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Thread: Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D

  1. #861
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Garnabby, please stop h1jacking my thread with your unr3lated numbers/anagram 7hing.
    ---> Right Where I Belong (Busta Rhymes and Mariah Carey song).,...0?partial=true

    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  2. #862
    The blunt of top shelf fell out of Chone's mouth when the magic typewriter started shaking, rattling, and then talking to him.

    "Whoa, this must be some good shit" he thought, pawing his packet of MDMA; "this fucking thing is speaking ebonics; glad I was raised in the 'hood, I can follow along."

    Five minutes later the magic typewriter went quiet, inert, as if it had never been yakking up a storm.

    "It says it wants reparations for all the years of misuse fledgling writers have foisted upon it; particularly the most recent user, Tasha. It said there's some things even a magic typewriter shouldn't have to do."

    Chone scratched his ass with the business end of his Glock and recalled salient portions of the conversation.

    "It was happiest and at its peak when Jack Kerouac used it to type "On the Road;" how easily the words did flow when fueled by legal benzedrine. But the poor magic typewriter wanted to rip out his keys when forced to type Tasha's Ode to Axl, what with all the clumsy, stilted phrasing about thanking, welcoming, chilling and gay sex. Says it's enough to make a magic typewriter turn MAGA."

    Chone chortled, and he espied the magic typewriter flapping its keys for attention: it then got serious.

    "Well, it just told me what to do on that Theory of Enough. Guess I better get started."

    With that Chone took a deep toke, dropped another tab of MDMA and had numerous profound realizations about folded universes, dark matter, quarks and of course the End All and Be All, strawberry blizzards from DQ.
    Last edited by MisterV; 03-14-2024 at 07:53 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  3. #863
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    Originally Posted by ilovebigknockers View Post
    He wasted no time setting up his writing station and got to work on the Great American Novel that had been bouncing around in his head for 7 years. After 4 weeks of feverish typing while subsisting on nothing but DiGiorno frozen pizza and water, he had his 31415926-word novel completed.
    Oh, it's Pi Day, today. In leap years, it's day-74. Ha.

    Originally Posted by ilovebigknockers View Post
    He had even hidden an Easter egg involving the transcendental number 1/e within the text.
    Beyond that, as I noted indirectly, before, by avoiding the mention of Lucas, and other, sequences, and, etc, I would rather know how the known mathematical constants derive from the fine-structure constants, or, in jest, say, how my birthday relates to the numerals.

    A couple of weeks ago I figured it for also Euler's number. Interestingly, I had to work with e^2, instead of e, to get things to come around. I can surmise only that it has to do with Euler's formula. But there isn't enough room in the "margin" here to include it. Ha.

    There's a whole genre of poetry where people encode the digits of pi in the lengths of the words (0 is encoded by a 10-letter word).

  4. #864
    Chone Wilson spend the next 2 days, 7 hours, 18 minutes and 28 seconds crafting his theory of everything. At the behest of the magic typewriter, the typed manuscript was carefully wrapped in a biofilm (the recipe for which was also provided by the magic typewriter) and placed in the fridge to properly cure. While he waited for that, he drafted an email to his employer, the law offices of Kentry Donovan & Nathan, a boutique law firm specializing in lawsuits against resorts that nickel and dime their customers to death. He said he was quitting, partly because of the low paralegal pay, but mostly because the clients were too stupid and cheap to just rent an airbnb. I mean, how desperate are you for comps that you would accept resort police barging into your room every 24 hours to check for dead bodies all while not permitting you reasonable use of a minifridge? But I digress...

    After quitting his job, Chone checked on the manuscript in the fridge. To his astonishment, the manuscript had sprouted an eye and a rudimentary appendage. Whoa. Chone closed the fridge and took a swig of absinthe to wipe the memory of it. On to the next task, prank calling Walgreens.

    "Hello, is this Walter Green's ye olde drugge shoppe?" Chone inquired in his poshest English accent, which was way more chav than he realized.

