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Thread: The end.

  1. #161
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    There has never been a weakass little twit who nervously keeps on claiming "I'm OK with someone who doesn't believe me" and then goes off on rants and whining about not being believed as if someone just cut his tiny nuts off, as the serial lying kew.
    The proof that UNKewlJ is a serial liar are all the lies and contradictions he has been caught in.

    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    APs for years now have been saying that UNKewlJ is more of a minor video poker player than anything else.

    And now we've had a couple verify the red green chip action in the presence of an obvious sugar daddy.

    On top of that we have an admitted liar.

    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Court is adjourned. Kewl has been found guilty of another whopper.
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    You have to figure about how after all these years of claiming that he has worked with this or that "AP," that this or that "AP" knows what happened to him here or there (including his lie about how various "APs" have contacted him about his fictitious backrooming incident after hearing about it), the only thing verified about him by multiple actual persons is that he has played a little red and green blackjack in the company of a sugar daddy.

    THAT (to use an UNKewl introductory intensifier) says it all.

    By now if there were any truth to any of what he claims something other than verification for his being a male prostitute would have come out.
    Last edited by MDawg; 07-23-2024 at 09:05 PM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  2. #162
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    You say this like it is unreasonable. This is a gambling forum (or supposed to be). I am a mid level AP that learned all I could about a specific area of advantage play, card counting and have supported myself for 20 years doings so. Not get rich money, but a comfortable living. I don't expect anyone to be impressed with that, that is not my goal. But is it too much to expect people to stop lying about me with things like homeless and male prostitute and whatever other stupid childish things they come up with? Seriously, is that asking too much?
    You've been unable to present even the slightest evidence of any of it being true after countless opportunities. I didn't say it was unreasonable.It is unreasonable to expect it though.
    And I NEVER will!!

    But here is the funny thing to me. No one has provided the slightest evidence that I am not what I say either. No one! And yet, people here have decided to believe all the nonsense that is said (not proven), everything from the previously mentioned homelessness, and prostitution, to Asian Heritage, to sugar daddy nonsense, to red chip player to so on and so forth. Whatever the retarded juvenile mind of Mdawg could come up with.

    If I really wasn't who and what I claim, wouldn't there have been some solid evidence by now, and not just this silly nonsense from a looney tune with and agenda?
    Give an example of evidence that could be applied to you?

  3. #163
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    You've been unable to present even the slightest evidence of any of it being true after countless opportunities. I didn't say it was unreasonable.It is unreasonable to expect it though.
    And I NEVER will!!

    But here is the funny thing to me. No one has provided the slightest evidence that I am not what I say either. No one! And yet, people here have decided to believe all the nonsense that is said (not proven), everything from the previously mentioned homelessness, and prostitution, to Asian Heritage, to sugar daddy nonsense, to red chip player to so on and so forth. Whatever the retarded juvenile mind of Mdawg could come up with.

    If I really wasn't who and what I claim, wouldn't there have been some solid evidence by now, and not just this silly nonsense from a looney tune with and agenda?
    Give an example of evidence that could be applied to you?
    I have no idea how someone would go about trying to prove something that is not true.

    My focus has been more on the opposite, trying to prevent, or make it as hard as possible for these trolls, haters, doxers to find information that is true that I don't want they to have, for identifying reasons
    Last edited by kewlJ; 07-23-2024 at 09:57 PM.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  4. #164
    the claims about KJ's notorious lifestyle are so very ridiculous
    I just found out he's in his 40s
    kinna tough to find a sugar daddy when you're that age - aren't they looking more for early 20s or late teens_________?
    a prostitute_____?____in his 40s________?_________seriously
    where did all of this bullshit come from_______?
    I think it's because he's gay - and people hate gays - so they manufacture all of this crap
    except for you know who who manufactures all of his crapola because KJ has on many occcasions shown that his claims are laughable
    he's explained why he falsified some of the details about his play
    what's the big deal______?______he's not running for Congress is he______?

    so very, very pathetic

    I say live and let live

    Last edited by Half Smoke; 07-24-2024 at 04:42 AM.
    the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him

  5. #165
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    The reason UNKewlJ loses at everything and is a loser in general is because he's a bad, unnatural person. And that has nothing to do with his being gay.

