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  1. #221
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I don't know if any of you are checking on it, but some forensic shooting experts have come forward and said there were multiple shooters based on the audio of the site and the state of the room at Mandalay. And these people aren't conspiracy freaks. Basically, you can reconstruct distances fired based on bullets traveling faster than sound.

    I suspect there's been some serious misdirection by the authorities. Whenever something has not been addressed, I get cynical. What I mean is -- if audio forensics proved or strongly suggested a single shooter, that would have been trotted out as proof of a single shooter. It wasn't, yet that kind of analysis has undoubtedly been done. So there's probably a reason it hasn't been offered in service of the "lone gunman" scenario that was rammed down our throats four hours after the event.
    I have read similar things. I know nothing about guns so I can't make any judgement. The sequence of shot sounds in some of the personal videos that have been posted on youtube do not line up, if you know how gunfire sounds, with how the sequences would be using those attachments the shooter was supposedly using to make regular guns fire like automatics. Some of the sequences are similar to what an AK-somenumber automatic firearm would sound like. Because of all the tall buildings any recording would include not just the sound from actual shots but the sound of the echos those shots made, but even that does not explain the differences. One personal video I remember being specifically mentioned was one by a taxi cab driver.

    I believe there is way more to this than we have heard and will maybe ever hear.

  2. #222
    I'm going to take a longshot conspiratorial stab here.

    With the manpower on the case, and in the interests of public comfort, if all of the ducks lined up in a row -- audio analysis, shell casings at the site matching type and number found in the Mandalay room, and so on -- then if all of the ducks lined up, we would be told ASAP. It is a "one-shooter" case and there are plenty of people on it from multiple agencies. It is not that complicated to add up bullets on the concert site with shell casings and match the weapons all up. Ammunition in the room has to match ammunition at the site and in the fuel tanks and so on.

    If, however, things do not add up, we would probably see some running in place by authorities and no reference at all to matching casings to bullets and no reference to audio analysis. We would get contradictory gibber jabber. So I suspect there is an issue.

  3. #223
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I'm going to take a longshot conspiratorial stab here.

    With the manpower on the case, and in the interests of public comfort, if all of the ducks lined up in a row -- audio analysis, shell casings at the site matching type and number found in the Mandalay room, and so on -- then if all of the ducks lined up, we would be told ASAP. It is a "one-shooter" case and there are plenty of people on it from multiple agencies. It is not that complicated to add up bullets on the concert site with shell casings and match the weapons all up. Ammunition in the room has to match ammunition at the site and in the fuel tanks and so on.

    If, however, things do not add up, we would probably see some running in place by authorities and no reference at all to matching casings to bullets and no reference to audio analysis. We would get contradictory gibber jabber. So I suspect there is an issue.
    I believe a great effort will be made to protect the MB. Gambling and money are the life blood of Vegas and not much will be allowed to threaten the cash cow. Liability issues are going to be huge for somebody, and the MB is going to get their share, but my guess is they will not be left holding the bag.

  4. #224
    During my 8 years living here in vegas, I have come to realize there is a concerted effort to protect the strip and less so downtown from all the crime, abuses, thefts, and even rapes that take place. Tourism is the bread and butter for this valley.

    I don't know exactly how this comes about, who is involved, but on the local television news, you rarely see stories of crime on the strip, unless it is something big, like someone gets shot or the incident a few years ago, where someone tried to mow down pedestrians with a car. Those stories are just too big to cover up. Downtown crime is reported a little more, because that is almost part of the lure of downtown. It is known as the seedier area. Even tourists would expect more crime. But on the strip, they want tourists to feel safe and comfy.

    Now of course, this Mandalay Bay massacre is way too big a story, for this kind of coverup/or putting a lid on it. And it involves way more than local reporters and newspapers. It is much harder to put a lid on national newscasts.

    So the truth will come out. I have no problem with the timeline involving the MB security guard changing as more info was learned. That is what an investigation is about. Personally, I don't think the local authorities have handled any of this very well, including the hour, 8 minutes it took to burst into the shooters room. Thank god, he stopped shooting and killed himself after 11 minutes, but that doesn't appear to be a result of anything Metro did.

