Originally Posted by
About the James L Knight Center, it's interesting that I chose the James L Knight Center for Cake Cream to do the bulk of their Shows at... James L Knight Center only has about 4,500 seats.
There is no mystery here, Karen.
That IS your name, right?
BTW: I wonder why won't Dan honor your request to let you change your handle to your "real" name as you requested?
Anyway, all thoughts of sock puppetry and truthfulness aside, it is clear to me that the James L. Knight Center "works" as a concert venue because you always seem to announce that Cake Cream will play either the same day or the following day: this gives very little time to "get the word out" to those out of the immediate area, the result being that is is mainly a "Locals Only" show.
*Mr. V farts demurely to emphasize his point*
Good thing their adoring fan base of teenaged Tik-Tokkers and homeless addicts with a trust fund can all "drop everything" and pogo on down to the venue.