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Thread: The WoV Thread

  1. #61
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    I'm surprised none of you experts recognized there are civil threats as well as criminal threats. If you threaten to damage someone's good name and reputation I wouldn't blame them if they took defensive action.
    Well, then you should sue yourself with your bogus claims of 18 yo's and the 3 DI's. You ruin your own reputation!

  2. #62
    Do you think two-bit gamblers who live in casinos can damage my reputation?

  3. #63
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Do you think two-bit gamblers who live in casinos can damage my reputation?
    Well, then two-dollar gambling authors and experts shouldn't be too put off by the two-bit gamblers with whom they service and interact.
    78255585899=317*13723*17989=(310+7)*[(13730-7)*(100*100+7979+10)]-->LOVE avatar@137_371_179_791, or 137_371_17[3^2]_7[3^2]1, 1=V-->Ace, low. 78255585899-->99858555287=(99858555288-1)=[-1+(72*2227)*(722777-100000)]={-1+(72*2227)*[(2000+700777+20000)-100000]}-->1_722_227_277_772_1. 7×8×2×5×5×5×8×5×8×9×9=362880000=(1000000000-6√97020000-100000)-->169_721. (7/8×2/5×5/5×8/5×8/9×9)={[(-.1+.9)]^2×(6+1)}-->1961=√4*2.24; (1/7×8/2×5/5×5/8×5/8×9/9)={1/[7×(-.2+1)^2]}-->1721=[(10*10/4)/(√4+110)].

  4. #64
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Do you think two-bit gamblers who live in casinos can damage my reputation?
    Again, the only person damaging your reputation is.....wait for it.......


    P.S. I don't live in casinos like you do Mr. "I didn't get my Bellagio view."

  5. #65
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    I'm surprised none of you experts recognized there are civil threats as well as criminal threats. If you threaten to damage someone's good name and reputation I wouldn't blame them if they took defensive action.
    Saying they are going to continue to tell the truth (as I did) is NOT a threat!

    And if the other party feels threatened by someone telling the truth, then they should ask themselves why?

    If someone's good name and reputation will be damaged by the truth, then they are the one's in the wrong.

  6. #66
    threatening to soil the public view of someones integrity and honesty by publicly exposing true events and statements as a form of retribution is totally legal. Thats what YELP is all about.

    I did that with a roofer who was taking his time finishing a job after getting paid. I threatened to put my complaint on yelp and question his honesty and integrity and workmanship. And he came running back. Sometimes threats work .

    And sometimes threats blow up in your with KJ.

    Not all threats have a string attached to with mine where I wanted something in exchange for with-holding my actions. Some threats that get acted out are just for retribution purposes. Like when KJ made good on his threat by going on GF and doing as he threatened. Just for the retribution.

    Not all civil threats are illegal

  7. #67
    I found this interesting when I read it on Christmas Eve of all days. Since the Wiz has said he feels sorry for people who believe in some all mighty powerful guy in the sky (God) I guess Christmas Eve is no big deal in his household. However, reading a few comments by him about this topic in the Porn Slappers thread it was kinda shocking to me. He stated the following facts... you can find the original discussion here...

    "I never thought about it until I saw this thread but, come to think of it, you don't see them as much anymore. I don't think it was any kind of police or government crackdown as their lawyers always played the "free speech" card. I suspect everybody knows how to find it on Backpage or other Internet sites. The "girls to your door" services are also terribly overpriced and kind of a scam. I suspect word of mouth got out regarding that."

    These girls are selling their bodies. I don't think anyone has the right to call them overpriced or a scam. How can you really say that 500 dollars is too much for someone basically selling you their soul? Nobody forces anyone to pay any dollar amount. If you don't like the price you can throw them out. Sure they have the girls that cost 200 just to get to the door but if you fall for that it is your own fault but still how can you be upset about any price on such a trade?

    "I think the business has largely gone online. There are a host of escort services like the Erotic Review not to mention backpage. Safer for the girl and a better value for the client."