    You can give a little leeway to Metro as this kind of thing at this magnitude, is not the norm. They are way out of their league, despite that they have "practice mass casualty drills" twice a year. One can only hope that while it is Sherriff Lombardo that hold the news conferences, it is really the FBI running the investigation at this point.

  5. #225
    Originally Posted by james40 View Post
    The internet is going nuts with conspiracy theories. A generation raised on 1 hour crime dramas, NCIS, Law and Order, etc.
    Secondary casualties. The entire aim of terrorism. What it's all about. The fallout. Boom!

  6. #226
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    During my 8 years living here in vegas, I have come to realize there is a concerted effort to protect the strip and less so downtown from all the crime, abuses, thefts, and even rapes that take place. Tourism is the bread and butter for this valley.

    I don't know exactly how this comes about, who is involved, but on the local television news, you rarely see stories of crime on the strip, unless it is something big, like someone gets shot or the incident a few years ago, where someone tried to mow down pedestrians with a car. Those stories are just too big to cover up. Downtown crime is reported a little more, because that is almost part of the lure of downtown. It is known as the seedier area. Even tourists would expect more crime. But on the strip, they want tourists to feel safe and comfy.

    Now of course, this Mandalay Bay massacre is way too big a story, for this kind of coverup/or putting a lid on it. And it involves way more than local reporters and newspapers. It is much harder to put a lid on national newscasts.

    So the truth will come out. I have no problem with the timeline involving the MB security guard changing as more info was learned. That is what an investigation is about. Personally, I don't think the local authorities have handled any of this very well, including the hour, 8 minutes it took to burst into the shooters room. Thank god, he stopped shooting and killed himself after 11 minutes, but that doesn't appear to be a result of anything Metro did.

    You can give a little leeway to Metro as this kind of thing at this magnitude, is not the norm. They are way out of their league, despite that they have "practice mass casualty drills" twice a year. One can only hope that while it is Sherriff Lombardo that hold the news conferences, it is really the FBI running the investigation at this point.
    I don't know, KJ. This is getting really weird. It's just been reported that Paddock's home in Reno was "broken into" last night and entrance was gained through the front door, although "not exactly sure how they gained entry." Police were called because neighbors saw a light on in the home.

    Sounds as if someone had a key. I know, I know. Just call me a genius.

    You're telling me there wasn't any kind of surveillance on the house? No cameras in the rooms if there wasn't direct surveillance? You've gotta be kidding me.

    "Nothing seemed to be damaged or missing." Well, that's comforting.

    What the hell is going on with this investigation?

  7. #227
    Couple of things:

    1. The LA Times has just reported that Paddock started shooting 40 seconds after the guard was wounded... not six minutes later like the police said.

    2. This changing time line is a real problem. If they can't get the time line straight how can we be sure of anything else.

    Rob Singer wrote a commentary on the shooting/Paddock on my website here: I post these unedited.

  8. #228
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    LarryS is a ball washer.
    He was killing the ratings, in a bad way, at . I outright warned him and others there, a year or two before the admin there started forcing him off, who the admin is, and what the admin will do to some of the prolific forum members after ratings started to climb. LarryS proved himself as someone's bitch. A stupid bitch. He now has a well-earned degree from bitch academy. Now, he's V's bitch, I guess. The reason that V has no real interest in him outside of their new "forum" (with "tough guy" idiot FACE from WoV to "protect" them. Lol.)

  9. #229
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Rob Singer wrote a commentary on the shooting/Paddock on my website here: I post these unedited.
    Why don't you just post it? Lol. Singer's bitch.

  10. #230
    Originally Posted by OneHitWonder View Post
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Rob Singer wrote a commentary on the shooting/Paddock on my website here: I post these unedited.
    Why don't you just post it? Lol. Singer's bitch.
    Rob has many articles on my website.

  11. #231
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Originally Posted by OneHitWonder View Post
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Rob Singer wrote a commentary on the shooting/Paddock on my website here: I post these unedited.
    Why don't you just post it? Lol. Singer's bitch.
    Rob has many articles on my website.
    No reason to involve your website here. Just post it. Be a big boy.

  12. #232
    Originally Posted by OneHitWonder View Post
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    LarryS is a ball washer.
    He was killing the ratings, in a bad way, at .

    Seemed to me that the place was a ghost town til he started posting regularly.