    Originally Posted by MickeyCrimm
    KJ, why don’t you just stop with all the bitter angry crap.
    AS far as you H.Smoke, how may anyone take you seriously when you're incapable of expressing yourself in complete thoughts, let alone complete sentences. And I'm not the first to have said that.

    And the mere existence of this thread, proves that UNKewlJ is incapable of any kind of resolve, and resolve is something that anyone needs in order to be successful at any venture, let alone casino play.

    Originally Posted by Gottlob1 View Post
    The thing about KJ - if you actually read what he writes - is that he constantly echoes the words/phrases and themes of the immediately previous replies by others. As I noted, a while back, he's extremely suggestible. Not someone in control of even his own life. People don't always end up in places like Vegas by their own conscious volition. My guess would be some nut-job living from one day to the next, now on the internet. Certainly of negligible intelligence, etc.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  6. #166
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    AS far as you H.Smoke, how may anyone take you seriously when you're incapable of expressing yourself in complete sentences.
    That is a very, very good point.
    I am not able to write a complete sentence.
    How is this for a complete sentence?

    You're full of shit.

    Was that sentence complete enough for you?

    Last edited by Half Smoke; 07-24-2024 at 05:23 AM.
    the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him

  7. #167
    That was a complete (basic) sentence. Not necessarily a complete thought.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  8. #168
    9 Pages to say Goodbye???
    The End?

  9. #169
    Originally Posted by Half Smoke View Post
    the claims about KJ's notorious lifestyle are so very ridiculous
    I just found out he's in his 40s
    kinna tough to find a sugar daddy when you're that age - aren't they looking more for early 20s or late teens_________?
    a prostitute_____?____in his 40s________?_________seriously
    where did all of this bullshit come from_______?
    I think it's because he's gay - and people hate gays - so they manufacture all of this crap
    except for you know who who manufactures all of his crapola because KJ has on many occcasions shown that his claims are laughable
    he's explained why he falsified some of the details about his play
    what's the big deal______?______he's not running for Congress is he______?

    so very, very pathetic

    I say live and let live

    Don't fall prey to kewls bullshit. Given the political proclivities of this board then yes his being gay has something to do with it but is far from being a primary reason.

    There are many prostitutes in LV. I knew an educated woman who moved there after marrying a gambler. She commented on how hard it was to find female friends who aren't prostitutes. Couple this with the lengths kewl has went through to convince everyone he is a professional gambler, it becomes very possible. There is some reason(s) he has done this for a decade+ , most likely some shame derived from however he mafe his money.

    I support him doing his new AP and writing about it but the victim shit is tedious at best.

    People also act off things he says. He sent me a PM years ago. I believed it but as the story progressed it became obviously nonsense. That wasn't about his counting. I assume he's spent a lot of time messing with that stuff but that doesn't mean he has supported himself.

  10. #170
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    There are many prostitutes in LV. it becomes very possible.
    yes, it's possible

    but is it fair to accuse somebody of something like that just because it's possible__________?

    again, he's in his 40s - a very uncommon age for this activity

    an awful lot of things are possible about a lot of people on this forum

    I've always considered most of your posts to be pretty much on target and worthwhile

    I'm kinna surprised that you would speculate about a person in this manner

    Last edited by Half Smoke; 07-24-2024 at 08:12 AM.
    the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him

  11. #171
    It is not speculation. UNKewlJ was observed in obvious sugar daddy compromising situations at least twice by reliable forum members, and
    Originally Posted by MDawg
    How about this one UNKewlJ? What well known AP said this:

    I thought that was common knowledge about Kewlj being a male prostitute.
    The person who said that is an impeccable source.