    I have read many accusations on this forum that he isn't the most moral person when it comes to monogamy. I certainly can not confirm those accusations and I am not pointing the finger at him. I was just curious because on this forum I have read quite a few evil remarks directed at him and after I read the porn slappers thread with his comments I started to wonder what is the deal!?

    My beef with him on this topic isn't about infidelity or getting massages or whatever immoral behavior this is or one partakes in. The Lord knows I am one sick individual in this department so I am not pointing any fingers of right or wrong. My problem is how the Wiz preaches vehemently about not pulling shots or moves in the Casino and how he gets up on his high horse against people he calls Credit Trolls or Panhandlers who are just trying to make a living like the rest of us. In my mind you can't have it both ways. You can't preach about poor behavior in one area and later tell everyone what a decent price is for selling ones flesh or body to another. If your gonna get on the high horse of immoral behavior you need to stay on that high horse across the board or do not even bother. He also bothers me about how he preaches against the existence of God and how he is Pro Science but goes to churches to deliver eulogies. The most serious true Scientists will tell you that Science can not prove anything. That is only something Math and Logic can do. If an individual studies the origins of Science they will find that it is an offshoot of Alchemy and Chemistry which mixes physics, medicine, astrology, mysticism, spiritualism, and art. I always find it odd how people will preach Science so hard and not realize that Mysticism and Spiritualism played a big part in its creation.
    Last edited by monet; 01-22-2018 at 10:13 AM.

  8. #68
    Science has always thrown out theories and replaced them with other theories, or replaced them with scientific fact. Quantum physics has evolved over the years. So its not unusual for scietists in the pst to view the "mystical" piece and dismiss it.

    Heck the pope can dismiss pieces of his religion and make it go away.

  9. #69
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    Science has always thrown out theories and replaced them with other theories, or replaced them with scientific fact. Quantum physics has evolved over the years. So its not unusual for scietists in the pst to view the "mystical" piece and dismiss it.

    Heck the pope can dismiss pieces of his religion and make it go away.
    I am fine with anyone and everyone and what they choose. I am totally against Organized Religion which is what you are talking about when you are talking about the Pope. As a matter of fact I am generally against all organizations and corporations which is how the church in America is run in all denominations anyway. However, it is impossible for me to refute the teachings of Jesus and his disciples. It is pretty clear that Jesus was against Organized Religion and even came to blows with the money changers and didn't think too highly of the leaders of the church in that day and era. Heck, he went as far as to call them the children of the Devil.

    If an individual just reads what he is teaching and how he is living it will be very difficult to disagree with him. Even as someone as evil as myself can realize that when he tells you to do good to those that curse you and bless them that wrongfully use you and to love your enemies that it is profound. When he teaches to not cheat, not steal, don't lie, don't sleep with your neighbors wife, to love god with all your heart, to love others as you love yourself and many other teachings I don't even think the hardest criminals can disagree that this is truth and the correct game plan. The problem is our own individual execution of said game plan.

    Even if a person wants to say that Jesus didn't exist and the bible is untrue it is hard to refute the fundamental teachings and parables.

  10. #70
    So you are a buffet follower of christ's teachings? The "cheating" and "stealing" part of it? You pick and choose? You "love your enemies" while you steal from them?

  11. #71
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    So you are a buffet follower of christ's teachings? The "cheating" and "stealing" part of it? You pick and choose? You "love your enemies" while you steal from them?
    You misunderstand. I know the correct way to live. I believe it. I know the game plan. Unfortunately for me I have never truly lived it. I suppose you could say the coach is calling for a run and I am calling my own play which is a pass. Make no mistake, I know that I, in my current state of affairs, will not make it into Jesus's Kingdom. I am as he said in his own words unfit for the kingdom of heaven. It isn't completely over, there is a slight chance that I will turn away from my sin and bring fruits worthy of repentance however it certainly doesn't look good for me. If I was to bet money on it I would bet against myself getting in. I am not 100% sure and I am sure most will bock at these percentages but after years and years of study it appears that 97.5% of the entire population will not make it so this means you have a 2.5% chance to get it right and get in. If I had to guess I would say my odds or percentages are far worse from this day forward.