    He's not my "bitch," he's nobody's "bitch."

    Just as Singer isn't Alan's "bitch."

    BTW, I haven't checked in at GF since the psycho admin threw me out; how is the traffic there these days?
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #233
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by OneHitWonder View Post
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    LarryS is a ball washer.
    He was killing the ratings, in a bad way, at .

    Seemed to me that the place was a ghost town til he started posting regularly.


    He's not my "bitch," he's nobody's "bitch."

    Just as Singer isn't Alan's "bitch."

    BTW, I haven't checked in at GF since the psycho admin threw me out; how is the traffic there these days?
    It was a ghost town, and he built it single-handedly. But, he was never what any serious forum would want in the long run. His excessive profanity, etc.

    I gave that forum up when I warned you guys. With lots of background info on the admin, but nothing will convince a bunch of wannabe gamblers.

    He was GF's bitch.

  14. #234
    Recent update. More than 40 victims still in the hospital, most in serious condition. I guess it goes without saying that if you are in the hospital nearly 2 weeks after the shooting, you had some pretty serious injuries.

    But on the positive side, a 27 year old female, shot in the forehead, woke up yesterday after being in a coma since the shooting. And, if I am not mistaken, the death rate has not risen since the morning after the shooting, despite many very serious injuries. Kudo's to the medical professionals.

  15. #235
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Rob Singer wrote a commentary on the shooting/Paddock on my website here: I post these unedited.
    Alan, you just keep propping this fraud up. The story you told was that Rob "might have met the shooter ten years ago" and that maybe the guy recognized Rob from his GT articles to Rob definitely met him and the guy definitely recognized Rob from his picture in GT. That's a bunch of bullshit on you and Rob's part. The other bullshit is Rob portraying himself as a regular $100 machine player. Have you ever read Rob bragging about a $400,000 W2-G? Hell no! You have heard him brag about a couple of $100,000 W2-G's over a ten year period. Those are $25 denom level and he only had two in ten years. The guy wasn't even close to being a high roller.

    And, of course, Rob had to get his misleading dig in that AP's are addicted gamblers. What a bunch of bullshit. Real AP's don't sucker gamble which is what an addicted gambler does. Just more stupid bullshit from neurotic internet troll Rob Singer, and you are his enabler.

    The biggest bullshit of all in this article is Rob calling himself a professional gambler. Get the fuck out of here.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  16. #236
    Alan, if you really want to get to the bottom of something then get to the bottom of this supposed G2E forum Rob was supposed to have hosted. What was the forum supposed to be about? Who invited Rob to host it? Did it actually go down? Who were the other forum members? What was discussed?

    But, first, let me give you the answer to all of the above. It was total bullshit. Another fraud perpetrated by Slob Dinger.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  17. #237
    I have to admit -- allowing Argentino to post something like that, and propping him up in the intro as if Alan had factual knowledge of what Argentino says, is irresponsible.

    I also have to admit, the idea that Alan refused to read my package of verifying information, while posting this kind of thing from Rob without corroborating evidence, really bothers me personally. It makes me feel as if Alan made some decision to treat Claimant A one way and Claimant B in a completely different fashion. Of course, that's Alan's choice. But it shouldn't be any journalist's choice. The idea that Alan would accept at face value without evidence what Rob says, but wouldn't even read material to undercut Rob's posts regarding me, makes Alan more of a problem than Rob, in my mind.

    Just highly irresponsible in general, misleading, and personal insulting to me. But that's okay.

    My first suggestion: I think some responsible soul, taking Rob's story and Alan's verification at face value, should call the FBI and let them know about Rob's insights and Alan's knowledge that Rob is a truth-teller. That should get the ball rolling.

  18. #238
    Alan always wears his rose coloured glasses for his butt boy Singer.

  19. #239
    Thanks Alan, I enjoyed Rob's commentary.

    Is Rob posting on any other forums now? He has an account at Gambling Forums, but hasn't posted or logged in there since 2016.

  20. #240
    For years Rob has been saying that AP's add in the comps to call it a win. Or phantom bucks as he calls it. But now he is saying the shooter wasn't an AP. WTF? You can't have it both ways, Rob. You say he wasn't an AP but he was doing exactly what you accuse AP's of doing. Whats up with that?
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

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