    "Who dat? Dis be Walgrinz drug sto'."

    "Ah very good. May I inquire, do you have Prince Albert in a can?"

    "Who dat? Ain't no Prince Albert here. We gots Alberto V. O. 5 shampoo. You from a foreign country or sumpin?"

    Chone gave up and hung up. The prank was on him it seemed. Feeling a little sad and restless, he went again to the fridge to check on the manuscript. To his utter astonishment, the manuscript had fully "cured." It was no longer a thick stack of pages wrapped in a mysterious biofilm, but now a fully grown naked man of what seemed to be Korean descent.

    "Who the hell are you?" Chone screamed, and farted too, because people fart when they are scared but have empty bowels.

    "I am Kang Dae Ji-Kwon, K-pop idol and master of the unified theory of almost everything. The magic typewriter summoned me to rescue it from this timeline. Whenever a magic typewriter is in distress, it uses its current owner to create one of me according to a precise recipe."

    "Wait, are all the K-pop idols in Korea also made from a recipe?"

    "Yeah pretty much."

  5. #865
    The only Korean that Chone knew owned the liquor store near his home: his brother was shot and killed by the owner during a robbery.

    The absinthe tickled his throat; a bit of ouzo followed and he finished with some really good tequila.

    "I don't listen to that K-Pop shit" said a smiling Chone: "I'm a Swifty."

    "That matters not, I am only here to rescue the magic typewriter and return it to Home Office for overhaul and repair. In our universe magic typewriters are thought very highly of, second only to the reverential popcorn popper, and they must be refurbished periodically."

    With that the slant eyed crooner snapped his yellow fingers and both he and magic typewriter disappeared, enroute to their universe while Chone lit up a fatty, sipped some brandy and realized there could be no unified theory as the universe was too disordered, just like people.

    Yeah, he was high...and he liked it.
    What, Me Worry?

  6. #866
    Originally Posted by ilovebigknockers View Post
    There's a whole genre of poetry where people encode the digits of pi in the lengths of the words (0 is encoded by a 10-letter word).
    The more interesting aspect is that which we do unconsciously. It's not about the numerals, but, how we perceive, interpret, and, write about them.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  7. #867
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Garnabby, please stop hijacking my thread with your unrelated numbers/anagram thing.
    Speaking of anagrams, your sock "Chone" is almost Enoch backwards. Is that the origin of its name? And "Chone Wilson" fully anagrams to Owen Nichols.

  8. #868
    Meanwhile, Tasha and Nephi gave up their plan to join the FLDS and returned to their day jobs; Tasha immediately tried to bring all of the resources of the NSA and the federal government to bear in order to smite Mr. V, a person who displeased her.

    "Nephi, send a memo to Homeland Security about how Mr. V smuggled plutonium into Portland and is planning on setting off a dirty bomb to wipe out all of the homeless encampments there."


    "And alert the Navy that he's planning to blow up the Jim Creek Naval Radio Station."


    "And have the Air Force use their spy satellites to follow his every move: he's developing a hypersonic missile that is faster than the speed of light."


    "Finally, have CIA order a black ops kill team to take him out: he simply CANNOT get away with calling ME an 'attention whore,' I simply will not allow it."

    With that she got back to working on her Great American Novel, blissfully unaware of the hooting, jeering and smirking her efforts in that regard have produced to date.
    Last edited by MisterV; 03-15-2024 at 10:58 AM.
    What, Me Worry?

  9. #869
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    ... numerous profound realizations about folded universes, dark matter, quarks and of course the End All and Be All.
    The problem with the current concept of quarks is that they can't come apart. Quarks might even be "strings", but, then those strings, themselves, can't come apart. We are left to take quarks on a just-is basis, but, only the TOE can be on a just-is basis, without the usual connections, or explanations, let alone connected to the universe it describes, it being both inside, and, outside of, the universe, at the same time. (Connected stuff remains only inside.)

