly know how to do it with grace. That's because they're "losers" and they're used to losing. Those who don't lose, have a real problem with it when they do lose.

    Congratulations, winner.

  9. #69
    Fuck off, zendouche.

    You could have been a contender, instead of a bum, which is what you are.

    I mean "bum" as an individual, primarily: zero class and nothing nice to say to or about others.

    Get lost, dildo.

    Frankly I do NOT believe you, but if you did somehow actually win: luck happens.

    I pegged you correctly, "petulant child."
    What, Me Worry?

  10. #70
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Also let me also say KJ, you just keep exposing yourself. I haven't followed your posts on here in the past year but apparently you've been caught and exposed on lies. I don't know about any of that but what I do know is dl you just repeat shit you've heard from others to sound smart? Cosmo was sweaty? Wow what a statement that everyone online repeats all the time. Really? How the fuck did I take 50k from them and was able to log over 150 hours or so before my first backoff before even being kicked out once and then another 100 hours after being kicked out and heated up? The exact hours I'm not sure hard to remember but they're pretty close estimates. I had about 250 hours logged at Cosmo. It was probably only around 150-200 hours where I started getting heat and then it became hard to play. You got one thing right they are big OSN contributors and their surveillance is really good just like Aria BUT only after they get you. Most of that 50k was done during COVID. Are you going to sit here and tell me it was cause of the face mask? I was logging many hours before that no problem and winning a bit. Face mask was the most overrated bullshit from noobies on these forums and discords that don't actually play blackjack but just like to sound smart. You know how many times I was kicked out wearing a face mask at Cosmo? Once you generate heat it doesn't matter if you have a mask cause the mask goes straight into OSN with you and they will make the connection with the rest of your face next time. I swear these forums and discords are full of fucking frauds that just love to sound like experts. In fact wearing a face mask after everyone wasn't wearing one was the biggest heat trigger alive.
    Your claims are all over the place dude. Over the last 3 years you have made about a dozen posts bitching about short term negative variance (usually during or near a holiday weekend). "I lost 6k in 15 hours", "Lost 11K in the two weeks since coronavirus began", "down $9500 at Ceasars alone", "of course I go to Palms and lose", "down $9810 in 59.5 hours", "I'm down -17,647.50 from my ALL-TIME high of 87.5k or so", "-13,392.50 26 hours", "Just dropped $8800.....make that $10,017.50". These are just a few of those posts.

    And right in the middle of all this mess of losing, on 8/30/21, you post that you are "ahead 84.7K in 558 hours of play since you moved to Vegas".

    So amongst this losing everywhere, at various times, you were ahead 84K in total and 50K of that came from the single sweatiest casino, with one of the top surveillance departments, using the latest technology, in Las Vegas, Cosmo. THAT simply doesn't jive.

    I have never challenged anything you say or claim, because I always understood that you are emotional (a bad trait at the tables) and fly off the handle, venting following periods of normal negative variance. I also always knew that while you rant during these losing periods, you were only telling us half the story rarely commenting during winning periods. Kind of a reveres Mdawg, telling us the losing and not the winning.

    I have always been supportive of you, recognizing your need to vent. And then at the flip of a light switch telling us all you are the best there has ever been.

    Well as a card counter you are NOT the best there has ever been. Not even close. You didn't put in enough hours to really qualify as a "grinder" and you don't play high enough stakes to not be a grinder. 84.7k over your first 3 or 4 years playing 598 hours is recreational player numbers. And then you cry about normal variance. As a card counter I give you a D+, at best.

    I don't know what you are doing now with machine AP. You always said you wanted no part of machine AP and in typical ZenKing fashion, trashed those that did engage in machine AP play. And now all of the sudden, you are the greatest machine advantage player of all time. Big surprise.

    I continue to hope for the best for you, but you need to get a grip. And show a little humility. Especially to those like Axelwolf that have helped you along the way. Or you can choose path number 2 and just continue to be the dick that is ZenKing.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 12-13-2023 at 12:00 PM.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  11. #71
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Fuck off, zendouche.

    You could have been a contender, instead of a bum, which is what you are.

    I mean "bum" as an individual, primarily: zero class and nothing nice to say to or about others.

    Get lost, dildo.

    Frankly I do NOT believe you, but if you did somehow actually win: luck happens.

    I pegged you correctly, "petulant child."
    Something is seriously wrong with Zenking. He only comes here to rant about losing and does nothing else. How about ACTUALLY commenting on what other People posted, like congratulating say Dom for winning a $20,000 Royal flush instead of just coming to whine rant about how much he lost?

