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Thread: I'm new and want to know all the best deals :)

  1. #1
    I just got 7 Stars. I'm curious about all the perks. Also on how to keep my ADT high?

    Should I only be gambling on days when I want to put massive volume in?
    Does my ADT drop if I'm comped a night and I don't put any play in that day?
    When watching a movie I heard you get 1 per day. Is that on avg through your trip?
    One site said you can get free rounds of golf. I spoke to a host and he said I'd get it sent on the app, but I think it might need to be requested from a certain casino or something.

    Am I able to access pools and gyms even when I'm not staying in the hotel?
    Are you basically guaranteed a comped room for 4 days if your 7* and then wait 2 days and could do it again?

    Because on the app it shows I don't have anything comped probably because I haven't played much in Vegas.

    Which 7* party is best? N.O. sounds fun.

  2. #2
    Lady at check in has told me you get 1 free movie per 24 hour period. "Use it or lose it." So you can't watch nothing for 2 days then watch 2 or 3 on the third day and expect them all to be free.

    You should be able to get 4 nights in a row, 2 days off, then 4 more again. I've heard of several people doing this. I've never done it (I live in Vegas sooo).

    Don't know about gym or pool use when you're not a guest. Pretty sure you'd need a room to have access to that stuff. If you really want that stuff, I'd try talking to a host.

    Only way I know to keep your ADT high is to only play a lot whenever you use your card for anything. IE: Don't use your card for a discount at the coffee shop if you're not going to gamble that day. Either play a lot or don't play at all, if your goal is to keep your ADT high.

    I'm not sure how ADT is effected and all that stuff when you're on a trip. There's a lot that TR does that's difficult to figure out. But remember ADT isn't the only thing they look at when determine how "good" of a player you are or what comps to send you. They also look at MDV (market daily value -- what kinda shit you get for free.....if you use room comps or not, etc.).

  3. #3
    Free movie policy varies by property; I got unlimited last year at Cherokee.

    You get a round of golf once a quarter in LV; your host should be able to set that up for you.

    Not sure about the gyms, that may vary by property as well. I'm hoping to use Qua this summer even when I'm not staying there, so I guess I'll find out soon enough.

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by str8upbrah View Post
    I just got 7 Stars. I'm curious about all the perks. Also on how to keep my ADT high?

    Should I only be gambling on days when I want to put massive volume in?
    Does my ADT drop if I'm comped a night and I don't put any play in that day?
    When watching a movie I heard you get 1 per day. Is that on avg through your trip?
    One site said you can get free rounds of golf. I spoke to a host and he said I'd get it sent on the app, but I think it might need to be requested from a certain casino or something.

    Am I able to access pools and gyms even when I'm not staying in the hotel?
    Are you basically guaranteed a comped room for 4 days if your 7* and then wait 2 days and could do it again?

    Because on the app it shows I don't have anything comped probably because I haven't played much in Vegas.

    Which 7* party is best? N.O. sounds fun.
    Hi Str8:

    Welcome to the board.

    * If you want to get the highest comps, gamble only on days you can put a lot of action in. Your discretionary comps will drop if you stay a night and don't play, but as long as you play a day for each night you stay, you should be fine.

    * In Vegas, Tahoe and New Orleans as a Seven Star, you get ONE free movie a calendar day. If I check in late on a Friday, I start a movie before midnight then stop it. I can then watch the rest over 24 hours. So if you time a Friday check-in with a Sunday checkout, you can watch three free movies -- make sure upon check in you are "coded" with the "Seven Stars Media Package" -- remember those terms.

    *Never played golf with CET so cannot help you -- I see Guy's answer above.

    * I am not sure about pools but I have had no problem accessing any gym and even the coveted "Qua Spa" at Ceasars Palace in LV with a Seven Stars card and ID even if I was staying somewhere else. But know that any swipe (or input) of your Total Rewards card counts as a "trip day" -- I was staying and playing with buddies at Harrahs so it did not matter if I was tripped.

    * Doesn't matter if the app shows a comp if you are Seven Stars, just call an 800 number or ask for a host on the place you want to stay in the CET universe and get the benefits promised if Seven Stars.

    * Never did a Seven Stars party so cannot help. New Orleans, however, is always fun.

    BTW, I know you are new but the "Total Reward and MLIFE" sub-forum looks like a better place to have put in your question as opposed to "Las Vegas." Also you can find a WHOLE bunch of information, particularly from Dan Druff if you look about.

    Last edited by FABismonte; 03-24-2017 at 11:27 AM.

  5. #5
    Originally Posted by RS__ View Post
    Lady at check in has told me you get 1 free movie per 24 hour period. "Use it or lose it." So you can't watch nothing for 2 days then watch 2 or 3 on the third day and expect them all to be free.

    You should be able to get 4 nights in a row, 2 days off, then 4 more again. I've heard of several people doing this. I've never done it (I live in Vegas sooo).

    Don't know about gym or pool use when you're not a guest. Pretty sure you'd need a room to have access to that stuff. If you really want that stuff, I'd try talking to a host.

