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Thread: Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D

  1. #821
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    I get a kick out of seeing how long the bouts of amateur scatology. But, the occasional odd numeral catches my eye.

    475664 = 2^4 * 7 * 31 * 137 = 7*31 * (2^4 = 4^2) * 137 ---> 731__24_42__137 .

    And, 475664 = (1000000 - 524336) = (1000000 - 2^4 * 32771) = [1000000 - 2^4 * (-1000 + 1 + 33770)] ---> 1 / 24__731_137_42 .
    123456 = {24*[7073 / (3^2 + 1 + 1)] * 4*2} ---> 24__731_137_42, by again breaking the up the paired 1's, 3's, and 7's.

    123456 = (1000000 - 876544) = [1000000 - (13712^2 - 13680^2)] = {1000000 - [(13700 + 2^4 - 4)^2 - [(13700 - 20)^2]} ---> 1 / 731__24_42__137 .

    Each without the non-2^4 or outside exponents included .
    Last edited by Garnabby; 03-07-2024 at 07:56 PM.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  2. #822
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    I get a kick out of seeing how long the bouts of amateur scatology. But, the occasional odd numeral catches my eye.

    475664 = 2^4 * 7 * 31 * 137 = 7*31 * (2^4 = 4^2) * 137 ---> 731__24_42__137 .

    And, 475664 = (1000000 - 524336) = (1000000 - 2^4 * 32771) = [1000000 - 2^4 * (-1000 + 1 + 33770)] ---> 1 / 24__731_137_42 .
    123456 = {24*[7073 / (3^2 + 1 + 1)] * 4*2} ---> 24__731_137_42, by again breaking the up the paired 1's, 3's, and 7's.

    123456 = (1000000 - 876544) = [1000000 - (13712^2 - 13680^2)] = {1000000 - [(13700 + 2^4 - 4)^2 - [(13700 - 20)^2]} ---> 1 / 731__24_42__137 .

    Each without the non-2^4 or outside exponents included .
    The highlight of Tasha's first month at the NSA was helping train a new recruit, Abby Garn. Unlike Tasha, who had only a forged HS diploma, Abby had been recruited through traditional channels at a top ranked university where she had earned a Ph.D. in computational physics. But much like Tasha, Abby was socially awkward and collected queefs the way normal people collect stamps or coins.

    "So basically, every week our supervisor Axl Rose comes up with a big number and we have to help him write a report about it." Tasha explained.

    "Like the book reports we had to write in high school for our AP English Lit class?" Abby asked.

    "I don't know what AP means except in the context of gambling." Tasha confessed. She continued. "It's not that hard, you can just look up stuff online. But the big rule is you can't take work home with you. It's a matter of national security. Don't make the mistake I did and try to play these numbers in the lottery."

    Just then Axl walked over and introduced himself to the new recruit. Much to Tasha' surprise, it was love at first site for Axl and Abby. The pair of lovebirds commenced boning in the supply closet while Tasha blushed shyly. Goddammit, she mused, I thought for sure I was going to end up with Axl in this story. Five minutes later, Axl and Abby emerged from the supply closet, blushing shyly. Axl announced that he and Abby had decided to quit the NSA and move to a small farm in upstate New York where they would raise their 10 children. Tasha's feeling of dejection was short-lived, as Axl further announced that Tasha would be promoted to his position. Maybe the gods are on my side, she mused.

  3. #823
    The next day, they got up and ate and got ready for the day. There was a knock on the door. Axl knew exactly who it was. It was some mental health hospital Staff, ready to take Andy to the mental health hospital!

    Axl said,"I called them to take you to the mental health hospital. I have Power Of Attorney over you."

    Andy said,"I don't want to go."

    Axl said,"You need serious mental help. And you'll be getting the help you need."

    Billy, James, Jimmy, Axl, and Mike all backed up Axl.

    Andy reluctantly agreed to let the mental health hospital take him away. He put on a bulletproof vest and motorcycle helmet and left with the mental health hospital staff.

