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Thread: Here you go AxelWolf

  1. #501
    Originally Posted by 1Hit1der View Post
    Same as when I passed up a chance to meet Paul Newman.
    As your attorney I would have advised you to pass on Paul Newman. But not on acquiring one of his watches.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  2. #502
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    No EV for me: bah, humbug.

    Not only is there charging anxiety, the entire concept of EV's is a house of cards built on sand.

    The gov't implemented aggressive moves to require EV ownership over time; fine in theory but what about actuality?

    The argument made is that it will help stop global warming.


    Unless or until electricity is generated without using oil, gas or coal then they're just robbing Peter to pay Paul.

    Wind powered electricity is too expensive for generating the quantities needed for a land of almost all EV's, and I see no clamor to build nuclear plants, which is what should be done (also designate Yucca as the depository and bury it deep).
    House of cards? How so? How is it any different than ICE cars? What rubbish. I can use my car indefinitely until it breaks if I am properly off the grid (ie solar). You require a whole many leveled system of infrastructure in place to keep your car fueled. Granted we both rely on a supply chain that is fragile but "house of cards" is a comically dopey ass thing to say.

    I don't think the government's "aggressive moves to require" have had much to do with the adoption. Maybe their subsidies did but that is not "requiring".

    Ultimately things have to be done in layers. You aren't wrong that electric cars won't save us. However the infrastructure has to be there as one of many steps to go to a theoretically sustainable world. I don't believe it'll happen either way but EVs are definitely more in the right direction.

    Batteries can be recycled. This is a point you never see from people who regurgitate fossil fuel talking points. Honestly it seems like something those people never considered because they were never told. (and thats all they do - repeat what they're told. )

    I've had my car for near 2 years and only one time was I even remotely scared of running out of power. Having to wait the extra 15 minutes on refueling is a pain. As is having to go out of your way moreso than a gas station sucks. If you don't travel and just commute around town you literally don't have to spend any time fueling it up. When traveling distances I plug it in and typically go in the store or eat. Last time I filled up my car on a road trip there was a nice cafeteria a few hundred feet away. Had a nice meal then walked out to my car and we were good to go. I could make the argument it was more efficient often times.
    I have a model Y that I cannot effectively use because I regularly drive 500 plus miles a
    Day multiple times a week. My last trip to the Midwest with it was a nightmare and it added two extra hours a day to my Driving. I would rather fly and rent a SUV if I plan to do a lot of driving.

    The Y is fine at home driving local. I won’t be purchasing another unless a new tax write off is in play. It is a cool car tho

  3. #503
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    No EV for me: bah, humbug.

    Not only is there charging anxiety, the entire concept of EV's is a house of cards built on sand.

    The gov't implemented aggressive moves to require EV ownership over time; fine in theory but what about actuality?

    The argument made is that it will help stop global warming.


    Unless or until electricity is generated without using oil, gas or coal then they're just robbing Peter to pay Paul.

    Wind powered electricity is too expensive for generating the quantities needed for a land of almost all EV's, and I see no clamor to build nuclear plants, which is what should be done (also designate Yucca as the depository and bury it deep).
    House of cards? How so? How is it any different than ICE cars? What rubbish. I can use my car indefinitely until it breaks if I am properly off the grid (ie solar). You require a whole many leveled system of infrastructure in place to keep your car fueled. Granted we both rely on a supply chain that is fragile but "house of cards" is a comically dopey ass thing to say.

    I don't think the government's "aggressive moves to require" have had much to do with the adoption. Maybe their subsidies did but that is not "requiring".

    Ultimately things have to be done in layers. You aren't wrong that electric cars won't save us. However the infrastructure has to be there as one of many steps to go to a theoretically sustainable world. I don't believe it'll happen either way but EVs are definitely more in the right direction.

    Batteries can be recycled. This is a point you never see from people who regurgitate fossil fuel talking points. Honestly it seems like something those people never considered because they were never told. (and thats all they do - repeat what they're told. )

    I've had my car for near 2 years and only one time was I even remotely scared of running out of power. Having to wait the extra 15 minutes on refueling is a pain. As is having to go out of your way moreso than a gas station sucks. If you don't travel and just commute around town you literally don't have to spend any time fueling it up. When traveling distances I plug it in and typically go in the store or eat. Last time I filled up my car on a road trip there was a nice cafeteria a few hundred feet away. Had a nice meal then walked out to my car and we were good to go. I could make the argument it was more efficient often times.
    I have a model Y that I cannot effectively use because I regularly drive 500 plus miles a
    Day multiple times a week. My last trip to the Midwest with it was a nightmare and it added two extra hours a day to my Driving. I would rather fly and rent a SUV if I plan to do a lot of driving.

