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Thread: The WoV Thread

  1. #141
    I've never thought of myself as his or anyone else's "nemesis."

    Sure, I've flicked him some well-deserved shit over the years, but many others have done the same.

    Fact is, he regales in the attention, be it positive or negative.

    Yeah KJ, I know he still lurks; hell, he started the damned board.

    Him leaving it would be like abandoning his child.
    What, Me Worry?

  2. #142
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post

    I regularly report my yearly wins and losses on my tax return, and I will do so again this year.
    Perhaps you are absolutely correct with your point of the whole thing being nonsense. The problem is that you think the conversation was about taxes and how the individual handles the IRS. You completely missed what the topic was all about.

  3. #143
    The box that alan put himself in that he cant call BS on others... because if he does.....its coming from the man who saw 18 yos in a row with the equally unlikely outcome of never betting once at an almost empty table.

    so credibility is shot. He made his bed....and sometimes having to sleep in it is so uncomfortable that he has to leave the residence.

  4. #144
    Monet, I report mine and I am a recreational gambler.

    I suspect that many AP's report gambling wins and losses; with what degree of accuracy I cannot say.

    Certainly those such as myself who receive W-2G's will.

    Question: aren't W-2G's or any other notification issued to both player and IRS in poker? Sports betting? BJ?

    If so, then they'd be damned fools not to report it.
    Last edited by MisterV; 01-25-2018 at 10:09 AM.
    What, Me Worry?

  5. #145
    i thought the w-2 comes into play by winning a high multiple of what you bet like 60x. or something like that.

    If I win 1250.00 on penny slots....i get w2 but if i go to roulette and pur 1250 down on black and win...and i color one is taking info.

    If I bet 1250 on a horse to win and get 3000 back....I dont think w2 is in play. But if I bet a 60 dollar one dollar tri box on 5 horses...and I win 1250.....w2 comes into play

  6. #146
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    i thought the w-2 comes into play by winning a high multiple of what you bet like 60x. or something like that.

    If I win 1250.00 on penny slots....i get w2 but if i go to roulette and pur 1250 down on black and win...and i color one is taking info.

    If I bet 1250 on a horse to win and get 3000 back....I dont think w2 is in play. But if I bet a 60 dollar one dollar tri box on 5 horses...and I win 1250.....w2 comes into play
    W2s are only issued when a hand-pay is involved and generally that is only on slots. I did see a new side bet at a blackjack with a hand pay and they took the player to the cage to get the w2 info.

    But as far as CTRs, STRs, etc., they do not generate any W2 no matter the amounts involved.

  7. #147
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    i thought the w-2 comes into play by winning a high multiple of what you bet like 60x. or something like that.

    If I win 1250.00 on penny slots....i get w2 but if i go to roulette and pur 1250 down on black and win...and i color one is taking info.

    If I bet 1250 on a horse to win and get 3000 back....I dont think w2 is in play. But if I bet a 60 dollar one dollar tri box on 5 horses...and I win 1250.....w2 comes into play
    The change in the law about 6 months ago (i don't remember the exact date) would not cause a W-2 in the 5 horse tri box you reference. Under the law now, they look at the total amount bet on that one ticket. So if you made a 5 horse tri box for $60 all on one ticket, you only get a W-2 if the win exceeds 300 times that wager. This is a huge change for us horse players as it used to be based upon the one dollar bet that won, not the total on the one ticket.

  8. #148
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Roger is a good guy, I have no doubt he was just doing some ball busting as well.

    Recent Quote from RogerKint about Monet with discussion from RS:

    Quote/Question: RS

    How come you never go to none of the meetups? I'll throw down a few shekels for a nice bus pass for you and the missus ($3.50 total, max) to come out to LV.

    Response from RogerKint:

    I have but it's been a while. I'm waiting for Monet to pick us up from the airport in his Jeep.


    It is clear that after I told The Wiz to Jump and to GFY... RogerKint hasn't let it go. It would appear that I hurt his feelings in some way since he is pretty serious about defending The Wiz in all aspects and recently puts in a few shots here and there out of jest I suppose. He doesn't realize that I would go out of my way to pick him up at the airport if needed or other help as well. One time this other guy I met for the first time got pretty inebriated at a Pool Hall and I would have drove him to Reno or LA if needed. Instead I drove him a pretty good distance to the location of his choice with nothing but a willing hand to help. I just met this guy for the first time but I am just like that. Sure, I come off like a scumsucker on the net, at times, and even in real life but people on these forums do not realize how easy going I really am and say Yes far more than No, willing to help at a moments notice all hours of the day just because I can and at times I have nothing better to do anyway with my Life of Riley.

