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Thread: Hahahahha shout out to security guard

  1. #1
    Mean mugging me and talking about me to other guards as he passes me. Looking at what I'm holding and I'd be talking about myself too. Find another AP that does nothing wrong playing slots and gets mean mugged and talked about to other security guards. That's when you know you're the best. I'd be jealous too. Go ahead and try to throw me out. Other than the high roller degens, I'm one of the few getting action down in that motherfuker. Asian hustlers no attention. Crackheads no attention. But the king, gets all the attention. I don't blame you. I love me some me too. You wish you were me. Have fun droning away at your security position wannabe cop. Too stupid to be a cop so you gotta act like an overzealous security guard. Vegas been trying to get rid of me for almost a decade lmaoo but you guys got NOTHING on me. Two steps ahead and always will be.
    Last edited by ZenKinG; 02-04-2024 at 10:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Could you share what casino and if you don't want to do so publicly, could you PM me. Just curious.

    I really believe here in Vegas casinos are starting to at lease take note of all the machine advantage play that is occurring regularly now. There are just so many players doing some of this stuff in Vegas right now. Other locations, maybe not as many, but Vegas is just swarming with it. The free ride that machine players have gotten as far as casino's and surveillance is coming to an end.

    I don't know what kind of counter-measures will start happening regularly. I suspect once identified it will be along the lines of no mail, rather than interactions with security and back-offs or tress passes.

    I am surprised it has taken this long really. And not wishing anything bad for anyone, but the more people and types of players surveillance is looking at/for, the better for traditional card counters. We are usually low on the list of what is important to surveillance, unless you really make a nuisance of yourself.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  3. #3
    Why would ZK stoop to treating you like anything other than the tunnel dwelling prostitute that you are.

    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Just the way he writes stuff like "Thats not how blackjack card counting works". Like who the fuck talks like that other than someone that never played or has played almost nothing and first getting into it. Its cringy as hell. Put two and two together. No ones ever met this guy, probably some retard in india posting on the forums looking for attention creating this persona online. What else is new in a community and industry full of degens, scammers, and pathological liars.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  4. #4
    Shut the fuck up and stop your trolling. When was the last time you contributed anything to this or any forum that wasn't just Mdawg trolling?
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  5. #5
    I don't think I'd celebrate getting the attention of casino security. It means you are likely getting close to burning the property.

  6. #6
    Originally Posted by jdog View Post
    I don't think I'd celebrate getting the attention of casino security. It means you are likely getting close to burning the property.

    I go back to Norm's blackjack forum with Zenking. At that time he was in his late 20's living with his parents, playing blackjack at the Pa Casinos. A few years later we were both at WoV, where he announced plans to move to Las Vegas and specifically mentioned several times that this plan was inspired by me and what I had shared. I take no responsibility for that. But it did make me want to try to help him, from afar, without getting to involved with him.

    Upon his arrival here in Vegas, I offered him some suggestions and advice, both publicly and privately and things I had learned during my time here. He was playing very similar stakes to what I was playing, green to mid-black (he was spreading to 2 hands whereas I mostly stuck with 1 because I found that to draw attention). I also advised, to stay away from the strip or play the strip minimally. Those are the casinos with the top surveillance personnel using the top and latest technology. If you are going to be a "grinder" type player, playing a regular rotation, even a decent size rotation, you want to avoid or minimize the places that can cause you the most trouble. I think at one point I even posted publicly my exact rotation for him. Roughly 30 casinos that I played regularly that were pretty tolerant of the stakes he and I were playing (as long as you don't camp out for too long).

    I also PMed axelwolf and asked if he and maxpen and others might be able to help ZK in any way. Maybe get into some supplemental non-blackjack stuff. Turns out they had already met him and sort of taken him under wing, which was great.

    But in reading Zenking over the years, he did everything exactly opposite of what I advised. He played mostly the very strip casinos I advised against. Didn't play the local type places. Didn't even really play enough to be a "grinder" or a large enough rotation. And he had and still has this habit of taking everything personally (like backoffs) and drawing additional attention, when the goal should be to minimize the situation and attention.

    So I did everything I could for least that I was willing to without getting too involved and he did exactly the opposite every step of the way, and continues to do the opposite. But he is the GOAT, so what are you going to do?

