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Thread: Need help

  1. #21
    Dancer bothers me for a number of reasons. He doesn't spell out how conditions were much different when he originally succeeded. He doesn't spell out all of his unstated backers way back when that allowed him to do things beyond his bankroll. He doesn't explain that without his current statuses (and possible rebates) that what he does can't be duplicated from scratch today. Or duplicated at all. He never addresses addiction directly. His articles imply that he dabbles into areas of gambling where he has no expertise (such as sports betting), but he presents himself as being able to judge whether he knows what he's doing.

    Those are solid reasons to criticize him outside of his personal life and weirdly sexist writing.

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    I've got no sympathy for Dancer. He may be a great teacher and such, but he's a two faced SoB. He'll be the first to rat you out on a play.
    I totally agree,DANCER is a RAT and should be outed for that...You should tell him to knock at your door and PISS OFF !!!!

  3. #23
    Sorry, Rob The title of Resident Ass Clown of the Video Poker World belongs to you. You are the laughing stock of video poker. A poor pathetic soul who has to lash out at others to assuage your feelings of inferiority. No one is laughing with you. They are laughing at you.

  4. #24
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    I totally agree,DANCER is a RAT and should be outed for that...You should tell him to knock at your door and PISS OFF !!!!
    Keep guessing that sir. Your pretty funny though.

  5. #25
    I don't know Bob Dancer except that I took one of his classes years ago at the Fiesta in North Las Vegas. I exchanged maybe a dozen words with the guy. I found him to be cordial and knowledgeable about video poker.

    I have read his column. I have listened to his radio show just a few times. I have read about some of the mistakes he made.

    I am not sure why anyone is attacking him here? Why not post your attacks on the WOV forum or Las Vegas Advisor forum where Bob is a member and can defend and explain himself?

  6. #26
    I learned significant info from Dancer's writings, but I also read his first claim-to-fame book with an editor's eye and found some holes in the narrative. I think it's strange that his main financial accomplishment in his book was a mega-royal actually hit by his now ex-wife. Like most "gambling experts," he thinks he can analyze every different thing that falls under the rubric of "gambling." It's like one of the world's top 10 eye surgeons deciding he can consult on neurosurgery and hip replacements.

    I'm not sure you're allowed to knock Dancer at WOV. Some people on other forums said he's pretty much untouchable there. Is that correct?

  7. #27
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Sorry, Rob The title of Resident Ass Clown of the Video Poker World belongs to you. You are the laughing stock of video poker. A poor pathetic soul who has to lash out at others to assuage your feelings of inferiority. No one is laughing with you. They are laughing at you.
    x 10...very is his #1 fanboy/butt buddy Cooch Belly

  8. #28
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I'm not sure you're allowed to knock Dancer at WOV. Some people on other forums said he's pretty much untouchable there. Is that correct?
    Yes, I believe so. The WOV rules prohibit "personal insults" of other forum members.

  9. #29
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I learned significant info from Dancer's writings, but I also read his first claim-to-fame book with an editor's eye and found some holes in the narrative. I think it's strange that his main financial accomplishment in his book was a mega-royal actually hit by his now ex-wife. Like most "gambling experts," he thinks he can analyze every different thing that falls under the rubric of "gambling." It's like one of the world's top 10 eye surgeons deciding he can consult on neurosurgery and hip replacements. I'm not sure you're allowed to knock Dancer at WOV. Some people on other forums said he's pretty much untouchable there. Is that correct?
    Shackleford let it be known that there was a zero tolerance policy for flaming Dancer on the site.

    Bob and Shirley played as a team on his bankroll. After a pretty good winning streak he allowed Shirley to potshot $100,000 on a $100 machine....and she came up with a royal.

    I have Dancer's Million Dollar Video Poker. This is something I have never told anyone. He wrote about playing a game that didn't exist at the time he said he was playing it. He wrote about playing 10/7 Double Bonus with a 400 coin Straight Flush in 1996. Normal 10/7 comes in at 100.17%. With the 400 coin straight flush it's a 100.5% game. This game with the 400 coin straight flush was specifically created by Bally, not IGT. It was created for the Bally Gamemaker machine. And that machine didn't come out until 1998.

  10. #30
    Thanks for that info, mickey. I read that book carefully, but did not know that.

    Dancer is mushy regarding how he made some of the bankroll step-ups he describes in the book. Either he had backing he fails to describe, or he took ridiculous risks in terms of risk of ruin and was fantastically fortunate.

    I'm not in all that much awe of Dancer because his father was wealthy and Dancer always had back-up in case he failed, which he did once that we know of, and perhaps more often that that.

    It's completely different to have family financial back-up of a large sort versus not.

