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Thread: Video Poker Note

  1. #181
    I don't know about yous guys, but I'm looking forward to hearing and seeing proof from LoneStar via Todd Furman? about all the gambling (and other?) debts "Rob Singer" built up over the past few years while we were traveling the country in our RV!

    Were we riding on "deflated tires" too? Hahahahaha! Thank you LoneStar for making tonight even better than it already was!

  2. #182
    Red, when you claim to be a vp winner year after year after year, are you posting as Bill Clinton, Heather Locklear, Sammie Davis Jr., or your made-up handle?

    Inquiring minds want to know. And I just GOTS to know!

  3. #183
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Correct. I have no idea what kind of toast they eat, and I have no idea if he beats his wife or not. But I absolutely AM able to deduce via simple common sense, that anyone who goes to LV "40 times a year" and who surrounds himself and his family with gambling from any source possible, is a balls-on sick & degenerate gambler....the precise type to post bravado stories of gaming fantasy like he blabbed about at Wynn solely to impress others.
    Didn't you go to LV every week or so while you were a "professional" gambler?

  4. #184
    To the so called man who pretends to be a once "big time" player... I knew since day 2 of joining here what your REAL name is... About my bravado, nah I'm truly a humble person in public..VERY grateful for what life has given me due to years of hard work...
    Any person can get what they want from ANY casino if they have a "track record" which I do... If you had any brain you'd go back and look at a thread I started without being asked about my "status" I've shown offers and my Seven Stars card... Not here to impress you or anyone, but I'm a man if my word UNLIKE you...
    I also know you don't have the balls to talk your bullshit to me face to face.... I've taken shots at you, but I leave your family members out of it...Unlike you that have made vulgar comments regarding my son and wife.....

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Correct. I have no idea what kind of toast they eat, and I have no idea if he beats his wife or not. But I absolutely AM able to deduce via simple common sense, that anyone who goes to LV "40 times a year" and who surrounds himself and his family with gambling from any source possible, is a balls-on sick & degenerate gambler....the precise type to post bravado stories of gaming fantasy like he blabbed about at Wynn solely to impress others.

  5. #185

    You're right Todd is no lightweight, funny how such a "connected" person like "Rob Singer" has never heard of him...The money he DOES owe are from "borrowing" and yes from some sports bets with people he has failed to pay for years

    Originally Posted by slobdinger View Post
    Todd Fuhrman is no lightweight. He's the real deal. And he is well networked in Las Vegas. It looks to me that Rob wrote some checks that his mouth couldn't cash. Its probably over bets he didn't pay off.

  6. #186
    Little Deadbeat Man unlike you I have respect for people and their families, why do I have to blurt out your real name? Then I'd be stooping to your childish ways...
    My offer still stands I'll buy your plane ticket to Vegas this week so you can say those words you typed about my wife and son to me face to face....I know you won't show up, because you owe too many people money around town....
    Your biggest mistake is wanting to be someone when in reality you're a no one

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Alan you can tell LoneStar is making all that up, obviously because he feels stabbed right thru the heart when I exposed his BS about the Wynn and then making the spot-on labeling of him (and likely the wife) being a degenerate gambler--something no other member here has the courage to expose about this clown. He also really thinks my name is Rob Singer. If he knew my real name like most here do, he'd be blurting it out every other post. That's what people do when they lose their temper with someone who gets the best of them, as we've seen here so many times.

    Spock I'm surprised at you for acting like mickey. Your reading comprehension lacks the diligence you always put into all the searches you do in order to selectively spin what I write. Here's the clue: I said that while Jean Scott is a nice old lady, she's full of video poker BS.

    Count, I still believe my source over yours on Frank. He told me he'd never reach 50 and he'd be over that today. If you knew him you'd have believed it. He was a walking wreck.

  7. #187
    Yes he was in Vegas quite often until he realized people caught on to his bullshit... After he ran up debts he took his show on the road.... People don't forget deadbeats....

    Originally Posted by RS__ View Post
    Didn't you go to LV every week or so while you were a "professional" gambler?