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  12. #72
    But if Everett’s many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is correct then there is at least one universe & possibly multiple where ZenKing is the greatest card counter AND machine pro of all time.

    In fact there would also be at least one universe where he is the greatest card counter & machine pro of all time & yet everyone doubts him in the identical manner they do now.

    So how can anyone be sure we are not living in that specific universe?

  13. #73
    .maybe be won 90k but lost 70 or something. Odd behavior for a bullshitter.

  14. #74
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    .maybe be won 90k but lost 70 or something. Odd behavior for a bullshitter.
    Yup. Always makes me wonder what people like him are looking for when they post on here?

    Validation? To try to make other people jealous?

    Fact is no one really cares, & most people on here probably genuinely like when others beat casinos.

    But if he’s looking for validation I’ll try to give him some.

    Big pat on the back for ZenKing!

    We’re all very proud of you & although we obviously could never obtain your level of success being neither smart enough or hard working enough, at least you set a shining example of something we can all aspire to!


  15. #75
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Something is seriously wrong with Zenking. He only comes here to rant about losing and does nothing else. How about ACTUALLY commenting on what other People posted, like congratulating say Dom for winning a $20,000 Royal flush instead of just coming to whine rant about how much he lost?
    Tasha, card counting is a little different than other forms of AP because it is such a grind. Because card counters play to such a very small advantage and the nature of the bet spread (larger bets a small amount of the time), the variance can be great, including negative variance. It is easy to lose a majority of these infrequent large wagers for days, weeks, even months and when that happens, no matter what happens at the more frequent lower bets, the player will experience a period of losing or just "muddling along", kind of flat, or stuck in the mud.

    For a solo type card counter who makes a living primarily by this means, these periods of losing, sometimes long periods, sometimes short, somewhat deep loses can become very frustrating. Each new day as soon as you lose a big bet or two, you think "here we go again". If it goes on long enough you start to have irrational thoughts like you are being cheated, or that the math of card counting no longer works, even though you KNOW it does.

    And a solo card counter, who doesn't have teammates to talk through these things, and may live alone or he if does have family or friends, he may not be able to express exactly what he is going through. So I have always thought and accepted that Zenking just needs to vent during these times, which is fine. He really isn't interested in sharing his complete journey as I did for many years. He just needs an outlet to vent during those negative variance times. Anyone at all familiar with this shouldn't take his outbursts all that seriously.

    BUT having said that, after a player goes through these negative variance periods a number of times, they should get used to it and understand how things work and stop freaking out so much. I don't know why Zenking has never gotten to that point.

    But anyway, it seems like he has moved on from blackjack, so maybe that is a good thing. Maybe the venting during normal variance will cease. Unfortunately we will just be left with the "I am the greatest" crap.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  16. #76
    The tickets are tracked. If you can find out the machine number, they can track it down for you.

  17. #77
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Also let me also say KJ, you just keep exposing yourself. I haven't followed your posts on here in the past year but apparently you've been caught and exposed on lies. I don't know about any of that but what I do know is dl you just repeat shit you've heard from others to sound smart? Cosmo was sweaty? Wow what a statement that everyone online repeats all the time. Really? How the fuck did I take 50k from them and was able to log over 150 hours or so before my first backoff before even being kicked out once and then another 100 hours after being kicked out and heated up? The exact hours I'm not sure hard to remember but they're pretty close estimates. I had about 250 hours logged at Cosmo. It was probably only around 150-200 hours where I started getting heat and then it became hard to play. You got one thing right they are big OSN contributors and their surveillance is really good just like Aria BUT only after they get you. Most of that 50k was done during COVID. Are you going to sit here and tell me it was cause of the face mask? I was logging many hours before that no problem and winning a bit. Face mask was the most overrated bullshit from noobies on these forums and discords that don't actually play blackjack but just like to sound smart. You know how many times I was kicked out wearing a face mask at Cosmo? Once you generate heat it doesn't matter if you have a mask cause the mask goes straight into OSN with you and they will make the connection with the rest of your face next time. I swear these forums and discords are full of fucking frauds that just love to sound like experts. In fact wearing a face mask after everyone wasn't wearing one was the biggest heat trigger alive.
    Your claims are all over the place dude. Over the last 3 years you have made about a dozen posts bitching about short term negative variance (usually during or near a holiday weekend). "I lost 6k in 15 hours", "Lost 11K in the two weeks since coronavirus began", "down $9500 at Ceasars alone", "of course I go to Palms and lose", "down $9810 in 59.5 hours", "I'm down -17,647.50 from my ALL-TIME high of 87.5k or so", "-13,392.50 26 hours", "Just dropped $8800.....make that $10,017.50". These are just a few of those posts.

