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Thread: The WoV Thread

  1. #181
    I just find it interesting that Dan''s forum has turned into talking about the WOV forum.

    How many gaming forums have a dedicated thread talking about WOV?

    It's like people are obsessed with all thing's Mike and WOV.

    Personally if I didn't like a forum or whatever I would mostly forget about it and stop reading it like I did at GF.

  2. #182
    That's you, but then again you haven't been exiled to Siberia.

    Some of The Damned take their rejection way too personally, and like a jilted lover they cannot accept it and feel a need to lash back.

    This is a convenient forum from which to launch such a punitive attack.

    The dynamic is akin to a guy stalking and sometimes assaulting a former lover who told him to hit the road.

    Sort of like domestic violence but in cyber space.

    I'm not talking about folks who merely stamp their feet and whine / complain; I'm talking about those who personally attack, demean, insult and attempt to seriously annoy and embarrass the mod(s) at WoV with whom they have "issues."
    What, Me Worry?

  3. #183
    If complaining and rationalizing on the internet is a form of impotence, then complaining, etc about the Wizard is a form of castration.
    78255585899=317*13723*17989=(310+7)*[(13730-7)*(100*100+7979+10)]-->LOVE avatar@137_371_179_791, or 137_371_17[3^2]_7[3^2]1, 1=V-->Ace, low. 78255585899-->99858555287=(99858555288-1)=[-1+(72*2227)*(722777-100000)]={-1+(72*2227)*[(2000+700777+20000)-100000]}-->1_722_227_277_772_1. 7×8×2×5×5×5×8×5×8×9×9=362880000=(1000000000-6√97020000-100000)-->169_721. (7/8×2/5×5/5×8/5×8/9×9)={[(-.1+.9)]^2×(6+1)}-->1961=√4*2.24; (1/7×8/2×5/5×5/8×5/8×9/9)={1/[7×(-.2+1)^2]}-->1721=[(10*10/4)/(√4+110)].

  4. #184
    Here's my take. (since you asked Axel)

    Mike is a great gambling math guy. One of the best, if not the best. And his site WoO is the place to go for answers. Many people and players have benefited from it, which if I am not mistaken was the 'mission statement', initially made by Mike, something like "helping players be better informed gamblers and players".

    Unfortunately, Mike's role as a forum administrator, at the related WoV, which he is very ill-equipped to handle tarnishes that reputation. It shows him to be a really small individual, stuck in some sort of adolescent stage, unable to grow. It highlights his insecurities, immaturity and what a petty person he really is.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 01-29-2018 at 10:23 AM.

  5. #185
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I would say it is difficult to ask every day people to act differently on a internet forum or message board. That just isn't realistic or possible for the most part and I think that is why you see so many problems on forums in general with bans and suspensions and such.
    People can behave well if they try.

    Think of the old adage: "Don't fart in church."
    thats is an amazingly good analogy.

    If someone farts i church, they are not suspended or banned unless the clergy and parishioners think their shit dont stink. Otherwise they can avoid sitting next to the offender (the equivalent of avoiding someone that is unpleasant to you on the internet via not reading their posts or electronically blocking them) .

    So as I have been saying all along. There are mods and members at wov who think their shit dont stink.....and have no problem punishing others or calling for the punishment of others, or complimenting the punishment of others.

    Its just so easy to skip over posts of people you dont like. Or to electronically ignor them. The " I am so fragile that my feelings were hurt and I demand action/retribution" line is for pussies.

    wov has some of the whimpiest menmbers remaining that I ever saw. But with suspensions, ...natural selection demands that.

  6. #186
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    I just find it interesting that Dan''s forum has turned into talking about the WOV forum.

    How many gaming forums have a dedicated thread talking about WOV?

    It's like people are obsessed with all thing's Mike and WOV.

    Personally if I didn't like a forum or whatever I would mostly forget about it and stop reading it like I did at GF.

    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    That's you, but then again you haven't been exiled to Siberia.

    Some of The Damned take their rejection way too personally, and like a jilted lover they cannot accept it and feel a need to lash back.

    This is a convenient forum from which to launch such a punitive attack.

    The dynamic is akin to a guy stalking and sometimes assaulting a former lover who told him to hit the road.

    Sort of like domestic violence but in cyber space.

    I'm not talking about folks who merely stamp their feet and whine / complain; I'm talking about those who personally attack, demean, insult and attempt to seriously annoy and embarrass the mod(s) at WoV with whom they have "issues."
    First off, the guilty parties sent to the Gulag talk about how they are innocent and how wrong the people are that sent to them to the Gulag. That's only natural or human nature. Second... I would like to know what we should talk about because it is sometimes worse than the bible on these forums with the don't do this and don't do that? Oh right let's not talk about the bible because most of the members on these forums believe in Science and that God does not exist and the Bible is a fairy tale made up by men.