    The Y is fine at home driving local. I won’t be purchasing another unless a new tax write off is in play. It is a cool car tho
    There are places in the country that lack super-chargers. Some of those places might even have casinos that a person might be specifically interested in. "destination chargers" are a poor substitute.

    However just being able to chill and have hte car steer itself and brake is awesome. I get behind a big truck. Those guys sit up high and can see far down the road. If they change lanes it is apparent even if I am only remotely paying attention. I then change lanes too depending if there is something in front of them but I barely have to pay attention driving. I read shit on my phone. Reply to emails. Sort through things. The longer I've had the car the more I appreciate this. I use that feature 80% of the time when driving around..

    The side pillar cameras are great. I pretty much only use side mirrors as a sanity check when backing in and out of tight spaces.

    My biggest gripes with the Tesla is grifter Elon estimating full range way too high. None of the other manufacturers do this. It also can be fairly poor at calculating the battery required for the trip. There really is no good reason for it to be so poor at it as they're swimming in data to fix their estimations.

    I also don't like the fact that they're so cheap on controls. You can't turn on the windshield wipers iwthout the touchscreen. Their nav system has some serious issues at times. The self-driving will have it turn into the wrong lane ... or if the lane shifts it might just try to go into the wrong lane but for highway driving it is the greatest or anywhere without a lot of stopsigns/lights.

    Tesla's have lots of issues but I wouldn't buy an EV from someone else simply because I want to see the problems ironed out.

    I'm not sure how tolerable I'd find a Tesla where it is so often freezing. The range just falls off so much... but for long distance driving I absolutely love the thing.

  4. #504
    Tesla Plaid?

    Tesla Who?

    The king is dead, long live the king.

    Welcome the Emperor of EV's: Rimac Nevera.

    Zero to sixty in 1.74 seconds.

    The first EV hypercar: costs "only" $2.4M.

    What, Me Worry?

  5. #505
    The only way that I could make that seem halfway interesting is to note that ...

    So, with that in mind, let’s set 30g as our limit for zero-injury acceleration. A car capable of that could get from 0-60 MPH in 0.091 seconds. If we’re willing to accept some cracked ribs and lost fillings, we can get that down to 0.078 seconds, and if we think we can do anything John Stapp could do, let’s say 45g, then we can be as quick as 0.061 seconds to 60 MPH.
    Note the 1961 with 78 = (70 + 2^3) ---> 7/2. Ha.

    Oh, and note the so at the beginning of the sentence, which was well worth the read.

  6. #506
    That's a heluva car for sure, but it's much too early for any kind of mass changeover to electric. Yes EV's can be tolerable and useful to go-nowhere/do-nothing people who might go to the grocery store, fast food joints, a friend's house, and to some local Indian casino. But for many of us who regularly go on extended road trips, they're basically useless.

    Remember when Newsome declared his state would no longer sell ICE vehicles in the near future? Everyone laughed at him and reminded him of their rolling blackouts, and right afterwards California EV owners were ordered not to plug in their cars.

    It's really a joke. And anybody who's been suckered into buying one of these things is a million miles from sensibility. They never realized they were being used as lab rats.

  7. #507
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    That's a heluva car for sure, but it's much too early for any kind of mass changeover to electric. Yes EV's can be tolerable and useful to go-nowhere/do-nothing people who might go to the grocery store, fast food joints, a friend's house, and to some local Indian casino. But for many of us who regularly go on extended road trips, they're basically useless.

    Remember when Newsome declared his state would no longer sell ICE vehicles in the near future? Everyone laughed at him and reminded him of their rolling blackouts, and right afterwards California EV owners were ordered not to plug in their cars.

    It's really a joke. And anybody who's been suckered into buying one of these things is a million miles from sensibility. They never realized they were being used as lab rats.
    Singer always trying so hard.

    Let me break it down.

    My car drives me around town.

    Singer's daughter drives him to the doctor.

    Singer is a really old man bitching about everyone else.

    I'm not so old man loling at his failed attempted trolling.

  8. #508
    I have never posted on this forum before, the only reason I made this account is to see what ZK posts.

    But I just found this thread yesterday and just finished reading it today. And now I want to post.

