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Thread: Rob Singer: did you really write this?

  1. #21
    Your points are taken, Alan. I'm not sure what else I can add to this discussion, but thanks for sharing the email and such. Rob is just abrasive, I suppose, like coarse sandpaper?

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    But slingshot, I also won money. Yet, I am accused of not having discipline and that seems to be either criminal or the sign of an addict in Rob's eyes. Now we find out that he isn't sticking to his strategy either. Is he also an addict? Is he committing some video poker crime? Does he have the right to attack me when he does not follow his own "professional advice?" I never signed on to his "professional advice" so why must I be obligated to follow it now? And why should anyone even respect his advice when he doesn't follow it himself? Is his advice only for "professional play" and not for "all play"?

    One must wonder, huh? Unless of course you drank too much kool-aid.
    On the strategy part-he's stated he's playing once in a while with no particular strategy but whatever feels right. On the other, he can do whatever he wants-just like you can. But if you guys ask for the TRUTH, he's gonna state it no matter what he's doing now. I had a brilliant golf teacher who was the same-revolutionary who was years ahead of his time. I kept wanting him to go worldwide, but he kept saying "there's more to life than golf". I was thoroughly upset with him all the time. It's how I got my avatar name. I couldn't grasp some of his reasoning, so out of desperation he told me to make myself into a slingshot-my arms being the cords, and my clubhead the pouch. It finally clicked.
    Last edited by slingshot; 07-27-2012 at 06:44 AM.

  3. #23
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    On the strategy part-he's stated he's playing once in a while with no particular strategy but whatever feels right. On the other, he can do whatever he wants-just like you can. But if you guys ask for the TRUTH, he's gonna state it no matter what he's doing now. I had a brilliant golf teacher who was the same-revolutionary who was years ahead of his time. I kept wanting him to go worldwide, but he kept saying "there's more to life than golf". I was thoroughly upset with him all the time. It's how I got my avatar name. I couldn't grasp some of his reasoning, so out of desperation he told me to make myself into a slingshot-my arms being the cords, and my clubhead the pouch. It finally clicked.
    Wow that was a wonderful story. But, you seem to be hooked on Singer as much as you were to Golf in the past. The man is no saint, far from it actually. He is extremely judgemental towards anybody that doesn't share and adapt his views instantly. He lost credibility by not practicing what he preaches. If you have a 100% winning strategy with which you made 1 million dollars professionally in about 10 years. You would say that strategy comes naturally after those 10 years of professional play. Why would he even consider playing differently after transforming into a recreational player at the moment he decided to? That is complete Malarkey......And there's a very distinct difference between being honoust and rude/arrogant/argumentative/insulting....etc. And now we're not even talking about his strategy being similar to a bucket leaking from a 100 different holes....

    Whatever helps you to improve your results at VP is great. Use it as you see fit. But there's a reason a vast majority of the vp people out there don't have much confidence in Singer's system. 1. because math shows the opposite of what he claims in more than one occasion and 2. because Singer's system is so "complex" that only Singer understands how to play it and 3. because his personality isn't doing him any favours, him being his own worst enemy and last but not least......he doesn't practice what he preaches.

    Maybe all his loosing sessions were recreational sessions and all his winning sessions were professional ones.....
    Last edited by Vegas_lover; 07-27-2012 at 10:02 AM.

  4. #24
    Yowzers I didn't read this entire thread until a little while ago. I'm a little middle of the road here. I see good and bad and right and wrong in almost what everyone says. One thing I don't care for is calling others names or insulting others or disrespecting a forum administrator. I saw all of that in here from 3 or 4 people.

    Singer goes way back to the days of LV A Sports and he got under a lot of our skins with his weekly paper column. I don't know how that publisher let him hurl so many insults and badmouth so many others but he seemed to have free reign. But when the vote came to keep him or ban him I voted to keep, because I believe in free speech and really, although he was {to use a formulation of works spoken here} an abraisive jerk, there was a lot of blunt truth in what he said.

    I'm not one to talk about being addicted to things because I probably am. Alan, I remember you talked several times on LV A about how videopoker is the "crack cocaine of gambling". What does that mean to you, and if Singer calls you or me or arcimedes or even himself or anyone else a gambling addict because they play videopoker out of habit, wouldn't he then be correct in his assessment? I couldn't see his motive for scolding you so severely for what you did with that free play aside from not doing what you said yada yada yada, but I think he might have seen a little of what he did as an advantage player. Maybe. Whatever, that's a subject each of us has to work out within ourselves. I at times think I have a problem and other times I don't think as such. Arcimedes who says he plays 6-7 hours per week also says he has an umlimited bank roll for what he plays, so if he wins or loses shouldn't much matter. But good or bad, it does seem like it's a habit, and not unlike myself when I go to a local bar one day each week for some beers with my buddies. Yes, I'm addicted to sitting with my pals and shooting the sh*t!

    I saw somewhere where Alan said he had SEVENTY FIVE HUNDRED! in free play coming this summer? $2500 of which has been played so far? That's out of my league, but {no need to answer, just thinking out loud} how much had to be lost in order for the casino to bestow so much free play upon a player? They don't give that much to those who win, correct? Here's hoping you turn the remaining free play into $$$$!

    Lastly, I don't follow expert math play or Singer play or any other kind of play when I play videopoker. I just play and hope. But I do understand the concept behind playing to the math, and I somewhat understand Singer's system because he spent so much time writing about it in his column and on LV A Sports, where he became the king of insults to those who didn't agree with him. I also understand from reading here that he's retired from playing that way, with that big bank roll and all. I don't quite understand why he stopped, I think I saw something about age and being an RVer now, but maybe he used that roll to help buy his rig? I don't see that as being hypocrytical because he was a professional player and now he's not. Remember, he was an advantage player too and then he wasn't, which altered his entire method of playing when he became a big mouth pro. {Aren't they all like that though} Now with probably a much reduced roll, he plays for fun only like me or my pals. I remember reading his column about losing that $35000 but I also believe he really did use his discipline so as not to lose any more that trip because that is what his strategy said to do. He wrote extensively about it but I can't remember much more. Anyway my 2c.

  5. #25
    Originally Posted by Vegas_lover View Post
    Wow that was a wonderful story. But, you seem to be hooked on Singer as much as you were to Golf in the past. The man is no saint, far from it actually. He is extremely judgemental towards anybody that doesn't share and adapt his views instantly. He lost credibility by not practicing what he preaches. If you have a 100% winning strategy with which you made 1 million dollars professionally in about 10 years. You would say that strategy comes naturally after those 10 years of professional play. Why would he even consider playing differently after transforming into a recreational player at the moment he decided to? That is complete Malarkey......And there's a very distinct difference between being honoust and rude/arrogant/argumentative/insulting....etc. And now we're not even talking about his strategy being similar to a bucket leaking from a 100 different holes....

    Whatever helps you to improve your results at VP is great. Use it as you see fit. But there's a reason a vast majority of the vp people out there don't have much confidence in Singer's system. 1. because math shows the opposite of what he claims in more than one occasion and 2. because Singer's system is so "complex" that only Singer understands how to play it and 3. because his personality isn't doing him any favours, him being his own worst enemy and last but not least......he doesn't practice what he preaches.

    Maybe all his loosing sessions were recreational sessions and all his winning sessions were professional ones.....
    That's what I'm doing-using what I find to play better. I've tried the AP and the math, and I don't care what any of you say-LUCK is the only way to win. And as far as I'm concerned, anyone who would dish out their finds for FREE in an effort to help their fellow man is my kinda guy, asshole or not.

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