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Thread: Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D

  1. #1501
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Alison had a brain fart, a rather nasty, stinky one at that.

    "Habiba, we've been overindulging a bit in our cannibalizing, dontcha think? I mean, we're eating our own kind...hell, I just ate my brother."

    Habiba dropped a pile of dung then languidly responded "Maybe..."

    "We've veered from the path, Habiba...we need to embrace The Alligator Way. No more chomping our kin; let them live long lives and then transform into trendy purses and shoes."

    "OK, but what will we eat? I've tired of fish and I'm now addicted to strange foods."

    Alison went online and stumbled upon the archives of WoV and therein found the answer.

    "We're lesbians and love to eat pussy. I just found a place with a seemingly endless supply, in a shit-hole stated called Michigan. There's an eccentric old coot who lives there in a hovel filled with prime pussy...dozens of mewing, purring, shitting and pissing tasty meals. He goes by the name "Evertheboob."

    Habiba smiled: "Sounds good to me...let's go."

    So they tapped their alligator feet together three times, saying "There's no place like Michigan..." and voila'...this incantation resulted in the witch Axl Rose transporting them to Evertheboob's shit stained, smelly tumble-down front porch.

    "Knock knock..."
    What, Me Worry?

  2. #1502
    Originally Posted by pinchingyourballs View Post
    "I'm just not feeling it for the number 17308926," Habiba the ventriloquist alligator said to her lesbian wife, Alison, as they munched on the remains of her ventriloquist alligator brother Rashid.
    Thank you, for bringing it up. I guess that I sort of just knew that you were to, given that there's one more bit to add to it.

    Going by its alternate form, for the bases, and exponents, reversed, (100000000- 26891730) = 73108270 = {73100000 + [10000 - (1000 + 10*3 + 700)]} ---> 731\1_1/137 .

  3. #1503
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Say, I know: put down that calculator and try adding something to the story; hell, create your own parallel universe...just try to use words, not numbers and equations.
    Essentially, no calculators, let alone computers involved. I mean, you can't use computer simulations to work this sort and degree of stuff out. And, it either works out, or, it doesn't, especially with the numerals in the latest discussions. But, again and again, it comes down to the same sets of numerals.

    Why is that? It has to do with a working theory of everything.

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    125 -------------> 125 = 5*5*5 ---> 555

  4. #1504
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    There was no answer when Alison rang the doorbell, she heard a god-awful sound from inside the broken down hovel.

    The front door was afar, so the 'gators walked inside and...

    Holy Shit, what a sight!

    It was a hoarder house; a narrow pathway through stacks of old newspapers and the detritus of a failed life flanked the saurians as they approached the kitchen.

    There they espied a wizened old man wearing an aluminum foil cap chopping up a Siamese cat; enthralled, they watched silently from behind as the Demonic Chef quickly stir fried the unfortunate feline, adding tomato paste and capers: he quickly snapped a photo of his meal and sent it off into the ether.

    "I'm impressed" said Habiba; "Me too" echoed Alison: "this cretin is doing it right, living the good life."

    Alas, Alison let loose a gaseous emission, the parting words of Rashid: the chef turned, cleaver in hand and laughed, saying "It's about time you got here..."
    Last edited by MisterV; 09-24-2024 at 04:53 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  5. #1505
    Originally Posted by pinchingyourballs View Post
    Good morning. Please enjoy the following

    4 x (3x6x8x64) = 36864
    3 x (7x9x9x47) = 79947
    3^5 x 7 x 21 = 35721

    and try not to take yourself too seriously, Abby. We wouldn't want you going the way or red or kew.
    The numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42 frequently recurred in Lost. Each corresponded with one of the final candidates to replace Jacob as protector of the Island. The numbers also formed the coefficients in an equation that predicted mankind's extinction.
    Does God take him/herself seriously?

  6. #1506
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    It was clear that Evertheboob had very poor vision and that he confused Alison and Habiba for his estranged wife and her lesbian lover.

    "Let's fuck with this moron" Alison whispered to Habiba.

    "Shall we rearrange his stacks of old newspapers?"

    "Nah, watch this..."

    Alison ventriloquistically threw her voice such that it seemed to be coming from the pan of bubbling stir fry: "If you don't eat me I'll tell you the secret to winning roulette."

    This stopped the old codger in his tracks; "Wait a minute ladies, I need to take care of something..." he then turned toward the simmering Siamese.

    Name:  6003_large_aa111bbb100.jpg
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    EB puffed his chest and blustered: "I know the secret to winning at roulette, it's easy...I just follow my hunches while kissing, licking and sucking the end of my lucky charm, a dessicated horse's penis."

    Alison stifled a fart and threw her voice again: "Sure, but that's for amateurs and ploppies; it ain't what AP's do."

    "What? I'm an AP, it's what I do! Don't try to correct me, cat."

    "Come closer Evertheboob and I will instill the Ultimate Pearl of Roulette Wisdom, unleashing the Key to Riches."

    Curious, the ancient fool bent down over the stove...then quick as you could say 'unicycling the Camino' Alison came in and pressed Evertheboob's ugly mug into the bubbling, sizzling fryng pan.

