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Thread: The booming economy

  1. #41
    I think it was All In The Family that changed TV and not Married With Children.

  2. #42
    to me no...All in the family had redeeming qualities. It actually taught good morals...and the racist rarely came out on top. Archie would constanty get his come-up-ance. He always had his son in law, wife..and daughter to make him look foolish for the things he said. As well as lionel who mocked the racist in front of his face without him even realizing it.. It showed good family values, and decent people overall outside of the main character.

    Now married with children showed parent who didnt give a shit for their kids, a mother who didnt even care about feeding them or having food in the house. Parents who had contempt for each other. Alot of scheming to get what you want. Neighbors that were treated like crap and mocked. It was considered funny when they stole from others and got away with it. Children talked back to and ignored parents , and had no moral compass just like their parents. A daughter that was totally stupid and got by on her body. A son thats lazy .Totally dysfunctional. Parents were miserable hated each other and the burden their children put on them.
    I dont know for sure..but for me personally..thats where sitcoms took a turn. Then a .flood of other shows where the kids wisecracked back to theirparents, and talked about sexual references. And parents who mock their children. It becomes the norm. Art imitating life..or life imitating art. I think a little of both occurred. It was a show where no character gave a shit about anything or anyone.

    All in the family was ground breaking in a good that they addressed social and political issues. But although they used a bigot as a conduit to attack social issues......the foundation was always a functional family where the kids showed respect for others, and stood up to intolerance. The parents loved their kids and vise versa.

  3. #43
    TV didn't change society, it merely served to publicize already ongoing change.
    What, Me Worry?

  4. #44
    i think it showed what was going on possibly in springer trailer trash households that people seemed to love to watch.....but as kids watch it growing becomes the new normal. the new acceptable behavior.
    Just like video games make kids numb to death and violence.
    tv shows are teachers as well.

    I cant say for sure....i cantprove it....but I fairlypsoitive that watching leave it to beaver and andy griffith, and father knows best, and bachelor father, and family affair....all shows that revolved around parents and kids..taught me a type of "normalcy" on parenting and being a kid...with moral values, and consequences for actions. It showed me how to be a good citizen and taught how people talked to each other with respect, both parents neighbors and kids.

    married with children was the antithesis of that. Showing disrespect for children for parents for neighbors, for society. That may have been brewing anyway....but it became the new norm for millions.

    it accelerated the springer crowd into the living room of middle america in prime time
    Last edited by LarryS; 01-18-2018 at 08:24 PM.

  5. #45

  6. #46
    A more likely springboard toward the change you describe was probably the growth of the suburbs and automobile culture; it has allowed people to see more of the world, to be mobile and somewhat empowered which leads to: new horizons, the grass is greener, etc.

    Add to it the influx of women into the workplace starting with WWII and the dawn of the computer era and there's your catalyst for societal upheaval.

    Today half the kids born in America are born out of wedlock, most marriages fail, religion is on the wane: I don't know where we'll wind up, but as always life evolves.
    Last edited by MisterV; 01-18-2018 at 09:24 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  7. #47
    I see more devolving

    And I didnt drive around in cars or see the world. Yet I was influenced by what I saw on TV.

    Kids in the ghetto dont drive around and see the world....yet unsupervised at home, are influenced by video games and TV.Its always been that way.

    and yes the computer accelerates the deterioration......people mimicking what they see on youtube,usually inappropriate behavior....that adds to it. Maybe over the last 10 years, the computer influences more than tv.
    But when married with children came out......there wasnt allot of the other stuff like video games other than mario brothers or donkey kong......nor computers.
    and not alot of drivig around the world either. at that time.

  8. #48
    My point about automobiles is that until that time most people never strayed far from their birth place.

    Their education was minimal, their aspirations were the same as their parents: very, very conservative and self-perpetuating.

    But then it all changed: the generation before the boomers were the first wave, and the boomers rode it into now.
    What, Me Worry?

  9. #49
    that was also a factor for sure. I am not laying all on a dopy sitcom.