    Of course there is the parable or teaching of the wheat and the tares which could mean that you never had a chance/choice from the get go that you were either planted as wheat or a tare which falls along the lines of predestination theory. One could also look into the example of God loving Jacob but hating Esau from the beginning as well. If you do study this story you will wonder why would God loved Jacob from the beginning when it is clear that Jacob cheated Esau from his birthright. Does God love Cheaters and Thieves? It is pretty clear when you get into the whole story you will find it appears that God respects the person who changes his life eventually from sin to righteousness and it appears he has this information before the individual does. You can see the same thing with Peter and Judas.

    Unfortunately now I have opened up the doorway too far for everyone to start jumping in and picking apart God. It is ok... this is something that only each individual can learn on their own and make their own choices and beliefs. I am not trying to change anyone's mind or thinking. I am only trying to explain to you that I am not a Buffet Follower. It is clear that I am not a true follower even though I have the knowledge. Interestingly enough is that individuals who have more knowledge and do not act accordingly are in far worse trouble compared to individuals who do not have such knowledge.
    Last edited by monet; 01-22-2018 at 11:40 AM.

  12. #72
    when we pretend that there is an afterlife kingdom and then pretend that we know the parameters needed to get in.....I get off the bus.

    I mean, how many times am I allowed to covet my neighbors wife before it becomes a real issue for acceptance into the kingdom? once, twice, 10 times.......and then can I wait till the later half of my life and "change my ways".....and then its all good? You know, when my penis isnt as active.

    Ok you dont believe in organized religion, so going to confession to be absolved every week is not the way to go. So at what point is it all beyond repair? At what point do you say "fuck it" nothing will save me.

    Are we banned from"the kingdom" by the time we are 30? Or can we fuck up andthen do a 180 for the last years or days of our lives and fool the gatekeeper that we were really worth letting in?(kind of reminds me of one of my fave movies).

    What is the cutoff point for changing our lives to try to get in by the skin of out teeth. A year before death? 5 years before death? 6 days before death? On our deathbed?

    With all the pain and suffering on this planet...with only a small percent living "a good life" seems we have a rather vindictive god or a god that created things and walked away. Neither of those "gods" make me feel good about gaining entrance into some afterlife "kingdom".

    If we have a vindictive god, just a few fuck-ups would disallow me from the kingdom you speak of. And if we have a god that created and then walked away....I doubt he is worried about creating and sustaining a kingdom for us after we die

    we all believe what we believe to get us through this I dont look down on the people who follow the many religions out there.

  13. #73
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    when we pretend that there is an afterlife kingdom and then pretend that we know the parameters needed to get in.....I get off the bus.

    I mean, how many times am I allowed to covet my neighbors wife before it becomes a real issue for acceptance into the kingdom? once, twice, 10 times.......and then can I wait till the later half of my life and "change my ways".....and then its all good? You know, when my penis isnt as active.

    Ok you dont believe in organized religion, so going to confession to be absolved every week is not the way to go. So at what point is it all beyond repair? At what point do you say "fuck it" nothing will save me.

    Are we banned from"the kingdom" by the time we are 30? Or can we fuck up andthen do a 180 for the last years or days of our lives and fool the gatekeeper that we were really worth letting in?(kind of reminds me of one of my fave movies).

    What is the cutoff point for changing our lives to try to get in by the skin of out teeth. A year before death? 5 years before death? 6 days before death? On our deathbed?

    With all the pain and suffering on this planet...with only a small percent living "a good life" seems we have a rather vindictive god or a god that created things and walked away. Neither of those "gods" make me feel good about gaining entrance into some afterlife "kingdom".

    If we have a vindictive god, just a few fuck-ups would disallow me from the kingdom you speak of. And if we have a god that created and then walked away....I doubt he is worried about creating and sustaining a kingdom for us after we die

    we all believe what we believe to get us through this I dont look down on the people who follow the many religions out there.

