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Thread: Photos of Rob Singer's Home

  1. #21
    That's exactly it, Rob. I'm not who I say I am.

    Of course, if I drop into Alan's office next week (with ID) to shake his hand, that would seem to blow that theory. Maybe you could meet us there.

    As far as tenses go, my understanding is that you lived (past tense) in a Pahrump trailer park, so don't get uppity about not living (present tense) in a Pahrump trailer park. I can say that, because I lived in a trailer park back in my 20's, and would have no qualms about living in one now. The phrase "trailer parks" covers a wide range of places, and some are very, very nice. The ones that aren't nice can be very, very interesting. So I personally have nothing against trailer parks.

    By the way, Rob, if you want to claim ownership of the place in the photos, it would be better to title the thread "Photos of Rob Singer's House" instead of Rob Singer's "home." An apartment can be a "home." Rented or leased locales can be one's "home." But "Rob Singer's House" as a title clearly makes claim to legal property ownership. By using the possessive in regards to a physical location, you can make clear you are claiming ownership. If you stick to "home," it could simply be where you hang your hat.
    Last edited by redietz; 02-18-2016 at 03:05 PM.

  2. #22
    If you're not who you say you are, then why do you get so testy when we ask you to show one thing that supports your assertions?

    We spent our first 8 months in a Pahrump RV Park, learning the ropes of RV living before we took off on our adventures. We also got our Nv. DL's there, which continues to be fodder for a few lost souls here.

    You however continually duck the question: are you able to finally admit how wrong you were to side with arci's lies about my marriage and where we currently live? And no, thus was not a question about whether YOU claimed it or not.

    What else can the critics claim now other than we've leased some big house, lease a $60k car, etc.? But then you'd have to dig a little deeper from past assertions. Who would lease such a house to a deadbeat, who regularly was evicted from apts., has all kinds of bankruptcies, had their RV's repossed, and who is running away from loan sharks?

    Either way red, the lies and the criticisms aren't't holding any water.
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 02-18-2016 at 03:11 PM.

  3. #23
    If I "sided with arci's lies about your marriage and where you live (present tense)," then presumably I would have said something on these pages about your marriage or where you live. I did not.

    As to where you lived (past tense), you did live in a trailer park. I lived in a trailer park. I see no reason to defend you for having lived in a trailer park. What, you think you're too good for a trailer park? You're not.

    And you should change the title to "Rob Singer's House" instead of "Home" if you want to claim and/or imply outright ownership.
    Last edited by redietz; 02-18-2016 at 03:14 PM.

  4. #24
    What city in Arizona is this?

    I'm seeing a tree and grass which don't seem indicative of the Phoenix area.

    Does your wife realize you are posting pics of her here? It looks like you snapped a candid photo while her head was down.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  5. #25
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    What city in Arizona is this?

    I'm seeing a tree and grass which don't seem indicative of the Phoenix area.


    I googled homes in phoenix since I have never been there and this is what I got.....Lots of trees and grass......
    By the way Rob...I like the first hat better.
    Last edited by spojoey; 02-18-2016 at 04:23 PM.

  6. #26
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    By the way, Rob, if you want to claim ownership of the place in the photos, it would be better to title the thread "Photos of Rob Singer's House" instead of Rob Singer's "home."
    I am responsible for the title of the thread. I wrote "Photos of Rob Singer's Home." A house is not a home.

  7. #27
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    What city in Arizona is this?

    I'm seeing a tree and grass which don't seem indicative of the Phoenix area.
    I have friends and relatives living in Phoenix, Scottsdale and Tucson. They all have grass. And I'm not talking about the kind you smoke either.

  8. #28
    That's a golf course Dan. There's lots if them here.

    Just like I asked Cindy if she had a problem with making our tax returns public, I asked her about the picture prior to posting it. One of the reasons we are happily married over the "long term".

    OK red, I believe you believe me now. About the trailer park---no, I have never lived in one and would never do that. RV parks, while some having lower income slugs living in them for years in dilapidated 5th wheels & campers mostly, are not considered trailer parks. If they were I'd have never pulled into one.

  9. #29
    Nice digs. If it wasn't for all my degenerate gambling, I could have had all that.

    I live in a trailor. If I don't win tonight, I won't be able to pay the lot rent and exterminator bill for our roach, flea, and off course SLUG infested trailor.

    Is that hound one of them Shih tzus?