    But you are right as grown children moved far away, and got married and had kids, they didnt have the structure of parents who can guide them with advice through hard times in the relationship. Kids didnt have grandparents to babysit....instead had 17 year old goth girl. Even more opportunity for kids removed from a extended family structure to lose themselves into video games and TV. No family barbecues with cousins their age to play with. No grandmas birthday. Alot less things to do....more time for themselves. Not even time with their own parents.......enter "quality time"...the grand excuse I heard the first time in the early 80s i think......where "quality time" was the ticket to feeling less guilt for not being with your kids.

  10. #50
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    We shouldn't allow homelessness. Years ago when I was on the news I did a report about how JUST the money spent to maintain our nuclear weapons would be enough to end the homeless problem.

    Trump was right about one thing: we give away too much foreign aid instead of solving our own problems first.

    Eliminate just a couple jets and see what $80 million can accomplish.

    CORRECTION: Each F-35 is $160-million. And the Pentagon wants more than 2,000 of them??????
    Alan, recall that most of the nation's leaders either suffer from psychopathy, sociopathy or both (it's difficult to get a group like this convinced that they need to be on anti-psychotic medication). This makes the chance of re-allocating the small percentage of the defense budget (or other budgets) required to solve the homeless issue in the country a remote possibility IMHO.

  11. #51
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    I cant say for sure....i cantprove it....but I fairlypsoitive that watching leave it to beaver and andy griffith, and father knows best, and bachelor father, and family affair....all shows that revolved around parents and kids..taught me a type of "normalcy" on parenting and being a kid...with moral values, and consequences for actions. It showed me how to be a good citizen and taught how people talked to each other with respect, both parents neighbors and kids.
    Totally agree Larry.
    Although i will admit when married with children came on in the 80's i was in my mid 20's and thought the show was funny as hell.

  12. #52
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    wo is "shipping" them. You said they are competant workers who dont make enough money to live in high rent areas of the country. So the answer is eaither to move to low rent areas of the country or live on the street. Its a no brainer. If it was me, no one would have to "ship me". I was talking about your homeless where you say its not their fault because they dont earn enough. Well if there are those people out there that you claim exist....they have no one to blame but themselves. Thet should not be living in high rent areas of the country.
    I live in a high rent area of northern Ca.....the median home here is 1.3 mil. We have a supermarket chain that pays around minimum wage just a mile from my home. Should those workers be allowed to live in the streets here because they cant afford the prices.

    Theydont need to be "shipped"....they need to be arrested, and told to find a place to work that supports a living space. You said they work and have some money. So tell them they are not entitled to soil neighborhoods merely because they want to live in a certain area of the country. There are alot of things people want....and sometimes they just cant have them. Thats life.
    Do you mean like people got shipped out of the cities of Europe in the 1940's? The right to live in any state you want is a constitutionally protected right. Arresting people and shipping them off to another state is not. Only stormtroopers do that. Are you a stormtrooper?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  13. #53
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    i think it showed what was going on possibly in springer trailer trash households that people seemed to love to watch.....but as kids watch it growing becomes the new normal. the new acceptable behavior.
    Just like video games make kids numb to death and violence.
    tv shows are teachers as well.

    I cant say for sure....i cantprove it....but I fairlypsoitive that watching leave it to beaver and andy griffith, and father knows best, and bachelor father, and family affair....all shows that revolved around parents and kids..taught me a type of "normalcy" on parenting and being a kid...with moral values, and consequences for actions. It showed me how to be a good citizen and taught how people talked to each other with respect, both parents neighbors and kids.

    married with children was the antithesis of that. Showing disrespect for children for parents for neighbors, for society. That may have been brewing anyway....but it became the new norm for millions.

    it accelerated the springer crowd into the living room of middle america in prime time
    Larry praising how people talked to each other with respect? Now THAT is funny. LMAO!!!
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  14. #54
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    wo is "shipping" them. You said they are competant workers who dont make enough money to live in high rent areas of the country. So the answer is eaither to move to low rent areas of the country or live on the street. Its a no brainer. If it was me, no one would have to "ship me". I was talking about your homeless where you say its not their fault because they dont earn enough. Well if there are those people out there that you claim exist....they have no one to blame but themselves. Thet should not be living in high rent areas of the country.
    I live in a high rent area of northern Ca.....the median home here is 1.3 mil. We have a supermarket chain that pays around minimum wage just a mile from my home. Should those workers be allowed to live in the streets here because they cant afford the prices.