    Don't talk about systems or stop losses or stop wins, and I agree with that... I don't want to hear that BS just like you all don't want to hear about God and the Bible. Don't criticize one another on these forums because we are supposed to be adults and act accordingly and if you do get out of line... off with your head! I don't think there is one subject to discuss with William Yung because none of them on the inter web are worthy of discussion and honestly he just secretly wants all gambling forums to die the certain death that he believes they will die in the near future. Don't talk about women in the workplace or have an opinion on all the Sexual Misconduct that is being accused of recently all over the news. As a matter of fact don't talk about the Rainbow or LGBT Community either because they are the cool thing these days from all the hipsters in society. Don't even think about talking about black or white issues or any minority issues because it is time for the white mans downfall and we will have justice! Don't talk about anything that is AP in the Casino because you are costing yourself and others EV! Don't talk about past AP moves in the Casino because the Casino Administration is constantly trolling these sites to throw the hammer down! Don't talk about past AP moves because the Casino might forget and do it again! Don't talk about cheating or theft because everyone on this board is playing it straight as an arrow and if you are cheating your a piece of worthless scum and should be sent to the bowels of Hell but wait... Hell doesn't exist! Well let's just string you up because your a no good filthy cheat!

    What is left to talk about? I honestly can't think of any subjects. Why bother belonging to a Gamblers Forum since you can't discuss anything? Oh I know we can talk about the suspension lists of the forums because that seems to be a hot topic since two of those threads are running side by side consecutively at that site we aren't supposed to look at or talk about because we either got banned or banned ourselves. We could talk about Trump but most everyone hates Trump except for people like me and a few others. Heck I liked Reagan, Bush, Clinton and the other Bush too. Although I don't understand how everyone loved Reagan when he was clearly against migrant workers in California and was really against that guy named Cesar Chavez when he was Governor. If you never seen what he said about him and the workers you should look that up. It seems he was being paid big dollars from the well to do owners of the farms, orchards, vineyards... etc. Bush Senior was director of the CIA... enough said! Clinton... well he was impeached for what? Oh right... that thing that is hot right now... sexual misconduct! However, his wife is really good and should be the real president of our country! Oh wait... she was a liar, a cheater and a thief as well?? Yes but that's alright... we want her in office but don't cheat the Casino... that's just plain wrong and who in their right mind wants to win money that way!?

    I think from now on I am just going to talk about gaming and do what those top professionals do and just leak out all the upcoming promotions and glitches and overpays and anything else I find inside the Casino that makes a large, easy profit to increase ones bankroll. Perhaps after leaking this type of information for 6 months to a year you all will be more than happy for me to talk about something else like WoV threads on the WoV thread at vegascaisnotalk.
    Last edited by monet; 01-29-2018 at 12:01 PM.

  7. #187
    That's you, but then again you haven't been exiled to Siberia.

    Some of The Damned take their rejection way too personally, and like a jilted lover they cannot accept it and feel a need to lash back.

    no more personally than someone suspended or banned from church for farting. Or suspended or banned from walmart for farting(using your example and analogy)...especially when the people doing the punishing as well as the onlookers applauding have farted in the past without any repercussions
    Especially if there is enough room in the church or walmart or message boatrd for people to avoid the offending party.

    In grade school there was always the over zealous hall monitor. And that person had his share of nerdy groupies that would pat him on the back and get off on when he exercised his power. Some outgrow this...some dont. At wov there are folks that never outgrew it. Still the nerdy socially backward hall monitors and the members patting them on the back and saying "great job".

    Same as it ever was......same as it ever was

  8. #188
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    As a matter of fact don't talk about the Rainbow or LGBT Community either because they are the cool thing these days from all the hipsters in society.
    From what I can tell, hipsters are really good at driving up the prices on restaurant food,apartments/homes, and other things since they are driven by the fools errand of keeping up with the joneses.

    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    In grade school there was always the over zealous hall monitor.
    Yes - back in the day they would be stuffed into garbage cans or lockers. Nowadays, they run around free as a bird, knowing that no one would touch them for fear of a massive lawsuit or incarceration.

