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Thread: More Justification BS For Getting Casino Credit

  1. #101
    It all boils down to self discipline and self awareness. Some people have it but most don't. I've played in some of the seediest(sp) places in the country. One thing I'll do is after a large win is to stay and hang around for a while and see if anyone else notices I've won or saw me cash out. You don't necessarily have to leave right after a large win.

  2. #102
    Jbjb what makes you think that once you've been targeted the crooks won't wait for you?

    Frankly I think connecting markers with a lack of discipline is ridiculous. You can only default on a marker once. If someone has a lack of discipline credit cards provide easier access.

  3. #103
    I see no reason to ever have more than a hundred dollars cash in my wallet. Ever.

  4. #104
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Jbjb what makes you think that once you've been targeted the crooks won't wait for you?

    Frankly I think connecting markers with a lack of discipline is ridiculous. You can only default on a marker once. If someone has a lack of discipline credit cards provide easier access.
    If you can't notice something strange, then you don't have self awareness. Doesn't mean it can't happen. Just means it should lower the risk.

    And there's nothing wrong with only having $100 on you either. I'm not for or against credit. I just choose not to have any of it.

  5. #105
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    It all boils down to self discipline and self awareness. Some people have it but most don't. I've played in some of the seediest(sp) places in the country. One thing I'll do is after a large win is to stay and hang around for a while and see if anyone else notices I've won or saw me cash out. You don't necessarily have to leave right after a large win.
    That's why I always valet park. Virtually zero chance of an attempted mugging between the handpay and your car at most places, and it's very unlikely at others. Of course, I never worry about it and rerely even think about it anyway since I have my prepared plan already set prior to walking into any casino.

    Alan, a hundred bucks won't impress the ladies, which is mandatory in S. Cal. and especially important for one who likes to play the field as often as you.

  6. #106
    Rob I drive a 2003 car. I don't wash it because of the drought. I don't have to impress anybody. But I do have a credit line because it's smarter than carrying cash.

  7. #107
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Just one question for the cash advocates: a wad of $10,000 is not something that fits in a wallet or even a jacket pocket. $30,000 would look bigger than a six-inch sub. I remember watching a video poker player getting 40,000 cash for a $10/coin Royal. So do you guys really walk around with a baby bump?
    I can fit about $8K in my wallet. I can fit $15K in one pants pocket [with phone and keys], and another $10K in the other pocket [with the wallet]. If the weather permits, I can wear a sweatshirt that has a pocket I can fit $15K in comfortably. So that's about $45-48K I can carry. $10K fits easily into a jacket pocket....well, I guess it depends what kind of jacket you have. Not that I carry this much cash with me, but if I needed to, I definitely could.

    I think if you have cargo pants with all those extra pockets, you can probably fit $30-40K in each pocket, without the pockets bulging.

  8. #108
    Just to put things into some kind of historical perspective, back in the 70's and 80's -- when "runners" made their rounds at sports books all over Las Vegas, the runners usually carried six digits in cash and often much more. The majority of them were, I believe, armed. They often had big fanny pack things wrapped firmly around their waists.

    So Alan, when alacrity is important, cash is often the only way to go. These guys were trying to get lines before shifts and did not have five or ten extra minutes to negotiate markers or credit.

    Rob's cash-carrying is subtle by comparison. I can see where he's coming from. Let's call a spade a spade. "Recreational player" is almost synonymous (or was in the 80's) with "tourist." Tourists shouldn't carry cash.

    If you want to get a sense of what the runners were like, please watch "The Runner," which is a terrible movie, but it does give a reasonable sense of things. Plus it has John Goodman, and I love John Goodman.

  9. #109
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Rob I drive a 2003 car. I don't wash it because of the drought. I don't have to impress anybody. But I do have a credit line because it's smarter than carrying cash.
    That's funny, because if you weren't trying to impress the ladies then you wouldn't be using a Mercedes. The year doesn't matter. It's the thought*that counts.

  10. #110
    Redietz as soon as you said runners carry guns I immediately put them in another category. I don't carry a gun. As I said early on show me a gun and I'll faint. Show me a knife and I'll run like hell.

  11. #111
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    That's funny, because if you weren't trying to impress the ladies then you wouldn't be using a Mercedes. The year doesn't matter. It's the thought*that counts.
    Rob there's nothing impressive with a 2003 Mercedes. Cash value about $2500. Trust me - no one dates me for my car.

  12. #112
    Runner is a decent movie and I too love John Goodman. But to borrow a take on a line from the Wizard's arsenal....Alan can't get past the fact people who open casino lines of credit gamble much more than they normally would or should, and much of that has to do with seat-of-the-pants decisions to take a trip to a gambling location at any time of the day.Otherwise, no casino would offer it (unless of course they wanted to show their good will towards those afraid of carrying cash )

    God bless simple common sense....and the TRUTH!

  13. #113
    Rob I think that any player with a credit line definitely does play more. A caual, low limit player would not have a credit line. In fact I think most casinos have a minimum for a credit line. The player who takes $600 to Vegas would not qualify for a credit line.

    Where is your research that having a credit line makes you gamble more? Show the research.

  14. #114
    Got to disagree Rob. Nothing about a marker has ever made me bet more than I otherwise would. In fact, it helps keep the lid on because, again, it limits the overall amount with which I have to gamble. Cash is always readily available--a marker has my own self imposed limit in its amount and I cannot exceed that.

    JBJB--I also am always aware and watching. The one occasion in which I was attacked in a Caesars hallway I became suspicious in the elevator even though it was full. But because I always have a high floor, everyone else had left the elevator and I was alone with the guy I was suspicious of. He followed me off the elevator and down the hallway. Just as he was ready to strike, a door opened and I rushed into it scaring an old lady to hell. I quickly explained it to her and had her call security.

  15. #115
    Alan--2002 acura with 220,000 miles.

  16. #116
    Originally Posted by regnis View Post
    Alan--2002 acura with 220,000 miles.
    2003 Mercedes C240 (entry level) 260,000 miles.

  17. #117
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    2003 Mercedes C240 (entry level) 260,000 miles.
    Too many Vegas trips!!

  18. #118
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Too many Vegas trips!!
    I hate flying.

  19. #119
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    2003 Mercedes C240 (entry level) 260,000 miles.
    One thing's for sure: Keeping a car forever like that is good for the environment, for it defers or eliminates any and all strains on the Earth's resources that are involved in producing a brand new vehicle.

    Your car might not put you in the "Mile High" Club with the ladies, but you still may want to share your story with the "High Mile" Club soon....

  20. #120
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    I hate flying.
    From where you live, I'd just drive also.

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