    Similarly, BillRyan (recently banned for 6 months at WoV), I knew from the BJ forum before even Norm's forum. When he moved to Vegas I offered him some suggestions as he was wanting to play not just the lower limit blackjack that he played, but some other smaller AP machine stuff in his retirement years. I sent him a list of just some minor things different casinos did and offered.

    That is what I do. And I do that because people have helped me along the way. I have mentioned a bunch of times that when I arrived here, an AP in Vegas that I am still friendly with, told me about the video poker mailer play. Like Zenking, I was here for blackjack. I had no interest in VP play. He convinced me that not taking advantage of it putting a modest amount of coin-in through that would result in mailer offers disproportionally higher than the cost, was "like leaving money on the table". In the end, that supplemental play that my partner and I did, made us 400 K which we split over the years. Nice little extra chunk of coin.

    And that is exactly why I have always tried to do my part in helping some other players, especially those just getting started, or new to Vegas. Mostly just advice and little stuff that might help them. It is a little frustrating when someone decides they know everything and does the opposite and then complains when things don't work out.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by jdog View Post
    I don't think I'd celebrate getting the attention of casino security. It means you are likely getting close to burning the property.

    I go back to Norm's blackjack forum with Zenking. At that time he was in his late 20's living with his parents, playing blackjack at the Pa Casinos. A few years later we were both at WoV, where he announced plans to move to Las Vegas and specifically mentioned several times that this plan was inspired by me and what I had shared. I take no responsibility for that. But it did make me want to try to help him, from afar, without getting to involved with him.

    Upon his arrival here in Vegas, I offered him some suggestions and advice, both publicly and privately and things I had learned during my time here. He was playing very similar stakes to what I was playing, green to mid-black (he was spreading to 2 hands whereas I mostly stuck with 1 because I found that to draw attention). I also advised, to stay away from the strip or play the strip minimally. Those are the casinos with the top surveillance personnel using the top and latest technology. If you are going to be a "grinder" type player, playing a regular rotation, even a decent size rotation, you want to avoid or minimize the places that can cause you the most trouble. I think at one point I even posted publicly my exact rotation for him. Roughly 30 casinos that I played regularly that were pretty tolerant of the stakes he and I were playing (as long as you don't camp out for too long).

    I also PMed axelwolf and asked if he and maxpen and others might be able to help ZK in any way. Maybe get into some supplemental non-blackjack stuff. Turns out they had already met him and sort of taken him under wing, which was great.

    But in reading Zenking over the years, he did everything exactly opposite of what I advised. He played mostly the very strip casinos I advised against. Didn't play the local type places. Didn't even really play enough to be a "grinder" or a large enough rotation. And he had and still has this habit of taking everything personally (like backoffs) and drawing additional attention, when the goal should be to minimize the situation and attention.

    So I did everything I could for least that I was willing to without getting too involved and he did exactly the opposite every step of the way, and continues to do the opposite. But he is the GOAT, so what are you going to do?

    Similarly, BillRyan (recently banned for 6 months at WoV), I knew from the BJ forum before even Norm's forum. When he moved to Vegas I offered him some suggestions as he was wanting to play not just the lower limit blackjack that he played, but some other smaller AP machine stuff in his retirement years. I sent him a list of just some minor things different casinos did and offered.

    That is what I do. And I do that because people have helped me along the way. I have mentioned a bunch of times that when I arrived here, an AP in Vegas that I am still friendly with, told me about the video poker mailer play. Like Zenking, I was here for blackjack. I had no interest in VP play. He convinced me that not taking advantage of it putting a modest amount of coin-in through that would result in mailer offers disproportionally higher than the cost, was "like leaving money on the table". In the end, that supplemental play that my partner and I did, made us 400 K which we split over the years. Nice little extra chunk of coin.