    Billy, Axl, James, Jimmy, and Mike all soon went to the mental hospital and visited Andy.

    Andy was grateful that his five brothers were visiting him in the mental health hospital. They played Monopoly and Scrabble and chatted.

    On Social Media, Fans were once again clamoring for another Cake Cream Show soon.

    Cake Cream and Axl all looked around at each other awkwardly. Andy was in a mental health hospital. He couldn't do a Cake Cream Show while he was in the mental health hospital. They wanted to please their Fans who were getting more and more anxious for a Cake Cream Show, but once again, Andy was in the mental health hospital.

    Axl said," Maybe I can book a Cake Cream Show with just me, Billy, Mike, Jimmy, and James and claim that Andy is at home"Sleeping?"

    Andy, James, Jimmy, Mike, and Billy all agreed this wasn't a bad idea.

    Axl smiled. He went to the James L Knight Center and booked a Cake Cream Show for tomorrow. Fans were happy.

    Axl went back to the mental health hospital and they all chilled and chatted. Axl begun to feel tired, so he fell asleep in Billy's lap. Andy looked at Billy and Axl who were so madly in love with each other and Andy wished he could find true love like Billy and Axl had for each other. Mike, Andy, James, Billy, and Andy all chatted amicably. Andy couldn't believe he ever had wanted to end it all when he had his Cake Cream Family who loved him so much.

    Axl woke up about an hour later and they all chatted amicably. Andy was glad that Axl was his Power Of Attorney. Axl REALLY did save Andy's life multiple times. Andy couldn't believe he had tried to sell out the man who ended up saving his life multiple times, and he tried to do it for technically only $1,000 ! He was lucky Axl didn't permanently end their friendship for that. Andy knew MANY people would have permanently ended their friendship for that. Axl was a true Friend for all of them.

    Soon, visiting time was over and they said their goodbyes to Andy and vice versa. Jimmy, Axl, Billy, James, and Mike all went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and chilled more and then fell asleep.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  4. #824
    We have a breakthrough. Tasha is using MisterV's chapter.

  5. #825
    Originally Posted by ilovebigknockers View Post
    We have a breakthrough. Tasha is using MisterV's chapter.
    Nah...I time traveled far enough into the future to see what Tasha would post, then I ran with it.

    Oh, you're gonna love the part where she festoons Axl in a chicken costume and has him run for president: spoiler...HE WINS.
    What, Me Worry?

  6. #826
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by ilovebigknockers View Post
    We have a breakthrough. Tasha is using MisterV's chapter.
    Nah...I time traveled far enough into the future to see what Tasha would post, then I ran with it.

    Oh, you're gonna love the part where she festoons Axl in a chicken costume and has him run for president: spoiler...HE WINS.
    I found my write-in vote name.

  7. #827
    Tasha was settling in nicely at the NSA. Taking over Axl's role came with a pay bump that allowed her to blow even more of her government salary on slots and bingo. She spent her lunch breaks slurping strawberry blizzards at DQ, lonely but satisfied in her career as a well-compensated DEI hire who knew jack shit about anything remotely mathematical. On her watch over 200 major institutions suffered from the kind of foreign cyber attacks she was hired to prevent. Oh well. The important thing was that more people who looked like her were living large on the public dime.

    She wasn't the only alphabet agency drone who lunched at DQ. Every day at the same time and place she espied another drab human who slurped strawberry blizzards in a daze. He was kind of cute, Tasha mused, sort of like a young Axl Rose. One day she worked up the courage to go over and talk to him. Just as she was about to open her mouth to introduce herself with a fake name like Karen Nathan, her butt opened first and spoke on her behalf with a hot, eggy trumpet blast. The drab man perked up for the first time in months.

    "Thanks for the fart. I really needed that. You can't imagine how long it's been since I've smelled a woman's fart. My name's Nephi. I work at an alphabet agency."

