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Thread: Rob Singer banned

  1. #81
    Given that there have already been articles in the media discussing his gambling habits and card memberships, including quotes from Shackelford and Singer, it's pretty likely that this place has already been found. Posts on here come up on Google searches. That's how I found this site originally - looking for Seven Stars information - and that was back in the day when the site was still alanbestbuys and not vegascasinotalk, which makes it even more obvious what it's about.

    Quite honestly if I didn't know that Rob was a real person from the videos Alan did on his special plays, I would have wondered if there was some connection myself.

  2. #82
    I just got off the phone with Rob. He's well, by the way. Rob says he's amazed that he could possibly have been fingered as the trigger for the lunatic to start killing people. Rob said this guy must be some kind of super monster to read about his banning on one day and in a matter of one day pull off this massive attack.

  3. #83
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Count Room View Post
    ....knew Rob played VP for a living....

    I really don't think it is all that fair to talk about Singer, since he is no longer here, but I see little evidence that Singer did anything but lose a good deal of whatever money he earned during his career in the business world.

    Consistent with what I have been saying, no one is required to prove anything on an anonymous message board. It is up to each of us to decide who is credible or as I like to say, "who know what they are talking about and who is just talking". Singer's claims of making a million dollars, playing negative EV video poker are highly unlikely. Not impossible, but highly unlikely. It flies in the face of the mathematics involved.

    In this very thread, arcimede$ stated that Rob "lost" his small apartment and was forced to live in a trailer park. Other's that have been around much longer than I, have said similar things, with the slight twist that he lives in his Winnebago in his daughter's driveway. I don't know, nor care, but based on what he said while I was here, these scenarios seem much more likely to me. In other words....If I was a betting man.... .

    And quite frankly, these scenarios would explain Singer's extreme bitterness and anger at the world and people that do have some success playing at casinos (AP's)
    KewlJ: Stop right there. I understand where you are coming from, and I regret that I didn't carefully type out "knew Rob supposedly played VP for a living", so it wouldn't re-open an unrelated hornet's nest like this.

    The corrected quote above with the underlined word would have been a much more neutral statement about that contentious argument. This is about another matter entirely, a much more serious matter.

  4. #84
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    I just got off the phone with Rob. He's well, by the way. Rob says he's amazed that he could possibly have been fingered as the trigger for the lunatic to start killing people. Rob said this guy must be some kind of super monster to read about his banning on one day and in a matter of one day pull off this massive attack.
    Please note I am not fingering Rob or Dan at all in any way. Given how crazy this guy must have been, it's possible Mr. Paddock had MANY stressors going on where he came precariously close to committing his heinous act, yet Dan banning Rob (for his own good, albeit unwitting reasons) might have been a "straw that broke the camel's back" sort of catalyst which sent the shooter over the mental precipice.

    All I am trying to point out is the timing of all the events is highly intriguing, and the shooter's past career and lifestyle preferences could have given him a high degree of personal relatability to Rob. The shooter may very well have been a quiet fan of Rob's non-VP lifestyle, and Rob was possibly the shooter's means of comic relief which may have been snuffed out by the banning.

    The shooter was apparently highly successful in real estate and Rob often talked about that matter a fair bit here, as well.

    I could see where Mr. Paddock may have quietly viewed himself as Rob's superior, and amused by Rob's antics because of the lifestyle similarities. Rob and Mr. Paddock seem to be opposites there: Rob did all the talking/writing, and Paddock did all the reading/listening.

    This is ALL conjecture on my part, yet very interesting conjecture, though. Who knows?

  5. #85
    Thinking or even suggesting Rob's ban has anything to do with this is, at minimum, delusional.

    The first time I had a pop tart was a few days before 9/11 happened. Coincidence? YOU DECIDE!!!

  6. #86
    Originally Posted by RS__ View Post
    Thinking or even suggesting Rob's ban has anything to do with this is, at minimum, delusional.

    The first time I had a pop tart was a few days before 9/11 happened. Coincidence? YOU DECIDE!!!
    I have to say I don't like being called delusional. There were simply too many coincidences for me to ignore and keep quiet about. I did say this is conjecture and I could easily be wrong! Should I have said nothing at all???

  7. #87
    To heck with it. I am finished talking about it. Trying to probe the mind of a murderous lunatic has its own risks. I have nothing at all against Rob or Dan, and I was just trying help out in my own way.

