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Thread: Professional Sportsbetting

  1. #2141
    I was drawing an equivalency between your admiration of HTS and your possible incorporation of his coined notion "Fear and Loathing" in your posts about KJ.

    It should have been self-evident.

    As for my drug use...I haven't gotten high for almost a month, but that exercise iin self-restraint may come to an end tonight; it would be apt to be wasted while my buddy and I watch that 90's band "Gin Blossoms" play at Chinook Winds; I would enjoy blazing a bowl or two while shooting pool at his riverside home before we head off to the show.

    To infinity, and beyond...
    What, Me Worry?

  2. #2142
    What have you been taking during your supposed brief relapse into sobriety, anything at all? Any mind altering substances at all?

    Okay and this is what I mean by shy of coherence posts. My reference to Fear and Loathing was with reference to REDietz.

    With UNKewlJ his writing is abysmally dull and consists of not much more than soft whining. Those one two three four (or) zero years of college he can't keep track of with his ever changing lies didn't help him. That he's a high school dropout is more than evident. People don't go to a four year college let alone a private Catholic one and still not know the difference between "effect" and "affect" and use the word "mussel" when muzzle is intended . That sort of thing is representative of the self educated street person UNKewlJ is. Even if he did know how to write, his constant
    Originally Posted by Tater/Moses
    Poor poor KJ. Always the victim.
    whine would destroy his focus.
    Last edited by MDawg; 04-27-2024 at 10:13 AM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  3. #2143
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    What have you been taking during your supposed brief relapse into sobriety, anything at all? Any mind altering substances at all?
    Nah, just the

    I suppose that technically coffee is a "mind altering substance."
    What, Me Worry?

  4. #2144
    For Mdawg it is about the writing because that is what he is and what this whole Mdawg nonsense has been about....writing a "story" that just happens to be about gambling. If you go to the forum that Mdawg is associated with and promotes in his signature, and read his introduction entitled "Mdawg the high roller", it states he likes to travel and likes to gamble. That is all this whole thing has been a guy writing or telling a story. No different than EvenBob and his 80% win at roulette story. No different than Singer and all his different stories, including one stolen from real players. No different than all the clowns at youtube, except he isn't soliciting money. It is about the story for this Mdawg person.

    And just like Singer, Mdawg attacks anyone, any real player that questions his story. Any real player that dares say "wait a minute, that is not how gambling works". Again if you go to that Forum he is associated with, he has started 20 threads about different members at WoV and here that dared say that they didn't believe him. Who does that? THAT is how important it is for him to tell this silly story.

    And look at the context of his "story". Day 1. I won xxx. Day 2, I won xxx. Day 3, I won xxx, Day 4, I won xxx. As if that if how real advantage play and long-term winning works. Rarely a mention of a losing day or session. Just win, win, win. Each of his individual trips has started off with at least a dozen straight winning days or more. And then when someone points out that every day/session is a winning one, he will throw in a losing session or day for good measure.

    You know what else is missing? Any mention of casino counter-measures and casino discomfort of a player that wins too much. No backoffs, no barings, no trespasses. Not even a mention of bet restricting. Casinos will bet restrict and counter measure players that aren't even playing with an advantage. All you have to do to get some kind of counter-measure is get lucky. One more thing missing> Database activity. Where are his database entries. In his introduction at the "writer's forum" he said he has been doing this winning for many, many years.

    But not this guy. No countermeasures what-so-ever. to the contrary he claims the casinos love him and the pit folks that would lose their jobs if such a player really existed and they did nothing, pat him on the back and tell him how great he is.

    I said earlier that his story is no different than EvenBob's or Singer's many stories. That is not entirely true. The ridiculousness of the gambling claims are no different that Evenbob, Singer and others. But the accounts of a higher limit player, complete with pictures is somewhat interesting. THAT also is how things actually work. Higher limit LOSING players are treated exactly as he claims.