    This isn't going to change your mind. However I can get into it with you a bit. First and foremost Jesus said when asked the same question you just asked how many times in one day should I forgive my brother if he commits the same sin against me over and over? Should I forgive him 7 times in one day? Jesus told him no that you should forgive him 7 x 70. Does this mean that you should forgive your bother over and over only to the point of 490 times in one day? No it means that you should always be willing to forgive when asked. That you should never hold hardness in your heart. (The disciples asked why they couldn't heal the sick and cast the demons out and Jesus told them because your hearts are too hard. Trust me once you get hardness in your heart it's difficult to get it out.) That you should be very quick to forgive as your Father in heaven is quick to forgive and forget. I can agree this is great in theory and difficult in practice... no doubt about that.

    When you start to question about how far can I go before I can turn away from my sin and get into Heaven by the skin of your teeth?

    Organized Religion teaches this wrong. They try to teach you all you have to do is to believe in your heart and confess in your mouth. This is true and the first step. When I was 9 years old I thought... pfft I will just live as sinful as I want and when I get older I will just ask for forgiveness. Pretty naive. Understand that the more you go down the wide road the harder it is to get back to the fork in the road to get on the straight and narrow. Something about sin is sorta like drugs and alcohol. It changes the chemistry in your body, mind and spirit. You might think in theory I can just wait and turn away later but it is like any machine that if not properly maintained will get corroded and eventually you will either die before it is to late or you will get so corroded you will not be able to restore your machine so to speak. Not that God couldn't fix it in a blink for you but the problem is that once you get so far you won't want it nor ask for it.

    People like to blame God for all the pain and suffering in the world. They like to blame God for all the wrong and ask the question why did he leave us or why doesn't he just snap his fingers and fix everything? Obviously if you study it enough you will find that God has this whole thing worked out from the beginning that he knew what would happen and decided to do it anyway. Why would he do that? I think that is simple. He worked out the math and found out that the reward at the end of the tunnel was far greater this way compared to any other way. Our thinking or minds are too finite to understand the infinite workings of Gods mind. I think if you study the story of Job you will come to this understanding. God told Job where were you when I was creating all this. Who do you think you are basically?

    Also people or mankind doesn't like to admit that we are the ones who sinned and drove God away. We gave this world over to Gods adversary and make no mistake Lucifer is in control of this area for the time being. This did not stop God though. He still showed up doing what he does and what he can. He sent all his messengers and even his own Son down the road to give us a way out if we so choose it and live it daily after we make that choice. Not so easy to live to that covenant once made but understand that he didn't give Lucifer and the Angels a way out so we are in better shape when compared but unfortunately most of us are not going to make it, myself included. In the end, myself and others will not fool God no matter what and that is why you will read the scripture that God will not be Mocked.

    You can trust that God does not approve of Organized Religion of any sort. He works on an individual basis and works with the heart of the individual. That started after his son was crucified and rose from the dead. Of course you have to believe that in your heart to even get to the next step. Once again, make no mistake... I am not trying to change your mind or anyone's mind on this forum.
    Last edited by monet; 01-22-2018 at 12:25 PM.

  14. #74
    Our thinking or minds are too finite to understand the infinite workings of Gods mind.

    And this is always the clear and obvious difference between believers and non believers. Believers can produce that line..and it pretty much trumps everything that can be said in opposition. Its a statement not based on fact..its a statement based on an assumption.

    And this is how people who believe in religion can get through hard times

    Why did my 2 year old daughter die.........because god has a greater plan for this world than you can comprehend
    why did the love of my life spouce die..........ditto
    why did the tornado hit my house, while the whorehouse a half mile away was spared......ditto
    why was my grandmother raped.......ditto
    why was my dad killed in the trade center .....ditto
    why are children dying daily in countries from starvation in agonizingly painful manners...ditto
    why wasnt hitler stillborn....ditto
    why were millions of people killed over the centuries in the name of religion, and god didnt intervene.......ditto

    once people are armed with the top bold statement...they can cope with murder and rape of their loved ones, they can endure losing all their property and remembrances in fires and other natural disasters, they can watch their church and church goers riddled with bullets.....and they can be comforted with "god has a plan". And thats fine. I dont laugh at those people. Maybe they are better off than me. Because if my wife was raped and killed, it would not sit well with me, I would be overcome with grief, and I wouldnt have the crutch that the others have to comfort them....where I could say to myself that god has a plan...and the painful brutal death and rape of my wife was part of the plan. At that point in my life, the people like myself with religion would be better off than me.....assuming they believe that stuff when the lights go out when they are alone in bed at night.