    Alison held his face to the fire: as his screams faded the last words he heard from the frying pan were "Turnabout is fair play, pussy."

    With that Alison and Habiba put on their bibs and chomped chomped and chomped some more.
    Last edited by MisterV; 09-25-2024 at 09:22 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  7. #1507

  8. #1508
    We're just sitting around, listening to stuff that the "old man" is babbling. Oh, the stories that I can tell about him.

  9. #1509
    Originally Posted by MHF View Post
    Originally Posted by MHF View Post
    17308926 = (1^7 + 7^2 + 3^0 + 0^9 + 8^8 + 9^6 + 2^1 + 6^3), with exponents, 7, 2, 0, 9, 8, 6, 1, and 3.
    So how about turning around the above, in an effort to finish off the thus stuff?

    7^1 + 2^7 + 0^3 + 9^0 + 8^8 + 6^9 + 1^2 + 3^6 = 26855778, which doesn't share the same outright property as 17308926, in terms of using each of the digits, 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

    However, something works, say, 26855778 = (26891730 - 35952) = [26891730 - (35953 - 1)], with the red digits above almost as before, but, in a backward sense, and, (35953 - 1) ---> 1/359_953 .

    So how about another song, this one at a time of 3:59?

    Oh, almost forgot to do the (100000000 - 26855778) = 73144222, thing, but, with the entire numeral, which then goes to 1/731_142 .

    Interestingly, if go the route of PYB's original thus notion, then (2^6+8^5+5^7+7^8) = 5875758 ---> (10000000 - 5875758) = 4124242 ---> 142, I think, by bringing the 1 to the front.
    Originally Posted by MHF View Post
    Interestingly, if go the route of PYB's original thus notion, then 26855778 ---> (2^6 + 8^5 + 5^7 + 7^8) = 5875758 ---> (10000000 - 5875758) = 4124242 ---> 142, I think, by bringing the 1 to the front.
    Someone should similarly finish up with its corresponding term, 17308926 = (1^7 + 3^0 + 8^9 + 2^6) = 134217794, as another exercise in mathematical dexterity.

  10. #1510
    Originally Posted by MHF View Post
    Originally Posted by MHF View Post
    Interestingly, if go the route of PYB's original thus notion, then 26855778 ---> (2^6 + 8^5 + 5^7 + 7^8) = 5875758 ---> 5875758 = (10000000 - 4124242) ---> 1/142, I think, by bringing the 1's to the front.
    Someone should similarly finish up with its corresponding term, 17308926 ---> (1^7 + 3^0 + 8^9 + 2^6) = 134217794, as another exercise in mathematical dexterity.
    134217794 = [(20 + 1 + 14200)*(1000 - 142)*11 - 4] ---> 1/142_1/142_1/142, which forms the last 1/142 by wrapping the end of the expression back to its start . Interestingly, there're three of the 1/142's in succession, like the thus result above for 5875758 .

    Another way is to write the 5875758 as {100000*[(7 + 40) + 11] + 75700 + [11 + (40 + 7)*1]}, which gets back to the grafting integer 5711, and, the suicide text number, 741_741, just like,
    134217794 = {(101+757)*11*[4^0+7100+10+10+(100+7000)]-4}, except which has 1's over the 174's .

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    Oh, (04:38 + 03:18) = 7:56 ---> (757 - 1) --->1/757 .
    Last edited by MHF; 10-01-2024 at 04:33 PM.

  11. #1511
    Originally Posted by MHF View Post
    Originally Posted by MHF View Post
    Originally Posted by MHF View Post
    Interestingly, if go the route of PYB's original thus notion, then 26855778 ---> (2^6 + 8^5 + 5^7 + 7^8) = 5875758 ---> 5875758 = (10000000 - 4124242) ---> 1/142, I think, by bringing the 1's to the front.
    Someone should similarly finish up with its corresponding term, 17308926 ---> (1^7 + 3^0 + 8^9 + 2^6) = 134217794, as another exercise in mathematical dexterity.
    134217794 = [(20 + 1 + 14200)*(1000 - 142)*11 - 4] ---> 1/142_1/142_1/142, which forms the last 1/142 by wrapping the end of the expression back to its start . Interestingly, there're three of the 1/142's in succession, like the thus result above for 5875758 .

    Another way is to write the 5875758 as {100000*[(7 + 40) + 11] + 75700 + [11 + (40 + 7)*1]}, which gets back to the grafting integer 5711, and, the suicide text number, 741_741, just like,
    134217794 = {(101+757)*11*[4^0+7100+10+10+(100+7000)]-4}, except which has 1's over the 174's .

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    Oh, (04:38 + 03:18) = 7:56 ---> (757 - 1) --->1/757 .
    By way of a follow-up post, at post #138 = (1 + 137) ---> 1/137, consider that 1509 = (1609 - 100) ---> 1961, or 1691, 1510 = [1000 + (700 - 200) + 10] ---> 1721, or 1271, and, (04:38 - 03:18) = 1:20 ---> 120 = (1 + 2)*4*10 ---> 1/142.