    I am sorry if me a real player, who plays for a living and 20 some other real players, some professional some not, calling out his bullshit story as just that...a "story" has him so bent out of shape that he needed to attack the way he has, including all the homophobic attacks and lies. All that did was expose who he really is and just like Singer....Mdawg did that himself. I didn't.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  5. #2145
    And for those interested in stock trading (which I am not), you get the exact same thing in his stock thread at WoV. Every single trade a winning trade. Of course after the fact. I bought xxx at $22 a share last week or last month and now it is at 48 a share.

    Great stuff.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 04-27-2024 at 10:55 AM.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  6. #2146
    Betting that UNKewlJ will appear when mentioned with the exact same

    Originally Posted by Gottlob1 View Post
    manually rephrased same old nervous essays over and over.
    is definitely +EV!

    Originally Posted by Gottlob1 View Post
    The thing about KJ - if you actually read what he writes - is that he constantly echoes the words/phrases and themes of the immediately previous replies by others. As I noted, a while back, he's extremely suggestible. Not someone in control of even his own life. People don't always end up in places like Vegas by their own conscious volition. My guess would be some nut-job living from one day to the next, now on the internet. Certainly of negligible intelligence, etc.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  7. #2147
    Originally Posted by RobSinger
    How many times does he need to suffer thru "It just isn't fair that MDawg gets to claim he wins all the time with comps, gifts and special treatment, and he gets support & cover from Benedict Shack and other Richard Potatoes from the gaming forums' group of administrators!" "Can't you people see how much this HURTS me when I can't do anything about it?"

    Yes....kew IS the architect of his own suffering. While other disbelievers aren't affected one bit by what MDawg does or says, kew let's it get so far under his skin that it's beginning to spell I AM A FOOL all over his wimpy body

    How about some truth about his obsession for a refreshing change. Kew is so extraordinarily jealous of the guy because he knows he has wealth far beyond anything kew will ever see. He also despises him for being normal and not being afflicted with that short circuit in his brain. Covering up this ball of envy with rambling posts of "I'm an educator on LV gambling operation, and I say THAT'S NOT HOW THIS CITY WORKS!"
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  8. #2148
    So yeah, Mdawg, I may not be the writer you are. Never claimed to be. Don't aspire to be. I don't post on a forum for people writing stories.

    I am an advantage player, who makes a living for 20 years now, 15 in Vegas, playing mostly simple or elementary type advantage play at medium levels and have shared some of how I have and continue to do that. Sometimes sharing to my own detriment.

    But yeah, love the "Pope of Las Vegas stuff". Just riveting stuff.

    Mdawg, I do apologize that my being a real player, traveling some working on real plays has left you feeling neglected by my attention. Get over it.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 04-27-2024 at 10:56 AM.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  9. #2149
    It's okay not to have gone to college.

    It's pathetic to keep getting caught in contradictory lies most every time you open your mouth. But it does give us a source of amusement, which you must be used to by now, being the constant butt of jokes your entire life.

    Originally Posted by jdog View Post
    Welcome back kewl!
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  10. #2150
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    It's okay not to have gone to college.
    I did go to college. Didn't graduate, but I did go. I simply hid that fact from those that might have used that to identify me (like you).

    And that puts me in the company of many successful people who didn't finish, dropped out, were kicked out of college (Ted Turner) never attended college or even didn't finish high school.

    Here is a partial list for your consideration: Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, Paul Allan, Michael Bloomberg, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, as well as Presidents Lincoln and Truman. Many successful actors and sports figures as well.

    You seem to think you are better than me, better than everyone, because you had the means to purchase diplomas from online schools and colleges. Keep thinking that dude.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  11. #2151
    Anyway, enough of you and your trolling stupidity. I fed you more than I should have. It is a perfect day here in Vegas, 80 degrees and sunny, and I am only home for the weekend, and have things to do.

    But again, Congrats on the "story" Mdawg.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  12. #2152
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    You seem to think you are better than me, better than everyone...
    He can think what he wants, but reality will always trump unfounded belief.
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #2153
    UNKewlJ is a pathological liar. That's simply what he is, nothing per se to do with better or worse than.