    Theydont need to be "shipped"....they need to be arrested, and told to find a place to work that supports a living space. You said they work and have some money. So tell them they are not entitled to soil neighborhoods merely because they want to live in a certain area of the country. There are alot of things people want....and sometimes they just cant have them. Thats life.
    Do you mean like people got shipped out of the cities of Europe in the 1940's? The right to live in any state you want is a constitutionally protected right. Arresting people and shipping them off to another state is not. Only stormtroopers do that. Are you a stormtrooper?
    when you get a lucid moment you will read that I never suggested "shipping". But you will understand when things settle down in your bloodstream. I said arrest people for valid laws that they are breaking, and tell them if they are working and cant afford living in this high rent find a place in the USA or in the world that is more conducive to their payscale. And if they are arrested enough for real crimes they commit(vagrancy)......they will get the hint that san francisco, san diego, NYC, not the place for them. Who said anything about shipping. Shipping is for UPS.
    I was talking about the sector of people that KJ said had jobs but couldnt afford housing. I am not talking about drunkards and dope users or the mentally ill.They need medical help.

  15. #55
    Question: what makes you think, LarryS, that jobs are available in the low rent districts that you would like these people to move to?

  16. #56
    Its up to them to go to the library, use the internet and find places...and not just take a bus to a random city. It all about personal responsibility

  17. #57
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    Its up to them to go to the library, use the internet and find places...and not just take a bus to a random city. It all about personal responsibility
    So a person that lived all their life in San Francisco should move to Corn Junction, Iowa to placate you?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  18. #58
    Let's quit pussy footing around here about the homeless, and call a spade a spade.

    The homeless are failures; they've failed at life, thus they are homeless.

    Natural selection favors the strong over the weak.

    We really need to cull the herd.

    Maybe we need to criminalize vagrancy, and send those convicted to work camps to repair the nation's infrastructure.

    Another option: hello, Soylent Green (while I'd turn my nose up at eating it, I suspect the residents of shithole countries wouldn't be as picky).

    *Good Trump-keeping seal of approval given*
    What, Me Worry?

  19. #59
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Let's quit pussy footing around here about the homeless, and call a spade a spade.

    The homeless are failures; they've failed at life, thus they are homeless.

    Natural selection favors the strong over the weak.

    We really need to cull the herd.

    Maybe we need to criminalize vagrancy, and send those convicted to work camps to repair the nation's infrastructure.

    Another option: hello, Soylent Green (while I'd turn my nose up at eating it, I suspect the residents of shithole countries wouldn't be as picky).

    *Good Trump-keeping seal of approval given*
    I became homeless on my 18th birthday when my stepfather woke me up and gave me an hour to get out. It was March of my senior year in high school. I spent a couple nights at the home of a friend and classmate, but decided I didn't want to be a burden to their family, so I spent the next 3 months at the men's homeless shelter, on a cot in a room with 2 dozen men, most old enough to be my father, a few my grandfather.

    For 3 month from March til early June, I rose before dawn, to take a public transportation bus to high school. I also worked a part time job 2 evenings and weekends at an ice cream store. I also was the starting short shop on my high school baseball team, that went to but lost the state championship that spring. In June I graduated.

    At no time did I feel like a failure or consider that I had failed at anything. As a matter of fact, when my name was called and I walked across the stage to receive my diploma and my classmates rose and applaud, it was without doubt the proudest moment of my life.

    Shame on you MrV. I am sure it is easy for you to look down your nose and judge everyone. You don't know everyone's story and circumstances though do you.

  20. #60
    I know enough to form an opinion, and my opinion is that, with some exceptions (e.g. women with kids being dumped, gay teens being thrown out by intolerant step-parents upon their coming out) homeless people have failed at the most important game we play, the game of life.

    What, do you seriously disagree that most of the chronic (i.e. not short term / situational) homeless are in fact Losers?

    I only scowl and flip the bird at the filthy roadside beggars; let me guess, you have a heart and give them money?

    If you do, you'd best but a big "S" in front of that "AP" label you so proudly wear.
    Last edited by MisterV; 01-19-2018 at 08:50 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

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