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Thread: need emergency information - Caesar's 7 Stars

  1. #1
    I have been lurking for some time - thank you all in advance for providing your knowledge, expertise and continued camaraderie. I am currently in Las Vegas, just made 7 Stars this week (longtime 80000+ Diamond Member) and have had an absolute nightmare of a trip which has snowballed into a temporarily in an uncomfortable situation and one after another hassle with host staff at PH, Paris and Caesar's. I'm at my wits end and need to immediatly contact someone who has authority and desire to once and for all do right or at least, do minimum for a regular Caesar's patron (4-5x a week BJ player.) I will gladly in another post, describe my experience - should anyone else have any similar issue(s) however for the moment, do any of you have a contact or high level executive host whom I can contact for immediate assistance?

  2. #2
    Just stating my appreciation of the literary reference and wishing you good luck. Sturgeon was a pioneer, and a poorly paid one at that. I'm not a CET aficionado or fan, so hopefully Alan and Dan and others can help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Originally Posted by Kilgore Trout View Post
    I have been lurking for some time - thank you all in advance for providing your knowledge, expertise and continued camaraderie. I am currently in Las Vegas, just made 7 Stars this week (longtime 80000+ Diamond Member) and have had an absolute nightmare of a trip which has snowballed into a temporarily in an uncomfortable situation and one after another hassle with host staff at PH, Paris and Caesar's. I'm at my wits end and need to immediatly contact someone who has authority and desire to once and for all do right or at least, do minimum for a regular Caesar's patron (4-5x a week BJ player.) I will gladly in another post, describe my experience - should anyone else have any similar issue(s) however for the moment, do any of you have a contact or high level executive host whom I can contact for immediate assistance?
    Do you have a CET property that you frequent other than Las Vegas (in your hometown). I would have your host from that property contact staff at the Las Vegas properties you mentioned.

  4. #4
    Kilgore Trout thanks for joining and for posting. Is this a problem that can be fixed internally by Caesars or is it something that needs the attention of the Nevada Gaming Commission, health department, police, building and safety, what?

    Without knowing more I don't know what help you need. But let me suggest this: when all else fails call up the big boss' office -- Loveman. Sometimes when you make a complaint to the top someone gets the message to fix things.

  5. #5
    Awaiting for more...much more....information on what the issue is. But right off the bat I see a huge problem--talking or trying to talk with any kind of host or executive host. They are not there to help you with anything other than trying to make their players feel as comfortable as possible losing, then going home telling everyone what a wonderful experience it all was as they enjoyed chatting with their "friend" the host.

  6. #6
    It is amazing how different the hosts are at different CET properties. At our home property our host will go to bat for us and do anything we ask within reason. At one of the other properties we frequent our host is an absolute turd who goes above and beyond to make us beg or reject any and everything we ask him to do. Then he pouts and plays the victim when we go around him and accuses us of trying to get him in trouble. Like Rob, I am waiting for more details.

  7. #7
    BTW, this exact same post is on Vegas message board but is posted by Texas Dolly instead of Kilgore Trout. Upon examining viewer profile Texas Dolly is 45 and Kilgore Trout is 38. What's the deal? Why don't you give us the story before we give you any more information?

  8. #8
    All: my home property is Cleveland. I have a host (hospitality) in Central Booking who has never done more than book an occasional hotel room or send a season's greetings email. Unfortunately, the host system at my home property is nearly non existent. After years of not getting any comps other than an occasional pizza or burger to go after the typical palling around one does with the pit boss throughout the afternoon, that is (remember no cocktails are comped in Ohio) I have taken the attitude that grovelling for anything is not worth it. I have relegated myself to simply paying for anything that I could possibly want.

    There is no negotiating the fact I should have been granted an executive host long before this trip to Las Vegas. My play alone, independent of my desires or unwillingness to deal with the hassle of playing the game, warrants an executive host in Las Vegas. I don't need nor want nor expect any special treatment, in fact the only thing that I've come to expect from Caesars Entertainment is a regular disappointment if there is ever anything I should want.