    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    This dude is a fraud. He just tries to piece together things that he imagines goes on based on a culmination of bits and pieces of stories he pulls from the Internet. Clown world. WOULD have to admit that a tunnel dwelling male prostitute is pretty low on the totem pole of humanity!

    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    It is more believable that you dwell in the fringes of the Vegas tunnels than where you claim.
    Originally Posted by MDawg
    How about this one UNKewlJ? What well known AP said this:

    I thought that was common knowledge about Kewlj being a male prostitute.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  14. #2154
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Mickey, redeitz posted pictures from real Las Vegas sports books like Circa, you just take pictures of parking lots of rural casinos.
    I taught redietz how to post both links and pics. He’s computer illiterate.

    See, the problem with the above is that it should be past tense, as in "Redietz, regarding posting pics, WAS computer illiterate." I mean, since I posted these eventually, that seems fair. Or we can debate how not posting photos on a specific website makes one computer illiterate. As someone who knows/knew how to use a darkroom and layout papers for a newspaper, I find it funny to see someone decide that knowing how to publish a photo on a specific online forum is an indication of much.

    On the other hand, since mickey as an adult at one time knew nothing about gambling, and since I've been gambling at relatively high levels since a teenager, one could say that mickey IS gambling illiterate, if one were to adopt mickey's inappropriate use of tenses. Or, since mickey, for example, knew nothing about how to exploit a particular sports betting bonus (which I explained to him in a PM), one could again emphasize that mickey IS sports illiterate, again if one were to adopt mickey's curious use of tenses. Hopefully, having had it explained to him, mickey now knows how to exploit the bonus optimally.

    Therefore, unlike mickey, I would put "mickey knows nothing about sports gambling" in past tense. Mickey WAS sports illiterate. Now he's semi-literate, although I wouldn't trot him out in polite company a la Eliza Dolittle.

    Thank you for your attention and carry on.
    See the problem with ditz' assumptions here is he spouts off ignorant blather without knowing the facts.

    So he was gambling since a teenager? Big whoopdeedoooo! My first advantage play was when I was 8 years old. By practicing after school I got particularly good at a gambling game where I beat the other kids out of their baseball cards. I wound up with 3000 cards total before the game was banned out of the school yards. I told this story in my last interview on GWAE.

    Another thing, I started playing pool at age 10. By my early 20's I was playing race to 7 nine-ball for $100 a race. I placed well in state tournaments in Alaska and Oregon in the 80's. I was a money player for decades, quitting only when casino gambling came along.

    I learned to play poker when 10 years old. I played cash game cribbage in the 80's.

    Long before I was a casino gambler I played a dice game called four-five-six in the bars in Alaska that one could gain an edge at if he knew what he was doing.

    When I stumbled into casino gambling in the early 90's I was a natural fit because I already had the inclination and had a ton of experience.

    So to add it all up I've been gambling for 63 years. How many years did you say you've been gambling, 40? Damn, ditz. You're just a pup.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  15. #2155
    Seeing kew return yet again spewing the same bullshit stories about himself, the same lies about me, and the same envy of mdawg, is truly the forum gift that keeps on giving.

    Truth be told: the little twit could save himself tons of repetitious typing and so many of the sleepness nights he obviously suffers thru because of mdawg simply by posting the inside info he claims to have been given by MGM execs, detailing mdawg's financial and gambling background.

    What!? That's not how LV works!!??

    What an idiot.....

  16. #2156
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    I taught redietz how to post both links and pics. He’s computer illiterate.

    See, the problem with the above is that it should be past tense, as in "Redietz, regarding posting pics, WAS computer illiterate." I mean, since I posted these eventually, that seems fair. Or we can debate how not posting photos on a specific website makes one computer illiterate. As someone who knows/knew how to use a darkroom and layout papers for a newspaper, I find it funny to see someone decide that knowing how to publish a photo on a specific online forum is an indication of much.

    On the other hand, since mickey as an adult at one time knew nothing about gambling, and since I've been gambling at relatively high levels since a teenager, one could say that mickey IS gambling illiterate, if one were to adopt mickey's inappropriate use of tenses. Or, since mickey, for example, knew nothing about how to exploit a particular sports betting bonus (which I explained to him in a PM), one could again emphasize that mickey IS sports illiterate, again if one were to adopt mickey's curious use of tenses. Hopefully, having had it explained to him, mickey now knows how to exploit the bonus optimally.

