I believe some MS games are dealt by hand, but have a shuffling machine which are shuffling the other deck of cards. After a round, the just-used cards are shuffled in the machine and a fresh pack comes out. Deck is cut in half, then dealt by hand.

The advantage does not solely come from hitting quads. It comes from ALL hands. Imagine playing VP where you can see the next card to be dealt. There is already a version of this (called "sneak peak" or something, but you gotta pay an extra coin or two per hand for the feature). You would gain a huge advantage, even if you aren't getting RF's a whole lot more frequently.

Redeitz, I partially agree. Rob and Alan pretend like they have a lot of knowledge and many years of gambling experience. Well, perhaps they have many years of gambling experience. Alan said earlier (in this thread) he's only seen MS dealt ONE way. There are at least 4 ways to deal the game, off the top of my head. I've seen TCP dealt 5 different ways. His experience is limited because he hasn't been looking at all the different things others and I are looking at them. He sees an MS game and either keeps walking or sits down and plays. He doesn't determine how the game is dealt nor takes any note of it (since he really has no reason to). I doubt he knows what kind of dealer rotations different casinos use, which dealers are on which shift and if they are part-time or full-time and their days off.

In another thread Alan said he's only seen casinos to offer 0.1% Cash-Back on coin-in for VP (or maybe 0.1% max). Sure he's done a lot of gambling....but he's never seen anything higher than 0.1%?? Since casinos offer 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.25%, 0.3%, 0.33%, as well as Caesar's which is like 0.05% to 0.08% (or something like that).

There've been other tidbits in Alan's posts that show he doesn't understand as much about gambling as he thinks he does. Another example is he didn't know what "hole-carding" is/was......yet he's trying to discuss it like he knows what it is? Come on.

Originally Posted by redietz
The basic issue is that many of the AD champions are referring to "friends" who "are killing it." Not first person, just third person reporting. Alan's an ace reporter -- of course he'll look askance at these kinds of unverifiable stories.
I think this is the first time I've ever written about "friends" who are "killing it". Everything else I've written on here is from first-hand experience.

It's not third-person reporting that Alan has an issue with -- it's everything AP related. He simply refuses to acknowledge AP is possible and happening today. Someone with as much "experience" as Alan shouldn't have a hard time figuring out AP is alive and well. Or perhaps he is like Rob -- tried the "AP thing" out, figured out they wouldn't be making $$$$ every session, probably ran bad or didn't know wtf he was doing, called it quits and said it's not possible.