  8. #88
    Originally Posted by Count Room View Post
    I have to say I don't like being called delusional. There were simply too many coincidences for me to ignore and keep quiet about. I did say this is conjecture and I could easily be wrong! Should I have said nothing at all???
    Yes, you should have kept your mouth shut. As soon as you opened it this whole place smells like shit now. It doesn't take much here to drag the whole community into the cesspool. I actually agree with RS and think you're a delusional disabled mental patient.

    I don't know where you've been for the last three months, but only could guess you were one of the delusional meatballs that wouldn't post because of Robs comments. What better time to start posting than after he's gone trying to tie him to this sick shit.

    You're an obvious fuken delusional idiot, making a mockery of something very serious. Like I said before, your comments could get many other idiots on this site to jump on your delusional train, just because they can and Rob can't defend himself.

  9. #89
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by Count Room View Post
    I have to say I don't like being called delusional. There were simply too many coincidences for me to ignore and keep quiet about. I did say this is conjecture and I could easily be wrong! Should I have said nothing at all???
    Yes, you should have kept your mouth shut. As soon as you opened it this whole place smells like shit now. It doesn't take much here to drag the whole community into the cesspool. I actually agree with RS and think you're a delusional disabled mental patient.

    I don't know where you've been for the last three months, but only could guess you were one of the delusional meatballs that wouldn't post because of Robs comments. What better time to post after he's gone trying to tie him to this sick shit.

    You're an obvious fuken delusional idiot, making a mockery of something very serious. Like I said before, your comments could get many other idiots on this site to jump on your delusional train, just because they can and Rob can't defend himself.
    This is not ANYONE'S fault except the shooter. End of story. Absolutely no one else had a clue what was going to happen. Neither Dan nor Rob had no way in hell of knowing anything.

    I take this matter as seriously as anyone else, and I am the last guy in the world that wants to cause any trouble.

  10. #90
    Originally Posted by Count Room View Post
    Originally Posted by RS__ View Post
    Thinking or even suggesting Rob's ban has anything to do with this is, at minimum, delusional.

    The first time I had a pop tart was a few days before 9/11 happened. Coincidence? YOU DECIDE!!!
    I have to say I don't like being called delusional. There were simply too many coincidences for me to ignore and keep quiet about. I did say this is conjecture and I could easily be wrong! Should I have said nothing at all???
    Your not delusional. Your an idiotic jerkwad.
    Take off that stupid mask you big baby.

  11. #91
    Quahaug: What would you have done if you saw these parallels? Alan said it was very interesting and he wanted me to call the FBI. What the hell should I have done, then? Can you please tell me that?

  12. #92
    Originally Posted by Count Room View Post
    Quahaug: What would you have done if you saw these parallels? Alan said it was very interesting and he wanted me to call the FBI. What the hell should I have done, then? Can you please tell me that?
    Just because one asshole agrees with another doesn’t make it right. It just means there are two assholes instead of one.

    Call the FBI? Are you fucken serious? Who the fuck is Alan that you should do what he says? He's just someone who thinks he's important.

  13. #93
    Originally Posted by Count Room View Post
    Quahaug: What would you have done if you saw these parallels? Alan said it was very interesting and he wanted me to call the FBI. What the hell should I have done, then? Can you please tell me that?
    It's a little early to be making light of fifty eight people gunned down in Vegas or anywhere else. It's not funny or clever. Shut up already!
    Take off that stupid mask you big baby.

  14. #94
    From the very beginning I felt sick to my stomach even discussing this possibility. I just didn't know what else to do except to see if it made any sense to others, and whether it would help in any investigation. This is no one's fault except the deranged shooter & it's a horrific tragedy people are struggling to make sense of.

    I will gladly shut up with full apologies to anyone offended.

  15. #95
    Good grief, Couunt Room.

    Why get upset about all this?

    You did nothing illegal, nothing inherently "wrong," yet when a few nay-sayers jump you about it you get all bent out of shape.

    You said it, you own it, now move on.
    Last edited by MisterV; 10-07-2017 at 06:54 AM.
    What, Me Worry?

  16. #96
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    WOW ... I could only come to the conclusion that Count Room is a complete full blown asshole. Alan is not far behind that conclusion.
    As a species, our missing link is the ability to think both as a group and as an individual. We are unable to get over our borders and politics. We have to continually spy on each other, and set up deterrents. On the other hand, if we could average ourselves out, and think and work as a whole population, including who owns what, then we would lose the extremes in also our mental outlooks. The most basic one being our thirst for normalcy and love. Each of us has a shortcut or lazy innate "psychological defense mechanism" that quickly helps us smooth out every thing unsettling. As one's situation and overall station in life shift, so too one's mental view of oneself. But this mental shift is more of a coping mechanism than something based on reality. It just seems that with our faster paced lives, this mechanism has become the (abnormal) norm. Suddenly, over centuries, each of us came to see him/herself to be the norm, and w/o question or other doubt. Perhaps, the reason that people on message boards act so standoffish, and honestly can't see where others are coming from. And it is so strange to watch the different news networks, an almost collective schizophrenia. It might be, too, that we now turn on others instead of ourselves when the almost daily gulfs in the shifts in life become too wide to fast for our defense mechanisms to ever deal with.

