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Thread: The WoV Thread

  1. #221
    I don't understand the suspension list thread on WoV. AxelWolf gives us and other forums a hard time for reading and talking about it so I stop yakking about it and it seems others on this forum have as well. After all that he is in that thread with both hands full talking about it constantly and giving Nathan a hard time. I hope trig gets so upset he just stays away and reconsiders taking it out on his wife.

  2. #222
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I don't understand the suspension list thread on WoV. AxelWolf gives us and other forums a hard time for reading and talking about it so I stop yakking about it and it seems others on this forum have as well. After all that he is in that thread with both hands full talking about it constantly and giving Nathan a hard time. I hope trig gets so upset he just stays away and reconsiders taking it out on his wife.
    The libtard sweathogs in the Trump thread are incredibly stupid. No one makes 3K a month and pays 2K of it in rent. That's fantasy la la land stupid stuff. And whether the presidents use of a teleprompter is annoying depends on ones political persuasion. Not one of the libtards in that thread ever complained of Obama's lavish use of the teleprompter.

    And complaining about Trumps lies as if he were the first. There wasn't a peep from the libtards over "If you like your health care insurance you can keep your insurance. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. The ACA will cut health care premiums by 30%." Trumps little white lies don't bother me but Obama's big ass lies crushed the middle class.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  3. #223
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I don't understand the suspension list thread on WoV. AxelWolf gives us and other forums a hard time for reading and talking about it so I stop yakking about it and it seems others on this forum have as well. After all that he is in that thread with both hands full talking about it constantly and giving Nathan a hard time. I hope trig gets so upset he just stays away and reconsiders taking it out on his wife.
    There is no point in talking about it. It just makes Axel all upset and defensive. WoV is a shell of what it once was and no longer even really qualifies as a legitimate gambling and AP related site. It's all games, and shaming, "timeouts...go stand in the corner" third grade nonsense. The internets worst moderator, BBB has been out of control for some time and now the other mods are following in her footsteps.

  4. #224
    So if WoV is so bad, KJ: what gambling board is "better," i.e. busier, more fairly moderated, and AP-friendly?
    What, Me Worry?

  5. #225
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    There is no point in talking about it. It just makes Axel all upset and defensive. WoV is a shell of what it once was and no longer even really qualifies as a legitimate gambling and AP related site. It's all games, and shaming, "timeouts...go stand in the corner" third grade nonsense. The internets worst moderator, BBB has been out of control for some time and now the other mods are following in her footsteps.
    The whole WoV concept was mortally flawed from its outset. Everyone looked the other way until there was no other way to look. People made some money with it, as was their intent, but not nearly so much as they were hoping for. In particular, I suspect that the average decent actuary made a lot more than Mike, over the same time frame, but with continued earning power. And we don't know what else Mike put into it. Has he any bridges left to burn? Does it matter? A body of work of no significance except to mislead most of its readers.

    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    So if WoV is so bad, KJ: what gambling board is "better," i.e. busier, more fairly moderated, and AP-friendly?
    You mean fairly a better mouse trap? Most forums fail after the mice see through the cheese. The suckers who follow other persons' brands.
    78255585899=317*13723*17989=(310+7)*[(13730-7)*(100*100+7979+10)]-->LOVE avatar@137_371_179_791, or 137_371_17[3^2]_7[3^2]1, 1=V-->Ace, low. 78255585899-->99858555287=(99858555288-1)=[-1+(72*2227)*(722777-100000)]={-1+(72*2227)*[(2000+700777+20000)-100000]}-->1_722_227_277_772_1. 7×8×2×5×5×5×8×5×8×9×9=362880000=(1000000000-6√97020000-100000)-->169_721. (7/8×2/5×5/5×8/5×8/9×9)={[(-.1+.9)]^2×(6+1)}-->1961=√4*2.24; (1/7×8/2×5/5×5/8×5/8×9/9)={1/[7×(-.2+1)^2]}-->1721=[(10*10/4)/(√4+110)].

  6. #226
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    You can't buy the bonus round. When you get into it you have a choice of either free games or you can choose to play pinball. On the 60 cent bet level I think it cost me like $110 to get to the pinball game three times. I quickly bombed out all three times. I don't think my reflexes are fast enough for it. I have a friend who says he's beating the game and is actually scouting casinos for it.
    If the bonus round is truly skill based I suspect they would have to give this guy a backoff if he showed up

  7. #227
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    So if WoV is so bad, KJ: what gambling board is "better," i.e. busier, more fairly moderated, and AP-friendly?
    that is an illogical question.

    If WOV is so bad..........why do you keep posting there
    If wov is s bad.........why do you beg to go back(he doesnt do that bit its the type of guestion that follows your initial premise)

    But: If Wov is so bad.........what busy gambling board is better/?? WTF
    2 things can be equally true.
    1- wov is run by socially backward , narcissistic, needy, lying bastards...and
    2-there may not be a board out there thats busier and better.

    so what, just because there isnt a board that is both busier and "better"..doesnt mean I would want to check my self respect at the door and participate and give my business(time effort and expertise) to socially backward , narcissistic, needy, lying bastards.

    did i mention my mom and her friend coined the phrase "socially backward , narcissistic, needy, lying bastards.".