  11. #31
    Redietz, here's a little more information on the situation. When what became known as IGT broke off from Bally in 1978 there was a 20 year non-compete clause in the agreement. At the time Bally didn't think much of video poker or that it would ever go anywhere so they didn't think they were giving up much. That turned out to be a huge blunder on their part. By the late nineties video poker was doing 30% of casino win.

    The non-compete agreement ended in 1998 and Bally entered the video poker market with a multi-game machine called the Bally Gamemaker. The 10/7/80 game was on some of those machines.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 04-19-2017 at 04:06 AM.

  12. #32
    Thanks, mickey. I didn't know any of that.

  13. #33
    OP I sent you a private message

  14. #34

  15. #35
    The above (I will not quote in the hopes that it will be removed) is "doxing" and should not be allowed. It might be illegal, but most definitely should not be allowed on any site in which AP's participate. The circumstances does not even matter. THIS is EXACTLY why more successful players don't participate on these sites.

  16. #36
    Originally Posted by swimswimmer View Post for more information about this guy Jeffrey Toll
    I think a person who goes around scamming other APs for a living should be put on notice.

  17. #37
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    The above (I will not quote in the hopes that it will be removed) is "doxing" and should not be allowed. It might be illegal, but most definitely should not be allowed on any site in which AP's participate. The circumstances does not even matter. THIS is EXACTLY why more successful players don't participate on these sites.
    WoN pmed me a few times on WoV. At first he talked about getting together telling me he averages 500k per year. I told him I was a much smaller fish and most likely have no value to or for him. I told him a few players I knew were killing it by running massive amounts of cards and crushing promotions and multipliers. He replied to me with some sarcasm but asked me if I could get him players cards for a percentage? I told him why would I give him cards at a percentage when I can run them for full value?

    The next time he messaged me months later he wanted to meet to see if we were compatible. I talked to him a little but it was clear his story and memory were conflicting itself or himself. I never replied to him anymore, basically dismissing him or his ideas. I find it is almost the same story with private messages and players that want to meet up. Almost every time it's this message about seeing if we click or if we would work well together. I actually find that most players I have met online aren't in great shape and are looking to play for me at a percentage. This isn't everyone I've met online but it is a high enough percentage for me not to deal with individuals from the internet. Not that I really have interest in teaming. I just wanted to see if internet life was as good on paper as it sometimes reads. In my opinion, for me, it isn't a good idea and doesn't work or appeal to my style.

    As usual, for me and the last 25+ years in the industry or life it is better for me to work alone. I believe if you can do it you get to banging and do it. I am sure others have had more positive experiences from networking or teaming up from the net but for me it doesn't work or fit.

    I don't like people posting pictures of players and calling them out. You allow one player to do this and you have to allow everyone to do it and that's gonna get ugly. However, the owner of this site runs a website to out poker teams or dishonest poker players or dishonest poker room employees and or directors. Truth be told, poker can never be cleaned up no matter how much parfum they spray on it. My point is that you can't expect someone who is trying to clean up poker to get upset about someone exposing WoN or others like WoN.
    Last edited by monet; 03-11-2018 at 05:25 AM.

  18. #38
    monet, I think WoN fits right in with your theme in your past posts about a lot of AP's being cheats and scoundrels. I think we have a problem with doxxing WoN, strictlyap, but then this guy has defrauded a lot of people and no doubt he was after hustling you with those emails. I have to say I'm totally surprised. WoN had me righteously fooled.

    Should not doxxing someone take priority over exposing WoN/strictlyap/Jeffrey Warren for the scam artist he is? There are hundreds maybe thousands of gambling forum members who could fall prey to him.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  19. #39
    Where do we draw the line? What happens when someone is mad at someone and makes up false accusations and posts up pictures of players? I had this long time Vegas player tell me that a player took my picture playing a bad pay video poker game and wanted to know who I was and why I was playing that bad game. It wasn't long ago the wise guys would rough you up or bury you for doing such things. It's a brave new world. Things have changed but taking pictures of players from other players is a tough pill to swallow. Tough enough to beat all the security and gaming protection now you gotta worry about APs taking your picture in the Casino.

    The other message WoN sent me was that he had a huge mistake/play in Vegas but had no capital!? How am I going to believe a guy making 500k per year needs to raise capital from me lol??

    I also believe nobody really gets hustled or conned. Unless it is being robbed or strong armed a person willingly gives the money to the Hustler or con man freely. This is why the police cant help people who give another individual cash freely. Sometimes they can help but usually they can't and your SoL but it's usually a cheap lesson learned. Most people hate people like Madoff and other scammers but I agree with him that people giving all their money to institutions to invest large gains are just as bad as the individuals stealing the money.
    Last edited by monet; 03-11-2018 at 06:03 AM.

  20. #40

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