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Thread: Tipping on Handpays - I feel like such a chump...

  1. #21
    While I didn't tip the slot slut at Spirit Mtn. when I got a handpay Thursday, I did tip a security guard twenty bucks the following AM at Chinook Winds.

    My car got a flat tire in the parking lot; as a shade tree mechanix I had no concerns about changing the tire myself.

    But...I soon discovered that I'd over-tightened the lug nuts and couldn't loosen them on site using the flimsy tool the car came with.

    A security guard came over and at my suggestion he went and got a good sized piece of pipe which we used as a lever to bust the nuts loose.

    He was very helpful and I had no qualms about tipping him for the VALUE he imparted.
    What, Me Worry?

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by SLaPiNFuNK View Post
    Why even bother? I see these shills streaming on YouTube hitting handpays for 5 figures and just using the quickpay feature... Then you have me and my dumbass hitting multiple 1250 wins playing $5 DDB and having to wait around for the handpay and give $10... Why even bother anymore? Why should I be tipping when these people are not and hitting for larger amounts?

    I used to tip:

    1250 = $10
    2000 = $20
    4000 = $40

    Don't even feel like doing it at all anymore...
    Jason, your dad used to chastise me over my stance of never tipping for handpays. But if you're finally gonna stop being intimidated (most tippers scoff at that word but thats what it really is and everyone knows it) into handing over a small portion of your win, do it because giving away $$ to the attendants makes no sense, and not because of what goes on elsewhere. I suspect those using this quickpay feature eventually get coaxed into tipping in some fashion before leaving anyway.
    By the way... Years and years ago, when we would go to Pechanga, there were DDB $5 machines where 4oak would pay $1195. He would play them so he didn't have to tip...

  3. #23
    Are you at liberty to clarify something?

    Some speculate that your dad basically pissed away all or most of his money on casino gambling: is that true?

    I'd like to think he had SOME self control, but hey, who knows?

    He surely was bitten by the gamblin' bug.
    What, Me Worry?

  4. #24
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Are you at liberty to clarify something?

    Some speculate that your dad basically pissed away all or most of his money on casino gambling: is that true?

    I'd like to think he had SOME self control, but hey, who knows?

    He surely was bitten by the gamblin' bug.
    Alan was no more a gambling addict than ANYONE who lives in LV and gambles....AP or not (and most of them claim they're "AP's" for obvious reasons.) The reason why his exploits get scrutinized on forums is because of his penchant to announce his taking spur-of-the-moment trips from LA to LV in the middle of the night to gamble. No different really (except not as frequent) from all those who live in LV and can't stop from going to casinos to gamble almost on a daily, self-destructive basis.

  5. #25
    Shheesh, what a bunch of cheaps-skate, tights-wad, and skinned-flint in here, hey hey!!!!

  6. #26
    Alan wasn't an advantage gambler. He was just a gambler.

    I don't see how his finances would be a useful discussion topic now that he's passed.

    Thanks to Alan's interest in gambling, we have this forum where we can still talk together today, even more than a year after he's been gone. It remains an alternative to Wizard of Vegas.

    Let's just leave it at that, as far as Alan is concerned, and be happy this place exists thanks to him.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  7. #27
    Sorry, but I was concerned for his circumstances toward the end and was hoping to hear that he was doing OK til he sevened out at the end.

    He was an interesting man.
    What, Me Worry?

  8. #28
    Server wages should be banned in every state
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  9. #29
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Are you at liberty to clarify something?

    Some speculate that your dad basically pissed away all or most of his money on casino gambling: is that true?

    I'd like to think he had SOME self control, but hey, who knows?

    He surely was bitten by the gamblin' bug.
    He didn't blow everything away, at least from what I know.

  10. #30
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Alan wasn't an advantage gambler. He was just a gambler.

    I don't see how his finances would be a useful discussion topic now that he's passed.

