Originally Posted by
Originally Posted by
Your "details" are all generic and have no elements that could be checked/verified in real time.
The lack of detail, in fact, is stunning. Your posts simply don't contain any descriptions that are verifiable.
And just how would you suggest that I or any other advantage player whether mickeycrimm, Axelwolf, any other APs on this forum, or any other forum, or even your boy Munchkin, go about posting “details’ of their play
that can be checked or verified?
You seem to be name dropping Munchkin this week, so did you ask him when you had lunch, just what “details” of his play he has
EVER posted that could be verified?
Any form of doing what you are suggesting would be giving up the anonymity that APs work hard to preserve and would have consequence akin to walking into a casino with “advantage player” tattooed on our forehead.
What is stunning to me, and I would bet every other advantage player that posts on this forum
is your complete lack of understanding what it means to be an advantage player and the relationship between APs and casinos.
For a guy who claims to have spent 100 days a year in Vegas for 45 years, that lack of understanding is what is stunning.
What's stunning is your persistent dishonesty.
Nobody said you should "go about posting 'details' of their play." Not even close.
What I said was that it's stunning that you never mention details of, oh let's see, where and what you eat, what shows you see, what LV-oriented things you do (with details). what other "APs" you hang with recreationally, what you and they do, what effects this or that have on you (like construction that ties up half the city), what odd LV locals you run into, how week-to-week changes in traffic and tourism and events affect you, and on and on.
The devil, as they say, is in the details. And there are very, very few details.
Even your silly attempts to label these comments of mine as asking you to "reveal details of your play" are stupid, manipulative, and obvious "misdirections," to use one of your fave phrases. You offer no "real life" details.
Any forensics interviewer would say the same things. It's just too obvious, after all these thousands of your posts.
And don't name drop Munchkin. He's more forthcoming in one lunch than you are in 5,000 posts. Now I hadn't mentioned that, but it is absolutely true.
You're just hanging yourself with your braindead posts that (1) try to frame me as saying things I did not and (2) persistently lack real-world details.