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Thread: lack of topics, too few members

  1. #81
    Telepathic, Biloxi. Coach Belly is telepathic, not clairvoyant. You've gotta keep your super powers straight. Rob is the clairvoyant dude, with the ability to foretell hot and cold streaks. Maybe psychokinetic, also -- able to manipulate the allegedly random RNG chips.

    I knew if I waited long enough, I would be able to contribute mightily to this discussion.

  2. #82
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Telepathic, Biloxi. Coach Belly is telepathic, not clairvoyant. You've gotta keep your super powers straight. Rob is the clairvoyant dude, with the ability to foretell hot and cold streaks. Maybe psychokinetic, also -- able to manipulate the allegedly random RNG chips.

    I knew if I waited long enough, I would be able to contribute mightily to this discussion.
    The old troll finally got a spokesperson, good to see. He's like Bob Dancer and Jean Scott, only without the personality, books, blogs, articles, podcasts, software, classes, or success. A spokesperson to explain his ramblings is quite appropriate.

    We all assume he is full of ***** but it's nice to have coach verify it.

    I've often wondered if we are seeing the beginnings of senility?

  3. #83
    In defense of coach... do you ever take seriously what Rob posts?

    Sometimes I wonder if I should even take his claims about winning a million dollars seriously?

  4. #84
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    In defense of coach... do you ever take seriously what Rob posts?

    Sometimes I wonder if I should even take his claims about winning a million dollars seriously?
    No, I think he's a fairly lonely guy that needs the internet for entertainment.

    As for the million? Who knows? The only thing documented is he went bust (BK). Everything else is BS on message boards. Both Dancer and Scott make the same claims. Dancer said he did it in six months.

    "The book details a six-month period, Sept 2000 to March 2001, when Dancer and his wife parlayed a six thousand dollar bankroll into over one million dollars playing video poker."

    "How I Was Able to Make a Million Dollars Playing Video Poker - Jean Scott"

    The old troll was so jealous of Dancer, he started using the his character as a poke at Dancer. Dancer then did the worst thing you can do to a troll, he ignored him. I've yet to see where Dancer or Scott mention him anywhere. Yet he spouts his jealous venom at them nearly constantly. I don't personally care for either one, but it must kill him that they still enjoy success and he is down to posting here.

  5. #85
    Originally Posted by james40 View Post
    No, I think he's a fairly lonely guy that needs the internet for entertainment.

    As for the million? Who knows? The only thing documented is he went bust (BK). Everything else is BS on message boards. Both Dancer and Scott make the same claims. Dancer said he did it in six months.

    "The book details a six-month period, Sept 2000 to March 2001, when Dancer and his wife parlayed a six thousand dollar bankroll into over one million dollars playing video poker."

    "How I Was Able to Make a Million Dollars Playing Video Poker - Jean Scott"

    The old troll was so jealous of Dancer, he started using the his character as a poke at Dancer. Dancer then did the worst thing you can do to a troll, he ignored him. I've yet to see where Dancer or Scott mention him anywhere. Yet he spouts his jealous venom at them nearly constantly. I don't personally care for either one, but it must kill him that they still enjoy success and he is down to posting here.
    Dancer HAS made a few comments about Rob on vpFREE. He told how when he and Jeffrey Compton had a business together that Rob walked into the office one day and asked Jeffrey for a job. Jeffrey responded with "how could you expect us to give you a job after all the disparaging comments you have made about us?" Rob responded that he only posted the things he did to get a rise out of people. And Dancer told how Rob once contacted him after that and said that the two of them should be "friends in public." Dancer turned him down cold.

    Of course, Rob's response to this will be it's all a pack of lies. Everyone who claims any success in video poker is a liar, except Rob.

    vpFree is a heavily moderated message board. If you are disruptive you will be "moderated." Any post you make will have to be read by a moderator before it goes up on the site. If the post is disruptive it won't make it up on the site. Rob Singer was moderated early on and refused to post after that saying it cramped his style. In other words, if Rob can't troll people he has no use for a forum.