    Thanks to Alan's interest in gambling, we have this forum where we can still talk together today, even more than a year after he's been gone. It remains an alternative to Wizard of Vegas.

    Let's just leave it at that, as far as Alan is concerned, and be happy this place exists thanks to him.
    He definitely loved the game. We had some good times playing together as well. He didn't have a mean bone in his body. He was a good dude.

    What is wild, I used to talk with him about doing gambling videos of him playing video poker and stuff... Wish we did them...

  11. #31
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Sorry, but I was concerned for his circumstances toward the end and was hoping to hear that he was doing OK til he sevened out at the end.

    He was an interesting man.
    At his fun-eral, I mentioned that he 7nd out for the last time... heh... Yeah, he would call them Fun-Erals...

  12. #32
    By the way.... I'm looking for a particular video of my father and found my "Rob Singer Hold Royal"

    Name:  031711royalflush(1).jpg
Views: 237
Size:  43.6 KB

  13. #33're in for it now!

  14. #34
    Thank you for the positive info about Alan, SLaPINfunk, good to hear.
    What, Me Worry?

  15. #35
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post're in for it now!
    This one was years and years ago... But I always hold just the queen for you If I am delt K J off suit I pick one based on how many other of the suit are on the board.

  16. #36
    Originally Posted by SLaPiNFuNK View Post
    But I always hold just the queen for you
    Wait, Robert likes to hold queens?

    I thought he hated gays.

    Live and learn.
    What, Me Worry?

  17. #37
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Alan wasn't an advantage gambler. He was just a gambler.

    I don't see how his finances would be a useful discussion topic now that he's passed.

    Thanks to Alan's interest in gambling, we have this forum where we can still talk together today, even more than a year after he's been gone. It remains an alternative to Wizard of Vegas.

    Let's just leave it at that, as far as Alan is concerned, and be happy this place exists thanks to him.
    He also would investigate real things

  18. #38
    What bothers me about the tipping situation is when the expected tip is greater than what is reasonable.

    So at that point, your choices are:

    1) Overtip
    2) Tip fairly, and be resented
    3) Tip zero, and be even more resented

    I have decided I will never go for option #2. If I feel the slot attendant is going to resent my tip (based upon past interactions with them), I will not tip at all. You aren't getting my tip money if you're going to resent me for it. I'd rather keep it in my pocket if resentment is going to enter the equation.

    I really hate the expectation to tip on handpays, though. It's not a voluntary service. It's paperwork based upon federal law.

    Regarding the WSOP, I do not give extra tips there when I cash. As has already been pointed out, an autotip comes out of the prize pool. There is an option to leave extra, but I don't. I do tip when there is no auto-tip in place, but most tournament venues have an auto-tip now.

    An obnoxious thing happened in the mid-2000s to a kid who hit a $1.2 million tournament score at some poker venue (not WSOP). The venue had an auto-tip, but they asked him if he wanted to leave any extra. He left another $1,000. That was generous -- he should have left zero, because the auto-tip already tipped the staff! Instead, some asshole dealer or staff member violated his privacy and anonymously shamed him for it on a poker forum (not mine). He got clobbered for it, with everyone calling him a cheapskate, an ingrate, an asshole, a cold hearted selfish prick, etc. I tried to defend him, but it fell on deaf ears. People had such a hard time wrapping their head around the $1000 being EXTRA above the auto-tip. Some understood it, but called it an "insult" that he left "only" $1000 above it. Fuck them.

    Anyway, it drove the kid out of poker. He was devastated by it, and thought everyone hated him. I knew his girlfriend at the time, and she told me about all of this. I felt so bad for him, and tried to defend him, but morons gonna be morons.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  19. #39
    I remember that story... I no longer tip on tournament winnings, not that I've gone very deep lately :-/

  20. #40
    If everyone stopped tipping then slot techs would quit if they could get a better job. It would no longer subsidize casino wages. Casinos therefore start to actually push to raise the w2g threshold.

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