    I take one long vacation a year. I take the middle of May through the middle of June off to travel. this year is no different and the first leg of my month-long vacationing started on May 28th. I've been in the city for two weeks with the intention of staying at least this long. I started with the WSOP when I arrived. I was out of tournament by day 3, however I hit the blackjack tables at Ballys, Paris, and Planet Hollywood hard and heavy for the first 10 straight days. I posted an average WIN of $3800 daily at $200 handand over 4 hour play. Needless to say, when I arrived in Las Vegas I had 90000 tier credits and by the end of the first week I had catapulted into 7 stars territory. I've had comped rooms back to back to back which I am aware violates Caesars Entertainment's typical standard for players. again, I didn't think it was much considering I only use these hotels days once a year and never for long durations of time. Plus, my play warranted each and every comped night. I decided to take more of a relaxing vacation second week and move my room from the forum tower at Caesars to a suite a Planet Hollywood. The room I was given, in my opinion, what is over comped. As a single female traveling alone I didn't have much use for the pimped out panoramic view or overly luxurious accommodations. Still, I wasn't going to argue, clearly the host at PH that the room was appropriate for me. I decided to get a haircut, pedicure and manicure at the spa to commence my relaxation. Note, at this point and past week one I had not had any meals or anything other than my room billed to my room and or comped. My spa visit was to be the first item I felt reasonable to ask to have the hotel comp. I came out of the spa hours later and after signing and authorizing $400 bill to my room for services. I thought it was a little over the top, I didn't look any better or worse than somebody who would have gotten $12.99 haircut at Great Clips but this is Las Vegas after all. The same afternoon my hospitality host in central booking suggested that I ask Planet Hollywood to cash out my $750 airfare credit since I was now going to have a $1200 airfare credit applied to my total rewards account . it went into the host's office at Planet Hollywood and ask them to furnish the airfare reimbursement in cash for me to spend during my stay. After some degree of pushback, VIP services agreed. Later, the same day, I received a call my bank to inform me that both my debit card and credit card (which were on file with PH to secure my room) had been reported lost or stolen for my protection. apparently Planet Hollywood took four separate authorizations for $1600 each which set off an alarm with the bank who then contacted me to reissue the cards via overnight mail. Its irritating as it was I realized that this was done for my protection and could not argue with the bank. I made arrangements to have them overnight the cards to me at Planet Hollywood and they were to arrive yesterday morning. I received a notification from ups that they were signed for the business office however Planet Hollywood could not locate the packages for me to pick up. Now, deep into week 2 after absorbing all of my own expenses, Planet Hollywood decides to hassle me about not having a card securing my room on file. To add insult to injury, I had sent out laundry earlier in the day which was due to be delivered back once billed to the room. I had also made a decision that for the last leg of my trip I wanted to stay at Paris. My intention yesterday, was to pick up my laun, attempt to locate my credit or debit cards and simply check into my Paris room.

    The bank informed me that they would have to reissue to new cards and my cards would be delivered by Wednesday or at the latest Thursday. I foolishly figured that Planet Hollywood would simply, $100 laundry charge and that it wouldn't be too much of a big deal to simply check in to Paris without a credit card securing my room. I also figured that my 7 stars paperwork would have been completed inside of a week. Granted I was now stuck in Las Vegas with just a couple hundred dollars and no credit and debit card, I didn't really think twice about it. I thought that if it would have been any problem, Caesars would have understood that their aggressive authorizations on my account was in part the causation for me not having my cards for the next they are so. It's nearly impossible to argue that I'm not good for any charges nor deserving of any comps at this point.

    I've left a lot of menial details out of the story such as the poor treatment I received on behalf of the whole staff of Paris and Planet Hollywood. I have received all types of rude off the cuff comments from the staff such as "call your husband or father to send you more a credit card." not only am i unmarried and lost my father several years ago, but I am the sole bearer if my TR account. The distasteful commentary has no place or justification.

    As I write this, I am in my room at Paris after asked you repeatedly to have my laundry released today which Planet Hollywood will not do without payment made. Paris refuses to grant me any comps for dinner, stating the only way that comes will be handled is if I decide to play more or after they have already been billed to the room. this, even in light of me directly explaining to the host that my cards were overnighted to me and lost by the business center and then I would be more than willing to pay for whatever I billed this is my cards arrive tomorrow.

