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Thread: Todd update WSOP

  1. #121
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Since I lunch with a bunch of profs, I guess it's my responsibility to point out that Villanova tuition is currently north of 60K a year. But it being a Catholic school, I imagine there is a hefty discount for buggery.
    Of course you did!! Isn't it funny that no matter what the topic, Red is right their knowing, meeting or having lunch with someone in that immediate field?

    Red, next time you get together with your professor friends , you might want to ask them about scholarships available to children of federal Employees who were killed on the job. Or even scholarships for children of Federal employees in general.

    I was able to attend Villanova due to 3 different scholarships that I qualified for, the biggest because my father was killed while working as a federal employee, when I was very young.

    Additionally, My Grandfather is a Villanova alum, pulled some strings and helps out some financially.

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    You know, I have to admit, it annoys the living hell out of me that someone would nonchalantly claim to be a high school dropout, GED, Villanova student with an annual cost in the 85K range. For someone to claim going to Villanova, which is right in my neck of the woods, disturbs me.
    You know what annoys the living hell out of me, Redeitz. When you people make up complete lies, as you have here. That "disturbs" me!

    I am not a high school drop out, nor received a GED. I graduated high school with my class. I did spend the last 3 months of high school commuting from the homeless shelter in Daytona to my High School and after school job and back to the shelter, daily after my stepfather kicked me out on my 18th birthday. I am proud I was able to do that for 3 months and graduated with my class and then went on to college. When my name was called, My classmates all rose applauding because everyone in the school and community knew the situation and what I had done to be there that day. So Fuck YOU!

    How about you stop repeating Mdawgs lies and talking points and be honest and show some decency for a change. I expected more from you than this.

    Don't be shy, kewlJ. How much money did you get for those three scholarships? What exactly were those scholarships? How much was each one? Were they annual or by semester or a monthly stipend? Surely you remember. I remember my amounts. I'm sure you remember yours. What SAT score got you into Villanova?

    Wait, wait, let me guess. You can't tell anyone because that would compromise your identity. Twenty years ago, what scholarships you got for how much would compromise your identity.

    Now what I love is kewlJ tosses out there the trope about me having lunch weekly with profs because it's a convenient story. Again, bad idea to imply that my veracity is less than stellar. Sorry, boyo, I can give you the names of the folks I have lunch with each week, and you can look them up. Hell, I can give you their email addresses after I clear it with them. Here's the names:

    Dr. Jerry Leger (also law degree from Harvard, MrV)
    Dr. Scott Beck
    Dr. Tony Cavendar
    Dr. Ken Mijeski
    Dr. Rubye Beck
    Dr. Judith Hammond

    Now, let's see, kewlJ, why don't you list a few of the profs you had at the time? What was your major? What courses did you take? How many credits did you complete in what?

    Wait, wait, that'll compromise his blackjack career. Or not. The devil, as always, is in the details. Bullshit, however, has no details. It's all a glop.

    KewlJ pulled some strings to get into Villanova and shelled out 85K a year, which was covered, of course by "three scholarships." He did this, of course, because why go to Temple when you aspire to be a Wildcat? St. Joe's, another Catholic school in the area, has tuition about 50K. But kewlJ aimed higher.

    P.S. Back in my 20's and 30's, I was friends with Bob Foley, the late Providence women's hoops coach. He died two months ago. He was a Villanova graduate. We guarded each other in lunchtime hoops games about a hundred times. I also guarded his wife, Louise (Leimkuhler), a time or two. Feel free, kewlJ. Do some Villanova name-dropping.

    P.S.S. I had a friend, Chris, whose father died working for the railroad. She had SS until she was 21 and got a partial scholarship to Penn State. My point is that she worked at a Vets as a waitress while going to school because her expenses were not covered, even though Penn State was about a third the cost of Villanova. She wound up getting a doctorate in psychology and becoming a therapist. Her grades were excellent. Can you imagine someone going to Villanova on three scholarships, fully covered, and then not graduating after putting in three years? How bad would grades have to be to not make it? And why would scholarships continue for three full years REGARDLESS OF GRADES?

    It's like Dalton says after the guy stabs him in the parking lot at the opening of Roadhouse, "Have you thought this through?"
    Last edited by redietz; 07-25-2024 at 04:36 AM.

  2. #122
    Another long winded reply replete with multiple quotes. You take up a lot of bandwidth.