  9. #189
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    From what I can tell, hipsters are really good at driving up the prices on restaurant food,apartments/homes, and other things since they are driven by the fools errand of keeping up with the joneses.
    Careful now... were walking on thin ice. It is a good thing we are over here with the turds of the internet gambling forums or at least that is what I recently read. Now take a look at this article... you don't even have to read the article! Just read the Title of the Article about Salt Lake City right up the road from Vegas.

    For real: Salt Lake City is America’s super gay, super cool hipster haven

    Also an interesting quote and statistics from this article...

    "Regardless of your preferred interjection, a Gallup poll ranked Salt Lake as the seventh gayest city in the country. That means 4.7 percent of Salt Lake’s population identified as LGBT, making it slightly less gay than Boston (4.8 percent), but gayer than Los Angeles (4.6 percent). Salt Lake also made the top 10 list of Advocate magazine’s Queerest Cities in America in 2016. It missed the list this year, but I was assured that Salt Lake is still pretty darn gay. Brigham Young would probably have a panic attack if he saw all the rainbow flags."

    LOL... that is a funny quote!!

    "It missed the list this year, I was assured that Salt Lake is still pretty darn gay! Brigham Young would porbably have a panic attack if he saw all the rainbow flags!"

    What happened to all the Mormons up there?

    I want to partner up with AxelWolf and build a Mazda Miata Dealership up there!?
    Last edited by monet; 01-29-2018 at 01:26 PM.

  10. #190
    Monet, do not attempt to muzzle yourself, that is silly.

    Post whatever you want to talk about; sure some will disagree but others may join in.

    Takes a thick skin sometimes to get the max out of these boards.
    Last edited by MisterV; 01-29-2018 at 01:29 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #191

    Larry, my "farting in church" comment was not used as an example of behavior which would allow someone to be banned from church, rather it was an example of how people can control or moderate their behavior if they try.

    Funny though, that they call the parishioner's wooden seats "pews," i.e. "P.U.'s".
    What, Me Worry?

  12. #192
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Monet, do not attempt to muzzle yourself, that is silly.

    Post whatever you want to talk about; sure some will disagree but others may join in.

    Takes a thick skin sometimes to get the max out of these boards.
    I agree. This site is run by someone and has members who obviously have thicker skin compared to the gambling site we are not supposed to care about or read about or comment on... that is clear and this site allows you to throw a little mud just like in real life politics if you so choose. Oh let us try to be honest... real life politicians throw a heck of a lot more mud compared to your average disgruntled member that has been exiled.
    Last edited by monet; 01-29-2018 at 01:53 PM.

  13. #193
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    From what I can tell, hipsters are really good at driving up the prices on restaurant food,apartments/homes, and other things since they are driven by the fools errand of keeping up with the joneses.
    Careful now... were walking on thin ice. It is a good thing we are over here with the turds of the internet gambling forums or at least that is what I recently read. Now take a look at this article... you don't even have to read the article! Just read the Title of the Article about Salt Lake City right up the road from Vegas.

    For real: Salt Lake City is America’s super gay, super cool hipster haven

    Also an interesting quote and statistics from this article...

    "Regardless of your preferred interjection, a Gallup poll ranked Salt Lake as the seventh gayest city in the country. That means 4.7 percent of Salt Lake’s population identified as LGBT, making it slightly less gay than Boston (4.8 percent), but gayer than Los Angeles (4.6 percent). Salt Lake also made the top 10 list of Advocate magazine’s Queerest Cities in America in 2016. It missed the list this year, but I was assured that Salt Lake is still pretty darn gay. Brigham Young would probably have a panic attack if he saw all the rainbow flags."

    LOL... that is a funny quote!!

    "It missed the list this year, I was assured that Salt Lake is still pretty darn gay! Brigham Young would porbably have a panic attack if he saw all the rainbow flags!"

    What happened to all the Mormons up there?

    I want to partner up with AxelWolf and build a Mazda Miata Dealership up there!?
    It used to be quite an affordable place to live back in the very early 90's. I am guessing it is quite expensive now - at least in the downtown area.

  14. #194
    SLC is the cleanest big town in the country. The Mormans are very industrious and keeping a clean town is one of the things they do. Downtown is pretty nice. All the Dems in the state live in SLC. They have a big non-morman population. But....and this is a big ain't going nowhere in that state if you ain't morman.

    Now for the Jack Mormans. Ever heard of the Jack Mormans?

    Question: How many mormans should you carry with you on a fishing trip?

    Answer: You should always carry at least two. If you only carry one he will drink all your beer and smoke all your cigarettes.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  15. #195
    The liberals in the Trump thread have liberal amnesic memories. They think the whole sexual harrasment thing started with Weinstein. It actually started with Media Matters going after high profile conservatives for any dirt they could find on them. Roger Ailes at FNC was their first victim followed by Bill O'Reilly. Gretchen Carlson won the big harrasment settlement and urged women to come out of the closet on it. Others followed her lead urging women to come out.

