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Thread: Question for Robert Dietz

  1. #21
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    The narrative, coach, is that I've been doing this (and well) since 1980. And that I haven't ever exaggerated or lied regarding abilities or results. And that I haven't been afraid to take on certain people (Penn State President Graham Spanier and Carl Sagan) when I thought they were wrong about something.

    Thanks for asking.
    So we're back to the beginning again. Post the stuff, or carry the phony label with you and accept it. Or, you COULD go whining to your boy-toy on the "west coast" whom you met at the bus station.

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    How's trying to beat 98% games working out for you?
    I'm not playing or trying to beat any 98% games, I'm saving that to teach you a lesson.

    You must still be sore from me backing you down.

    You just spent weeks driving from one shithole to the next, but back then you were too busy "working" to get to Vegas for a weekend?

    Too busy or too broke? I forget, which was it?

  3. #23
    He's too broke coach, and there's probably an arrest warrant out for him in Nevada anyway. Why else would such a "successful, vulturing ap" leave the juicy "$75/hr. plays" in Nevada for the slums of Montana?

  4. #24
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    He's too broke coach, and there's probably an arrest warrant out for him in Nevada anyway. Why else would such a "successful, vulturing ap" leave the juicy "$75/hr. plays" in Nevada for the slums of Montana?
    $140 an hour in the slums of Montana, Robbie Sue. Now get your head out of coach betty's ass cause it's his turn to stick his head in your ass.

    And no warrants in Nevada like you have in Arizona. If there were still debtor's prisons you would be doing life.

    We want a picture of you, Jerry Logan, and aceshii at the G2E forum. Or just 3 pictures of you will work since you are all three.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  5. #25
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    How's trying to beat 98% games working out for you?
    I'm not playing or trying to beat any 98% games, I'm saving that to teach you a lesson.

    You must still be sore from me backing you down.

    You just spent weeks driving from one shithole to the next, but back then you were too busy "working" to get to Vegas for a weekend?

    Too busy or too broke? I forget, which was it?
    I didn't back down from jackshit. You're the one that refused to take the bet, Betty, you yellow belllied slug.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  6. #26
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    You're the one that refused to take the bet
    I took the bet, then you insisted that it had to be played out in Montana, because you said you were too broke to spend a weekend in Vegas.

  7. #27
    It's pretty amusing seeing Betty act like some high roller on a custodians salary...his biggest gambling score to date is getting comped at Noodle World in one of those flea bag hotels he stoops at in Atlantic City

  8. #28
    Anyone who claims to be successful at any game runs into this issue when trying to "prove" it.

    A blow hard on another board once claimed he consistantly won at craps using a John Patrick system(on patricks board)...and to prove it he invited someone that questioned him the ability to come down to vegas and watch him one day. The "watch me" scenario is stupid. How can someone watch someone one day and extrapolate it to 365 days or 1000 days. Unless I am with the dude daily for a few hundred days, I have no clue if his claims are true.

    Same with sports betting. Over a period of 30 years, a monkey throwing darts can have a couple 3 month stretches that are very good. The real meat of the facts come when you know what happens outside those few 3 month bonanza periods.

    Did redietz have some good periods in sports betting? I dont doubt that. Did he win some contests....i believe that as well. But what about the losses during down times, and how long did those down times last....There are not glowing articles about the down times.

    Look at Chris Moneymaker....he won 2.5 million in 2003 in the Main Event. Since then he made 1 million cumulative in tournaments for 14 years since. Just look at his gambling(not his celebrity appearance fees and such)......Just for his gambling , he is "winning" in tournaments about 72k a year. If you take out the entry fees...that usually range from 5k to 10k........lets say he spends 40k a year in entry fees...that takes him down to 32k a year net earnings. And if you just looked at him as john doe..a gambler......who had to pay his own expenses....then traveling and hotel would eat up most of his winnings after entry fees and taxes.

    But, I am sure he can produce articles and such of the times he won...and all the accolades...he can produce. But if you look strictly at his tourament gambling winnings, and take out entry fees and expenses.....he has made zero money(since the main event win). Not that impressive. Now lucky for him he can hookup with a online poker site and get money, and they may pay his entry fees or pay him to wear their logo at the tables, ...but that has nothing to do with the gambling aspect. Without the celebrity a tournament player he is living at the poverty level with the income generated.

    So what about redietz......I am sure he can show proof of articles and what. I say the same about moneymaker as far as the pure gambling side of things.