  3. #123
    Another long winded reply, with multiple quotes. Computer is on hot standby for replies. LOL

    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    If you examine the UNKewl posts, almost EVERY ONE includes some soft whine about how, Pleeeease listen to me, I am not just a male prostitute, I have played BJ for 20 years and supported myself, almost EVERY ONE includes some soft whine about how, Pleeeease listen to me MDawg and R.Singer aren't really beating the casinos, almost EVERY ONE includes some soft whine summary of his ENTIRE boring life story (replete with contradictory lies).

    Recently, he posted about how he doesn't understand how or why the founding fathers created the Electoral College, and yet he wants us to believe that he graduated from a private four year college without ever taking the U.S. History that many completed in high school (Adv. Placement US History). This gal is just a mass of contradictions and lies that make it obvious that it's a street raised bum desperate for the attention that his own family denied him when they kicked him out.

    Originally Posted by mdawg
    FOUR versions of the lie:

    1) Never went to college, never got his degree

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I didn't have the opportunity to go to college
    "I have done fine making money without a college degree."

    "I have been pretty open about my education and not having the chance to go to college"

    "You haters like to call me uneducated because I didn't have the opportunity to go to college as I had planned. " (And, like the lying chameleon that he is, trying hard to put himself in the company of people who also never graduated college, but did well.)

    2) Went to college and graduated

    "I graduated college in 2014 and moved to Las Vegas and moved in with my brother. "

    3) Went to Villanova but attended only 1 year, no degree

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    But I did well enough to have been accepted at a private catholic university on Philadelphia's exclusive mainline. I only attended for one year.
    4) Went to Villanova attended 3 years, dropped out, got his degree online

    Bottom line is this pathological liar can't even keep his lies straight. Again.

  4. #124
    Originally Posted by DaveDandry View Post
    Another long winded reply replete with multiple quotes. You take up a lot of bandwidth.
    another on time observation

    Redietz and Singer constantly post about how great they are or were

    Redietz loves to drop names of prestigious people he claims to associate with

    and he also loves to post about his performance in long forgotten sports betting contests from many, many years ago -

    Singer loves to post about his writings and he recently claimed that he is "famous"

    they're both in great need of recognition

    and since nobody else here posts about how great they are or were

    they take it upon themselves to pick up the slack

    great, great stuff


    Name:  ray-liotta-laughing.gif
Views: 85
Size:  415.3 KB

    Last edited by Half Smoke; 07-25-2024 at 10:17 AM.
    the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him

  5. #125
    A couple of observations from the sidelines. One guy tells a variety of stories, with the premise he wants to maintain anonymity. Two other guys seem to be waiting for him to post, so they can immediately post quick responses with a variety of putdowns. One guy posts very long winded replies, with numerous quotes and highlights, representing page after page of saved ammunition.

    I'm wondering why the first guy, if he wanted anononymity would be posting on a public forum to begin with. Why share personal information at all? Seems counter productive and counter intuitive for someone guarding their livlihood.

    The other two guys seem to spend their days waiting for the first guy to post something so they can immediately respond, regardless of the subject matter of the post.

    So you have to wonder, which came first...the chicken or the egg? Seems like all three are living in each others head. That is all.

  6. #126
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Think of this cesspool as being sort of like a watering hole in the dry season at the Okavango Delta in botswana: there are always predators seeking to pounce on those who come to drink.

    Fortunately the prey have good defense mechanisms, resulting in unintentional hilarity.
    What, Me Worry?

  7. #127
    Originally Posted by Half Smoke View Post
    Originally Posted by DaveDandry View Post
    Another long winded reply replete with multiple quotes. You take up a lot of bandwidth.
    another on time observation

    Redietz and Singer constantly post about how great they are or were

    Redietz loves to drop names of prestigious people he claims to associate with

    and he also loves to post about his performance in long forgotten sports betting contests from many, many years ago -

    Singer loves to post about his writings and he recently claimed that he is "famous"

    they're both in great need of recognition

    and since nobody else here posts about how great they are or were

    they take it upon themselves to pick up the slack

    great, great stuff


    Name:  ray-liotta-laughing.gif
Views: 85
Size:  415.3 KB

    Singer WAS famous....but he still is to all the little people around here.

  8. #128
    Most of the poker pros are using past results to calculate their EV. In the online cash games the calc is how many big blinds are you winning per 100 hands. The tournaments are similar. How much have you paid. How much have you cashed for. Your track record is a fairly good predicter.

    In a discussion before the poker boom Phil Hellmuth put his EV in poker tournaments at +600. But if you win a main event like he did and count it in the results it's going to be skewed.

    Daniel Negreanu published his tournament results for 2017. He cashed for 2.792 million but had 2.874 million in buyins. So he lost 86K plus expenses that year. One of his cashes was for 936K. Without that win he would have lost big time.