    And that's what caused the whole thing to backfire on Media Matters. It wasn't just a few conservative men that fell. Weinstein, Conyers, Barton, Franken, Lauer, and a host of other liberal men got caught up in the melee. It was the unintended consequences of Media Matter's actions. That's some funny shit, bubba.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 01-29-2018 at 07:32 PM.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  16. #196
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post

    Larry, my "farting in church" comment was not used as an example of behavior which would allow someone to be banned from church, rather it was an example of how people can control or moderate their behavior if they try.

    Funny though, that they call the parishioner's wooden seats "pews," i.e. "P.U.'s".

    exactly.....and for the people in charge who think their shit dont stink...they will try to outlaw the farters and the like minded folks with no authority will pat them(those in charge) on the back....even though there have been times when they too farted in church

    Yet in a civilized society farters and non farters co-exist

    whether you literally raise a stink, of figuratively raise a stink it is a valid analogy.

    and while they are at it,, why shouldnt the church post the list of people punished for farting......because shaming is important in a community.
    Last edited by LarryS; 01-29-2018 at 05:07 PM.

  17. #197
    My drinking got mentioned in the suspension thread. For the record tomorrow will complete 11 months without a drink. Don't need any pats on the back. It wasn't even hard to do.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  18. #198
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    My drinking got mentioned in the suspension thread. For the record tomorrow will complete 11 months without a drink. Don't need any pats on the back. It wasn't even hard to do.
    You may not need it Mick, but you deserve it.

  19. #199
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    My drinking got mentioned in the suspension thread. For the record tomorrow will complete 11 months without a drink. Don't need any pats on the back. It wasn't even hard to do.
    You may not need it Mick, but you deserve it.
    Absolutely. Congrats to you Mr Crimm.

  20. #200
    I'm a new member who lives and owns a successful current 68-employee business in Las Vegas, and before the pontificating, accusations, and illogical claims begin I'll clue you in on something: I have followed Rob Singer's play strategy (dollars through $25 because I can afford it) since his early days of the column he wrote in our weekly Gaming Today casino newspaper. I have won enough in the past 15 years to buy several homes here, and the only bad thing I can say about learning from his us that my federal taxes have gone up.

    I'm fully aware that most of you will instantly cry foul, say I'm Singer because you won't be able to sleep overnight believing I'm not, you'll make up that he's emailing me what to say, or you'll all just cry yourselves to sleep for the next month or two because he does have at least one friend in Vegas. Yes, we are friends. He passed through here in his RV on his way back from his summer home in the Dakotas, and believe me, that rig cost more than any four houses on my street, and they aren't little. I say this because he told me he got banned from here a while back, and the forum is always saying how there's very few of his followers or supporters who go to bat for him. Well why should they? Successful people have no burning need to be insulted or spend the better part of their lives on these things like member LarryS does here. Truth be told, I've never been involved in these things and won't argue with anyone because I'll let you guys play pretend with each other.

    Singer told me a story of what it's like to be honest here. He had me read how you all treated Girl Friday, who because she made more sense than the usual trolls I read about, she was immediately accused of being Singer just because she lives in Arizona! Does he really have that much power over mgmt. here, where an entire state gets shut down for membership because there's such a fear of one man?

    No, I'm not here soliciting business like I saw Rob's friend Alan exposed of some sportsbettor here. No I don't know a thing about the wov other than what Rob told me about him, which wasn't very impressive. And I have no interest in getting involved in kewlj s sissy-dramas (yes he filled me in on him). What I'm doing is letting the bashers know they really aren't fooling any readers who visit thus site but do not post. I also happen to agree with girl that no ap worth his salt would ever be a regular poster on one of these things unless they were getting paid. I'm amazed that the same small group of people can find the time to babble so much about mostly nothing. I mean, does anybody really care about a poster nobody knows who says he doesn't close down bars anymore? Now how freaking important is that in your daily lives?

    By the way, I know Bob Dancer also, and while I get his "always play vp with an edge" shtick, that system never got me anywhere.

    I'll close out for now. I'm sure all the Sherlocks will pop on to offer their psycho-analyses of why I posted today or how this little clue here points to it being Singer or he used a key word like "offer" like Singer does all the time or whatever. Go ahead, make your boring day last a little longer. I only came here to debunk your untrue theories about no one supports Singer. That's been accomplished.


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