    I used to look up to Axelwolf. I used to think, "wow, this guy is impressive because he can manage these awesome plays even though he drinks a lot."

    But soon I started to realize that he did not have his drinking under control, and that he was not managing his plays like a pro.

    Debatably I am the 18 year old he had doing his bidding that was mentioned earlier in this thread.

    Axelwolf was drunk 80% of the time I worked with him. He used to have me order his drinks for him, so that he could have two drinks at the same time. Always captain morgan.

    Axelwolf's decision making skills were affected by his drinking, no question. He would be drunk, then make poor decisions, which in the end costed team money.

    One time I was driving axelwolf across state lines on Christmas Day. We stopped at multiple gas stations along the way, but they were all sold out of gas. We barely reached the final gas station before a huge distance of no gas. Running on fumes. That gas station was closed until 8am. It was around 1am at the time. Both me and the other passenger in the car said that we should just stop here and wait for them to open at 8am so we can buy gas. Axelwolf raised his voice and started yelling at us to drive into the desert with no gas. His reasoning was that there was no phone signal, and because of that we can't stay there. Axelwolf started yelling and told me to drive into the desert. So I did. And we ran out of gas in the middle of the desert. We were forced to pay a tow truck company $300 to deliver 2 gallons of gas to us, and they didn't even show up until 8am.

    I believe that 99% of people would have made the right decision in that moment, but axelwolf was not able to.

    I have personally witnessed axel forget very important details multiple times. One time I lost $2000 while working with him. When I brought it up, he said "You're so full of shit."

    One time I was driving axel around in one of my cars that I really liked. Axel asked to smoke inside, I said no. He complained and I gave in because I felt obligated to him. He said "I'm not going to burn a hole in your seat." He immediately burned a hole in my seat. Nobody has ever smoked in that car before, you were the first and only one and you burned a hole, and you didn't mention it. I discovered it when I got home.

    I don't like to badmouth anybody. But after reading this post, I see now that I am not alone in my opinions of axelwolf. Everyone held him in such high regards that I felt like I could blindly trust him. That was a mistake.

    Learning what not to do is the exact same thing as learning what to do.

    Axelwolf has taught me a lot. He was my first step into the world of slot AP. He was kind to me and provided me with a huge first step. He showed what to do, and through his own actions, showed me what not to do. I learned a ton from him, and for that I am truly thankful. Really.

    However in the end, I realize that I was just a piece of advantage that could easily be taken. That was the most important lesson that I learned.

    Sorry to bring up a dead beaten horse, Axel, but after reading through this thread I realize that I am not alone, and that I need to submit my vote that this thread is accurate in its assessment.

  9. #509
    Originally Posted by jce102jz View Post
    I have never posted on this forum before, the only reason I made this account is to see what ZK posts.

    But I just found this thread yesterday and just finished reading it today. And now I want to post.

    I used to look up to Axelwolf. I used to think, "wow, this guy is impressive because he can manage these awesome plays even though he drinks a lot."

    But soon I started to realize that he did not have his drinking under control, and that he was not managing his plays like a pro.

    Debatably I am the 18 year old he had doing his bidding that was mentioned earlier in this thread.

    Axelwolf was drunk 80% of the time I worked with him. He used to have me order his drinks for him, so that he could have two drinks at the same time. Always captain morgan.

    Axelwolf's decision making skills were affected by his drinking, no question. He would be drunk, then make poor decisions, which in the end costed team money.

    One time I was driving axelwolf across state lines on Christmas Day. We stopped at multiple gas stations along the way, but they were all sold out of gas. We barely reached the final gas station before a huge distance of no gas. Running on fumes. That gas station was closed until 8am. It was around 1am at the time. Both me and the other passenger in the car said that we should just stop here and wait for them to open at 8am so we can buy gas. Axelwolf raised his voice and started yelling at us to drive into the desert with no gas. His reasoning was that there was no phone signal, and because of that we can't stay there. Axelwolf started yelling and told me to drive into the desert. So I did. And we ran out of gas in the middle of the desert. We were forced to pay a tow truck company $300 to deliver 2 gallons of gas to us, and they didn't even show up until 8am.

    I believe that 99% of people would have made the right decision in that moment, but axelwolf was not able to.

    I have personally witnessed axel forget very important details multiple times. One time I lost $2000 while working with him. When I brought it up, he said "You're so full of shit."