    Therefore, unlike mickey, I would put "mickey knows nothing about sports gambling" in past tense. Mickey WAS sports illiterate. Now he's semi-literate, although I wouldn't trot him out in polite company a la Eliza Dolittle.

    Thank you for your attention and carry on.
    See the problem with ditz' assumptions here is he spouts off ignorant blather without knowing the facts.

    So he was gambling since a teenager? Big whoopdeedoooo! My first advantage play was when I was 8 years old. By practicing after school I got particularly good at a gambling game where I beat the other kids out of their baseball cards. I wound up with 3000 cards total before the game was banned out of the school yards. I told this story in my last interview on GWAE.

    Another thing, I started playing pool at age 10. By my early 20's I was playing race to 7 nine-ball for $100 a race. I placed well in state tournaments in Alaska and Oregon in the 80's. I was a money player for decades, quitting only when casino gambling came along.

    I learned to play poker when 10 years old. I played cash game cribbage in the 80's.

    Long before I was a casino gambler I played a dice game called four-five-six in the bars in Alaska that one could gain an edge at if he knew what he was doing.

    When I stumbled into casino gambling in the early 90's I was a natural fit because I already had the inclination and had a ton of experience.

    So to add it all up I've been gambling for 63 years. How many years did you say you've been gambling, 40? Damn, ditz. You're just a pup.

    No, mickey, I didn't say I was gambling since a teen. I said I was gambling serious money since I was a teen. Note the difference.

  17. #2157
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Mickey, redeitz posted pictures from real Las Vegas sports books like Circa, you just take pictures of parking lots of rural casinos.
    I taught redietz how to post both links and pics. He’s computer illiterate.

    See, the problem with the above is that it should be past tense, as in "Redietz, regarding posting pics, WAS computer illiterate." I mean, since I posted these eventually, that seems fair. Or we can debate how not posting photos on a specific website makes one computer illiterate. As someone who knows/knew how to use a darkroom and layout papers for a newspaper, I find it funny to see someone decide that knowing how to publish a photo on a specific online forum is an indication of much.

    On the other hand, since mickey as an adult at one time knew nothing about gambling, and since I've been gambling at relatively high levels since a teenager, one could say that mickey IS gambling illiterate, if one were to adopt mickey's inappropriate use of tenses. Or, since mickey, for example, knew nothing about how to exploit a particular sports betting bonus (which I explained to him in a PM), one could again emphasize that mickey IS sports illiterate, again if one were to adopt mickey's curious use of tenses. Hopefully, having had it explained to him, mickey now knows how to exploit the bonus optimally.

    Therefore, unlike mickey, I would put "mickey knows nothing about sports gambling" in past tense. Mickey WAS sports illiterate. Now he's semi-literate, although I wouldn't trot him out in polite company a la Eliza Dolittle.

    Thank you for your attention and carry on.
    Lol. You are at a 5th grade literacy on computers. Is that fair?

    Honestly you being computer illiterate explains why all your +ev gambling info is so ridiculously dated.

  18. #2158
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    I loved the REDietz expression about "keeping me in coffee" - when he tipped the waiter at South Point.

    "I tipped one gentleman a sawbuck and he kept me in coffee."

    Whatever you might say about him, the man does have a way with words, has come up with some gems, and as fellow Hunter S Thompson aficionados, "the proper code words" in writing can make all the difference.
    A close friend of mine blazed a life of drugs. I tried to explain his life to someone else and they made a HST reference. I told them 'naw I doubt hst could home a candle to _____'. You dog on ppl for doing drugs then read that guy??. Come'on. I'm also a HST fan but don't dog on those who use and then go quote that guy as some literary force. sheesh bro.
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 04-28-2024 at 12:27 AM.

  19. #2159
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    I was drawing an equivalency between your admiration of HTS and your possible incorporation of his coined notion "Fear and Loathing" in your posts about KJ.