    On top of all that, the supportive proof that UNKewlJ is up to something other than what he claims, are all the lies and contradictions he gets caught in when trying to present his casino play claims. And what person would have turned down a way to double hundreds of thousands of dollars? (unless he was lying about it all to begin with, which obviously he was lying):

    Did UNKewlJ receive a settlement for his claimed backrooming incident?

    At a minimum he could have called SeedValue's bluff, which is obvious especially now, that it was no bluff. SeedValue was willing to deliver the cash to Dan Druff the moment UNKewlJ said Go.

    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    KJ, I might believe you, however, you just have way too many interesting things/stories Etc that for some reason or another you can never provide any proof. There's always some, for lack of a better word, Bullshit reason why you can't/won't. It seems as if it would be in your best interest to not mention anything in the first place if you can't provide one iota of proof for whatever reason.
    Last edited by MDawg; 07-24-2024 at 08:14 AM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  12. #172
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    9 Pages to say Goodbye???
    The End?
    Originally Posted by PunkCity
    Guess you have no idea about credibility.
    How can anyone actually believe anything you claim to achieve at blackjack?
    How can anyone take you seriously?
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  13. #173
    Originally Posted by jdog View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    it made more sense for a couple our age to be driving around as much as we do in one of these instead of a modified Charger (which my wife never really liked)--and which is also a bit loud when you get on it. There are slightly overall better foreign luxury sedans out there
    So I guess you're talking about the Blackwing version with the 6.2L? That MSRP is a bit steep, I think I'd opt to find one slightly used. Not too long ago I got rid of my Charger for a modified Vette that could probably outperform any of the cars in this conversation. That being said, it's a bit much to be driven around as a normal car, and occasionally I'm not in the mood for it. I think a slightly modified Hellcat Charger would be perfect for me. Because my wife doesn't mind some exhaust noise and the Caddys are completely off the table, she can't stand the way they look. And maintenance on the German/Italian cars is just stupid expensive.
    Yes the supercharged V8. I had to negotiate the "delivered" price because of the dealer markup. Sticker fully loaded is $114,238 w/o that markup. It's a bit different than the 2024.

    The 2017 Hellcat is a Hennessey upgraded version with 1005 hp. I've been having electrical issues lately and the AC went out, which I got fixed right away.

    I was a Corvette owner for many years, but these days we prefer softer rides than what they offer. The CT5-V blackwing seemed a good overall compromise. German etc.? Yes, bad bang for the buck for what you get from start to finish.

  14. #174
    I have said this a couple dozen times. I have no idea if KewlJ is a short order cook, a professional blackjack player, or a male escort. I will, however, endeavor to track him down. Las Vegas is, when it comes down to it, a very small town. If he was indeed detained at South Point, his identity is already permanently compromised.

    But all of that is neither here nor there. The important points are:

    1) When one alleged professional gambler continually bullshits and makes up stories, it undermines the credibility of everyone who engages with him. That applies to MDawg, "Singer," or myself.
    2) If you were dealing drugs in LV, or money laundering, or being Deuce Bigolo, all of which are technically illegal in LV, one would need a respectable cover. Claiming to be a professional card counter is one such cover. You would file taxes as such and just slide in "professional blackjack player" in place of whatever it is you actually do. Nobody from the feds is tailing you to verify next year's tax explanations. It's easy and convenient until it's not.
    3) Frankly, if I were doing something like that, I'd probably go and try to "get caught" counting cards as a way to prop up my income filings. You know, provide some "evidence." I'd be a real obvious moron in a place that tends to take action versus counters, and then I'd write about it on forums. You know, like South Point or somewhere similar.

    All of this stuff is obvious and Trickeration 101. Doesn't take a genius or a village, so to speak.