    One time I was driving axel around in one of my cars that I really liked. Axel asked to smoke inside, I said no. He complained and I gave in because I felt obligated to him. He said "I'm not going to burn a hole in your seat." He immediately burned a hole in my seat. Nobody has ever smoked in that car before, you were the first and only one and you burned a hole, and you didn't mention it. I discovered it when I got home.

    I don't like to badmouth anybody. But after reading this post, I see now that I am not alone in my opinions of axelwolf. Everyone held him in such high regards that I felt like I could blindly trust him. That was a mistake.

    Learning what not to do is the exact same thing as learning what to do.

    Axelwolf has taught me a lot. He was my first step into the world of slot AP. He was kind to me and provided me with a huge first step. He showed what to do, and through his own actions, showed me what not to do. I learned a ton from him, and for that I am truly thankful. Really.

    However in the end, I realize that I was just a piece of advantage that could easily be taken. That was the most important lesson that I learned.

    Sorry to bring up a dead beaten horse, Axel, but after reading through this thread I realize that I am not alone, and that I need to submit my vote that this thread is accurate in its assessment.
    I don't have a clue what this thread includes but the very 1st sentence in this post probably set its own tone: You do not need to be a member to read posts here.

    The rest of the post smacks of hate--par for the course in this world of losers.

    But fear not--when these clowns awaken you'll get your desired results.

  10. #510
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    A person who doesn't drink often has some aspect of themselves they wish to hide.
    Is this what you meant to type?
    Yes. People don't drink for lots of reasons. In general drinking makes one's true colors show. It is a truth serum of sorts. So I tend to trust drinkers slightly more than those who don't drink. Just an observation of mine but can be clearly wrong in many cases. Lots of reasons to not drink...

  11. #511
    Originally Posted by jce102jz View Post
    after reading through this thread I realize that I am not alone, and that I need to submit my vote that this thread is accurate in its assessment.
    This is corroboration of everything Monet has said about the Wolf, that he is a
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    fall down drunk
    and a low end
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    But I don't think he does anything different from say, DarkOz, who also takes advantage of anyone who works for him.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  12. #512
    Originally Posted by jce102jz View Post
    I have never posted on this forum before, the only reason I made this account is to see what ZK posts.

    But I just found this thread yesterday and just finished reading it today. And now I want to post.

    I used to look up to Axelwolf. I used to think, "wow, this guy is impressive because he can manage these awesome plays even though he drinks a lot."

    But soon I started to realize that he did not have his drinking under control, and that he was not managing his plays like a pro.

    Debatably I am the 18 year old he had doing his bidding that was mentioned earlier in this thread.

    Axelwolf was drunk 80% of the time I worked with him. He used to have me order his drinks for him, so that he could have two drinks at the same time. Always captain morgan.

    Axelwolf's decision making skills were affected by his drinking, no question. He would be drunk, then make poor decisions, which in the end costed team money.

    One time I was driving axelwolf across state lines on Christmas Day. We stopped at multiple gas stations along the way, but they were all sold out of gas. We barely reached the final gas station before a huge distance of no gas. Running on fumes. That gas station was closed until 8am. It was around 1am at the time. Both me and the other passenger in the car said that we should just stop here and wait for them to open at 8am so we can buy gas. Axelwolf raised his voice and started yelling at us to drive into the desert with no gas. His reasoning was that there was no phone signal, and because of that we can't stay there. Axelwolf started yelling and told me to drive into the desert. So I did. And we ran out of gas in the middle of the desert. We were forced to pay a tow truck company $300 to deliver 2 gallons of gas to us, and they didn't even show up until 8am.

    I believe that 99% of people would have made the right decision in that moment, but axelwolf was not able to.

    I have personally witnessed axel forget very important details multiple times. One time I lost $2000 while working with him. When I brought it up, he said "You're so full of shit."

    One time I was driving axel around in one of my cars that I really liked. Axel asked to smoke inside, I said no. He complained and I gave in because I felt obligated to him. He said "I'm not going to burn a hole in your seat." He immediately burned a hole in my seat. Nobody has ever smoked in that car before, you were the first and only one and you burned a hole, and you didn't mention it. I discovered it when I got home.

    I don't like to badmouth anybody. But after reading this post, I see now that I am not alone in my opinions of axelwolf. Everyone held him in such high regards that I felt like I could blindly trust him. That was a mistake.

    Learning what not to do is the exact same thing as learning what to do.

    Axelwolf has taught me a lot. He was my first step into the world of slot AP. He was kind to me and provided me with a huge first step. He showed what to do, and through his own actions, showed me what not to do. I learned a ton from him, and for that I am truly thankful. Really.