    Only way I know to keep your ADT high is to only play a lot whenever you use your card for anything. IE: Don't use your card for a discount at the coffee shop if you're not going to gamble that day. Either play a lot or don't play at all, if your goal is to keep your ADT high.

    I'm not sure how ADT is effected and all that stuff when you're on a trip. There's a lot that TR does that's difficult to figure out. But remember ADT isn't the only thing they look at when determine how "good" of a player you are or what comps to send you. They also look at MDV (market daily value -- what kinda shit you get for free.....if you use room comps or not, etc.).
    If I go to the Diamond Lounge does that count? Because they slide my card maybe that counts as a day at the casino. I've cashed a lot of the $5-$25 free plays and I feel if I didn't cash every single one then I might of been able to get bigger free plays lol. Like they know I'm on top of it all with all the handouts, so they know they got me hooked

  6. #6
    When I use free plays on slots my tiers don't go up. If I play on tables will I get tiers or they'll just see it's free play and not comp?

  7. #7
    Ok, so I just read from FAB that if I swipe it counts as a day, so the Diamond lounge counts with that too. I thought that.

    I'm in Vegas now so I guess that's why I was on this thread. I didn't mean to put a post in the wrong area. I'm kind of new to forums.

    I can delete this post if it's necessary.

    So on the movies I didn't get it sorry. You can watch one before midnight and it could be playing through to the next day, but only depends on when you start it? So I could watch one at 11:30 p.m.. Ends at 1a.m. and I can boot up another movie w/o getting charged?

  8. #8
    IIRC, the "day" is 4am to 4am for movies. Ask the front desk for verification.

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by RS__ View Post
    IIRC, the "day" is 4am to 4am for movies. Ask the front desk for verification.
    This is an interesting question.

    I asked at the Diamond/7Stars check in at Caesars and was told specifically that the start of the "movie day" is midnight. But this might just be at Caesars. 4am might be the start of the "casino day" -- I'm not sure. The "casino day" is the 24-hour period when your play is registered.

    I think at Rincon the casino day starts at 6am -- I could be wrong, it's been a while since I bothered with this type of info.

    FAB has the right idea and I've done it too: if I arrive just before midnight I start a movie, then "save it", and watch it later during the 24-hour rental period.

  10. #10
    Originally Posted by str8upbrah View Post
    Ok, so I just read from FAB that if I swipe it counts as a day, so the Diamond lounge counts with that too. I thought that.

    I'm in Vegas now so I guess that's why I was on this thread. I didn't mean to put a post in the wrong area. I'm kind of new to forums.

    I can delete this post if it's necessary.

    So on the movies I didn't get it sorry. You can watch one before midnight and it could be playing through to the next day, but only depends on when you start it? So I could watch one at 11:30 p.m.. Ends at 1a.m. and I can boot up another movie w/o getting charged?
    Hi Str8:

    No worries about deleting this thread. If Dan Druff the administrator/owner of the forum wants to move it, he will do so.

    As Alan (former owner of the forum) states, the best way to see the maximum movies is to start and "bill it to the room" through the tv. For the Seven Stars media package the only date that matters is the time of the charge, they do not care when you watch it. Let's say you started the movie at 11:30 PM Friday. If you stop the movie, and exit out, you will see a notice stating that you can log on and see the rest of the movie up to 11:30 PM Saturday. Also when you log on to the menu later, you will see the movie you were watching has been "purchased." I believe that in-room movies consider a "day" to be midnight to midnight but you can ask at your particular hotel. This means that for all practical purposes I can see two movies on Saturday, the one I started Friday night and the one I start on Saturday.

    BTW, Alan once had been "recorded" as playing a little bit of roulette in Ceasars Palace when he was not. That incorrect information soured his average daily theoretical in the CET universe which hurt his comps and took him a while to recover. So have your card swiped on days you do not play at your peril. That would include when you make sports bets and they ask to see your card when you are in the Seven Stars line as CET typically swipes your card and puts your players card number on your sports ticket as an additional record. This is fine if you lose your ticket and want to collect your bet, not so fine if you don't otherwise do any gambling that day like when I check out on a Sunday and make a few NFL bets on the way out.


  11. #11
    Originally Posted by FABismonte View Post
    This is fine if you lose your ticket and want to collect your bet, not so fine if you don't otherwise do any gambling that day like when I check out on a Sunday and make a few NFL bets on the way out.

    Great tip. I always make a few sports plays in the morning on the way out. Didn't realize what little i may have earned by handing over my card (Platinum-not Seven *) probably hurt more than helped me.

  12. #12
    Are you people for real? "I wanna free movie" and "if I use 10 bucks in free-play will it hurt my offers?" and "if I swipe into a Diamond Lounge without playing will it count against me?"

    WTF? You people are willing to put tens of thousands thru the poker machines and craps tables, yet you're worrying to death about the small insignificant stuff? You're all doing the exact dance every casino wants you to do, and you all might as well just announce loudly that you don't win gambling. Trying to give the perception a few of you "know the system and work it to the bone" is worthless. Why not concentrate on learning how to win money consistently (ever hear of that concept?) instead of always basing your slick moves on losing. All this "I've got the CET system all figured out", so "they ain't gonna be taking advantage of this here sharpie no more, nosiree!" is nothing but pure nonsense. Win money and NONE of that baloney ever matters.

