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Thread: Fucked up Murder Confession Videos? :O

  1. #1
    Cynthia Cdebeca is one of the most fucked up Murder Confession Videos I have ever seen! :eek: Cynthia and her Son In Law, Gerardo had a contentious relationship. Cynthia said he was abusive to her Daughter and Gerardo sprayed her with water while she was outside smoking a cigarette. One day, on her birthday when they were going to go to Gerardo's Daughter's Spelling Bee, and then celebrate Cynthia's Birthday, Gerardo said that Cynthia looked Ghetto and THAT was the final straw for Cynthia. She got a gun and shot Gerardo multiple times as he told her he loved her(Probably trying to make her stop shooting him) Neighbors called 911 concerned and some gunshots were heard on the 911 call.

    After Gerardo was dead, Cynthia left his dead body in the house and went to a Casino and gambled for two hours, went to Denny's I believe, and went to a Cafe and was drinking coffee. It was at the Cafe where Police found her.

    They brought her into the police station for questioning and told her Gerardo was dead. At first she pretended to be confused and then she did a laugh that was supposed to sound like crying. She then decided to stop pretending and confessed she killed Gerardo and was glad he was dead. She gave Gerardo the thumbs down when asked how she felt about him and she said she prayed that Gerardo was dead and she CHEERED AND CELEBRATED Gerardo's death while the Police Officers looked STUNNED.:eek:

    The Cops allowed Cynthia's Daughter and her Granddaughter to come visit her. Cynthia told her Granddaughter, who was a little KID to give her a kiss and the Granddaughter said,"No, you killed my Dad!:( Poor little girl, her Dad was just Murdered by her Grandmother, ouch! :( And walked away. Realistically, the Granddaughter shouldn't have been allowed in the interrogation room where her Grandmother had just confessed to Murdering her Dad.

    Cynthia's Daughter was crying (Her Husband and father of her Daughter had just been Murdered by her Mother, poor Woman, :(. She asked Cynthia why she did this and Cynthia responded,"Because I wanted to!" Her Daughter cried even harder and Cynthia excitedly said,"Birthday!" With a huge smile. WTF! :confused: :eek: Her Daughter looked understandably horrified. :eek: She was allowed to hug her Mother goodbye as Cynthia would not be leaving custody. Cynthia sat in jail for about three years until her trial. Cynthia literally looked like she aged more than 20 years in the roughly three years in jail. She looked miserable , a far cry from the happy smiled she was doing at the Casino, the Diner, and the Cafe. At her trial, she was basically sentenced to life in prison.

    Sierra Halseth and Aaron Guerrero's Murder Confession Video of Daniel Halseth, Sierra's Father, is one of the most fucked up Murder Confession Videos I have ever seen. Aaron and Sierra were 18 and 16 when they were Boyfriend and Girlfriend. Sierra's Father and Mother and Aaron's Father and Mother all did not want Sierra and Aaron dating and forbade them from seeing each other. For some weird reason, they ONLY Murdered Daniel despite having three other Parents who didn't want them dating. They stabbed Daniel 70 times, tried to dismember him, and then set his house on fire and fled in his car and stole his money and had used his credit card fraudulently.

    The day Daniel died or the day after, Daniel's Mother, Christine was baffled on why he wasn't picking up his phone. She texted Sierra on why she couldn't get a hold of Daniel. Sierra responded,"Dad's phone has been acting up. It should be fixed tomorrow. No worries. :)(Sierra gave a smiley face, I'm not doing the smiling,) Christine was like,"Oh okay. I'll just call him the next day." The next day, Christine called Daniel again and still no answer. Christine once again texted Sierra to report that Daniel was still not answering his phone. Sierra texted back that Daniel was in the shower and she would tell him to call her back when he was done showering.

    Red alert, red flags, red alarms went off in Christine's head and she DEMANDED to speak to Daniel. She straight up asked Sierra if she needed to get the Police. Sierra stopped responding and Christine called the police and asked for a wellness check. On the police call, she pointed out that no one could get a hold of Daniel and spoke about the multiple ATM withdrawals and Sierra not answering her phone. Christine sent two acquaintances to check on Daniel and the acquaintances found Daniel's dead body that was stabbed and burned and was in a sleeping bag. They reported Daniel's dead body to the police and the police came and saw Daniel's dead body. Meanwhile, Sierra and Aaron went on the run.

    While on the run, Sierra and Aaron made a disturbing video where they were laughing and smiling and say,"Day 3. Aaron then says,"Day three after murdering somebody!" And Sierra is SHOCKED but still laughs and says,"Whoa! Don't put that on camera!" Aaron, instead of saying something like,"You're right, I shouldn't have said that awful joke, says,"It was worth it!" Sierra nods as Aaron lightly taps her cheek. Sierra then says,"And we had a lot of sex today!" :eek: Aaron says the sex was payment for Murder. :eek: Aaron repeatedly smacks Sierra, starts pawing at her face, starts "playfully," CHOKING her, :eek: she starts to cough and removes his hands from her throat as if to convey,"Why'd you start CHOKING me, IDIOT? :confused: :eek: He puts his hand BACK in her throat and she looked scared. He then puts her in a FUCKING headlock while she smiles but also has a look of,"Somebody save me from this Aaron idiot! He's SCARING Me! :eek: Aaron also makes weird noises, most likely making the sounds Daniel made as he was being Murdered.