    I was trying to help Speedycrap out and I would have had no problem but after a year and a half of going back and forth with cancellations I gave up because I need clear, precise confirmations when making reservations and such. Also communication broke down after being banned on other forums for my actions on WoV. I had some third party communication but that isn't nice for the other parties involved.

    Recently I have made plans for another WoV member who seems to be able to make more dedicated plans and I have worked out a suite for them for 4 days along with 100 comp per day. Personal Jeep Tours, Free Guns and Ammo (much better deal compared to going to a local Vegas Shooting Range), and pretty much any other requests within reason will easily be met.

    I am certainly not crying about RogerKint's comments I am only trying to defend my position publicly since I can not respond on WoV with my Monet user name. Of course nobody to blame but myself for not being able to post on WoV as Monet.

    Edit: Some of you may remember Tony Sheldon in Poker. When I first met him he was always willing to help out gamblers of all sorts in general. In the older days you would get comp tickets written out when you played. I was busted and hadn't played poker for a few weeks but asked him for a comp ticket. He told me that he was always willing to help out a gambler or poker player at any time even if he knew they were busted for the time being. I kinda live by that statement daily. Always willing to help out a fellow gambler or human, in general... daily... no matter if they are a Credit Troll, as the Wiz calls them, or an upstanding young citizen like someone like LarryS.

    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Monet, I report mine and I am a recreational gambler.

    I suspect that many AP's report gambling wins and losses; with what degree of accuracy I cannot say.

    Certainly those such as myself who receive W-2G's will.

    Question: aren't W-2G's or any other notification issued to both player and IRS in poker? Sports betting? BJ?

    If so, then they'd be damned fools not to report it.
    I will be responding to this post and the questions inside the post in the near future. I need more time and most likely my response will be lengthy.
    Last edited by monet; 01-25-2018 at 03:54 PM.

  9. #149

    No need to reply to my inquiry re: W-2G's.

    I wrongly assumed they were issued for sports, BJ and poker, but apparently not.
    What, Me Worry?

  10. #150
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post

    No need to reply to my inquiry re: W-2G's.

    I wrongly assumed they were issued for sports, BJ and poker, but apparently not.
    You get W2-G's for payouts of $600 or more in poker tournaments. At least thats the way it used to be.

    BTW, for live bingo it's $1500 or higher.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  11. #151
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Monet, I report mine and I am a recreational gambler.

    I suspect that many AP's report gambling wins and losses; with what degree of accuracy I cannot say.

    Certainly those such as myself who receive W-2G's will.

    Question: aren't W-2G's or any other notification issued to both player and IRS in poker? Sports betting? BJ?

    If so, then they'd be damned fools not to report it.
    Warning: The next few paragraphs are moral or biblical in nature. An individual may desire to skip down to the last paragraph which is a small discussion about the IRS.