    It should have been self-evident.

    As for my drug use...I haven't gotten high for almost a month, but that exercise iin self-restraint may come to an end tonight; it would be apt to be wasted while my buddy and I watch that 90's band "Gin Blossoms" play at Chinook Winds; I would enjoy blazing a bowl or two while shooting pool at his riverside home before we head off to the show.

    To infinity, and beyond...
    I once visited Chinook Winds trying to find refuge coming off a horrible acid trip. Actually this place was recommended to me by the user known as Ozzy. I'm not 100% on who Ozzy is or was but he has been missing for some time. I'm quite certain it is the same person and he is the one who told me about the Oregon coast. Prior to that i had no reason to understand the magical feel to it. I suspect Ozzy is not with us anymore but glad to hear otherwise. I knew him from a different circle. At one point he said he'd meet me at some place in 2017 during the eclipse. I was up there to see the eclipse but by that point I wasn't in contact. So this is dedicated to him. I started typing this story to ask misterV about that weird ass star wars feel gas station I gassed up at.

    So I went camping at some camp without reservations in the middle of the Oregon coast.. A just show up place and hope but they did have an open spot (which they did) but .. well I hated it because like .. those fucking trees.. and all those fucking limbs.. so fuckign high up. Just waiting to fall down some day. Fuck me they'll kill me when they fall. Where can I sleep? etc (I hate acid) I sure can't sleep under these trees... and they're all over.

    So I pushed to leave and we left headed south. Car barely ran with this horrible knocking but there were no other cars avialable at the car pickup. This was right around the eclipse in 2017.

    We hit seal beach headed south but the wind and the light coming off hte mountain was too much for my LSD addled brain. Went to Chinook because well.. where else is a man like me to go cept a casino? Driinnnkkks. Safety. Aww that warm embrace. (no?)... So I talked my gf into driving. I'm just glad the bicyclist in the tunnel also made it. She and I are still close but don't talk about this though."too soon" we agree. .. 7 years later ..

    So at some point headed south off the mountains to south Oregon we stopped to gas up. It was some sort of gas station/grocery store but we only gassed up.

    So (asking MisterV) I started this post to ask about this gas station. All the guys out there have that weird ass backwoods Oregon look. Man.. it is hard to put a finger on until you spend time there. You get a sense of the isolation. But this gas station.. so like you have to have these people give you gas, right? But they all have that look to them. Poor things. That family tree is way too narrow yanno? But this fucking gas station was in front of a grocery store or some shit.. and it literally was half covered by sand dunes? Like there must be heavy machinery pushing it back on some schedule. Do you know where this was? The acid was intense so it might very well have been half bullshit.

    It was total Star Wars.

    So .. where was I, MisterV?
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 04-28-2024 at 12:32 AM.

  20. #2160
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    What have you been taking during your supposed brief relapse into sobriety, anything at all? Any mind altering substances at all?

    Okay and this is what I mean by shy of coherence posts. My reference to Fear and Loathing was with reference to REDietz.

    With UNKewlJ his writing is abysmally dull and consists of not much more than soft whining. Those one two three four (or) zero years of college he can't keep track of with his ever changing lies didn't help him. That he's a high school dropout is more than evident. People don't go to a four year college let alone a private Catholic one and still not know the difference between "effect" and "affect" and use the word "mussel" when muzzle is intended . That sort of thing is representative of the self educated street person UNKewlJ is. Even if he did know how to write, his constant
    Originally Posted by Tater/Moses
    Poor poor KJ. Always the victim.
    whine would destroy his focus.
    Come'on man. We all have our moments. Kewl could have a 4 year degree. There is literally a school out there for everyone. Yes he may not be the sharpest tack but given his posting level he is pretty much guaranteed to make some basic errors.

    Kewl has never claimed to be smart. He is just a grinder. He knows how to make it happen. How to survive as a pro. He isn't selling dreams. He is selling hard work. He has never said his wits have gotten him where he is. It is the MATH that has. It is his applicaiton and understanding of it in regards to BJ. (no, not blowjob).

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