    My great grandfather invented the word.....emogi
    Last edited by LarryS; 02-05-2018 at 05:03 PM.

  8. #228
    Originally Posted by pepe View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    You can't buy the bonus round. When you get into it you have a choice of either free games or you can choose to play pinball. On the 60 cent bet level I think it cost me like $110 to get to the pinball game three times. I quickly bombed out all three times. I don't think my reflexes are fast enough for it. I have a friend who says he's beating the game and is actually scouting casinos for it.
    If the bonus round is truly skill based I suspect they would have to give this guy a backoff if he showed up

    Pepe, as long as the bonus round has a good physics engine and is fair, Keith would destroy it (could be skill-based but with poor physics)
    but realistically the casinos probably don't have much to worry about because he's too busy designing games at Stern to hit the casinos. He won PAPA A-division 6 times and is the best player I've ever seen.

  9. #229
    After consideration and some real world analysis it appears I have a new found respect for members like Bill Yung and LarryS. Especially Bill Yung who seems to have a very keen grasp on internet gambling forums and how they are a complete fabrication to the real world. I find it humorous how on the forums everyone talks a good game, is winning and the most respectable honest Hustlers/APs in the world. It is clear to me why I haven't been a part of the forum community until recently just under 2 years now. As a matter of fact I really didn't even know that these sites existed and for the most part did not care because I was too busy doing it for real on a daily basis in Vegas. Online gambling forums in general are truly Fantasy Island compared to real world interactions and it is easier and easier for me not to post anymore in the near future. The allure has faded and the veil has been lifted. Mamat made some really good points about internet forums and WoV in general and how winning players are hardly on them and always cry broke compared to showing off the wins. I myself am guilty of posting up picture after picture of large jackpots. I remember years ago when my pal first started to do that as if they were trophies. I used to scoff and laugh at him and tease him about it. It wasn't long after that it rubbed off on me and a bad habit started to form. Next I decided to join WoV to ask a question about 13 quad cycles and I got hooked on the entertainment aspect of posting with a bunch of gamblers. I think the difference with me is that I admitted that I would hit 20k one day and a few days later I would lose 20k or more. I've had a great run these last two years and have been winning for the last 15+ but the first 10 years or so were not like that. Sleeping on sidewalks and going broke all the time along with other problems. Don't let anyone sugar coat this lifestyle or make you think it is easy because it is anything but easy. I also have been brutally honest about Lie, Cheat and Steal inside of the Casinos and showcase my own lifestyle and experiences in that regard. I find it humorous that online everyone is straight and holy but in real life they are just as low down as I am or even worse. This is something that I expected so it wasn't a huge shock but like the founder of this site... I will be following in his footsteps hardly reading or posting in the near future on any site. It has been a pleasure and entertaining but as Bill Yung pointed out, this mouse has seen through the cheese!

    To AxelWolf... you will be happy to read that I will no longer bring up WoV on this site and what WoV is talking about. I hope that makes you feel a little better that some of us who may have cried or complained about WoV will not be doing it anymore.
    Last edited by monet; 02-09-2018 at 01:50 PM.

  10. #230
    As with WoV, the lemmings continue to leap off the cliff into the sea.

    Natural selection?
    Last edited by MisterV; 02-09-2018 at 02:41 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #231
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    As with WoV, the lemmings continue to leap off the cliff into the sea.

    Natural selection?
    You hooked me in! I read your post on WoV about Natural Selection and how unproductive members of society bring down the strong and society in general. You did state that you don't want to just cull or wipe them all out but it was pretty clear that you feel that the strong should be allowed to move forward and the weak left to die. This is very hard boiled. You can't just start wiping people out because they are born with less capabilities compared to others. You and I and everyone in this world is supposed to be helping, not hurting people. The strong are supposed to take care of the weak and defend them. That line of thinking you had on that post over there on WoV made me think about the concentration camps and to be honest Germany wasn't the first or last to have them. Here in the US we had our very own. The point is that you just can't start sending the weak or the criminals of the world into the ovens. What is supposed to be done is to lead by example and over time your actions are supposed to try and help them see a better way to live or go about living and helping each other. Honestly Mr V... Natural Selection might work for deer, bear, and other such animals but it doesn't work as well with humans who have emotions and some sort of a conscious.

  12. #232
    There is a cost in not allowing natural selection to weed out the weak, the infirm, those who cannot contribute to the good of the order.

    The cost is that society becomes weaker generation after generation, and not stronger.

    We see that today, with all the homeless fucks out begging on the sidewalks and freeway offramps instead of being productive contributors.

    Me, I am tired of my tax dollars being used to prop up these wastrels.

    There needs to be an open season on them, no limit.