  9. #29
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    Anyone who claims to be successful at any game runs into this issue when trying to "prove" it.

    A blow hard on another board once claimed he consistantly won at craps using a John Patrick system(on patricks board)...and to prove it he invited someone that questioned him the ability to come down to vegas and watch him one day. The "watch me" scenario is stupid. How can someone watch someone one day and extrapolate it to 365 days or 1000 days. Unless I am with the dude daily for a few hundred days, I have no clue if his claims are true.

    Same with sports betting. Over a period of 30 years, a monkey throwing darts can have a couple 3 month stretches that are very good. The real meat of the facts come when you know what happens outside those few 3 month bonanza periods.

    Did redietz have some good periods in sports betting? I dont doubt that. Did he win some contests....i believe that as well. But what about the losses during down times, and how long did those down times last....There are not glowing articles about the down times.

    Look at Chris Moneymaker....he won 2.5 million in 2003 in the Main Event. Since then he made 1 million cumulative in tournaments for 14 years since. Just look at his gambling(not his celebrity appearance fees and such)......Just for his gambling , he is "winning" in tournaments about 72k a year. If you take out the entry fees...that usually range from 5k to 10k........lets say he spends 40k a year in entry fees...that takes him down to 32k a year net earnings. And if you just looked at him as john doe..a gambler......who had to pay his own expenses....then traveling and hotel would eat up most of his winnings after entry fees and taxes.

    But, I am sure he can produce articles and such of the times he won...and all the accolades...he can produce. But if you look strictly at his tourament gambling winnings, and take out entry fees and expenses.....he has made zero money(since the main event win). Not that impressive. Now lucky for him he can hookup with a online poker site and get money, and they may pay his entry fees or pay him to wear their logo at the tables, ...but that has nothing to do with the gambling aspect. Without the celebrity a tournament player he is living at the poverty level with the income generated.

    So what about redietz......I am sure he can show proof of articles and what. I say the same about moneymaker as far as the pure gambling side of things.
    But all the trolls keep demanding proof. If you put up any evidence you get a response like larry put up here. They're not going to believe you no matter what you do. At least they are going to act that way. It is an exercise in futility to attempt to prove any claims. And it might take divulging trade secrets to do so. So just make the claims if you feel like it and tell them to go to hell if they want proof. If they don't believe you who cares? I know I certainly don't care if they believe me or not.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  10. #30
    Right now I'm a bit angry.

    Had I known Robert Dietz was a professional with clients who paid him for information, I never would have allowed him to mail me anything.

    It appears he was fishing for an endorsement. I suspect I was being used.

  11. #31
    I agree, a real person the wins consistently at gambling wouldnt give a crap what a bunch of anonymous people thought. He would be sipping pina coladas at a resort in between winning sessions. Who the F cares what a handfull of people on a message board thinks.

    Unless its all a lie and the person is in need of attention living n a make believe world.

    once you have the goose that lays the golden eggs,,,you neednt return to the are on your way in life,,,living the good life.....and protecting the goose.

    waving the goose in front of others and drawing attention to myself would not be on my bucket list.

  12. #32
    Alan....that is probably a wise deduction.

  13. #33
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Right now I'm a bit angry. Had I known Robert Dietz was a professional with clients who paid him for information, I never would have allowed him to mail me anything. It appears he was fishing for an endorsement. I suspect I was being used.
    Thats why he waited for five years from the time he signed up here without divulging what he does. He didn't make his move until Argentino started interrogating him about what he does. Very sly. He was pulling the long con. But good for you, Alan. You didn't fall for it. You are one sharp cookie.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 12-21-2017 at 05:01 PM.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  14. #34
    Mr. Mendelson, please don't take this the wrong way. The last thing I need is an endorsement from you. That would be silly. It would be like having you endorse me for my brain surgery skills. But what I was hoping you'd do was verify that the things I listed as having done or written were done and written, which Mr. Singer disputed, and that I was me, which was evident from the material, and which Mr. Singer also disputed.

    As the resident high-profile journalist here, I thought you would/could eyeball the stuff and say, "Rob, you're wrong. Here is A, B, C, and D, as Mr. Dietz said. And Mr. Dietz is Mr. Dietz."

    And if my plane went down, you'd have the material.

    But why would I want you to endorse me? You don't really know anything about sports betting. Gambling-wise, being endorsed by you might not be a good thing for me. I mean, your relationship with Mr. Singer works against anybody giving credence to what you say gambling-wise. But you could certainly match what I said on this site to the written evidence for having done it from third parties. And you could eliminate any dispute about me as a poster being the guy who wrote the stuff.