  17. #97
    Originally Posted by OneHitWonder View Post
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    WOW ... I could only come to the conclusion that Count Room is a complete full blown asshole. Alan is not far behind that conclusion.
    As a species, our missing link is the ability to think both as a group and as an individual. We are unable to get over our borders and politics. We have to continually spy on each other, and set up deterrents. On the other hand, if we could average ourselves out, and think and work as a whole population, including who owns what, then we would lose the extremes in also our mental outlooks. The most basic one being our thirst for normalcy and love. Each of us has a shortcut or lazy innate "psychological defense mechanism" that quickly helps us smooth out every thing unsettling. As one's situation and overall station in life shift, so too one's mental view of oneself. But this mental shift is more of a coping mechanism than something based on reality. It just seems that with our faster paced lives, this mechanism has become the (abnormal) norm. Suddenly, over centuries, each of us came to see him/herself to be the norm, and w/o question or other doubt. Perhaps, the reason that people on message boards act so standoffish, and honestly can't see where others are coming from. And it is so strange to watch the different news networks, an almost collective schizophrenia. It might be, too, that we now turn on others instead of ourselves when the almost daily gulfs in the shifts in life become too wide to fast for our defense mechanisms to ever deal with.
    Really, it's not all that deep. For most average people, coming to the conclusion that Count Room is a delusional fool didn't require that much thought.

    This is a anonymous gambling board loaded with predominantly 99% bullshit. Save your analysis for somewhere that someone might care.

  18. #98
    Originally Posted by Count Room View Post
    "Stephen Paddock usually kept a cigar at hand, even though he didn't smoke. But he was quick to notice when somebody sat down beside him and lit up.

    Then Paddock, a denizen of hazy casinos, would take out his cigar, light it and carefully aim its smoke back into the faces of those whose puffing annoyed him.
    Is this actually an effective way of repelling cigarette smokers?

  19. #99
    After reading Count Room's comment this is what I said. I said it because the FBI has asked for the public to help. None of us knows which piece might lead to completing the puzzle. Later I also said there is so much at stake here that anyone with even the wildest idea should get a pass for expressing that wildest idea. Does everyone have to be crucified on this forum when they're wrong about something or express an unpopular view?

    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    I don't know if this is really serious or an attempt at a bad joke. But Count Room if you honestly think there is any possibility that this is true, I urge you to contact the FBI.

    I'm not dismissing the possibility, frankly, because in this crazy world it seems anything is possible. There are so many wild things connected to the shooting that many other wild things could be linked to it.

    We still don't understand how a 64 year old, video poker playing, real estate investor millionaire did this ALL by himself and WITHOUT a known motive. So, any little piece of the puzzle might help to put it all together.

    Again, I urge you to contact the FBI.

    But with that said, I'm not sure anyone can track the ISP of a "viewer" without that viewer being a registered member of the website community. I have thousands and thousands of people who come to my website and using Google Analytics as well as the web tracking tools on my web server I don't see anything that allows me to see the ISPs of "viewers."

    When I ran this forum I didn't see anything that allowed me to see the ISPs of "viewers." If Dan has some other technology or if the FBI does, then certainly you should be calling the FBI.
    The key thing is that only Dan has info which may or may not uncover any link with this forum.

    Rob says he may have met the shooter ten or maybe twelve years ago and the meeting was brief and insignificant.

    It's better to be on the side of caution.

    Count Room was a better man to say something than not to say it. The danger is not saying something. We may be facing a much bigger threat tHan what we're being told. I fear the shooter is part of a bigger threat so we need to cone up with ideas when we have them.

    How do you know Count Room was wrong to say what he did? Unless you can answer the FBI 's questions you don't know.

  20. #100
    I thought this was some satire, or a poor attempt at a joke when I first read it, but obviously not.... to even fathom some sick clown committing mass murder because Singer got banned from a board the dude wasn`t even a member of is one of the most bizarre things I`ve ever read..... asswipe Mendelson lending credence to it is hardly surprising tho

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