    And right in the middle of all this mess of losing, on 8/30/21, you post that you are "ahead 84.7K in 558 hours of play since you moved to Vegas".

    So amongst this losing everywhere, at various times, you were ahead 84K in total and 50K of that came from the single sweatiest casino, with one of the top surveillance departments, using the latest technology, in Las Vegas, Cosmo. THAT simply doesn't jive.

    I have never challenged anything you say or claim, because I always understood that you are emotional (a bad trait at the tables) and fly off the handle, venting following periods of normal negative variance. I also always knew that while you rant during these losing periods, you were only telling us half the story rarely commenting during winning periods. Kind of a reveres Mdawg, telling us the losing and not the winning.

    I have always been supportive of you, recognizing your need to vent. And then at the flip of a light switch telling us all you are the best there has ever been.

    Well as a card counter you are NOT the best there has ever been. Not even close. You didn't put in enough hours to really qualify as a "grinder" and you don't play high enough stakes to not be a grinder. 84.7k over your first 3 or 4 years playing 598 hours is recreational player numbers. And then you cry about normal variance. As a card counter I give you a D+, at best.

    I don't know what you are doing now with machine AP. You always said you wanted no part of machine AP and in typical ZenKing fashion, trashed those that did engage in machine AP play. And now all of the sudden, you are the greatest machine advantage player of all time. Big surprise.

    I continue to hope for the best for you, but you need to get a grip. And show a little humility. Especially to those like Axelwolf that have helped you along the way. Or you can choose path number 2 and just continue to be the dick that is ZenKing.
    Let's not get the stuff twisted, I make no claims of helping ZenKing make any money whatsoever. I showed him a few vulture slots and told them there was a decent amount of money to be made, at least it was something that he should be doing while going to play Blackjack, he wasn't interested at the time and that was many years ago. Zen King has been offered some slam dunk plays over the years with no risk, and he declined. Multiple times he said he just wanted to make his plays and find his way by doing his own thing.
    I know one play he turned down because of the taxable jackpots involved. I don't think he wanted to start getting into all that. many others and I have been telling him for a long time that there's so much more that he could be doing in advantage play other than blackjack. At the time it seemed like he wasn't ready and he was determined to make a certain amount playing Blackjack until he was satisfied. He's one stubborn determined MF.

    From what I understand he found a few unique slot games that most other people are not playing and he's doing well.

    I'd be willing to bet that if GoatKing said he made x amount, playing X at x place doing X thing, he is not Bullshitting. I trust them GoatKing not to be a liar, a thief, or a rat in any way.
    Last edited by AxelWolf; 12-13-2023 at 04:35 PM.

  18. #78
    Lmao. Dominate so bad people don't even believe you. You see the difference is between all the frauds and bullshitters out there. I have all the logs for everything. Every single play I've taken on machine AP is logged and organized by profit/loss on every single game and re routed to a different spreadsheet tab where it tells me my over win/loss for each specific game. I got nothing to hide and shared everything since day 1 through blackjack all the way to machines the ups and downs. This is why discord and this faggot site is so toxic. People believe you when you're losing and not making money and people rip you and when the tide turns now you don't wanna believe me? I got no worries lmao. I'm laughing all the way to the bank as well as the personal satisfaction of shutting up all the doubters hahahaha. Mr. V and Boz are left quiet and disturbed so much they play the victim now. I wouldn't believe my story either after all the shit you guys talked.