    "I work at one too," Tasha replied, "I'm Kar--I mean Tasha. So what kind of name is Nephi?"

    "It's a traditional Mormon name. In other words, it was made up by our great fraud and prophet Joseph Smith. I'm surprised you haven't heard the name before. Alphabet agencies love to recruit Mormons because we're very brainwashable and don't ask questions."

    Tasha blushed shyly. "That's so interesting. I think we all know how I got this job." At that remark, both Tasha and Nephi had a hearty laugh, for they did indeed know how Tasha got the job.

  8. #828
    Nurse Tashet blushed shyly as she handed 3 grams of Peruvian flake and some fentanyl to "Doctor" Skydance.

    "Thank you nurse; now, take two umbrella steps."

    Tashet blushed shyly again: oh, how she loved to play "Red Light, Green Light:" she used to play that game all summer while growing up in a Nigerian orphanage.

    While spinning ungracefully forward, Tashet tripped over some spilled medical waste and fell hard, rendering her unconscious.

    Seeing this, "Doctor" Skydance, with a full head of acid, freaked; he ran down the hallway until he espied what seemed a safe refuge: Andy's room.

    Andy was flying on a mixture of magic mushrooms and PCP as prescribed by his treating "physician."

    "Oh my god, it's a giant bug" yelled the deceptive "doctor;" he cowered in fear while Andy was imagining he was a quark in a skunk's asshole, the skunk spinning within a tornado, the planet being sucked into a black hole.
    Last edited by MisterV; 03-09-2024 at 12:55 AM.
    What, Me Worry?

  9. #829
    I lifted the username Garnabby from Garn, and Gabby, a couple that we knew, some time ago. He changed his name from Igor, to Garn; her name was Gabrielle. The first name(s) to come into my head when I signed up for my first online forum. Ha.

    Gabby is a gender-neutral name of French origin. Originally a diminutive form of the French name Gabrielle, Gabby is a fun nickname for both the boy name Gabriel and the girl name it came from. This name means "God is my strength" but is also known more secularly for the world-renowned Olympic-medalist, Gabby Douglas.
    English (western): from a lost place called Garn in Westbury on Severn (Gloucestershire). English: perhaps a shortened form of the Old French personal name Geron, the oblique case form of Garo, a pet form of ancient Germanic names in Ger- (see Gerald , Gerard , Garbutt ).
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  10. #830
    "Garnabby," whose REAL name was "Tasha" (clever, clever girl, the VCT and WoV mistress of sockpuppetry) flicked the fly off the lip of her DQ strawberry blizzard while staring at all the rich, happy celebrities in PEOPLE magaizine.

    "What have they got that I haven't got?" she wondered; at 320 pounds she knew what SHE had that they didn't, and this sad realization made her wolf down the remainder of her blizzard.

    It was then that she espied the box of left over chicken wings: gone in sixty seconds.

    She punctuated her impromptu feast with a blast of volcanic proportions from her nether orb, then stared hard at her computer.

    "What do I write next?" she wondered.

    "Do I have Axl run for president? Maybe Andy becomes deaf and dumb? Maybe Axl should become a chiropractor?"

    Decisions, decisions.

    It was then that her pet scorpion bit her in the labia (Tasha for years had used nudity to jump start her literary muse).


    She began to write..."Cake Cream awoke the following morning and espied a scorpion on the kitchen table of their luxurious penthouse suite.

    "Can I eat him?" begged Jimmy.

    "No" barked Axl, "This one's mine."

    Tasha smiled: briefly derailed, her train of literary thought was back on track and she now felt confident that this time she'd win the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest.
    Last edited by MisterV; 03-09-2024 at 04:23 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #831
    Nephi, the alphabet agency drone originally from Provo, Utah and budding romantic partner of Tasha, sipped on his 12th DQ strawberry blizzard for the day. He had been on the fence about giving his brother a call, but decided it was the right thing to do in light of the almost tragic circumstances. He knew the mental health hospital would not allow his brother the use of cell phone, so he called reception.