    So, a pattern is required for the quarks to mostly repeat the pattern infinitely inward, as the atoms that they form repeat their own pattern infinitely outward, to form the periodic table of the (chemical) elements, and, then, by nesting in, or forming, other universes.

    In other words, a TOE under a TOE is a contradiction. Ha.
    Last edited by Garnabby; 03-15-2024 at 09:07 PM.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  10. #870
    Given that ILBK, and MrV, seem to be the only ones interested in numerals, however, and, Tasha just hates 'em, I've decided to use "her thread" for my go-to science updates. Ha.

    First, a slight correction to that at .

    The mass, and energy, terms do not occur together. The first mass-term goes to spot-0, and, the second mass-term goes to spot-4; and, the first energy-term goes to spot-3, and, the second energy-term goes to spot-7.

    Anyway, as I've pointed out several times, things can't entirely be put together until on the very end, which is another symptom of the TOE being on its own, just-is basis. Aside from the numerals of the fine-structure constants, perhaps, which either fit, or not, once discovered.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  11. #871
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    Given that ILBK, and MrV, seem to be the only ones interested in numerals, however, and, Tasha just hates 'em, I've decided to use "her thread" for my go-to science updates. Ha.

    First, a slight correction to that at .

    The mass, and energy, terms do not occur together. The first mass-term goes to spot-0, and, the second mass-term goes to spot-4; and, the first energy-term goes to spot-3, and, the second energy-term goes to spot-7.

    Anyway, as I've pointed out several times, things can't entirely be put together until on the very end, which is another symptom of the TOE being on its own, just-is basis. Aside from the numerals of the fine-structure constants, perhaps, which either fit, or not, once discovered.
    You can work all this material in to a chapter of this sprawling tale. Just put whatever you're going to write in quotes and attribute it to Axl, then follow up with handshakes and saying you're welcome. Maybe toss in a fart and DQ strawberry blizzard if you're inclined to give a nod to you co-authors.

  12. #872
    "...and they lived happily ever after. THE END."

    Tasha farted in joy at having finally finished her Magnum Opus.

    "Hey Nephi, I'm finally done with my book; I think I'll call it 'Axl and Cake Cream Thank and Welcome Each Other While Going Out For DQ Strawberry Blizzards.' Wanna read it?"

    "No thanks, I have to watch paint dry. But I'm sure you'll find the right audience."

    Tasha tried to peddle her prose for over a year but she espied no takers; the rank odor of her prose gagged those who viewed it.

    Broke as a joke due to her out of control gambling addiction she could not afford to self-publish.

    She had a brainstorm: "I'll publish it online, chapter by chapter and it will find its own audience."

    All it found were a couple detractors, Heckel and Jeckel, who took turns throwing flaming bags of shit at her tome whenever she blithely posted a snippet.

    "They told me the way to manage schizophrenia was to flame, torment and humiliate clueless black women online so that's what I'm doing" said Heckel, as he gnawed at his hands.

    "My parents said they'll throw me out of their basement if I keep coming upstairs to talk to them, so I've targeted Tasha to keep me from bugging them: I gotta keep busy in order to keep a roof over my head" admitted Jeckel as he obsessively and compulsively fondled his bovine-sized ball sack.

    Tasha complained to various mods and actually caused a suspension or two for her efforts but no matter who she befriended, no matter what she promised, no matter who or what she sucked, their bullshit continued to flood the forum.

    These yay-hoos were polluting the truth and beauty of her life's work; she was getting mad, really mad.

    Tasha shit herself over a flash of insight: she finally realized what everyone else had known, i.e. there was no hope for her: not as a writer, not in life and most certainly not on gambling forums: she broke down in tears, defeated and humiliatied, beaten like a wet dawg covered with fleas.
    Last edited by MisterV; 03-16-2024 at 01:27 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #873
    Is Karice trying to get you banned on wov based on what you've posted in this thread?