    I remember about 25 years ago there was a tournament player on a hot streak. He was winning and placing high in tournaments for several months. Right in the middle of his hot streak I was in a cash game. He walked behind me and I overheard him ask someone to loan him $300 so he could buyin to a tournament. A few months later he disappeared from the tournament circuit never to be heard from again.

    Besides having to pay juice to play in the tournaments the expenses will also eat you up.

    Not long ago Negreanu said "those that make a living playing poker tournaments are as rare as birds with teeth."

    A lot of the big shot players like Negreanu get their buyins paid by sponsors. Those that get the endorsements are the ones making the money.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  9. #129
    I was never "famous," but people in sports betting circles did know who I was.

    I have to say, regarding Mr. "Singer," that he was the front-and-center writer in Gaming Today for years, with his smiling countenance on the front page more often than not. Since that tabloid was circulated to the tune of what, 30K or thereabouts (?) and on display for decades in every Las Vegas sports book, I have to say that in most ways people define "famous," he was famous. He was certainly famous in Las Vegas.

    As for myself, I'm not famous, but I was in Playbook on newsstands, distributed nationally, for more than a decade, and my reputation was solid as a rock, which is why I was vetted to be in Who's Who in Sports Gambling (1984) and why Billy Walters hired me. The Playbook circulation had to be in the 50K or more range weekly, maybe two to three times that depending on year, so I guess people did know who I was.

    Now compare that to the current crop of forum luminaries, who type online while using pseudonyms. No wonder people don't get married until 30 years old these days. Hiding in parents' basements and half their communication is anonymous, like kindergarten kids wearing superhero masks at recess. In general, they don't know how to compete or conduct themselves or get laid.

    But, as Russell Brand says, "That's just what I think. What do YOU think? Put your comments below." Only sign them with a real name and address so you can play with the grown-ups.
    Last edited by redietz; 07-25-2024 at 11:19 AM.

  10. #130
    Originally Posted by DaveDandry View Post

    I'm wondering why the first guy, if he wanted anononymity would be posting on a public forum to begin with. Why share personal information at all? Seems counter productive and counter intuitive for someone guarding their livlihood.
    Welcome to the forum DaveDandry.

    This is a gambling forum (or supposed to be. I am a professional gambler or AP. I should be able to share some of my experiences as such, without revealing every personal detail of my existence like I am on trial.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  11. #131
    I think the addiction card is heavily ignored here. How many of these people use "Poker Pro" as a cover for a gambling addiction?

  12. #132
    Yet looking over a few of your posts, you talk non stop about your personal life.

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by DaveDandry View Post

    I'm wondering why the first guy, if he wanted anononymity would be posting on a public forum to begin with. Why share personal information at all? Seems counter productive and counter intuitive for someone guarding their livlihood.
    Welcome to the forum DaveDandry.

    This is a gambling forum (or supposed to be. I am a professional gambler or AP. I should be able to share some of my experiences as such, without revealing every personal detail of my existence like I am on trial.

  13. #133
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Most of the poker pros are using past results to calculate their EV. In the online cash games the calc is how many big blinds are you winning per 100 hands. The tournaments are similar. How much have you paid. How much have you cashed for. Your track record is a fairly good predicter.

    In a discussion before the poker boom Phil Hellmuth put his EV in poker tournaments at +600. But if you win a main event like he did and count it in the results it's going to be skewed.

    Daniel Negreanu published his tournament results for 2017. He cashed for 2.792 million but had 2.874 million in buyins. So he lost 86K plus expenses that year. One of his cashes was for 936K. Without that win he would have lost big time.

    I remember about 25 years ago there was a tournament player on a hot streak. He was winning and placing high in tournaments for several months. Right in the middle of his hot streak I was in a cash game. He walked behind me and I overheard him ask someone to loan him $300 so he could buyin to a tournament. A few months later he disappeared from the tournament circuit never to be heard from again.

    Besides having to pay juice to play in the tournaments the expenses will also eat you up.

    Not long ago Negreanu said "those that make a living playing poker tournaments are as rare as birds with teeth."

    A lot of the big shot players like Negreanu get their buyins paid by sponsors. Those that get the endorsements are the ones making the money.

    I quote that "birds with teeth" line all the time. People don't win overall in tournaments. The best pros, if they limit themselves to the soft stuff with the least experienced players are, in my opinion, probably still good for +200 or more these days. But those kinds of tournaments where much money is at stake are few. And the variance is high. If you follow some of the poker side bets of pro versus pro, many times both in the WSOP are negative. So the person less negative wins the prop.