  15. #175
    And the obvious
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    You have fake deaths, marriages and deaths, evil doxxers, backroom arm-breakers, and after-the-fact-"misdirection" that would have been unnecessary if you simply don't make public the narrative.
    which also lends credence to that things are not what she would so desperately like us to think.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  16. #176
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    1) When one alleged professional gambler continually bullshits and makes up stories,
    All of this stuff is obvious and Trickeration 101
    how could you possibly know which stories are true and which stories are made up across this forum or any other gambling forum________?

    I asked the question and I'll answer it - there's no way you could possibly know what's true and what isn't unless you witnessed it yourself or it was reported in a reputable journal - and so very few are, and most here have not witnessed the gambling of others on this forum

    maybe some deliberately don't tell made up stories continually - they just tell them once in a while

    that's Trickeration 102 - not so obvious - but maybe even more effective

    the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him

  17. #177
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by jdog View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    it made more sense for a couple our age to be driving around as much as we do in one of these instead of a modified Charger (which my wife never really liked)--and which is also a bit loud when you get on it. There are slightly overall better foreign luxury sedans out there
    So I guess you're talking about the Blackwing version with the 6.2L? That MSRP is a bit steep, I think I'd opt to find one slightly used. Not too long ago I got rid of my Charger for a modified Vette that could probably outperform any of the cars in this conversation. That being said, it's a bit much to be driven around as a normal car, and occasionally I'm not in the mood for it. I think a slightly modified Hellcat Charger would be perfect for me. Because my wife doesn't mind some exhaust noise and the Caddys are completely off the table, she can't stand the way they look. And maintenance on the German/Italian cars is just stupid expensive.
    Yes the supercharged V8. I had to negotiate the "delivered" price because of the dealer markup. Sticker fully loaded is $114,238 w/o that markup. It's a bit different than the 2024.

    The 2017 Hellcat is a Hennessey upgraded version with 1005 hp. I've been having electrical issues lately and the AC went out, which I got fixed right away.

    I was a Corvette owner for many years, but these days we prefer softer rides than what they offer. The CT5-V blackwing seemed a good overall compromise. German etc.? Yes, bad bang for the buck for what you get from start to finish.
    Team kewl. You can stop at a dealership to take a picture of something and claim it as yours but you are unable to snap a picture of a car in your garage.

    Anyone who believes singer but not kewl is lol.

  18. #178
    The problem with Singer's vehicle presentation goes something like this:

    I have a copy of Amazing Fantasy #15. If somebody asks me to take a photo, I can do so (I assume the blurb at the bottom of Page One will separate it from reprint facsimiles). If somebody bets me I can't take a photo of it every day for a year, I can do that, too, with a dated newspaper in the photo.

    I'm not sure Rob can do that for his Hellcat. And he sure didn't do it for his half-million-dollar motor home. But he could just take pics starting tomorrow and lay all debates to rest.

  19. #179
    You people are and continue to be ridiculous. If this ridiculous made up story (by seedvalue) were true it would mean, that I began learning everything I could learn about blackjack card counting and advantage play, 6 years before I moved to Las Vegas, to become a prostitute. Really?!? Look, Seedvalue who came up with this story that Mdawg jumped on and has repeated a thousand times, was going to produce real live witnesses that would prove this claim. Where are they? He never produced anything except speculation.

    Look, I don't know anything about the MALE prostitute trade in Las Vegas. Being Vegas there probably is some form of it. Although I am not familiar with such an area, most major cities have an area or street, where young males ply their trade. The common name for them is hustlers. Most aren't even gay. They sell their bodies for a very little cash, usually for drug money. But there isn't some higher end male prostitution, like there is female (escorts), as far as I know. That is just all made up.

    Additionally, if and when someone wants to talk blackjack card counting, I will talk and tell you what I know. And I know a lot. I think I have proven that to anyone interested. And it is a hell of a lot more than some common bits of knowledge found by reading a book or two. The things I know are from experience, decades of it of playing, and learning what to do, and what not to do if you want to achieve some longevity. Example, this week in an appropriate discussion, I mentioned Bloodhound and BJsurvery blackjack evaluation software used by casinos (Bloodhound a little older now). I know all about and have access to the databases and which casinos are active contributors, which is the important part. I know and shared all kinds of techniques I use that have allowed me to achieve some longevity. Counters basic strategy, spreading both ways.