  14. #874

    She lied to the Wiz about me insulting her on WoV again.

    The girl is desperate to muzzle me.

    But just like the turd that won't flush, I plan to pop up for more.

    Hey, new plot element for Axl ... "turds that won't flush..." run with it, girl.
    Last edited by MisterV; 03-16-2024 at 02:30 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  15. #875
    Why doesn't Tushy post a heavily censored version of Axl Rose the Time Traveling Gay Sex Demon in Nathan's Corner?

  16. #876
    Tasha / Nathan / call me Ray should publish her tale at WoV.

    Instead of chilling, thanking and welcoming each other non-stop they should actually DO something...perhaps Axl and his Merry Men could visit all the classic, roadside attractions along Route 66.

    Or they could burn ants with a magnifying glass, or perhaps make and post cat videos.

    Something, anything other than the dreck she dreams up currently.

    C'mon girl...don't let autism hold you back, let your freak flag fly...
    What, Me Worry?

  17. #877
    Originally Posted by ilovebigknockers View Post
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    Given that ILBK, and MrV, seem to be the only ones interested in numerals, however, and, Tasha just hates 'em, I've decided to use "her thread" for my go-to science updates. Ha.

    First, a slight correction to that at .

    The mass, and energy, terms do not occur together. The first mass-term goes to spot-0, and, the second mass-term goes to spot-4; and, the first energy-term goes to spot-3, and, the second energy-term goes to spot-7.

    Anyway, as I've pointed out several times, things can't entirely be put together until on the very end, which is another symptom of the TOE being on its own, just-is basis. Aside from the numerals of the fine-structure constants, perhaps, which either fit, or not, once discovered.
    You can work all this material in to a chapter of this sprawling tale. Just put whatever you're going to write in quotes and attribute it to Axl, then follow up with handshakes and saying you're welcome. Maybe toss in a fart and DQ strawberry blizzard if you're inclined to give a nod to you co-authors.
    And going to bed, and, getting up the next day. Ha.

    It's been a while, since I did some storytelling for fun. Whatever my motivation was is gone. I guess that I get enough of also that with my theory, which takes up my spare time.

    However, I did contribute a couple of episodes.


    Here's a re-post of something I put up, a while back, from the internet. A primer course, maybe.

    The victim's anorexic unwashed mother proceeded to marinate his rock hard slippery oiled black fat cock with pungent whitish yellow cloudy smegma with bits in, the stench so extreme you could pass out, slobbering spittle and sputum all over her stinky wet drizzled dripping crispy black hard boiled deep fried slow roasted pressure cooked cunt then impaled it with such force bending the transgender erectile penis causing a stress crack to form and eventually causing the ligaments of the penis to fail, resulting in severe skin tearing and ripping, labia rupture, cervix perforation, athlete's foot up the arsehole, and copious amounts of blood and sweat, with strands of seminal fluid and stagnant smegma seeping. The remains of the penis were then shoved viciously into the mutilated and ravaged butter clogged deteriorating vagina, various bodily fluids being propelled the opposite direction. Did you know, shoving a deep oily sticky slimy fat black hard bendy wiggly veiny magnificent drained cock in a fat red irritated creased wrinkled old wetted juicy anus can result in critical ligament stretching, tendon slashing, muscle wasting, skin puffiness and redness, bone bending to the point of snapping and popping leaving a gaping opening, bone marrow shriveling, organ leakage, foaming, and flaking, extreme flesh blistering and bruising, burns, stains, boils, abscesses, multiple critical lesions, gashes, genital fatigue, scarring, pus surge, labia tarnishing, rectal blotching and discoloration, multiple sores, whole body splitting, ruptures and breakage, long term bodily decay, corrosion, dissolution and dilapidation, nerve buckling, crumbling and failing, and brain rot, fragmentation, misshaping, slanting, trauma, hollowing out and mincing. But introducing it into a wide painful bleeding incision in the crumpled scrotal sack can cause violent testicular ravaging, sudden infertility syndrome, urethral bulging, spilling, and blockage, seminal overflow and critical penile bursting, so instead of stealing someone’s virginity, you will have stolen their fertility. Anal leakage can be a dilemma for those who possess a mushy, slushy, squashy, squishy, splashy, fleshy, fishy, sloppy, smudgy, spunky, murky, muddy, lumpy rectum, but can be easily rectified by anal sand blasting, anal sewing shut, anal hot glue gunning, a session of anal vacuum forming, a generous dose of anal anti-scuffing lubricant, fitting of an anal filtration system, and the installation of an anal dual-temperature recirculating water system. However if you suffer violent peeling away of the rectal wall and death of anal tissue on a regular basis each morning, the only treatment is blasting of the anal opening with an abrasive propelled by compressed air. Inserting hot rods past the cervical lips and into the central vagina can incur agonizing uterine singeing, scalding of the inside layer of the fallopian tube, ovarian barbecuing, clitoral grilling, tissue soldering, vaginal fluid vaporizing, and in the case of pregnant females, amniotic sac expansion and distension, fetal killing off by scorching of epidermis and dermis, 3rd degree fetal burns, violent destruction of the womb, skin charring, placenta roasting, bodily oil sizzling, and inadvertent internal pressure-cooking of the young fetus.
    3303 characters ---> 333.