    I saw a quote regarding the average income of those deeming themselves "professional poker players," and it was 45K or something like that. None of this surprises me. The juice for tournaments these days is brutal, and the expenses are high. I remember watching an old WSOP at Binion's downtown. The players' rooms were all comped and they had free food-and-beverage hospitality rooms. Now the WSOP sucks up the players' money and doesn't give much in return. I don't blame Witteles for being Scrooge half the time. The organizations and casinos are just bleeding players.

  14. #134
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    You guys want to demonize and witchhunt me, because you don't like something else about me.
    People don't appreciate being lied to, that's all it is... period. Clearly you stated that you never went to college and then later stated you did. You only addressed that the one post was written by your brother, which was another misdirection. The other contradictory statements still stand unexplained, and it sure doesn't have anything to do with staying anonymous.

    Stick with your experiences in the casinos and leave out the brags about how much you made or won, unless you're willing to provide some kind of evidence to back it up. Do this and you'll have a lot less conflict here.

  15. #135
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Don't be shy, kewlJ. How much money did you get for those three scholarships?

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    What exactly were those scholarships?

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    How much was each one?

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Were they annual or by semester or a monthly stipend?

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    What SAT score got you into Villanova?

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Twenty years ago, what scholarships you got for how much would compromise your identity.

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Dr. Jerry Leger (also law degree from Harvard, MrV)
    Dr. Scott Beck
    Dr. Tony Cavendar
    Dr. Ken Mijeski
    Dr. Rubye Beck
    Dr. Judith Hammond
    Good for you! No one cares!

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    why don't you list a few of the profs you had at the time?

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    What was your major?

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    What courses did you take?

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    How many credits did you complete in what?

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    KewlJ pulled some strings to get into Villanova and shelled out 85K a year, which was covered, of course by "three scholarships." He did this, of course, because why go to Temple when you aspire to be a Wildcat? St. Joe's, another Catholic school in the area, has tuition about 50K. But kewlJ aimed higher.
    NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS why I decide to attend Villanova!

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    P.S. Back in my 20's and 30's, I was friends with Bob Foley, the late Providence women's hoops coach. He died two months ago. He was a Villanova graduate. We guarded each other in lunchtime hoops games about a hundred times. I also guarded his wife, Louise (Leimkuhler), a time or two.
    Good for you for playing basketball in a pick up game with Bob Foley, who I never heard of. NO ONE CARE. I played High school baseball. Real games, not a lunchtime pick up game against 2 different guys that made it to Major League baseball, one had a 10 year career. That shit is totally irrelevant on a gambling forum.

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    P.S.S. I had a friend, Chris, whose father died working for the railroad. She had SS until she was 21 and got a partial scholarship to Penn State. My point is that she worked at a Vets as a waitress while going to school because her expenses were not covered, even though Penn State was about a third the cost of Villanova. She wound up getting a doctorate in psychology and becoming a therapist. Her grades were excellent. Can you imagine someone going to Villanova on three scholarships, fully covered, and then not graduating after putting in three years? How bad would grades have to be to not make it? And why would scholarships continue for three full years REGARDLESS OF GRADES?
    Good for your friend that worked as a waitress. No one cares! IT is none of your business, but I also worked while in college. Look Redietz, this is a gambling forum. I can share what I want to share about my gambling career and experiences and even some personal details if I want. But that doesn't mean I am on trial and HAVE to answer every or any personal questions that I don't want to. Get THAT through your fucking bald head! Who do you think you are?
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  16. #136
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    but I was in Playbook on newsstands, distributed nationally, for more than a decade, and my reputation was solid as a rock, which is why I was vetted to be in Who's Who in Sports Gambling (1984) and why Billy Walters hired me. The Playbook circulation had to be in the 50K or more range weekly, maybe two to three times that depending on year, so I guess people did know who I was.
    that's really, really great man
    I played college hoops - Division 1 - although I have to admit it was a small college
    I wasn't great but during my career I got to get out on the court with some of the all time greats mostly due to the fact that I was playing in the DC area
    my small college of 2,400 students played a much larger college of 30,000 and I had a 3 point play on a an All American who later became an NBA and ABA All Star

    hows about I tell you my real name - and I recount my days of glory (more h.s. than college -) in a sparkling play by play format

    would you enjoy that___________?____________would you be impressed___________?__________maybe I should do it and get my share of recognition

    I'm sure people would just love to hear all about it - I could go on and on and on about it for many, many pages - I already posted a little about it here, but I didn't give my real name - I could do that - and I could provide documents and pics

    lemme know - I'm waiting

    Bob Foley_________?????____________if I told you the names of guys I got to get out on the court with - everyone or almost everyone on the forum would recognize the names immediately

    Last edited by Half Smoke; 07-25-2024 at 11:46 AM.
    the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him

  17. #137
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Me, I haven't accomplished a god-damned thing to make me famous and I don't plan to.