    "Hello, I would like to speak with my brother, Coriantumr Johnson," Nephi said shyly while blushing.

    "Who dat?" the uncouth woman on the other end barked.

    "Oh, sorry, he goes by Andy now. May I please speak to Andy? I'm his brother, Nephi."

    After a while Nephi was connected to his brother. "Coriantumr! It's been too long. How are you holding up?"

    "I told you to never call me by that name, Nephi. Even though it is an authentic bizarro Mormon name from the Book of Mormon, I go by Andy now. If any of Cake Cream's social media stans found out my original name was Coriantumr, I would kill myself for realsies."

    "Okay, sorry. It's just that Teancum and I are worried about our youngest brother."

    Andy retorted, "You obviously haven't spoken to Teancum in a long time or else you'd know he goes by Tony now."

    Nephi was startled, "What? But Teancum is one of the greatest heroes from the Book of Mormon. Tony is a generic mobster name."

    "Look Nephi, I don't get a lot of phone time, so is there anything else you wanted to talk about besides stupid Mormon names?"

    Nephi blushed shyly on his end of the call. Should he tell his youngest brother about his budding romance with a diversity hire at another alphabet agency? Better not. He would inevitably have to divulge to his more wordly younger brother that he was still a virgin.

    "I just wanted to tell you that I love you and please don't try to kill yourself again, Andy."

  12. #832
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    I lifted the username Garnabby from Garn, and Gabby, a couple that we knew, some time ago. He changed his name from Igor, to Garn; her name was Gabrielle. The first name(s) to come into my head when I signed up for my first online forum. Ha.

    Gabby is a gender-neutral name of French origin. Originally a diminutive form of the French name Gabrielle, Gabby is a fun nickname for both the boy name Gabriel and the girl name it came from. This name means "God is my strength" but is also known more secularly for the world-renowned Olympic-medalist, Gabby Douglas.
    English (western): from a lost place called Garn in Westbury on Severn (Gloucestershire). English: perhaps a shortened form of the Old French personal name Geron, the oblique case form of Garo, a pet form of ancient Germanic names in Ger- (see Gerald , Gerard , Garbutt ).
    You like numbers, huh? Have you ever gone down the rabbit hole of ?

  13. #833
    Tasha stopped typing after "This one's mine:" she detected an intruder.

    Sure enough, it was Leroy again.

    "Makes me up some poke chops, I's hungry and needs to see my probation off-sir today."

    "Now Leroy honey, you knows I can't cook while I's writin': they's some chicken wangs in the ice box, have dem instead."

    Leroy chomped the wings then left; "Woo-hoo, that nigga he be nothin' but trouble" exclaimed Tasha.

    But he hadn't quite left yet.

    "I heards 'dat" he yelled as he lumbered back into the room.

    "Woman, I gots to show you not to disrespect me."

    With that he took off his belt and beat her without mercy for five minutes, then he sodomized her; finally he left in a Kia he'd stolen earlier.

    "Whew, this love shit, it really does hurt" mused the crumpled Walgreen's employee.

    She pulled herself back up, unfurled a real panty-ripper and sat down once again in front of her 'puter, intent as always on writing the latest installment for her Great American Novel.
    Last edited by MisterV; 03-10-2024 at 07:07 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  14. #834
    Originally Posted by ilovebigknockers View Post
    You like numbers, huh? Have you ever gone down the rabbit hole of ?
    I remember a series of posts by GordonM888 that came on with a lot of numbers. I corrected them as soon as he spit them out, but, he kept right at, after he made the corrections, without even acknowledging me. Hard to forget first impressions.

    Later on, in some other math rant, he mentioned the site. I asked him that he gave any thought to a fundamental sequence that underlies all of those. He ignored the question.