    No reason to really get into how and which game will give you W-2G's or not. I think you look at things in a legal manner. My comments before weren't exactly about taxes and how one reports them with accuracy or not. My comments were about how one AP will say the other AP is lower than dirt because of the moves he pulls in life or in the Casino. My stance is that one individual is no better than the other because of how they act inside of a Casino or how they play the game. I brought up taxes because kewlJ was trying to say that I was justifying my actions inside of a Casino saying something like they cheat us so it is ok to cheat them and he was illustrating how he is a morally minded black jack player because he refuses to win a certain way. He gave us a story about how he decided not to hole card anymore because he doesn't want to win that way. My remarks are not a personal attack on any individual directly. I am trying to explain that you could be the most moral gambler and do everything to the letter of the law but that will not put you above some gambler in the Casino who is pulling shots, cheating the Casino every way they can. My point is that individuals, in life are either on one side of the tracks or the other. Individuals who claim that they are honest because what they do or have done hasn't hurt anyone are only fooling themselves. In this world you are either evil or not evil. I haven't met too many in the camp that are not evil however I have met a few. They usually aren't Americans. These people are a different breed. Their minds are wired completely different. They have no hate or evil in them. They constantly show love towards everyone even when abused or treated in a way that demands retaliation. They think and act completely different. Hardened individuals such as myself almost can not be around these types because it can make one physically ill. It is something that can not be explained to the full extent it is something that has to be witnessed in person and is very rare to find. The bible sums it up pretty good where it illustrates bread and leaven (yeast). It appears that just a little leaven and the whole lump is infected. The book also talks about light and dark in the individuals eye where if you basically are either full of light or full of darkness. The individual can not be mixed. They are either one or the other. With that being said and if an individual can understand and accept those statements they will realize that their is no difference between an individual who plays it straight or to the letter of the law in or out of a Casino because in reality they are in one boat or the other no matter how they choose to make money or go about making money. Another example is how it is said that you can not have two masters, you can not serve God and Mammon... Mammon being money. Interesting topic in the book also states how the individual should be hot or cold and not "luke warm" since that appears to be worse than being cold. So these AP's who think they are above other players or individuals are only fooling themselves trying to justify their actions, professing they are the "good guys" or the "moral" players... they aren't like that scum over there switching dice or spotting hole cards relaying the message to their partners in crime.

    Of course a person will say I am doing everything to the letter of the law. I have acted this way my whole life. Jesus dealt with that type of individual pretty good and told that rich man that he was correct that he followed all the commandments without breaking them his whole life however he did lack one thing. Jesus told that man to go and sell everything that he owned and give it to the poor and after that to come and follow him. That man had to walk away and give up on that idea since he was very rich and couldn't part with his worldly riches. This makes things even more difficult. It appears that it does not only matter what one does in life in action but also how they act in ones own mind. This is why I will tell you or anyone that it does not matter if you physically commit wrong doing or mentally commit it. Many will say that isn't true that you have a major difference between the two but as I have explained to people before that it make no difference if one actually Rapes an Individual or fantasizes about Raping an individual. They are both guilty of Rape. I bring up Rape because LarryS likes to use that as an extreme example. My stance or point is that it doesn't matter if you feed your desires or lusts with action or thought. They are both the same. It does not matter if I fantasize about robbing a bank or actually rob a bank. In my heart I am a thief or bank robber and I have a problem. The same goes for watching TV or Movies or reading books giving way to such indulgence. No difference between the individual who watches porn constantly or the individual who goes out and commits Fornication or Adultery or other such acts. The problem isn't in action the problem is internal. This goes for anything when comparing evil with good.

    Individuals will say in their hearts that I worked for this I deserve it. It is clear that none of us deserve anything worldly. We have the ability to use our talents for good or evil. Most of us choose to use them for evil. An individual can say and justify it in their own mind that they deserve this expense car or watch or whatever but in truth they know they could of done greater good with this talent. Does an individual honestly think because they were born into something with all advantages that they deserve the "good life" compared to an individual who is born with far less of a capacity. Take for instance my own life. My uncle has a problem with mental ability or capacity and is unable to maneuver in life without the aid of someone looking out for his best interests. He is unable to do simple things like pay bills or understand how to operate in everyday society. Does this mean that someone such as myself deserves more than him because I have a greater capacity for the way the world works or is set up? Does someone born into billions of dollars deserve that 100k watch more than the individual born in the middle of the jungle? Understand it is very simple. An individual is either in one camp or the other. They are either on the right side of things or wrong. They can not be in both and most individuals who think they are on the right side of the tracks are in actuality on the wrong side. One of the biggest or major keys to get on the right side of the tracks is to live a selfless life. This sounds easy but is the most difficult thing to do in life. To actually live your life for others always putting others in front of your own needs and desires. The bible illustrates this as well comparing the rich giving to the poor in great amounts but one old lady giving only pennies. It was later found out that the rich gave a small percent of total wealth whereas the poor lady gave all she had. The truth is that some will think that this lady only did this in her old age but I tend to think she did this throughout her life. In retrospect when you study more and more you will find out that it does not matter how long the individual works on the right side of the tracks or when they go their in the day. It does not matter if they started at first light or last light it only matters that they got on that side and stayed there. This is also apparent in the story of the rich plantation owner who hired a bunch of hands throughout the day and everyone was paid equally. Of course the ones who put in more hours griped that the ones who only worked 15 mins should not be paid the same but the owner explained that contracts were made and signed and no wrong has been done to them.

