Sarah/Slot Lady is a prime example of a once great Slot Video Uploader who has gone downhill. She started off as a wholesome, beautiful, demure, happy,girl next door, clean cut girl who enjoyed playing slots and MANY people liked her.
Men wanted to date her and Women wanted to be her Friend. But one day suddenly a fracture started to occur. She was coming off as melancholy and morose, a far cry from how she usually was.
Then she soon after introduced her "Friend," Victor. People were put off by Victor because he comes across as creepy and unsettling. Victor started appearing more and more in Sarah's videos .
Sarah soon admitted that Victor was her Boyfriend which MANY People already surmised. I don't blame Sarah for admitting that Victor was her Boyfriend because when people thought she was single, a lot of creepy men were hitting on her.
One particular creepy man posted an EXTREMELY creepy post on one of her videos, something like,"I want to show up in your house and be inside of you." People were saying stuff like,"This creepy man posted a stalker post. Poor Sarah, being hit on by this stalker pervert. Sarah should trace his IP address and send it to the Authorities. This is NOT what you say to a Woman just enjoying playing slots. " It was after this creepy post that Sarah put Victor on camera. I don't blame her. Eventually only Victor was being seen in All Casino Action, the rebranded channel.
EZ Life Slots predicted like roughly the day after Victor was introduced that Sarah would get phased out eventually and it would only be Victor on camera and it happened. Victor is a bad sport on his gambling videos, throwing temper tantrums when he loses and is even a sore winner. He throws his tips at the dealers, a huge no no.
Victor and Sarah now are basically doing Porn. This is a far cry from how good girl Sarah started off. :/
I was thinking of bringing up this on WOV, but a guy mentioned on WOV Sarah going downhill and he got warned/suspended since Sarah is a member in good standing on WOV although she has only logged in once in years. So, I decided not to bring up on WOV the Sarah going downhill thing.