    KJ doesn't believe my Cosmo story. I wouldn't believe it either of you saw the show I put on over there. Go ask security about me and every surveillance guy up there that watched me go in there every fucking day or minimum 5 days a week. Lmao. Go ask the people I've warned to not walk into Cosmo with me about what happened within 15 min when they saw me get thrown out of there each time. I'm probably one of the few that has had their face plastered on their surveillance wall. Dealers, pit bosses, security, and every surveillance agent knew exactly who I was and the faces they would give me every time lmao either before I got thrown out or after I was heated up. Go ask Richard Munchkin about the Aria surveillance agent that retired and was on gambling with an edge and told Richard there was a guy who kept on coming back backcounting their tables. Straight from Richards mouth on discord when I talked to him. The agent asked him off air apparently and Richard asked me if he was talking about me and of course I said who else would he be talking about? Go find another 2x200 to 2x250 player that was that known on the strip and then tell me you don't believe my Cosmo story lmao. Everyone on discord during the COVID period witnessed my play by play of my Cosmo adventures throughout that period where I changed up my game and blasted the strip until I got heated up. I made 84.7k in one year from June to June when casinos opened up. I was at low point before COVID started and vastly changed up my game and thought about what I was doing. I went from purely back counting getting no rounds per hour and a higher edge to playing a lot more heads up with more rounds per hour and a lower edge, but using a strategy of table hopping and departure adjustment, a tactic very seldom used let alone understood about what that does to your win rate, and i just went on a massive rum. I was averaging about 10-15k a year before that. Right around the COVID time I also got a handout of 20k from my dad when I had about 43k that everyone gives me shit for. I NEVER asked for the handout, it was a one time thing he did for me and my brother cause his parents did the same for him and his brothers. That allowed me to bump up my stakes to 2x200 and with my new play style obliterated the strip. I'm sure the face mask helped a small part as well but that is vastly overrated.

    You can believe it or not I don't give a fuck. I have the records since day 1 of blackjack in Pennsylvania until now and have every record for machine play. My first 3 years in Vegas I used cumulative logs due to the many small sessions I was going to experience so each session was just added on top of the other with a list of casinos that were updated every time I rolled through there as well the cumulative hours for each specific casino in a list format. Once I got a spreadsheet going I logged every individual session I played at each individual casino. In Pennsylvania, I also kept records of each individual session where I won a little over 41.7k. For machine play, I have every game recorded and I'm able to do that due to my strategy of using different tickets for different games and whatever the total is at the end of the session I log that game and profit loss on each separate line of the spreadsheet.

    Mr. V what's wrong? Playing the victim now after you were terribly wrong in doubting me? What's wrong? You can dish it but can't take it? I'm the bad guy now for shoving it back in your face after you started it saying I'd be under a fucking bridge with no reason to ever say that. My bankroll very briefly just ONCE dropped below 40k maybe 38k or 39k was my lowest point in Vegas and that was right when COVID hit and lost my wallet and my IDs, all the casinos shut down, and I was in a middle of a horrendous losing streak. So Mr. V, how's my ass taste?

    You guys picked the wrong guy to bet against. Go find someone else that would've made it alone in Vegas traveling here by themselves at 26 for 7 years now almost and not only survived but 4x'd their roll with a ton of expenses. You guys already gave me the best compliment of all. I dominated so bad none of you guys believe me hahahhaha. Let me know if you want to see every single record of every machine play I e taken and let me know what that adds up to. The ones doing the least have the most to say.

    Lastly, so it looks like after adding up all my blackjack logs from notepad to spreadsheets, my fear is confirmed, I made just under my 200k hahaha what a troll life. 197,755. But with an average bet of 2x200 I'd say through my whole career, good luck finding someone else that made about 1000 max bets.
    Last edited by ZenKinG; 12-13-2023 at 06:14 PM.

  19. #79
    Sounds to me like you're full of shit, proof, just bullshit / uncorroborated words.

    You want credibility?

    You want to be thought of as something other than a prevaricating petulant child?

    Show your tax returns and original W2-G's to a neutral third party whom we can believe and have him report how much income you reported and paid tax on.

    Otherwise, just words on a screen ... fuck off.
    Last edited by MisterV; 12-13-2023 at 05:47 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  20. #80
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    . I went from purely back counting getting no rounds per hour and a higher edge to playing a lot more heads up with more rounds per hour and a lower edge, but using a strategy of table hopping and departure adjustment, a tactic very seldom used let alone understood about what that does to your win rate,
    Nobody understands what that does to the win rate? Are you fucking kidding me? This is exactly how I played Vegas for over 10 years and have written about for 10 years! Lots of heads up, departure points that I call exit triggers.

    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    I made 84.7k in one year from June to June when casinos opened up.
    $85 grand in 12 months. You know what that is? An average year! That is what you could and should have been making (on average) each of your 6 or 7 years in Vegas.

    Look, I get that you are proud of your journey. Good for you. Seriously as a card counter....D+....maybe a C. And that is up from where you were. Still room to grow. Although I get that you have moved on to machines. And that is fine too.

    I look forward to your claims of being the greatest machine AP of all time.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 12-13-2023 at 06:14 PM.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

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