    Anyway, see you, in the next life, or at the finals, if you make it. Remember that they're all "rabbit holes", until it's not. Over and out, G!

    Last edited by MHF; 10-02-2024 at 08:57 AM.

  12. #1512
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Karen sat in her broken chair and tried to hold back the tears.

    "Dem white devils has really dones it, mammie...'dat V basta in per-tikler. I and I has da good mind nots to post 'dere anymores. Fact be I and I ain't posted none fo' weeks...'dat'll shows 'em."."

    "Chile, 'stead o' worryin' 'bout 'dat shit, you should fine ya a man ta takes care o' ya'...I had yo' daddy wit me fo' a coupla months til he ran off. Dey was good times..."

    "I and I don't wants or needs no man, mammie...I and I is asexual."

    "Dat be yo' problem, girl, you ain't never learned firs hand 'bout da cock."

    "I and I be a asexual virgin mammie so o' course I and I don't know shit 'bout 'dat nasty shit."

    "Ain't nasty, girl, fact be it sorta comical, how we womens can con-trols dem mens jes by 'dere be lik magic, sorta."

    Karen tired of this all too familiar conversation; she lurked at WoV and VCT in order to see what shit they'd spun up about her today; she mused "I and I be 'portant to 'dem white devils."
    Last edited by MisterV; 10-02-2024 at 12:20 PM.
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  13. #1513
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    "I and I is back, mammie" said a smug negress as she pecked at her keyboard; "dem white devils, dey scared me fo' a bit but now I and I is ready to conquer de world."

    "You never goes anywhere 'cept to go to work, buy chicken, or to dat damned scientology place you so fond of."

    "Now mammie, you knows how 'portant 'tis for me to gets clear."

    "Clear, shmear...dem rascals, I don't trusts 'em."

    "I and I heard dat dey be tryin' to open a casino, like dem injuns has done."

    Mammie stoped scrubbing the kitchen floor and smiling said "So dere motto be "Come lose like Tom Cruise?"

    "I and I is done talkin' 'wit you 'bout dis, I and I has 'portant tings ta do."

    With that the aspiring AP donned her aluminum foil cap and penned:

    "Apparently I've been using this ☢️ the wrong way. I use the ☢️ symbol to convey confused shock like when talking about someone who is a Multimillionaire stealing a $100 shirt from Neiman Marcus, like, " Someone who is WEALTHY just stole a $100 item! ☢️ Apparently, this ☢️ is meant JUST for DANGER, like radioactive danger. I know that's the radioactive symbol, but had no idea that it's meant ONLY for that in Emojis, not for anything like confused shock. ����"

    She smiled, then told mammie what she just posted: "Dem white devils dey gots to 'spect me now; I and I is showin' dem what a deep thinker I and I is."

    Mammie said nothing; scrubbing silently she thought "Lord, take me now..."
    Last edited by MisterV; 11-23-2024 at 07:56 PM.
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  14. #1514
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    A withered Axl stopped watching "Family Feud" on the retirement home TV when he espied a new arrival: a tall black man bedecked in gold chains.

    Still giving a shit about humanity notwithstanding him occupying "god's waiting room," Axl introduced himself.

    "Good to meetcha" said the distracted new arrival: he asked "Where's the ladies?"

    "Oh this home is for gay men, didn't you know?"

    "No, I didn't...hey wait I minute, aren't you Axl Rose?"

    "Yes, and aren't you that rapper, Soup Hound?"

    "Close 'nuf. Got any matches, I need to fire up this joint. Want some?"

    Axl felt as if he'd been thrown a life line; "You bet I do."

    As they blazed away crotchety nurse Karen McIntasha entered the room and yelled "No weed in this facility!"

    She smacked the joint out of Axl's mouth, stamped it out and glared, saying "This is not amusing."

    Snoop sneered, saying "Oh but the comedy has only just begun."

    With that he pulled out another joint in one hand and a 9mm in the other and smiling said "Your move..."
    What, Me Worry?

  15. #1515
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    "Mark constantly ran into the hotel room trying to break down the door. The horrified family staying in the hotel room pushed the armoire against the door to prevent Mark from breaking down their hotel room. They called the police and told them there was a madman trying to break down their hotel room door. The police arrived and saw Mark constantly running into the hotel room door. They tazed Mark and arrested him and took him away while the family breathed sighs of relief."

    "Mammie, I and I sho' is glad de po-lice 'rested that white devil."

    "Fo-get him, chile: here we be in a nice room at de casino but you never said how you gots it: I mean, you being poor as a church mouse an' all."

    "Oh Mammie, it is a gift from my online 'torney frien'. He say he be comin' ta Miami to watch de jai alai so's he got dis room fo' us."

    "What, fo' you and me?"

    "No mammie, for I and I and he; he be sendin' me lotsa mess-ges about partyin' an' gettin' down. In fact he be knocking at de do' right now..."

    "Don't open de do' til I mops up de pile o' shit on de kitchen flo', you don' wanna scare him away."

    "No worries mammie, dis rascal knows my ways."

    Tasha opened the door to meet her savior / gambling jesus and...boy, was she disappointed.
    Last edited by MisterV; 11-27-2024 at 07:01 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

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