    As long as it doesnt hurt anyone else...then its a great little thing to have handy in ones life.

  15. #75
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    Our thinking or minds are too finite to understand the infinite workings of Gods mind.

    And this is always the clear and obvious difference between believers and non believers. Believers can produce that line..and it pretty much trumps everything that can be said in opposition. Its a statement not based on fact..its a statement based on an assumption.

    And this is how people who believe in religion can get through hard times

    Why did my 2 year old daughter die.........because god has a greater plan for this world than you can comprehend
    why did the love of my life spouce die..........ditto
    why did the tornado hit my house, while the whorehouse a half mile away was spared......ditto
    why was my grandmother raped.......ditto
    why was my dad killed in the trade center .....ditto
    why are children dying daily in countries from starvation in agonizingly painful manners...ditto
    why wasnt hitler stillborn....ditto
    why were millions of people killed over the centuries in the name of religion, and god didnt intervene.......ditto

    once people are armed with the top bold statement...they can cope with murder and rape of their loved ones, they can endure losing all their property and remembrances in fires and other natural disasters, they can watch their church and church goers riddled with bullets.....and they can be comforted with "god has a plan". And thats fine. I dont laugh at those people. Maybe they are better off than me. Because if my wife was raped and killed, it would not sit well with me, I would be overcome with grief, and I wouldnt have the crutch that the others have to comfort them....where I could say to myself that god has a plan...and the painful brutal death and rape of my wife was part of the plan. At that point in my life, the people like myself with religion would be better off than me.....assuming they believe that stuff when the lights go out when they are alone in bed at night.

    As long as it doesnt hurt anyone else...then its a great little thing to have handy in ones life.
    You have a good point. Personally I choose to believe that it isn't God doing all these horrible things, I believe it is the other guy since it is his world as of now. I think that we basically have two types of people. One person wants to blame god and curse him for the mess he has put on us and the other person blames himself for the mess he put himself in and that it isn't God's fault at all. Once again your right along the story of Job losing everything and getting boils on him with his friends and family begging him to curse God and die. In truth you and I and the others will be dying soon and we can find out when we take that journey for sure.

    Now one thing I can side with you and your disbelief that nags at me at times. Ever since I was little this whole world has been one big lie, I mean everything ever taught has turned out to be phony. One could come to the conclusion that since everything is a lie that God/Jesus/Satan are all lies as well. Those that choose to believe in God/Jesus will lump all the other Gods like Buddha, Mars, Zeus, Jupiter... etc etc. into the work of Satan. However if your going to convince me that we came from Evolution and Life just spontaneously happened I am really going to have a problem since I can be good as Jesus or bad as Hitler and it won't matter. In the end it won't matter anyway... most likely I will be putting a 45 to my head in the not so distance future to get away from whatever pain is caused in the body from disease. If not that it will be a heart attack, stroke or fatal accident. So I have it boiled down to 4 outcomes.

  16. #76
    Do you accept the science of "carbon dating" and that relics can be dated back to millions of years, and that dinosaur bones have been reconstructed into full skeletons, and that the bones of early man, with different shaped skulls and bodies who eventually communicated via cave pictures which exist to this day.

    Are those pre- adam and eve existences not mentioned in the bible because the science didnt exist at the time to know about dinosaurs and prehistoric man. Because carbon dating didnt exist. Because excavating prehistoric bones and assembling them didnt take place till last century. It seems the bible has alot missing. But alot is missing because the bible was created by wasnt dictated by god. If it was dictated by god then dinosaurs would be included. Cavemen would be included. But alas those things were missing.