  8. #188
    LSH, Rob has a history of being a deadbeat. Arci did some investigating. Robert Harry Argentino (Rob Singer) declared bankruptcy in the late nineties. At the same time he had blown a six figure inheritance gambling. He was recently evicted from a small apartment in Carefree, Arizona. He was living in a rundown trailer court in Pahrump. Recently Alan and Rob were going to have Thanksgiving dinner. Rob told Alan his wife wouldn't be coming to the dinner. What happily married man doesn't have Thanksguving dinner with his wife?

  9. #189

    There is MUCH MUCH more to his story.... It's funny how I found this forum, all he had to do was keep my family out of his comments... Once he did then I started using my resources, which I have many...
    I'll keep to his screen name, Rob Singer owes atleast 35 people money in Vegas for years.....

    Todd and I go back years, he's a straight shooter as am I

    Originally Posted by slobdinger View Post
    LSH, Rob has a history of being a deadbeat. Arci did some investigating. Robert Harry Argentino (Rob Singer) declared bankruptcy in the late nineties. At the same time he had blown a six figure inheritance gambling. He was recently evicted from a small apartment in Carefree, Arizona. He was living in a rundown trailer court in Pahrump. Recently Alan and Rob were going to have Thanksgiving dinner. Rob told Alan his wife wouldn't be coming to the dinner. What happily married man doesn't have Thanksguving dinner with his wife?

  10. #190
    Rob, your reading comprehension is terrible. He takes 8 to 10 trips a year to vegas. You certainly dont know how to read between the lines either. LSH ran a company started by his father. More than 600 employees. Company sold 4 years ago. What do you think a company like that sold for? Every thing is relative. To you it looks like LSH is running heavy gambling action. But to him its just chickenfeed.
    Last edited by slobdinger; 02-02-2016 at 07:09 AM.

  11. #191
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Red, when you claim to be a vp winner year after year after year, are you posting as Bill Clinton, Heather Locklear, Sammie Davis Jr., or your made-up handle?

    Inquiring minds want to know. And I just GOTS to know!
    Well, I wasn't going to respond to Rob unless he directly lied about something related to me, and unfortunately he did, so I will respond.

    Alan, please tell Rob to not lie about me. He mentioned this "made up handle" thing again. I have no idea what he is talking about. Rob moves in mysterious ways.

    As to Rob's other lies:

    First of all, I never said I win at video poker year after year. I think there's a reading comprehension issue here. I said (and you can quote this verbatim or challenge me to a polygraph for however much you are worth) I am ahead lifetime. I lost at vp last year. I lost at vp the year before. I am losing at vp this year.

    I play quarter vp primarily and my lifetime winnings have been reduced to just under 5K ahead lifetime. I do not count comps, but I do count when free play is converted to cash. I am down a total of $100 on vp this year. My video poker play represents about one percent of my gambling volume, but I am precise with it.

    Any other questions?

    Aw, it finally dawned on me. The handle I won the contests under is also redietz, so perhaps Rob is suggesting there are other redietz's out there or something. Okay, that's a very creative theory. Rob is to be commended for being creative in a DSM kind of way.
    Last edited by redietz; 02-02-2016 at 08:11 AM.

  12. #192
    Originally Posted by RS__ View Post
    Didn't you go to LV every week or so while you were a "professional" gambler?
    Close. I went to NEVADA almost every week for my JOB.

  13. #193
    Now I owe "35 people" money for "sports bets"....and while I live in a "trailer park" I invited Alan and his fiancee for Thanksgiving w/o my wife being there.... and I "lived in and was evicted from an apt. in Carefree, Az."!

    This is fun. Degenerate gambler LSH who "works hard" yet makes his super lovely family tolerate his sick habit "40 weekends a year" (yes mickey, that high school diploma would have come in handy here ....) has teamed up with my good friend mickey to vent over me. Fabulous. Imagine the hurt I must be doling out to that team of geniuses! And wise up LSH. This is 2016. EVERYTHING is fair game, esp. on the internet. And ESPECIALLY for those who come from the land of steers & queers.