    In fact, if I would have had my cards in my possession I would have booked my return flight home today. I am absolutely floored by the treatment I have received throughout my trip. I'm even more disgusted by the fact that because I am NOT actively giving back any of the money that I may have won or played with earlier in the trip, I cannot get any sort of service or respect. There are additional details may be a big deal to me they are not significant to most of what has occurred. What person in their right mind would be motivated to spend even one penny with a Caesars property given the set of circumstances? Am I wrong here? I apologize for any typos, I'm exhausted and I have dictated this entire diatribe. I've decided to lock myself in my room tonight and reread a copy of Max Rubin's Comp City while I figure out how to handle this mess. I know that this is a bit disjointed and all over the place, so please feel free to ask me any questions about the situation to clarify matters.
    Last edited by Kilgore Trout; 06-09-2015 at 07:33 PM.

  9. #9
    I'm 38. Both identities are mine. I didn't fully complete one of the profiles. I apologize.

  10. #10
    Since you are in Vegas, if this horrible situation has not been resolved to your satisfaction by in the morning I would become their worst nightmare until they resolve this for you and apologize to you. Are you from Texas by the way? Kilgore, Texas is less than 40 miles from where we live.

  11. #11
    Take a long deep breath. The fact you won $3800 a day should take a lot of the sting out of this.

    The CET people will give you specific advice. I'm just going to tell you to not blow your top, as there should be sufficient ass-kissing when the smoke clears to make a measured response worth the effort. The disrespect you've been shown has been horrible, but you can begin getting even by not giving them any play and extracting every ounce of Seven Stars value from them after this is over.

    I had a package lost at Paris once -- damn thing just disappeared never to be found. No apologies, no nothing. Not even much faked concern by them.

    Now just one question -- you say you averaged $3800 a day playing blackjack, but you are now down to a "couple hundred dollars." How can that be true?
    Last edited by redietz; 06-09-2015 at 08:00 PM.

  12. #12
    Indeed! I wired home all of the front money I initiated to be sent via transfer at the beginning of my trip, last week. I could easily spend like a drunken sailor if I don't put stops in place for myself. I figured I would have been fine with a debit and credit card for the second and more relaxing portion of my trip!

  13. #13
    I intend to relax tonight but tomorrow morning, when cooler head prevails, I intend to try to make sense of how to handle this. I want to go directly to someone with the authority to make a Siskin and hold Caesars accountable.....where do I turn? Corporate?

  14. #14
    Hi. I read the details you provided and there are a lot of problems with different entities which raise a bunch of questions:

    1. Four $1600 "holds" or "charges" against your credit cards by the hotels? Why? That's problem #1. Your actual spending, as you told us, certainly doesn't call for that.

    2. Your bank cancelled your cards to protect you? I'm 63 years old and my first credit card was an Amex card I got when I graduated from college in 1973. Yes, my Amex card says member since 1974. Never in my life was a credit card (any card -- debit, Visa, MasterCard, Amex) cancelled for unauthorized charges -- and I've had plenty over the years, including charges that I had to dispute for fraud. Why were your cards cancelled? And both at the same bank?

    3. Your replacement cards were lost in the mailroom, or delivery to the business office? I understand things can go wrong, but this problem on top of all the others hits this ball out of the park.

    4. You get a "pass" from Caesars Entertainment about the limited comped stay rule. Even our Dan Druff the chief milker of 7 Stars benefits couldn't pull off that trick. But you did? And the same magician who allowed you to have so many continuous nights can't help you now?

    5. You won a boatload of money, but you wired it all home except for some small change?

    6. Because of your extensive play at blackjack ($200 per hand for 4 hours is a lot) you put on a heap of points, you established yourself as a big customer, and still no one will step up and help you even after you had the ironclad rule about limited comped days bent?

    If I were in your shoes I would first get on the phone to whoever pulled off all the magic that has already been pulled off for you including the continuous comped nights, added flight bonus, etc. and find out why they can't wave their magic wand one more time.

    And if that didn't work I would call Loveman's office and tell them that because of unauthorized charges or holds your bank suspected fraud and cancelled your cards and the hotel lost the replacement cards and now you are stuck in your room without your laundry because some clerks screwed up in accounting and the business office.