    However in the end, I realize that I was just a piece of advantage that could easily be taken. That was the most important lesson that I learned.

    Sorry to bring up a dead beaten horse, Axel, but after reading through this thread I realize that I am not alone, and that I need to submit my vote that this thread is accurate in its assessment.
    There should be some sort of pork chop reference in this post. Did you want to stop for some pork chops and Axelwolf wouldn't let you? Did you have some frozen pork chops in a cooler that went bad because you drove into the desert and ran out of gas? Come on man...there has to be more "pork" to this story that you are telling us.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  13. #513
    UNKewlJ is so used to lying and making up other lies to back up his initial lies:
    Originally Posted by mdawg
    It takes a real sociopathic liar to fail to see that he's guilty of what he thinks he sees in others.
    Obviously the level of detail being offered in jce102jz's post would be easily shot down by Wolf if it never happened.

    These "details" are the sort of thing that are always missing from UNKewlJ fables, UNKewl fables are always bland generic attempts that are obviously pulled from something he read or heard, and in the end, he often gets it so wrong that he hangs himself with contradiction, including to the point where he sometimes admits that he was lying and then tries to present some new absurd lie about why he lied.

    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Guess who said this UNKewlJ?

    He's pretty much a pathological liar you can't believe anything he says. But also probably a sociopath and they have no guilt no shame no embarrassment. They simply make up lies to cover the other lies.

    Could it be perhaps that well known AP you used to think is on your side?

    But it was so well said I decided to just adopt it for myself.
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    The better lies worn smooth through years of use.

    The not so good lies? The ones UNKewLyingJ didn't have time to perfect.

    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Next time you want to tell a whopper, talk to me and lets walk through it. I'll only charge you $200.
    But, all lies nonetheless.
    Last edited by MDawg; 12-18-2023 at 10:16 AM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  14. #514
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    A person who doesn't drink often has some aspect of themselves they wish to hide.
    Is this what you meant to type?
    Yes. People don't drink for lots of reasons. In general drinking makes one's true colors show. It is a truth serum of sorts. So I tend to trust drinkers slightly more than those who don't drink. Just an observation of mine but can be clearly wrong in many cases. Lots of reasons to not drink...
    As a former heavy drinker I can tell you that booze is not a truth serum. A drunk is deranged. What they say and do, or believe, has no relationship to what they say and do, or believe when they are sober.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  15. #515
    You know the saying, no good deed goes unpunished. This jce102jz guy is the reason I quit teaching advantage slots in person to people I know. They will promise you the moon if you will just teach them. But once they have all the information you become expendable. Axel is now expendable to this jce guy. So he is, so typical, throwing Axel under the bus.

    The question now is how much has jce made and how much does he continue to make since Axel took him under his wing? Slot AP is a vocation that lasts a lifetime. And it's an occupation where you are self employed and answer to no one. You literally make a living with no strings attached. That in itself is priceless.

    Axel taught this guy a lifetime gig. Then the guy turns around and shits on him. I've had the same thing happen to me.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  16. #516
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    As a former heavy drinker I can tell you that booze is not a truth serum. A drunk is deranged. What they say and do, or believe, has no relationship to what they say and do, or believe when they are sober.
    Interesting take. I drank a ton and I was almost never "deranged". (although did happen) I was a happy goofy drunk. All that time I spent in bars only one guy tried to pick a fight with me. Those who become deranged typically have that deep within themselves. I am just LOL LOL and like people instead of disliking them by default.

    People have loose lips all the time when they are drinking. I don't totally disagree with what you're saying but I'm surprised you disagree so strongly with my take.

    People tell secrets. Admit stuff about themselves. Just less guarded in general.

  17. #517
    A classic bumpersticker:

    "Instant asshole, just add alcohol."
    What, Me Worry?

  18. #518
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    A classic bumpersticker:

    "Instant asshole, just add alcohol."
    There has been an insane amount of bonding and friendship and hookups over alcohol. I'd disagree with the above but never drink if you are pissed off. Sad - sure but not pissed off.

  19. #519
    My father was a hard working, decent family man, but when he drank he typically became argumentative and disputatious, "asshole."

    Back when I drank my wife came close to leaving me over it as I too became an argumentative, disputatious "asshole."

    I suspect this "alcohol assholery" is NOT genetic.
    What, Me Worry?

  20. #520
    I think that it's like brainwashing, which is amplifying existing tendencies. You can't make people do what they're not already inclined to do.

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