  15. #35
    I told Rob Singer from day one that that I believed you. I told him again after Tony told me what was in your package. But that made no difference to him.

    Youre a professional sports tipster. You charge for and you were paid for your information. Why didn't you say that from the beginning?

    All along I thought you were just a recreational player but it turns out you're a professional with a business.

    I'm sorry but I have to step back from this discussion. You misled me and everyone else here.

  16. #36
    Except for the fact that I referenced the invitation only contest, made multiple references to being listed for decades in "Tipsters or Gypsters?", and said many times I was in "Who's Who is Sports Gambling," that would seem a likely conclusion. Or, as I told Mr. Singer on these pages, that the name of the enterprise is "Bob Dietz's Integrity Sports." Or that I suggested people use the wayback machine to check the old www.IntegritySports website to see what I was about. Or that I included copies of everything, plus some ad copy from the House of Sports commercial newsletter that appeared on national newsstands with my name and selections, in the package mailed to you. Or that every bio blurb in the op eds or articles I sent to you listed me as either a "professional gambler" or "professional handicapper."

    Yes, other than those minor details, I completely misled you and everyone on this site. Was this a memory issue, a reading comprehension issue, or are you just trolling me?

    And if you can find any post where I referred to myself as recreational, I have a 1K check for your favorite charity.

    Good lord, recreational gamblers can't get in "Tipsters or Gypsters?" Or the Wise Guys Contest. Or "Who's Who is Sports Gambling?" What the bloody hell? If you don't know what you're talking about, just keep your mouth shut for once.

    Crackerjack journalist instincts at their finest.
    Last edited by redietz; 12-21-2017 at 05:05 PM.

  17. #37
    its funny ..on one site he is referred to as a "sports investment service".

    its not gambling anymore....alot of these shoddy pick sellers are now "investment" firms.

    please dont compare investing in stocks to betting on a game where injury, officials, unexpected weather, players on drugs spent players from partying,a bad bounce of a ball, unexpected suspensions or last minute DNP.....causes a loss of your "investment" in a period of a couple hours.

    its dishonest to try to convince obvious dim witted people a bet on a sports team or abet on roulette or a bet on a hand of BJ or a lottery ticket is a "investment". Because only dim witted people would fall for that nonsense.

    but its all over the place. I listen to sports talk radio alot...and the new wave of all the folks selling sprts picks either use the word "investment" in their pitch...or actually have that word in the name of their company.

  18. #38
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    I agree, a real person the wins consistently at gambling wouldnt give a crap what a bunch of anonymous people thought. He would be sipping pina coladas at a resort in between winning sessions. Who the F cares what a handfull of people on a message board thinks.

    Unless its all a lie and the person is in need of attention living n a make believe world.

    once you have the goose that lays the golden eggs,,,you neednt return to the are on your way in life,,,living the good life.....and protecting the goose.

    waving the goose in front of others and drawing attention to myself would not be on my bucket list.
    That's great, Larry. It would be helpful, however, to find one attempt by me to sign somebody up from a forum. Or find one person who signed up with me from a forum. I've been doing this 40 years. None exist. Other than that, you're spot on.

  19. #39
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    You misled me and everyone else here.
    Redietz misled YOU. That's fucking rich, Alan. I'll give you this Alan must have one big sack of gonads.

    What Redeitz did was trust you. Trusted that you were honorable and had some journalist integrity that you told us you had. He trusted you to act fairly as judge and jury. What you did instead was employ every single trick you learned at the "shyster" school of journalism. You, sir should be ashamed.

    Alan, don't you dare stoop further and attempt to paint Redeitz as here peddling his services. That is outrageous. Mickey laid it out perfectly. Do you really believe Redietz, joined this site, laid low for 5 years, until the right moment when nutjob Singer called him out, so he could then divulge who he is and what he does, in the hopes of picking up new clients from this site of what 8 members. That was his 5 year plan?

    Just stop Alan...just stop. You have been dangerously straddling that line, half way across that bridge of no return. The bridge to Singer/larryS land. Alan, turn around and come back to the real world.

  20. #40
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Just stop Alan...just stop. You have been dangerously straddling that line
    The bus to Troll Town is now arriving at gate three.

    See the cursed craps table.

    Marvel at the mystery of eighteen yo's in a row.

    Ignore reality.

    All aboard!

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