    When Dancer announced his divorce Rob trashed him unmercifully for it. You know Rob's schtick about being a family man and if you aren't you are trash. But Rob didn't let anyone know about what was going on in his own family. That is, until, in a moment of forgetfullness he posted this up on this site "our daughter recently remarried, now lives in Minnesota, but visits the kids as often as she can. We get them on the weekends." Interpretation: Rob's daughter dumped her husband and kids in Arizona and ran off to Minnesota with another man. When this was pointed out to Rob he wasn't harsh on his daughter at all. But if any of you message board members get a divorce Rob will crack the whip on you. This is how Rob operates.

    For years Rob has been telling the gambling message boards that I'm a broke ass bum just making up stories. That I'm really on welfare and food stamps. But that's not what he's telling the IRS. He's telling them I'm a successful gambler.

    Rob is just a vindictive snake in the grass. And now he can add the word snitch to his resume.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 01-09-2017 at 01:00 AM.

  6. #86
    FYI, Jean Scott was reading this message board -- at least when it was alanbestbuys.

    At one point, she mentioned me in one of her blogs, and described me as one of the experts on the Total Rewards system. The blog implied that she had seen many of my posts, and didn't just stumble upon it via a google search.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  7. #87
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Telepathic, Biloxi. Coach Belly is telepathic, not clairvoyant. You've gotta keep your super powers straight. Rob is the clairvoyant dude, with the ability to foretell hot and cold streaks. Maybe psychokinetic, also -- able to manipulate the allegedly random RNG chips.

    I knew if I waited long enough, I would be able to contribute mightily to this discussion.
    Thanks for the correction Red..Always up for learning proper terminology....Yes,Rob is clairvoyant...along with being a total dickhead as well

  8. #88
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    FYI, Jean Scott was reading this message board -- at least when it was alanbestbuys.

    At one point, she mentioned me in one of her blogs, and described me as one of the experts on the Total Rewards system. The blog implied that she had seen many of my posts, and didn't just stumble upon it via a google search.
    Dan, shortly after you took over here, I informed Jean Scott, along with all vpFREE members, that Vegas Casino Talk was where they needed to go if they wanted to learn how to work CET. I explained your vast experience at working CET and what your motivations were. And I also pointed out that other posters here had great experience working CET. She then came on this site to read what you had to say. After that she recommended you in her blog.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 01-09-2017 at 06:35 AM.

  9. #89
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Coach Belly is telepathic, not clairvoyant.
    You don't need to be telepathic or clairvoyant to realize when somebody is obviously kidding around.

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    I got your info from Wikileaks.
    What kind of dork would take that seriously and get upset over it?

  10. #90
    Am I the only one here who has actually met Rob, spent time with him, exchanged phone calls?

    The guy is really ok. But when he sits at a keyboard he goes nuts.

    I've said it here and I said it to him face to face: he is his own worst enemy.

    He sabotaged himself with his own Internet shtick.

  11. #91
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    The guy is really ok. He sabotaged himself with his own Internet shtick.
    I've only seen your videos with him. Based on those, I've always considered the forum-posting Rob Singer to be someone playing a character...he's trying to be shocking, like an Archie Bunker or Andrew Dice Clay or something.

    You actually know the how's my read?

  12. #92
    Andrew Dice Singer -- has a ring to it. Maybe he plays craps, too.

    The problem with what Alan says is that you have to make a judgement based on either (A) five or six hours of actual face time or (B) 5000 posts here and another few thousand there and a couple of Gaming Today articles that went off the rails regarding a death, and thousands of printed words. So evaluating someone based more on (A) than (B) seems inappropriate.

    I'm sure Rob's a nice guy, except when he's not.