    BTW LoneStar: I accept your invitation to meet in LV this week. Thursday, 4am at the ground floor elevator entrance of the parking garage at the Hard Rock. No need for a ticket--I only fly to Hawaii.

    Did I say thank you yet Lone Star, for adding an element of enjoyment every time I look here? Riling up the weak and dismayed is a specialty of mine. Just ask redietz and esp. arci.

    Oh well, time for a morning swim in our heated pool. Oh wait....I mean in the pool of mud outside our 40-yr. old broken down old 120 sq.foot fifth wheel here in our Pahrump trailer park, where I spend ALL DAY dodging LV loan sharks and other sharpies with money.

    Gotta go now--time to knock on doors for food....and to beg for a place to park my new HELLCAT!
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 02-02-2016 at 09:27 AM.

  14. #194
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Well, I wasn't going to respond to Rob unless he directly lied about something related to me, and unfortunately he did, so I will respond.

    Alan, please tell Rob to not lie about me. He mentioned this "made up handle" thing again. I have no idea what he is talking about. Rob moves in mysterious ways.

    As to Rob's other lies:

    First of all, I never said I win at video poker year after year. I think there's a reading comprehension issue here. I said (and you can quote this verbatim or challenge me to a polygraph for however much you are worth) I am ahead lifetime. I lost at vp last year. I lost at vp the year before. I am losing at vp this year.

    I play quarter vp primarily and my lifetime winnings have been reduced to just under 5K ahead lifetime. I do not count comps, but I do count when free play is converted to cash. I am down a total of $100 on vp this year. My video poker play represents about one percent of my gambling volume, but I am precise with it.

    Any other questions?

    Aw, it finally dawned on me. The handle I won the contests under is also redietz, so perhaps Rob is suggesting there are other redietz's out there or something. Okay, that's a very creative theory. Rob is to be commended for being creative in a DSM kind of way.
    Yeah can you certify all that in case it changes again?

  15. #195
    Originally Posted by slobdinger View Post
    LSH, Rob has a history of being a deadbeat. Arci did some investigating. Robert Harry Argentino (Rob Singer) declared bankruptcy in the late nineties. At the same time he had blown a six figure inheritance gambling. He was recently evicted from a small apartment in Carefree, Arizona. He was living in a rundown trailer court in Pahrump. Recently Alan and Rob were going to have Thanksgiving dinner. Rob told Alan his wife wouldn't be coming to the dinner. What happily married man doesn't have Thanksguving dinner with his wife?
    Let me correct the reference to Thanksgiving: Rob and his wife invited me and my girlfriend to his home in Arizona for Thanksgiving. I thanked him but we stayed here in SoCal.

    When Rob was going to buy me dinner in Vegas to pay off his losing stock market bet, his wife was not going to make the trip.

  16. #196
    Hey "Rob Singer" I'm glad you realize you owe these people money.....I'm glad you're accepting my offer to meet up, but I don't arrive until 8:15 AM Vegas time Thursday morning.... I do find it odd that you chose a 4 AM meeting in a parking garage, is that because you're afraid people will see you in town ????

    Could care less where you live, or if you sleep with animals....

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Now I owe "35 people" money for "sports bets"....and while I live in a "trailer park" I invited Alan and his fiancee for Thanksgiving w/o my wife being there.... and I "lived in and was evicted from an apt. in Carefree, Az."!

    This is fun. Degenerate gambler LSH who "works hard" yet makes his super lovely family tolerate his sick habit "40 weekends a year" (yes mickey, that high school diploma would have come in handy here ....) has teamed up with my good friend mickey to vent over me. Fabulous. Imagine the hurt I must be doling out to that team of geniuses! And wise up LSH. This is 2016. EVERYTHING is fair game, esp. on the internet. And ESPECIALLY for those who come from the land of steers & queers.

    BTW LoneStar: I accept your invitation to meet in LV this week. Thursday, 4am at the ground floor elevator entrance of the parking garage at the Hard Rock. No need for a ticket--I only fly to Hawaii.

