Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
I am fed up and disgusted with Facebook and it's advertisers who make me sort thru and click through pages and pages of ads and links in order to read an article or watch a video. Typically it goes like this: I click on an article I want to read and it takes me to a website where the pages are smothered with ads -- so many ads that I can't find the article. Or, I click on an article with a video, and the click takes me to links followed by links before I can see the video I want to see. Sometimes I never find the article or the video. And then there are those websites that feature articles about the "top ten this or that" that put only ONE of the top ten on each page, forcing me to go from page to page and fight my way through a storm of pop-up ads and links that crowd the page and prevent me from reading the whole article. I am so disgusted with this that I am putting Facebook and its advertisers on notice: NO MORE. If ever I click on an article or video and it forces me to go through a gauntlet of ads and links I am simply going to CLOSE THE PAGE and move on. It's not worth my time. Stuff it. And I hope your advertisers wise up and realize they're not paying for me to get thru the clutter.
There's a free app called add blocker...works great for me.