    Fame...just a mirror the insecure hold up to see themselves in.

    What matters is how you and those who know you have judged the quality of your life: I mean, really, WGAS what strangers think about you?
    What, Me Worry?

  18. #138
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I was never "famous," but people in sports betting circles did know who I was.

    I have to say, regarding Mr. "Singer," that he was the front-and-center writer in Gaming Today for years, with his smiling countenance on the front page more often than not. Since that tabloid was circulated to the tune of what, 30K or thereabouts (?) and on display for decades in every Las Vegas sports book, I have to say that in most ways people define "famous," he was famous. He was certainly famous in Las Vegas.

    As for myself, I'm not famous, but I was in Playbook on newsstands, distributed nationally, for more than a decade, and my reputation was solid as a rock, which is why I was vetted to be in Who's Who in Sports Gambling (1984) and why Billy Walters hired me. The Playbook circulation had to be in the 50K or more range weekly, maybe two to three times that depending on year, so I guess people did know who I was.

    Now compare that to the current crop of forum luminaries, who type online while using pseudonyms. No wonder people don't get married until 30 years old these days. Hiding in parents' basements and half their communication is anonymous, like kindergarten kids wearing superhero masks at recess. In general, they don't know how to compete or conduct themselves or get laid.

    But, as Russell Brand says, "That's just what I think. What do YOU think? Put your comments below." Only sign them with a real name and address so you can play with the grown-ups.
    I'll be glad to post up my real name....right after you deliver your credit score to Todd Wittelles. I won't hold my breath. Hahahahahaha!!!!
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  19. #139
    Originally Posted by DaveDandry View Post
    I'm wondering why the first guy, if he wanted anononymity would be posting on a public forum to begin with. Why share personal information at all? Seems counter productive and counter intuitive for someone guarding their livlihood.
    Of course, and this is the major contradiction inherent in kewl's character. He claims he's required to be the most anonymous AP in the history of APs, yet he is compelled to post endless details about his accomplishments and day to day life.

    Originally Posted by DaveDandry View Post
    The other two guys seem to spend their days waiting for the first guy to post something so they can immediately respond, regardless of the subject matter of the post.
    Yep, that's it in a nutshell and the results are quite entertaining.

  20. #140
    Originally Posted by Half Smoke View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    but I was in Playbook on newsstands, distributed nationally, for more than a decade, and my reputation was solid as a rock, which is why I was vetted to be in Who's Who in Sports Gambling (1984) and why Billy Walters hired me. The Playbook circulation had to be in the 50K or more range weekly, maybe two to three times that depending on year, so I guess people did know who I was.
    that's really, really great man
    I played college hoops - Division 1 - although I have to admit it was a small college
    I wasn't great but during my career I got to get out on the court with some of the all time greats mostly due to the fact that I was playing in the DC area
    my small college of 2,400 students played a much larger college of 30,000 and I had a 3 point play on a an All American who later became an NBA and ABA All Star

    hows about I tell you my real name - and I recount my days of glory (more h.s. than college -) in a sparkling play by play format

    would you enjoy that___________?____________would you be impressed___________?__________maybe I should do it and get my share of recognition

    I'm sure people would just love to hear all about it - I could go on and on an on about it for many, many pages - I already posted a little about it here, but I didn't give my real name - I could do that - and I could provide documents and pics

    lemme know - I'm waiting

    Sometime after college, while I still lived in Phila area, before she died, My grandmother asked me to take over her role as decision maker for an uncle (my Mother's older brother) who was first in Coatesville VA hospital and later a state run nursing home, with severe Altheimer's. It was no big deal the facility just needed a contact person and someone to make small decisions. I visited him several times. He didn't know who I was. But boy would he ramble on and on about things from 50 years prior when he was a teen. On and on and on!!

    That is exactly what Redietz reminds me of on this forum. An Altheimers patient living in the past

    It is a gambling forum, so some of the stuff about sports betting is on topic. BUT come on it is from 1984....40 years ago! But then he goes off into these weird stories of pickup basketball games, and God knows what else that no one gives a fuck about. And he goes into these 40-50 year old completely off topic stories for one he can drop some name that no one has every heard of.

    hey, here's an idea. Maybe Rob can regale us with some stories of the guys he knew back at the Juvenile detention center in Massachusetts, 60 years ago? Or Mdawg can regale us with stories of racing camels in his youth?
    Last edited by kewlJ; 07-25-2024 at 11:57 AM.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

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