    And that is exactly why I have always tried to do my part in helping some other players, especially those just getting started, or new to Vegas. Mostly just advice and little stuff that might help them. It is a little frustrating when someone decides they know everything and does the opposite and then complains when things don't work out.
    Out of a net profit of 400k lifetime machine play there was a $100k jackpot on $50 free play, another $50k jackpot on VP, and at least one

    He still to this day claims to not know the ranking of poker hands

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Out of a net profit of 400k lifetime machine play there was a $100k jackpot on $50 free play, another $50k jackpot on VP, and at least one

    He still to this day claims to not know the ranking of poker hands
    I don't really count the $100k jackpot on a progressive slot machine among the totals. It wasn't advantage play. It wasn't +EV. Although there is an argument to be made that the free play we received at a new casino based on tier made it so. I just don't count it as advantage play. Just the same as I don't count a lawsuit settlement as advantage play earnings, although you can make a case that it is related.

    I know the rankings of the VP games that we played, mostly bonus. I don't know the rankings of all the different games and tables that I don't play. I guess my comment that you are jumping on was in regards to poker, like at a table, which I don't play. I guess the rankings are the same. THAT is how much I don't play real poker. I have never played a single hand of poker at a poker table. But yeah, I guess it is the same.

    Look, dude, I don't claim to know what I don't know. I know about what I do in my very narrow little field of advantage play.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Why would ZK (or anyone else) stoop to treating you like anything other than the tunnel dwelling prostitute that you are.

    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Just the way he writes stuff like "Thats not how blackjack card counting works". Like who the fuck talks like that other than someone that never played or has played almost nothing and first getting into it. Its cringy as hell. Put two and two together. No ones ever met this guy, probably some retard in india posting on the forums looking for attention creating this persona online. What else is new in a community and industry full of degens, scammers, and pathological liars.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  10. #10
    Mdawg, can you name one thing that you have EVER posted or shared that wasn't just bragging and trying to impress people and may have helped, benefited or been useful to others?

    Just one?
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    You guys continue to give an internet phony like kew exactly what he wants and craves--24/7 attention. He can't tell the truth, he can't spin a believable story, he can't stay away from forum-posting like he keeps claiming he will, and he can't live a dignified life because he's poor and lonely.

    Leave him alone and he will virtually die, with true and real pain.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  12. #12
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Mean mugging me and talking about me to other guards as he passes me. Looking at what I'm holding and I'd be talking about myself too. Find another AP that does nothing wrong playing slots and gets mean mugged and talked about to other security guards. That's when you know you're the best. I'd be jealous too. Go ahead and try to throw me out. Other than the high roller degens, I'm one of the few getting action down in that motherfuker. Asian hustlers no attention. Crackheads no attention. But the king, gets all the attention. I don't blame you. I love me some me too. You wish you were me. Have fun droning away at your security position wannabe cop. Too stupid to be a cop so you gotta act like an overzealous security guard. Vegas been trying to get rid of me for almost a decade lmaoo but you guys got NOTHING on me. Two steps ahead and always will be.
    You're really not an AP with this attitude. The fuck can't you just be happy you lucked into something way too late because you're a bitch asshole. You know how you don't get attention, don't open your stupid fucking mouth and realize no fucking play is ever worth any trouble. Never ever open your mouth even to burp when maybe or maybe not you're fucking over some stupid old broad maxing her credit cards out.

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Out of a net profit of 400k lifetime machine play there was a $100k jackpot on $50 free play, another $50k jackpot on VP, and at least one

    He still to this day claims to not know the ranking of poker hands
    I don't really count the $100k jackpot on a progressive slot machine among the totals. It wasn't advantage play. It wasn't +EV. Although there is an argument to be made that the free play we received at a new casino based on tier made it so. I just don't count it as advantage play. Just the same as I don't count a lawsuit settlement as advantage play earnings, although you can make a case that it is related.

    I know the rankings of the VP games that we played, mostly bonus. I don't know the rankings of all the different games and tables that I don't play. I guess my comment that you are jumping on was in regards to poker, like at a table, which I don't play. I guess the rankings are the same. THAT is how much I don't play real poker. I have never played a single hand of poker at a poker table. But yeah, I guess it is the same.

    Look, dude, I don't claim to know what I don't know. I know about what I do in my very narrow little field of advantage play.
    Was the $50 fp based on tier or new player signup?

  14. #14
    Based on disastrously his lies have been working for him lately - he’ll need to both “study up” and look frantically over his prior answers before he dares respond.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

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