    (By the way, why is it that poker players have the biggest complaints about the comp system failing for them?)

  15. #15
    Hi "Kilgore".

    This is a mess. Like Alan, I don't completely understand everything.

    I am also a poker player, and just completed a long stay at the Rio for the WSOP. Well, the completion is tomorrow, at which point I will be leaving and driving back to LA for a week or so.

    I am good at handling situations like this, so I hope I can help you. I am in town for right now, so perhaps PM me your contact info if you would like me to help you assist faster.

    First off, you should always travel with at least two valid credit cards, to prevent situations like this. I'm surprised at age 38 you only are traveling with one card, but I won't rake you over the coals about it. I'm sure you'll never make that mistake again.

    Like Alan, I am confused as to why your bank CANCELED your card for suspected unauthorized charges. I have had cards suspended before for that reason (the last time it happened was when I got gasoline in Alaska), but never outright canceled. I can't imagine why they force-canceled your card. Which bank did this?

    Anyway, assuming that's what happened, it doesn't surprise me that the replacement cards got lost. CET properties never handled incoming mail very well. In fact, most large hotels screw this up.

    Like Alan, I don't understand where most of the $3800 you won went. You said you wired home your front money, but what about the winnings. That got wired home, too? How much did you leave yourself?

    I am also shocked that you got them to do an airfare reimbursement for the $750 Diamond Aspirations flight. That is almost always required to be done in advance through Passport Travel, with no reimbursement procedure. So at least that establishes you have some pull.

    The bottom line is that, if your story is true, Paris/PH need to make accommodations for the credit card screwup they made. You start this process by doing the following:

    1) Find someone with reasonable authority in management on property. Do not deal with hosts, as they tend to be poor with handling customer service matters, aside from overruling "no" answers. Here you need more than an overruling. You need a complicated situation to be acknowledged and fixed, and a host simply won't put the time into that.

    2) Start off by getting this manager to acknowledge they caused the problem by their erroneous $6400 holds. Have them look up the records of this if they don't believe you. If they still don't believe you, call the bank on your phone on speaker in front of them. Do not accept any answer besides, "Yes, we screwed this up, and we're sorry."

    3) Get them to acknowledge that they lost the replacement cards. These are typically signed for by someone when overnighted. Again, if they deny it, offer to call the bank on speakerphone, and do not accept any answer besides, "Yes, we screwed up again, and we are sorry."

    4) Calmly and succinctly explain the various issues that you have faced as a result of the two aforementioned screwups. First focus on the laundry. Tell them that you only had them do your laundry because your credit card was canceled and you didn't have the funds to have this done elsewhere. Ask for them to waive the charge. If they won't, at least ask for them to delay the charge until you get back and get the credit card thing sorted out. (But honestly, you're at least entitled to some free laundry after all of this mess.)

    5) Your spa and dinner charges are a different story. It is often a mistake to charge things to your room based upon the belief that your host will take care of you later. This is where the host will have to come in, but before that, you should try to have the hotel side comp these off due to their massive foul-ups and inability to resolve the situation when you first brought it to them. However, you do not have a right to infinitely keep charging food and expecting it to be comped (or allowed due to a lack of valid CC on file), so you need to tone down the food charges. In fact, they can probably bring up a valid point that it is somewhat your fault to have put all of your eggs in one basket on your trip with that one credit card. No cash? No other CC? No ATM card? These are valid questions they will ask you.

    Anyway, I feel for your situation. Sounds like a huge mess. PM me your contact info and I will try to help. I agree that being a woman makes it tougher to deal with situations like these. Men tend to get more respect when trying to resolve issues like this. Perhaps I can call someone there on 3-way and pretend to be your husband or brother, and they will back down.

    But I'll need more details first.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  16. #16
    I just want to verify something Kilgore wrote: you won an average $3800 per day over ten days? That's $38,000 correct?

  17. #17
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    I'll try to address everything, including some of the relevant details I may have left out - which I may not have deemed relevant until now (after reading your questions.)