    No, I don't care too much about the math, etc., especially that doesn't have much to do with my TOE. I made notes as went along because even that stuff becomes a blur. Have to be able to cover a lot of ground, not become too attached to particular stuff, and, be open to whatever might, and does, thus work. In other words, going down the path of trying to get super computers to solve ever more complicated equations, based on the same old stuff, can't be good.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  15. #835
    Over the next several months, Nephi's and Tasha's romance blossomed. Nephi being a strict Mormon and Tasha being flatulent beyond comprehension, still hadn't consummated their love. No matter, Nephi was about to reveal to her the most intimate part of an Aphabet Agency Drone's life: what he actually did at work.

    "So Tasha, now that we've been courting each other for 3 months, I want to show you something I've never shown another woman."

    Tasha was so excited at the though of seeing a white penis she let rip a 4-second squeaker. Nephi, who could read Tasha's mood by her farts had to clarify, "No babe, I'm not going to show you my manhood, I'm going to show you my work." With that, he got out his laptop and logged on to He opened several tabs of threads in which various users hurled insults at one another and made implausible and unverifiable claims about gambling exploits.

    "Look at the posting history of these two users, dawgJ and Mkewl." Nephi said. Tasha dutifully skimmed and replied, "Okay so it's a bunch of internet bullshitters. Who cares? Back before I got an Alphabet Agency Drone gig, I was a notorious forum troll. At one point I had over 400 socks on 46 forums. I even called a one-armed Catholic nun who survived genocide a stupid cunt."

    Nephi continued, "Watch this babe." He then logged in as Mkewl, logged out, then logged in again as dawgJ. Tasha was stunned.

    "You hacked their accounts? Wow, I've been at the NSA for 5 months and they still haven't taught me hacking. I'm still stuck on number trivia duty. Although the joke's on them because I spend 99% of my day secretly working on a new novel about Axl Rose. This time instead of time traveling, he grows gills and lives underwater. There's also a subplot in which he sells his semen to Burger King, but I don't quite understand that part. I think I took an Ambien when I wrote it. There's also a--"

    Nephi cut her off, "No sweetie, I am Mkewl and dawgJ. My job is to troll gambling forums with socks that internet-tough-guy each other all day long."

    "Shit babe, I need a transfer to your agency. Forum trolling is why God put me on this Earth. So what's the end game? Getting your own 'corner?'"

    "Just riling people up so that they lose their cool and accidentally reveal something they should have kept secret. You'd be surprised how much illegal activity people admit to on gambling forums."

  16. #836
    Tasha began to sweat.

    "Illegal activity?"

    "Sure. Some of the posters are advantage players and they just can't keep their yaps shut. There's this one guy, dorkIz, who laid out exactly how he's hit casinos for years, making millions. I used NSA tools to learn his ID, and found out he hasn't declared any of his winnings nor paid taxes to the IRS. The Feds are about to swoop down on him as we speak."

    Tasha perspired heavily, and said "Oh Lordy me, but I posted all about my winnings and I haven't declared them either."

    Nephi chortled and a loud blast from his rump permeated the air to a redolent degree. "Silly girl, you lost a shit load more than you won, so no tax is due."

    "Then there's the ring leader, the Lizard of Ooze; he bragged about getting paid millions to sell his website to some Euro thugs; he thought doing the deal in bitcoin would avoid tax trouble but nope: I ratted him out and in three days he'll get busted too."

    Tasha hadn't heard a word he said, as she'd been outlining in her head the next chapter in her Axl Rose adventure; Axl and Cake Cream go to LA to try In 'N Out strawberry shakes and get stuck up to their necks in the La Brea tar pits; a condor swoops down and pecks out the rhythm to "Welcome to the Jungle" on Axl's noggin while Andy sweetly croons "Row, row, row your boat."

    Tasha smiled and just knew that the critics will love this, it's some of her best work: she even thought about selling the movie rights.
    Last edited by MisterV; 03-11-2024 at 12:33 AM.
    What, Me Worry?