    Now let's get into the IRS and get a little more dirty or muddy if you will. It only matters to report your W2s or taxes if you own possessions in your name. If you are an individual who is listed as making 200 times below the poverty level, have no ownership of anything in your name, have no bank accounts and is listed as homeless it will make no difference if you file or not. The IRS could put a lean against such an individual but they will not be able to do anything to them in the way of jail. Of course even if an individual files and cheats the chances of getting caught are around 1%. This fear mongering about report everything or file everything is just that fear mongering. Heck they have serious movements these days who file and state that they refuse to list any documents or pay because of refusal to pay for taxes that go to supplying the military. I suppose if I had great wealth to lose I would play the game differently but I know many players who only throw the W2s right in the trash after being handed them. I know other players who haven't filed for 25-30 years. Players who have leans on them and who don't. As for the time being they do not connect the IRS with the Casino Players in a way that they would be barred or not allowed to play because of a lean. One day perhaps and one day they might link the players card directly to the IRS. I hope that doesn't happen in my life time however if it does, it will be back to the poker rooms or back alley poker rooms for me.
    Last edited by monet; 01-26-2018 at 06:43 AM.

  12. #152
    It's like the people who say to me "my next door neighbor deducted such and such--why can't I. My response is always the same. You can deduct whatever you want--just don't get caught.

    As a horseplayer I was audited several years in a row and won each time due to my detailed records. As a craps player I was never audited despite the notice requirements for wins in excess of 10K.

    It is no picnic to be audited, and others whom I have represented in audits have seen the damage that is done both to their wealth and their health. But I do agree that if you have nothing, you really don't have to be as concerned as others might be. But when you have a home and brokerage accounts and toys and other things of value, you have to recognize the risks of an audit. That is not to say you shouldn't be "aggressive" in your return prep, but you really don't want an audit.

  13. #153
    I don't mean to change the recent subject of this thread, but Mickey said this thread was to discuss recent events at WoV and I was quite astonished that someone was suspended today (for 30 days), at WoV for starting a thread on the same subject matter that they previously started a thread on (music played inside a casino). I mean you talk about your censorship!

    Do these people even understand the concept of a message board forum? Someone starts a thread within the subject matter. If there is no interest, the thread will quickly die. What is the big deal? So someone feels the topic didn't get the discussion they thought it deserves and starts a similar thread. Guess what if there is no interest it will again quickly die. I mean geez, these people move further and further into oppressive censorship every day. Now they are going to tell you what is an acceptable topic within the range of subject matter.

    And this time, not even over-moderator BBB, but Mission146. These mods are all on some sort of power trip. Do they realize they are a freaking moderator on a message board...that's all. Such small little people. But it starts at the top. THAT is the environment Mr. Shackleford created. I guess the real question is why does anyone waste their time contributing to that site and that kind of environment?

  14. #154
    You are taking note of how your neighbors are treated and you now seethe issue with as far as uneven punishment is concerned is inherent in the fabric of the site. Because workers tend to follow the lead of the boss.....and the boss is leading the way in this behavior, and has accepted the copycat behavior of his mods as "business as usual". I am guessing theperson who was suspended was NOT one of the ass kissers. You know the people who after a suspensions feels the need to post that the mod did a wonderful job. Suspensions are often the times that others can use the punishment of others as a means to upgrade their stature in the minds of the controlling mods by giving their blessing. Its an opportunity to generate goodwill at the expense of the plight of others. But I doubt you will see many complaints about the suspension. As more and more have been suspended the voice of reason diminishes and the voice of complicity remains.

  15. #155
    Originally Posted by regnis View Post
    It's like the people who say to me "my next door neighbor deducted such and such--why can't I. My response is always the same. You can deduct whatever you want--just don't get caught.

    As a horseplayer I was audited several years in a row and won each time due to my detailed records. As a craps player I was never audited despite the notice requirements for wins in excess of 10K.