    The next day, Sierra and Aaron are seen on surveillance Camera going into a Train Station. Police go on the train looking for them and they make out, unaware that Police are on the same train looking for them. The Police Find them and ask for train tickets and ID. Aaron admits they don't have train tickets and Aaron gives the police his ID(Stupid move when you're on the fucking run) :confused: The police run background checks on Sierra and Aaron and they have arrest warrants. The police extradite them to Nevada and they are booked and have their mugshots taken. Sierra kind of looks like she is smiling a little, while Aaron tries to look tough.

    They have multiple Court dates. Sierra in at least one Court date tries to get Aaron's attention, but he coldly ignores her. They enter Not Guilty pleas. Their Trial comes almost two years after they Murdered Daniel.

    Christine calls out Sierra for Murdering Daniel as Sierra looks unemotional. Sierra even says that Daniel abused her. Aaron is emotional, and Sierra is cold. The judge says something like,"2 years for fraudulent ATM withdrawals, 2 years for unauthorized use of a vehicle, 2 years for Arson, 2 years for conspiracy to commit Murder, 22 years before the possibility of parole for first degree Murder. She said that for both Aaron and Sierra. Aaron asked for forgiveness and showed remorse, Sierra showed no remorse.

    Sierra was left out of Daniel's Obituary and his Epitaph. One of Sierra's Family said he wanted Aaron and Sierra to get the death penalty! :eek: Christine said,"She's not my Granddaughter." In a prison interview, Aaron admitted he was on LSD and had mental problems when he and Sierra Murdered Daniel and wouldn't have done that if he weren't on LSD and was in his right mind. He said that Sierra used the weapon first and he just followed along out of impulse. He implied that he and Sierra had been in lust and not love and said he had no plans to contact Sierra.

    Chris Watts Murdered his pregnant Wife Shanann, and his two young Daughters, Celeste and Bella. He was cheating on Shanann with a Woman named Nicole and wanted to get rid of his family to be free to date Nicole. He inadvertently did the Murders on the same day that Shanann had a Doctor's appointment. When she didn't show up to her Doctor's appointment due to being dead, her Doctor called Shanann's Friend and Neighbor also called Nicole to report that Shanann didn't show up for her Doctor's appointment. Nicole was alarmed and called the police when she couldn't get a hold of Shannan.

    Chris and Nicole both gave interviews on Shanann, Bella, and Celeste's mysterious disappearances. Chris was FUCKING SMILING in his interview when he claimed he didn't knowing where Shannan, Bella, and Celeste were, :eek: :confused: and Nicole was CRYING.Chris had calked Celeste and Bella's school saying something like,"Celeste and Belka are never coming back to that school.

    Nicole and her Son went to the house on camera searching for clues and saw that Shannan's purse, her medication, her phone were still in the house while Chris had a look of fear on his face. Chris quickly became the number one Suspect and later confessed to killing Shannan and his younger Daughter in front of his older daughter and she had begged him not to kill her like he did to Mommy and her younger Sister. He killed her too. He threw their bodies into an oil tank. Chris was found guilty of four Murders and was sentenced to multiple life sentences. :eek:

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  2. #2
    Your post is kind of brief.

    Could you expand a little bit more please?

  3. #3
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Your post is kind of brief.

    Could you expand a little bit more please?
    "I killed Jimmy Hoffa. The rat deserved it."
    What, Me Worry?

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Your post is kind of brief.

    Could you expand a little bit more please?
    LMAO! I thought of saying something like,"Cynthia CHEERED AND CELEBRATED the death of her Son In Law, Chris admitted his Older Daughter begged him to not kill her like he did to Mommy and her Younger Sister, and Aaron admitted to Murder while Sierra laughed, but I felt I should go into a lot more detail.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  5. #5
    I REALLY should have posted the videos.

    Here is an indepth video of Cynthia Cdebeca

    Here is an indepth video about Daniel and Sierra Halseth and Aaron Guerrero

    Here is an indepth video of Chris Watts

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  6. #6
    pretty much any time someone murders someone it is fucked up, because usually the motive is selfishness and evilness. God created evil, it is up to God to end evil, but it can be assumed it would be bad for business.

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by theywontpayontuesday View Post
    pretty much any time someone murders someone it is fucked up, because usually the motive is selfishness and evilness. God created evil, it is up to God to end evil, but it can be assumed it would be bad for business.
    I personally thought that even before I read your post that GOD gets more blame for evil in the world than the Devil because a LOT of people blame God for not stopping the evil things that are happening. For instance, in a video of Susan Smith murdering her two innocent BABIES for a man, MULTIPLE comments blamed GOD for this tragedy saying something like,"How could GOD have allowed two innocent BABIES to be murdered by their Mother? Not very many comments were blaming the Devil for the innocent BABIES Murders by their own Mother.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

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