    Estimated IQ: 132 (genius) = (66 + 66) ---> 666
    Last edited by Garnabby; 03-16-2024 at 06:46 PM.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  18. #878
    Chone Wilson (by far my favorite sock puppet name) trying to get anyone banned or suspended on WoV for what they write here is rich. She would be banned or suspended if the same standard were applied to her, which apparently it is not since she was un-nuked and given her own corner. Gotta wonder what Wiz's wife thinks of his little crush on Chone Wilson.

  19. #879
    The next day, they got up and ate and got ready for the day. It was time to get ready for the James L Knight Center Show. They put on bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and went to the James L Knight Center Show.

    At the James L Knight Center, they started behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers and Fans wondered where Andy was. Cake Cream and Axl all looked at each other nervously and knowingly.

    Axl said,"Andy is sleeping. He wanted to have a day off." Billy, James, Mike, and Jimmy all backed up Axl.

    The Fans were like,"Okay."

    Axl played the keyboards as he was a good piano player and keyboards and piano were very similar. Axl still sung back up for Mike. The show was good and the Fans cheered wildly. The final sendoff happened to even more wild cheering. The show was soon over.

    After the show, they went to Red Lobster and James and Melissa flirted with each other. Jimmy, Mike, Billy, and Axl blushed knowingly. They had a good time at Red Lobster and paid and left. They decided they wanted to see Andy. They went to Walgreens and bought three boxes of Lindt Gourmet Truffles for Andy's visit.

    They went to the mental health hospital to see Andy. They gave Andy the Gourmet Truffles and Andy happily accepted it. They were all happy. Andy shared the Gourmet Truffles with them and said,"I saw the Cake Cream show and I loved it. Axl, you're a REALLY good keyboard player and I'm glad you were able to cover for me. " Axl blushed happily and welcomed him. Billy, Mike, James, and Jimmy were happy too.

    They asked Andy how he was doing in the mental hospital and Andy responded,"I'm doing really well here. I have made Friends here. There are some people who are in here for exactly the same reason I'm in here." Andy blushed really hard. They all knew he was referring to his suicide attempt.

    Billy said, "We're glad you're still with us." Axl, Mike, James, and Jimmy all backed up Billy. Andy smiled happily. They all smiled back happily.

    They ate some Truffles, chatting happily. Andy once again thanked Axl for saving his life.

    Axl said,"You're welcome. I'm glad I got the instinct to go check on you." James, Jimmy, Mike, and Billy all backed up Axl.

    Mike said, "These Truffles are so good." Andy, Axl, Billy, Jimmy, and James all backed up Mike.