  13. #93
    Dan ought to know better. Anyone claiming to be some "expert" on CET can hardly be respected within the gambling world. Ten years ago they had a good brand; today they are a belt-tightening failure of an organization with mediocre properties housing second class and worse restaurants--and who amazingly STILL try to push the filthy buffet fascination. Their primary targets are unsuspecting foreigners, yet there remain countless American 7-stars fools who supply the resources that CET uses to rope in all the foreigners.

    mickey, the only time I was face-to-face with Jeff Compton was when I confronted him about his threat to sue my publisher and myself over things I wrote that he didn't like. And who in their right mind would ever want to work for a fat slob such as that? Dancer did it to continue being able to have an income to keep his sick gambling addiction going strong. You know, sort of like you do with welfare, food stamps, and Medicaid.

  14. #94
    Rob, are you saying you didn't find Jeff Compton attractive?

  15. #95
    Rob, its to bad you were unqualified for the job. They could have used a gopher around the office.

  16. #96
    He looks 15 years older than he actually is, with belly fat that would make one wonder where the ace of spades is hiding. now mickey might find that stuff attractive because he's such a low life living in standards that would impress lifelong hobos.

  17. #97
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Am I the only one here who has actually met Rob, spent time with him, exchanged phone calls?

    The guy is really ok. But when he sits at a keyboard he goes nuts.

    I've said it here and I said it to him face to face: he is his own worst enemy.

    He sabotaged himself with his own Internet shtick.
    "The guy is really ok. But when he sits at a keyboard he goes nuts."

    You just described the typical internet troll. Usually mild mannered, mostly "ok" guys that become 10 foot tall and bulletproof behind a keyboard. I'm sure there's a psychological profile to account for it.

    Lots of drunks are like that also, great guys when sober, horrible people when drunk.

    I sincerely feel for the guy.

  18. #98
    [QUOTE=Alan Mendelson;45115]Am I the only one here who has actually met Rob, spent time with him, exchanged phone calls?

    The guy is really ok. But when he sits at a keyboard he goes nuts.

    I've said it here and I said it to him face to face: he is his own worst enemy.

    I was supposed to meet him at the Horseshoe in Shreveport and had my wife's phone. I pushed the red button instead of the green button to answer (NOT a nerd at the time) and missed him. After I got my wife to show me some stuff, it was a little late and I believe he took it as me being a person who didn't keep his word and the visit was canceled. Still, to his credit, he answered any question posed. My take is he has respect for a serious inquiry, but no time for bashers. If I don't agree with anyone, I just ditch them-life's too short.

  19. #99
    Originally Posted by james40 View Post
    "The guy is really ok. But when he sits at a keyboard he goes nuts."

    You just described the typical internet troll. Usually mild mannered, mostly "ok" guys that become 10 foot tall and bulletproof behind a keyboard. I'm sure there's a psychological profile to account for it.

    Lots of drunks are like that also, great guys when sober, horrible people when drunk.

    I sincerely feel for the guy.
    james you just described yourself as a dumbass who lacks any kind of foresight. Those "trolls" you refer to are almost always fact, kind of like you. And, as you have read here, I've met with critics, ap's, and supporters alike all over the country to advise, teach and discuss. Your slug friend mickey will say I wouldn't go see him in Montana, but as anyone can also clearly see, I have no time for people living in squalor with only enough nickels to play keno.

    If you're truly feeling for me, a little down and to the left, if you please.

  20. #100
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    james you just described yourself as a dumbass who lacks any kind of foresight. Those "trolls" you refer to are almost always fact, kind of like you. And, as you have read here, I've met with critics, ap's, and supporters alike all over the country to advise, teach and discuss. Your slug friend mickey will say I wouldn't go see him in Montana, but as anyone can also clearly see, I have no time for people living in squalor with only enough nickels to play keno.

    If you're truly feeling for me, a little down and to the left, if you please.
    Not going to play old boy, you'll have to pad your post count with someone else.

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