    It is no picnic to be audited, and others whom I have represented in audits have seen the damage that is done both to their wealth and their health. But I do agree that if you have nothing, you really don't have to be as concerned as others might be. But when you have a home and brokerage accounts and toys and other things of value, you have to recognize the risks of an audit. That is not to say you shouldn't be "aggressive" in your return prep, but you really don't want an audit.
    It is not a win notice at craps. It is a notice to the feds of a cash tansaction for 10k or greater. Does not mean the person won. Buying in for 10k or greater one transaction or numerous ones within the same gaming day will also generate the same notice. That is why those notices have nothing to do with taxes or tax reporting,

  16. #156
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    You are taking note of how your neighbors are treated and you now seethe issue with as far as uneven punishment is concerned is inherent in the fabric of the site. Because workers tend to follow the lead of the boss.....and the boss is leading the way in this behavior, and has accepted the copycat behavior of his mods as "business as usual". I am guessing theperson who was suspended was NOT one of the ass kissers. You know the people who after a suspensions feels the need to post that the mod did a wonderful job. Suspensions are often the times that others can use the punishment of others as a means to upgrade their stature in the minds of the controlling mods by giving their blessing. Its an opportunity to generate goodwill at the expense of the plight of others. But I doubt you will see many complaints about the suspension. As more and more have been suspended the voice of reason diminishes and the voice of complicity remains.
    The person (Nathan) is a troll, I believe. I am not up to date on the scorecard (maybe one of the WoV guys can fill us in), but I think Nathan is a sockpuppet of a banned member? Or maybe the sockpuppet of a sockpuppet of a banned member. A twice removed sockpuppet...if you will.

    But that doesn't even matter. They are now making up rules to specifically get rid of someone. Ya know....THAT sounds familiar.

    I have always had some respect for both Mission and Face, so it was really disappointing that it was Mission behaving just like BBB and Mike with the "power trip" thing. I mean really there is something seriously wrong with these people. Napoleon / Kim Jong Un complex I guess.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 01-26-2018 at 10:22 AM.

  17. #157
    I would think that "flooding" would consist of more than 2 posts or threads. At least to a reasonable person. At least to a person that doesnt have a Napoleon complex.

  18. #158
    i agree...if you think someone is a troll...then have the balls to say so and ban them. The "troll" moniker is a slippery slope where anyone can be accused of it.

    If you are on the wrong side of a issue, just repeating yourself once is trolling.

    They are doing with nathan what they did with me....they have an itchy nuking finger for him and they are looking for the slightest reason to nuke him. Its a silly game.

    Just say "I think nathanis a troll and I am unilaterally nuking him

    "I dont like the viewpoint of LarryS so I am nuking him"

    "I am scared what QFIT will do to me, so I am nuking KJ"

    A bunch of dishonest folks, cowardly folks, who refuse to call it like they see it and let the chips fall....and rather play games

  19. #159
    Originally Posted by Glenbaccarat9 View Post
    Originally Posted by regnis View Post
    It's like the people who say to me "my next door neighbor deducted such and such--why can't I. My response is always the same. You can deduct whatever you want--just don't get caught.

    As a horseplayer I was audited several years in a row and won each time due to my detailed records. As a craps player I was never audited despite the notice requirements for wins in excess of 10K.

    It is no picnic to be audited, and others whom I have represented in audits have seen the damage that is done both to their wealth and their health. But I do agree that if you have nothing, you really don't have to be as concerned as others might be. But when you have a home and brokerage accounts and toys and other things of value, you have to recognize the risks of an audit. That is not to say you shouldn't be "aggressive" in your return prep, but you really don't want an audit.
    It is not a win notice at craps. It is a notice to the feds of a cash tansaction for 10k or greater. Does not mean the person won. Buying in for 10k or greater one transaction or numerous ones within the same gaming day will also generate the same notice. That is why those notices have nothing to do with taxes or tax reporting,
    Correct. But don't be naive and overlook the fact that when a large number of 10K transactions are filed with respect to a gambler that the IRS doesn't take note. While most of the time they are just warehoused, there still is some degree of monitoring that goes on.

  20. #160
    WoW! Someone was just suspended for the personal insult of referring to someone "as full of themselves". WoV as a sight having anything to do with gambling /AP is long gone and gets further and further away from what it once was. It is some kind of weird mods power tripping thing now. Michael Shackleford should be ashamed of what that site has now become.

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