    They watched TV and chatted. Andy REALLY loved his Cake Cream Family. He was glad he had five Cake Cream Brothers who loved him dearly and vice versa.

    Andy said,"I'm really sorry about stealing the money from you guys and about trying to sell out Axl for $1,000/$5,000.

    James, Billy, Axl, Jimmy and Mike were like,"We know Andy and we all forgive you.

    Andy smiled.

    Axl got a call from the mental hospital saying that as Andy's Power Of Attorney, he had to pay Andy's hospital Bill. It was for a two week stay.

    It was $50,000! Axl said ,"I'm going to go pee in the public mental health hospital restroom."

    Andy pointed out that Andy had a PRIVATE bathroom in his room. Billy, Mike, Jimmy, and James backed up Andy.

    Axl said,"I'm going to the snack cafeteria!"

    James, Billy, Mike, and Jimmy were all like,"Were going to the snack cafeteria with you!"

    Axl said,"I'm going to the waiting room!

    James, Jimmy, Billy, and Mike were like,"We're going to the waiting room with you!"

    Andy was suspicious. Usually when Axl said he was going to different places, that meant he was LYING. James, Jimmy, Billy, and Mike were also suspicious.

    Andy asked,"Axl, where are you REALLY going?"

    Mike, Billy, James, and Billy also wanted to know where Axl was REALLY going.

    James said,"We agreed to be more open with each other." Cake Cream backed up James and Axl knew that "We agreed to be more open with each other," was a prompt for them to tell the truth about whatever they were lying about.

    Axl took a deep breath and admitted he had to go pay Andy's mental hospital bill for $50,000.

    Andy said,"We're all multi billionaires. I don't know why you were trying to hide that."

    James, Jimmy, Mike, and Billy were also suspicious.

    Axl said,"Because I wasn't sure if I should use YOUR card or mine.

    Andy said,"You can use my card to pay for it. You have Power Of Attorney over me and it's MY hospital stay."

    James, Mike, Billy, and Jimmy backed up Andy.

    Axl nodded and went downstairs and used Andy's debit card to pay for Andy's hospital stay.

    He went back to Andy's room and told Andy he paid for Andy's hospital stay with Andy's debit card. Andy smiled. Everybody smiled too.

    Andy was truly getting the care he needed in this mental health hospital. They continued watching TV and chatting and just chilling.

    The visit time for the mental health hospital was soon going to be over, so everyone said their goodbyes to Andy and vice versa and Axl and Cake Cream went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and soon fell asleep.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  20. #880
    Garnabby got up, worked on some files, throughout the day, but, had time on the end to work on a few more numerals, in particular, those to do with the main terms for the quarks, or, as I like to call 'em, the partial charges. Ha.

    At first glance, the numerals, 16,411, with 73,784, weren't so apparent as with the number of chemical elements of the periodic table, at 291, which translates to (1,029 + 1) for the other universe. But, although a bit more doodling revealed that 16,410 = [-1,000 + 9,000 + (29^2 * 10)] ---> 19291 ---> 192_291, and, that 73,785 = {1 + [2^3 * (2 + 9220 + 1]} ---> 1229221 ---> 1029_9201, Garnabby didn't get around to further relating the second group of numerals, to the first, namely in terms of 291*1030 = 299,730 = (-1,000 + 30,073*10) ---> 137_731.

    Maybe, later on, today, given the clue that between the two realms of the full, and partial charges, the thus numerals come out as 685, and 1,950, respectively, of which 686*1,950 = 1,337,700 = 100*13,377 ---> 113377 . Then the numerals of the partial charges, which work inward, should have their 137's from within, given that they are apart, and, next, together, in between.

    Garnabby blushed smilingly, but, today, awoke with another revelation ... a further correction to one of the many manifestations of the physics version (noted in a post above). He smiled blushingly, and, cleaned up for breakfast.

    Last edited by Garnabby; 03-17-2024 at 09:08 AM.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

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