    Did I say thank you yet Lone Star, for adding an element of enjoyment every time I look here? Riling up the weak and dismayed is a specialty of mine. Just ask redietz and esp. arci.

    Oh well, time for a morning swim in our heated pool. Oh wait....I mean in the pool of mud outside our 40-yr. old broken down old 120 sq.foot fifth wheel here in our Pahrump trailer park, where I spend ALL DAY dodging LV loan sharks and other sharpies with money.

    Gotta go now--time to knock on doors for food....and to beg for a place to park my new HELLCAT!

  17. #197

    You're 1,000% spot on...

    Originally Posted by slobdinger View Post
    Rob, your reading comprehension is terrible. He takes 8 to 10 trips a year to vegas. You certainly dont know how to read between the lines either. LSH ran a company started by his father. More than 600 employees. Company sold 4 years ago. What do you think a company like that sold for? Every thing is relative. To you it looks like LSH is running heavy gambling action. But to him its just chickenfeed.

  18. #198
    A special message to "Rob Singer" Rick,Jack & Thomas would like to join me in our meet & greet.... As I've always stated its a big world, yet a very small one.....

  19. #199
    Originally Posted by LoneStarHorse View Post
    Hey "Rob Singer" I'm glad you realize you owe these people money.....I'm glad you're accepting my offer to meet up, but I don't arrive until 8:15 AM Vegas time Thursday morning.... I do find it odd that you chose a 4 AM meeting in a parking garage, is that because you're afraid people will see you in town ????

    Could care less where you live, or if you sleep with animals....
    Guess what slick---Here's your post from early last evening:

    LoneStarHorse Join Date:Jan 2016


    "Little Man is the prime example of a no one trying to be a someone..... Best part is in two days I'll be in Vegas, Todd will introduce me to some of the people he owes money"

    In a world where there are no cowards, that explicitly refers to Wed. evening. But now, because it'll happen, suddenly you won't be arriving until THURSDAY. Sorry to keep you on edge, but I'll be where I said I would be at the time I said I would be there, on FRI. morning at 4am. Just for you.

    BTW, when you meet these folks you say I owe money to, ask them why it is that out of 35 of them, why is it that none of them haven't tracked me down to collect! I mean, by your own admission in another thread, you claimed how easy it is to find people these days. In fact, bring the lot of them to meet me Fri. morning. Just tell them to make sure none of them are wanted.

    Oh, it's "Couldn't care less". You might want to stop using mickey's dictionary.
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 02-02-2016 at 03:05 PM.

  20. #200
    "Rob Singer"

    Here is my EXACT unedited post that I wrote in the Wynn Super Bowl thread

    PM #19
    LoneStarHorse LoneStarHorse is online now
    Senior Member

    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Just changed my flight, now flying out Thursday AM........ Booked one night at Planet Hollywood to get my $625 Bonus Booster Play for February
    Don't write checks with your mouth that your ass can't cash

    4 AM in a parking garage wouldn't meet my best friend... Let's make it 4 AM Bellagio Main entrance, I know exactly what you look like... I'll be the one wearing a Texas Rangers baseball cap

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Guess what slick---Here's your post from early last evening:

    LoneStarHorse Join Date:Jan 2016


    "Little Man is the prime example of a no one trying to be a someone..... Best part is in two days I'll be in Vegas, Todd will introduce me to some of the people he owes money"

    In a world where there are no cowards, that explicitly refers to Wed. evening. But now, because it'll happen, suddenly you won't be arriving until THURSDAY. Sorry to keep you on edge, but I'll be where I said I would be at the time I said I would be there, on FRI. morning at 4am. Just for you.

    BTW, when you meet these folks you say I owe money to, ask them why it is that out of 35 of them, why is it that none of them haven't tracked me down to collect! I mean, by your own admission in another thread, you claimed how easy it is to find people these days. In fact, bring the lot of them to meet me Fri. morning. Just tell them to make sure none of them are wanted.

    Oh, it's "Couldn't care less". You might want to stop using mickey's dictionary.

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