  10. #30
    Rob, you do realize some trailer parks have triple-size landscaped, terraced lots and won't accept any "trailer" more than 10 years old? There are more things, Horatio....

  11. #31
    Don't care about others' interpretations of what a trailer park is. It's never been an attractive term to me.

    Yes, Porsha is a purebred Shin Tzu.

  12. #32
    Originally Posted by Rob Singer
    I have a theory. Rob Singer is shoenice22.

  13. #33
    Now that we've seen Rob's home, my question is, "Why?" Is this supposed to be evidence that he won playing video poker? Is this supposed to demonstrate why he didn't send Alan his taxes? Is this some kind of proof of something?

    I don't get it. So if I send in photos of a nicer house, a better car collection, and a sweet cat, it will demonstrate what exactly?

  14. #34
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Is this some kind of proof of something?

    That he's better than you.

  15. #35
    Originally Posted by Spock View Post

    That he's better than you.
    The Kardashians have more money than all of us combined. They're nowhere near better than any of us!

  16. #36
    If Rob were interested in establishing that he owned this house, he would post an establishing shot of the house, likely with the address in view, then a closer shot of the address. Similarly, if he were interested in establishing ownership of the vehicles, he'd probably have a clear plate shot in there from the vehicles (not the scooter).

    So Rob's either not interested in establishing ownership, which is fine, or he's concerned an ISIS terrorist cell will track him down from his former employment or something. I don't really care if Rob owns the stuff, uses it, or just likes to pose with it. I'm just pointing out the obvious.

    I'm still ahead lifetime playing vp, so I think I'll pose for some pictures with my black cat and wearing an Iron Man mask I received for Christmas. That's a total non sequitur, so it'll fit right in on this thread.

  17. #37
    Red, you continue to say virtually nothing in your rants about me. I only posted the pictures in response to the usual lies arci was spreading, just to make him feel bad. At this point he's probably not sleeping well and just like Spock and those few others, he's spending hours trying to figure out a spin to all this in an effort to make it not real. You know I get a kick out of doing that.

    Your suggestion that I'm trying to impress anyone anywhere is stupid. The people right next door have a nicer house with two Mercedes. As for an address, proof of ownership and all the other nonsense you selectively mentioned---I have no interest in that nor does anyone else. People are free to believe I put together some elaborate scheme on this--just as they tried and failed to do when I posted pics of my large jackpots--or they can accept it. My goal has already been accomplished. If I've impressed anyone with this then my apologies (and you probably live a below standard life).

    And I it possible that a divorced guy with bad credit who dodges 35 LV loan sharks, would be able to rent two new cars and a scooter, pay someone to let me use their home for spoofing on the Internet, and at the same time talk my supposed ex wife into spending the night with me and my dog at this loaner house while I installed a portable vp game on the master bedroom desk? Funny stuff, right. And gee, wasn't it generous of them to let me talk them into emptying their garage so I could fill it with my vehicles for the shoot!

    BTW, you can clearly see my license plate on the scooter. Have one of the geniuses track it down. I've had it since 2011.
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 02-19-2016 at 02:30 PM.

  18. #38
    Rob, do you own this house?

    If so, have you owned it a long time?

    I ask this because having a decent house to live in is only impressive if you own the house and have decent equity in it.

    Lots of people rent fairly nice places to live, but a lot of them also don't have very much when it comes to net worth.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  19. #39
    Dan, we bought it last summer and paid cash for it so yes we own it, and at my age it's not that big a deal. Our 2nd RV cost more. I didn't put up the pics to impress anyone as I said, and if anyone happens to be impressed then I'll be glad to help them understand what having a good education means later in life. I'll also help them figure out how to win at video poker.

    I know some may want to believe this is a rental. But think about it: would the landlord of a house this size allow me to put up family pictures on all the walls? And why would ANYONE retirement age want to move 5 bedrooms and all those other rooms worth of stuff into anything other than their final resting place?

    So what's the take on the vehicles? They rentals too? I just wish the Dodge would have been delivered so the garage would have been filled for the shoot.
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 02-20-2016 at 10:48 PM.

  20. #40
    Pictures on the wall don't mean much. Landlords always allow you to put things on the wall, and in fact can't even charge you (in most states) for small nail holes, as that's considered "minor wear and tear" and is supposed to be included in the paint touch-ups when the unit is turned over.

    You still haven't told us what city you live in.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

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