  17. #837
    To Tasha's immense surprise and pleasure, the gov't was shut down for the week and she and Nephi were furloughed.

    "Nephi, darling, let's take a picnic basket to the beach and rent a tandem bike for the day!" Tasha clapped her hands in excitement while her butt cheeks clapped with their own thunder, emitting a hot steam redolent of broccoli, seaweed and dog vomit, the likes of which Nephi had not smelled before and which intrigued him and his tumescent manhood to the point that the various religious covenants he kept seemed more like vague suggestions of restraint than ironclad laws. But I digress...

    "Ok babe, sounds good."

    Tasha, remarkably being the better driver of the two, took the wheel of her calamitous vehicle, a 1990 Yugo Cabrio, and drove them to the nearest Beach State Park for a relaxing and romantic getaway. Whilst reclining in the passenger seat, Nephi browsed VegasCasinoMumble to see what the degenerates were up to.

    "Babe, you're not trolling as Mkewl and dawgJ right now are you? We're furloughed! We're on vacation!"

    "Of course not dear, I would never high-effort troll with 1000+ word posts repleat with copious links to past forum posts for free. I just get a kick out of watching others do it whilst not getting a dime from the gov't. What a bunch of cucks. By the way, I never noticed this before, but there's this whole off-topic forum section where people post shit not even about gambling. I wonder if I should--"

    "DON'T READ THAT SECTION OF THE FORUM!!!!" Tasha screamed, nearly running off the road and into the base of a billboard.

  18. #838
    Once again sweat flowed down Tasha's dark visage: was the jig up?

    Nephi surreptitiously stuck his finger up his butt while he laughed at his Nubian beloved.

    "Tasha, you sweet, sweet simpleton, I know all about your Axl Rose time travel doppelganger story."

    So yes, the jig was both driving AND up: Tasha began to sob.

    "Oh Nephi, my dear, sweet direct descendant of Joseph Smith: let's just start our lives anew; let's move right away to Hildale, on the Utah / Colorado border. I've admired the FLDS for many hours and would love to become one of them."

    Tasha looked into Nephi's eyes and then batted her eyes...much like a crocodile, thought Nephi, who let loose a bit of thunder in response.

    "I was born and raised there, was my home. My father was the leader of the pack, but I never learned who my biological mother was: dad had 68 wives and I was never told which one bore me; I was raised communally. Every Mother's Day I have to take out a loan at SoFi to buy all the cards and candy."

    Having never found a sap, I mean a candidate who was willing to marry her, Tasha could only imagine how wonderful it must be to be one of 68 wives sharing the same husband.

    It had never occurred to her that Nephi might want to marry her: he was merely a co-worker with few benefits, and her biological clock continued to tick, or perhaps I should say it bonged, much like Big Ben.

    "I mean it,'s "Hildale or bust."

    With that she turned the Yugo around, checked her Rand McNally Atlas and headed to Utah in a cloud of smoke and desperation.
    Last edited by MisterV; 03-11-2024 at 11:57 AM.
    What, Me Worry?

  19. #839
    May the anagram solver play? Ha.

    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    With that she turned the Yugo around, checked her Rand McNally Atlas and headed to Utah in a cloud of smoke and desperation.
    ---> Leonardo Leonardo (aka Big Knockers) Returns And Dante (Tasha's new username) Has An Important Decision To Make.

    Billionaire Leonardo Leonardo returns to Leonardo, New Jersey and opens the Quicker Stop right across from the Quick Stop, which takes away all of Dante and Randal's customers, and nearly puts the Quick Stop out of business. The duo set out to stop Leonardo by uncovering his plot to enslave all of humanity, but are scoffed at during an appearance at Town Hall. Jay and Silent Bob, who had been selling illegal fireworks to children, inadvertently blow up the Quicker Stop, thwarting Leonardo's plans.
    Last edited by Garnabby; 03-12-2024 at 09:00 AM.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  20. #840
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    May the anagram solver play?
    It can't be worse.

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