    So if the bible was created by man, the men who lie as you put it.....maybe religion is a lie

  17. #77
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    Do you accept the science of "carbon dating" and that relics can be dated back to millions of years, and that dinosaur bones have been reconstructed into full skeletons, and that the bones of early man, with different shaped skulls and bodies who eventually communicated via cave pictures which exist to this day.

    Are those pre- adam and eve existences not mentioned in the bible because the science didnt exist at the time to know about dinosaurs and prehistoric man. Because carbon dating didnt exist. Because excavating prehistoric bones and assembling them didnt take place till last century. It seems the bible has alot missing. But alot is missing because the bible was created by wasnt dictated by god. If it was dictated by god then dinosaurs would be included. Cavemen would be included. But alas those things were missing.

    So if the bible was created by man, the men who lie as you put it.....maybe religion is a lie
    We have gone down the road too far. This is why when I started this I tried to keep it simple. It does not matter if the Bible is true or untrue. It does not matter if we have a pre-adamic race or not. One has to get to the heart of the matter. We can debate on and on and on but it is very difficult, impossible I would say to refute what Jesus was teaching and how he taught to go about it and how to live ones life. Those teaching and parables can not be taken apart and debated. Is it good or bad to steal or is it right or wrong or are you a better person in the long run if you steal or you do not steal? I know from experience that stealing is a short term reward. It makes you worse as time goes on. The same goes with lying and killing and all manners of sin against your fellow man and God himself. You and others can say the bible is a lie or untrue but it is very difficult to refute that living an honest life is better in the long run compared to living a dishonest life. If you want to say that God doesn't exist that is fine but you will still have the problem with good and bad, right and wrong. Everyone knows and even on this site with fellow APs or non APs that a person with morals is well respected whereas someone like myself who steals from the players or casinos is hated or not respected. It is pretty simple when you really want to get down to it.

  18. #78
    There is no reason to get into motives for posting questions and answers unless to discredit people or do a study of the optimal number of enjoyment hours per person per year as a best way to spend our time along with our money and health.
    78255585899=317*13723*17989=(310+7)*[(13730-7)*(100*100+7979+10)]-->LOVE avatar@137_371_179_791, or 137_371_17[3^2]_7[3^2]1, 1=V-->Ace, low. 78255585899-->99858555287=(99858555288-1)=[-1+(72*2227)*(722777-100000)]={-1+(72*2227)*[(2000+700777+20000)-100000]}-->1_722_227_277_772_1. 7×8×2×5×5×5×8×5×8×9×9=362880000=(1000000000-6√97020000-100000)-->169_721. (7/8×2/5×5/5×8/5×8/9×9)={[(-.1+.9)]^2×(6+1)}-->1961=√4*2.24; (1/7×8/2×5/5×5/8×5/8×9/9)={1/[7×(-.2+1)^2]}-->1721=[(10*10/4)/(√4+110)].

  19. #79
    Yes but Jesus is not saying anything other than what conservative religious leaders would say. Be kind to others, dont kill dont steal, forgive others. Its all not earth shaking. Its religious values that appear around the world in other religions. You put these religious ways to live your life in the mouth of Jesus. And its done through his words and through stories that involve him...knowing from the beginning of the story that he is the son of god so we better listen up.

    But in the greater world, people who even heard of jesus are a minority. He is a minority religious figure.

    So mortals came up with a code of conduct for humanity, and some assigned it to Jesus, Jews assign it to the dad of Jesus, some assign it to Buddah, or to Mohammed, or to a multitude of other gods. All are rather similar codes of conduct(unless you distort it like some do for the sake of terrorism)

    And thats all great. If people treat you well because they feel their god is looking over their shoulder and keeping score...that fine.

    But wouldnt it be ironic if there was a god and the god knew motives, and actually gave more "points" to people who didnt believe in him and still treated people well and lived with a good moral compass....than the person who did the same but thinking they would get something in exchange for their good deeds and christlike actions.

  20. #80
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    the bones of early man, with different shaped skulls and bodies who eventually communicated via cave pictures which exist to this day.
    Has it been confirmed that the different shaped skulls and bodies are those of men ?
    The elongated skulls with twice the storage capacity of the modern man's skull are especially interesting to me.

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