    But seriously, do a WPA-type thing: round them up and feed and house them while they do manual labor to rebuild our failing infrastructure; don't just let them mingle uncontrolled with polite society; they're the modern day lepers.
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #233
    Mr V seems to think that the end result of loss of humans can be labeled "natural selection:" as if its "natures way". The ovens of germany was not natural selection, people dying of famine in africa is not natural selection. In the starving case. it would assume that the people who are starving are somehow inferior genetically, and that people from poland for instance would not starve to death under the same conditions. ......neither of the above is natural selection.

    Sometimes the natural surroundings brutalize people till they are no genetic fault of their own that can even remotely be be traced to natural selection.

    So if people dont go to a restaurant that gives poor customer service.....that is not natural selection. And if people at that restaurant who see neighbors mistreated decide to speak up and get banned...that is not natural selection......unless you are saying that the restaurant only wants to cater to week knee'd spineless people.

    In this case natural selection is nothing to brag about. To be one of the spineless people who are allowed to patronize the restaurant is not really a badge of honor nor does it constitute survival bragging rights.

    the "look how fortunate I am to be allowed to pay for food and service at this place run by emotionally unstable, sadistic, psychotic bastards" bragging is not something I admire....but rather pity.

  14. #234
    LarryS., your point eludes me.

    I espouse neither euthanasia nor crematoriums.

    My "open season" comment was tongue in cheek.

    Perhaps we need to bring vagrancy laws back on the books, and have infrastructure rebuilding facilities in place for them in lieu of jail for those convicted.

    We're not a bunch of Marxists, are we?

    "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

    What, Me Worry?

  15. #235
    I dont like your tone, after all I have been mentioned in the magazines, trixie and dixie, money and honey, jackass and sassafras, necrophilia and memorabilia, knishes and death wishes, Gacy and Dick Tracy, obtuse and chartruce ho-hos and dildos, and Quaaludes and black dudes.

    and I can provide proof

    so before challenging anything I say, please first get subscriptions to those periodicals and then you will be enlightened

  16. #236
    I get all I need to know from perusing back issues of "Mad Magazine."
    Last edited by MisterV; 02-09-2018 at 06:28 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  17. #237
    well then screw it, I will deliver it to Alan......he will vouch for me.

  18. #238
    Well, water takes the path of least resistance. Entropy increases in general, and where it decreases locally, this is a product of a higher-order sense of least resistance. In this sense, are matters and things not reasonable, even without knowing and understanding all of the answers? We aren't so different from the subatomic-on-up stuff that composes us; and don't think that that stuff doesn't take a cue or two from us in return. Dumb stuff can't and won't just happen. Certainly, nothing to fret about. Incidentally, the working opposite of Pascal's "wager" is to correctly assume that God is all-loving, and will take only they who do not "believe", or doubt this of God? What's that about a watched pot not boiling?
    78255585899=317*13723*17989=(310+7)*[(13730-7)*(100*100+7979+10)]-->LOVE avatar@137_371_179_791, or 137_371_17[3^2]_7[3^2]1, 1=V-->Ace, low. 78255585899-->99858555287=(99858555288-1)=[-1+(72*2227)*(722777-100000)]={-1+(72*2227)*[(2000+700777+20000)-100000]}-->1_722_227_277_772_1. 7×8×2×5×5×5×8×5×8×9×9=362880000=(1000000000-6√97020000-100000)-->169_721. (7/8×2/5×5/5×8/5×8/9×9)={[(-.1+.9)]^2×(6+1)}-->1961=√4*2.24; (1/7×8/2×5/5×5/8×5/8×9/9)={1/[7×(-.2+1)^2]}-->1721=[(10*10/4)/(√4+110)].

  19. #239
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    I get all I need to know from perusing back issues of "Mad Magazine."
    And I get all I need from perusing old issues of its defunct sister magazine "Cracked" .

  20. #240
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    As with WoV, the lemmings continue to leap off the cliff into the sea.

    Natural selection?
    You hooked me in! I read your post on WoV about Natural Selection and how unproductive members of society bring down the strong and society in general. You did state that you don't want to just cull or wipe them all out but it was pretty clear that you feel that the strong should be allowed to move forward and the weak left to die. This is very hard boiled. You can't just start wiping people out because they are born with less capabilities compared to others. You and I and everyone in this world is supposed to be helping, not hurting people. The strong are supposed to take care of the weak and defend them. That line of thinking you had on that post over there on WoV made me think about the concentration camps and to be honest Germany wasn't the first or last to have them. Here in the US we had our very own. The point is that you just can't start sending the weak or the criminals of the world into the ovens. What is supposed to be done is to lead by example and over time your actions are supposed to try and help them see a better way to live or go about living and helping each other. Honestly Mr V... Natural Selection might work for deer, bear, and other such animals but it doesn't work as well with humans who have emotions and some sort of a conscious.
    "They can't wipe us out and they can't get rid of us because we're the people...."
    MA JOAD in The Grapes of Wrath
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

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