    1) I have won a significant amount on this trip, no doubt about it. What seems to be missing from my profile (when accessed by CET hosts/staff) is my losses. I typically have the EXACT opposite experience when being rated. In my home market, I often play marathon sessions (6-8 hours at $100 a hand) and am rarely rated properly. There are also times when I play for hours at $25/hand. I like to play heavily between last call and first call - I play with a group of regulars during this time of day. The pit bosses/dealers tend to be more relaxed during these hours, the play is serious yet leisurely and we all know one another. I SHOULD ALWAYS pay better attention to my rating but I don't. It doesn't hurt me until I play elsewhere, players in LV are so hyper aware of status/rating that it almost makes the game much more business like and a lot less leisurely. Regardless, I guess when it comes down to it, it is ALL BUSINESS. That said, during this trip, I have also given back a lot of $. I always do. I purposely wired home what I WAS NOT willing to spend nor lose. To that end, it was my decision early in my trip to not bankrupt myself nor risk more than what I felt comfortable risking. Caesar's still has gotten more than $20000 from me (after all said and done) in the last few weeks. I did not include earlier the fact that I won $1100 and $1800 slot jackpots at Bally's. I gave every penny of both back at the BJ tables within 8 hours. And gladly - I expected to spend that $ on BJ.

    2) This is worth mentioning: I am NOT a comp genius. I sheepishly admit this but I am actually quite naïve and am just really learning how others maximize their comps. To be truthful: I spend a lot of money, I earn a lot of points. Working the system and calculating shortcuts to gain points is too much work. I am going to spend the money no matter what. The status means very little to me. Sure, it is nice to be able to tell people I am 7 Stars. It is also kind of shameful when I think about all of the other things I could have/may have done with the time, energy and money spent to attain the status. The status means very little if the service received with such status is non-existent. I don't think anyone can argue that point.

    3) My actually my credit union. While this is a personal detail and while frankly should be irrelevant, it is worth mentioning. Also worth mentioning is the fact that just before I left home, I had extensive identity theft. The result of which, was my decision to travel light, to place a fraud alert on all 3 credit bureaus and to use front money via wire. I do not and REFUSE to use casino credit/check writing. I have never had nor will I use a marker. I am certain with the onset of the use of Certegy mixed with my fraud alert, that a personal check may not be honored and so I left my checkbook at home. Again, I am traveling extensively and chose to minimize my load. I use NavFed. I felt bringing a card with a $50000 limit and a debit card would more than suffice. I also felt that having my cards to show the front desk/host office) would support my story. Even if the cards could not be authorized, the fact I have them with me should have more than supported what has occurred. As for NavFed, I could start an entire new thread over my thoughts on their security practices. I thought the reaction of the fraud department was over the top - especially due to the fact that I had informed them that I was traveling.....but it is water under the bridge. I can't undo it, so why discuss it? All I can do at this point is hope that my cards find me or at worst, straighten out the cards once I am home.

    There are more details. I need coffee.....I am heading downstairs (at Paris) for an espresso and will provide more, shortly. For the time being, see photos attached, chips/$ porn....hopefully add to my cred a bit, in case there was any remaining doubt.

    "Kilgore" AKA "TexasDolly"

    "Play Your Cards....Don't Let Your Cards Play You."

  18. #18
    Kilgore- best of luck with your situation. You deserve much more than you are asking for.
    (Please ignore the below content. It is not relevant to your dillema.)

    Dan- just wanted to be in b4 you fall in love. This is your dream situation and mostly importantly your dream girl. This may be the one outer you've been yearning for to dump Benji's mama and hook up with another poker playing female. Try not to be so awkward as your were with Josie or Stinkcum.

  19. #19
    I spent 100 days a year in Las Vegas for 25 years. Whenever I'm confronted by the convoluted, I ask myself one simple question, which admittedly dates me a bit. "What would Jim Rockford think?" Then I play "The Rockford Files" theme music.

    It keeps me out of trouble more often than not.

    Then again, Jim Rockford never met CET.
    Last edited by redietz; 06-10-2015 at 09:00 AM.

  20. #20

    I appreciate the humor, most of it at least.
    It would be the wildest love story ever. No doubt about it. And the last reason I ever visit Las Vegas.

    "Play Your Cards....Don't Let Your Cards Play You."

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