    Come on people this is not the kind of stuff you learn as "cover for" some other activity. Nor is it stuff available by picking up professional blackjack or some other blackjack book. This is stuff learned by years, decades of experience.


    I don't know exactly who seedvalue is/was or what his issue is/was. There are some theories floating around. But he made up this male prostitute thing and then Mdawg ran with it repeating it a thousand times. That is a propaganda tactic dating back to Nazi Germany (probably even earlier). You repeat a lie often enough and it becomes accepted as truth. We have politicians today that engage in this more than ever.

    This Mdawg has an agenda. He showed up telling a story of a high end gambler that wins every day. Wins millions. It was an interesting read, but it didn't make sense. He conflated the winning with the higher end comps and treatment that losing high end players get. That is NOT the way it works. Losing players get that treatment, long-term winning players get the boot. And have to work to find ways to be able to play.

    Many people at WoV called him out on this nonsense. I was just one and not even one of the first as I wasn't at WoV when he started this fairytale. But I probably was one of the louder voices calling him out. And when I got a hold of his actually records for a year that were in the red when he claims to have won millions, he abruptly changed his story and claim to "about even". THAT was the day the Mdawg adventure ended for most at WoV and other forums and he set out to troll and smear me in any way he could. He still posts. But no one is buying and few even respond.

    Yesterday's post had him winning $1000 (no big deal), after being down $80,000. That didn't happen! And digging out of a hole like that is one of the stupider things a real AP can do. You have to show what you are doing multiple times (exposure) to dig out of a hole like that. It is far to better to take and "book" a loss, and recoup later. But that doesn't make for a good story. And that is all Mdawgs writings are.

    But anyway, THAT is why Mdawg, a supposed Lawyer, and millionaire many times over, a supposed million dollar (many times over) winning player spends his time trolling me all over the internet. He blames me for his fairytale story, for whatever reason he was telling it...crashing and burning. It wasn't me, it was him. I just pointed out some facts.


    AP's on this forum HAVE to know that the things I know and will talk about if you want to talk shop, are NOT things read in a common book that someone would read for cover for something else. They are things learned from experience mostly, and networking with other real players. Years and decades of it.

    I got my hands on Grosjean's book, early after moving to Vegas. At the time that was considered the bible of advantage play and while AP's could get hold of it, most people didn't know how. I played some of the techniques in that book, particularly the big 6 wheel for a 6-8 month period. I believe I was responsible for Treasure Island here in Vegas, going to the electronic version rather than the girls spinning that could be exploited.

    So just stop with the stupid shit. I am not talking to Mdawg or Singer whe I say that. These two are life long gambling forum trolls and make up all sorts of lies. I am talking to you Accountinquestion, Jdog, and other AP's, even redietz, that are repeating this stupid shit. Don't buy into and enable this trolling. Have some common sense and use your head.

    And yes, I am sorry, if me being an active advantage player in this town, wanting to maintain my anonymity and not meet and interact with people from internet forums, even other AP's, as some of you do, has rubbed some the wrong way. It isn't personal. It is business. I am a solo player and that is what I do. My circle of friends, including a select few advantage players is very tight. Get over it!
    Last edited by kewlJ; 07-24-2024 at 11:54 AM.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  20. #180
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    I was a Corvette owner for many years, but these days we prefer softer rides than what they offer. The CT5-V blackwing seemed a good overall compromise.
    Yeah I get it. The Vette is only a fun car for us, yes the ride is bad and you may know the Z06 is manual only and lightweight. So less sound dampening, lots of road noise... etc. Those Caddys are nice cars. If you can believe it the deal breaker against trading up my Scat to a Hellcat years ago was gas mileage. At the time we were taking the Charger on road trips and a Hellcat wouldn't quite make our closest casinos on a tank of gas lol.

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