    And please wise up. You would expect that on a gaming forum you'd see stimulating threads without the greenhorn factor being involved.

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Great tip. I always make a few sports plays in the morning on the way out. Didn't realize what little i may have earned by handing over my card (Platinum-not Seven *) probably hurt more than helped me.
    A number of people have complained that their small recreational bets, like most make for high profile events like the Super Bowl, Kentucky Derby, or Final Four, damaged their ADT because of card swipes on days they otherwise did not play. The fact that sports and race bets count as "playing" doesn't register with many people.

    So the rule is, if the bets are small and you aren't otherwise playing in the casino that day, do not let them swipe your card. And frankly, your wagers would have to be huge for a card swipe to be helpful.

    So do not use your app and do not let them swipe your card unless you are making gigantic wagers or you are otherwise playing in the casino that day.

  14. #14
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Are you people for real? "I wanna free movie" and "if I use 10 bucks in free-play will it hurt my offers?" and "if I swipe into a Diamond Lounge without playing will it count against me?"

    WTF? You people are willing to put tens of thousands thru the poker machines and craps tables, yet you're worrying to death about the small insignificant stuff? You're all doing the exact dance every casino wants you to do, and you all might as well just announce loudly that you don't win gambling. Trying to give the perception a few of you "know the system and work it to the bone" is worthless. Why not concentrate on learning how to win money consistently (ever hear of that concept?) instead of always basing your slick moves on losing. All this "I've got the CET system all figured out", so "they ain't gonna be taking advantage of this here sharpie no more, nosiree!" is nothing but pure nonsense. Win money and NONE of that baloney ever matters.

    And please wise up. You would expect that on a gaming forum you'd see stimulating threads without the greenhorn factor being involved.
    There is something to be gleaned from this post. The micro-management of the comp system has at least two "illusion factors" the casino is imposing on people working the system. First, this is the "losing while winning" angle. Getting incremental stuff back while actually losing is very similar to "partial wins" on slot machines that reward amounts less than the actual bets. The feedback, bells and whistles, and machine responses are the same on the machines as if you had actually won. Second, working the system creates an "illusion of control" that may or may not be exist for the individuals involved. Working the system by micro-management serves to foster a feeling of being in control and managing something, when the reality may be that the people doing so are, in some greater, sense, behaviorally locked into patterns that are expensive and self-defeating. But the whole parallel economy of the comp system obscures how out-of-control people really are.

  15. #15
    Yes, you should watch the pennies. Just as you should watch the dollars.

    Not to watch the pennies is like throwing money away. I think only Rob Singer has boasted about throwing dollar bills on the ground. Too bad I wasn't walking behind him to pick them up.

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by FABismonte View Post
    Alan once had been "recorded" as playing a little bit of roulette in Ceasars Palace when he was not. That incorrect information soured his average daily theoretical in the CET universe which hurt his comps and took him a while to recover.
    I wasn't even in Las Vegas that weekend. Somehow my account was "credited" with something like $40 of play at roulette. It killed my offers for about six months and even my host could not intervene.

    When I saw a big drop in my offers I asked my host what happened? And that's how I learned about the $40 of "play" at roulette. There was no hotel stay, of course, since I wasn't even in Vegas that weekend. My host tried to get it fixed but was told that once it's in the computer it can't be changed... and it wasn't. I was furious but there was absolutely nothing I could do.

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    So the rule is, if the bets are small and you aren't otherwise playing in the casino that day, do not let them swipe your card. And frankly, your wagers would have to be huge for a card swipe to be helpful.

    So do not use your app and do not let them swipe your card unless you are making gigantic wagers or you are otherwise playing in the casino that day.
    Good info, thanks Red.

  18. #18
    I'm curious: with CET how many tier points or reward credits do you get for sports bets? I think in the poker room isn't it something like $1 per hour in RCs but I don't know what the tier points are?

  19. #19
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    I'm curious: with CET how many tier points or reward credits do you get for sports bets? I think in the poker room isn't it something like $1 per hour in RCs but I don't know what the tier points are?
    I have never been given a straight answer for how many tier points or RC's I earn when sports betting. I think the last answer I got was something vague like "not much, but every little bit helps". It didn't bother me because I realize I generally only bet about a hundred bucks a day on sports wagers when in Nevada. I now know that I definitely am not going to swipe my card on the morning I leave anymore.

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Yes, you should watch the pennies. Just as you should watch the dollars.

    Not to watch the pennies is like throwing money away. I think only Rob Singer has boasted about throwing dollar bills on the ground. Too bad I wasn't walking behind him to pick them up.
    You think his disregard for money is what put him deep in the hole and eventually had him filing for bankruptcy? I do feel for his wife, having to watch him "Rambling and Gambling" around Nevada while running the family into deep debt and unable to get him to stop until the inevitable happened.

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