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Thread: The WoV Thread

  1. #261
    Yeah, and the state gives the little bitch welfare, food stamps, subsidized housing: all at our collective expense.

    Christ on a crutch, the American Dream is now a fucking nightmare, at least for those among us who actually work for a living and pay taxes.
    What, Me Worry?

  2. #262
    that was the great thing about Giuliani when he became mayor in NYC.....he felt the if you let the little things "go" and look the other way, the bigger things follow.
    So he cracked down on the pan handlers, and subway graffiti, and noise poltution from boom boxes(back then people actually carried them liek i did as a teen with a handheld transistor radio) ....making NYC noticeably more livable. He got alot of heat from the libs, but to his credit he didnt back down.

    It all reverted back after he left, as it has spread to other parts of the country as well.

    It was a nice try....but not many people with balls enough to make decisions like that are around anymore as "political correctness" and "civil liberties" have been used to send this country in a spiral downward.

    The middle class is brutalized by this behavior, while the rich hollywood crowd sit atop the mountain in the hills of beverly and proclaim that the poor poor homeless need to be accepted as part of society as they are, ...after all...they will never be in contact with them like the working middle class who see them daily. And as they proclaim that all and any are welcome to this country as their children go to private schools with no immigrants in the classes and only immigrants in their neighborhoods doing manual labor.

  3. #263
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Your concepts fail when those who need to be removed are either yourself or the ones you care about. When the leaders come to execute your two children because they no longer benefit the tribe you will have a different way of thinking.
    At that point I define myself and my two children as the new tribe and view the leaders and their followers as a hostile tribe in conflict with mine. And then the stronger tribe shall survive, such is the will of nature.

  4. #264
    The libtards in the Trump thread are all gaga again. Mueller indicted 13 Russians for meddling in the election by spreading stories favorable to Trump and disparaging Hillary. I'm sure Mueller, being the fair and impartial person that he is, will soon be indicting the Russians that put together all the fictitional disparaging information on Trump in the Steele dossier, in order to elevate Hillary. This is what the libtards don't get. If the Russians were so gung ho about getting Trump elected why did they put out all that disparaging information on him?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  5. #265
    So Zenking got a two week vacation for vulgarity.

    Those bright eyed pollyannas at WoV just don't get how he's trolled them for many months.

    Nobody can really believe the line of cockamamie bullshit that douchenozzle spews.

    He should have killed himself like he "threatened" to do; a bullshit threat, of course.
    What, Me Worry?

  6. #266
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    So Zenking got a two week vacation for vulgarity.

    Those bright eyed pollyannas at WoV just don't get how he's trolled them for many months.

    Nobody can really believe the line of cockamamie bullshit that douchenozzle spews.

    He should have killed himself like he "threatened" to do; a bullshit threat, of course.
    I don't know if ZenKinG is trolling anyone. Maybe he is. I don't think so. I just think he is clearly not cut out for blackjack card counting. Not at a level to make any kind of living as he desires. He just can not handle the swings involved. Some people can't. Some aren't cut out for it. ZenKing clearly isn't. Some do learn to deal with the swings (variance) as time goes on, but ZenKing just has shown no signs of that.

    I have tried to help him as best I could being that I am not able to participate on the sites he was on. He joined GamblingForums just as it was collapsing last year and he has participated a little at blackjackinfo in the past few months, but he doesn't want to hear what I have to say, so I can't really offer him much.

    One of the big things that I identified, and someone mentioned it today in that thread (I am sorry, I don't remember who), is that ZenKing is NOT playing to a 50 thousand bankroll as he thinks and says he is. He is probably playing to a 10 thousand bankroll, because that is about what he is really willing to lose. What this means is he is betting at levels as if he is playing to a 50k bankroll, but really playing to a $10k bankroll. That is over betting....fatally overbetting. That can only end one way. Each time his bankroll goes up or own 5k, which should be a 10% swings, which happens regularly (That's why a large BR is required), he ends up freaking out, because that is NOT a 10% swing to him. That is like a 50% swing of what he is really willing to lose. SO HE FREAKS OUT!

    It's ok if he didn't want to risk his entire 50k net worth. He should have decided what he was really willing to risk (maybe 20k) and determined that to be his bankroll and set his betting levels and spread to where that bankroll could support his play at a reasonable RoR. But that's not what he has done.

    What I did find really odd about that thread today is MrBo's participation. MrBo is a highly successful blackjack player, who has run a very successful blackjack team for several decades. If he is who I believe he is, he is a blackjack hall of fame member. I am surprised he is involved in a thread like that. I am not sure how or why MrBo found WoV and decided to start participating, but he obviously has not figured out that WoV is not a site about members helping one another, nor trying to help younger, newer members, like where I knew MrBo from. So I guess he sees people at WoV lining up to take their shots at Zenking, rather than attempt to help him and doesn't like it.

    I doubt MrBo has read enough of the ZenKing diatribe to know that Zenking is beyond help at this point. Zenking doesn't even need help. He has all the answers! Las Vegas is mobbed up and cheats with Chinese prison cards. You are wasting your time, MrBo.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 02-16-2018 at 10:35 PM.

  7. #267
    MrBo wrote as his opening post at WoV:

    "As a professional blackjack player, who has managed and financed players for 40 years, I am familiar with KJ dating back 10 years to Kens Smith’s forum. I have alway been troubled by his message board posting. It would seem some of you have trouble differentiating between KJ the immature, thin skinned and often obnoxious poster of and KJ the blackjack player. Have any of you that are questioning KJ’s ability at the blackjack table and the legitimacy of his claims of professional play, actually witnessed him play?

    I have seen him play on several occasions without his knowledge. He really isn’t that hard to find if you are inclined to. It takes but a few minutes to see him take control of the table, without anyone even knowing that he has. There is little doubt that he is an expert player. I have no doubts as to the validity of the claims he has made regarding his results. The thing I question is why?

    I recruited KJ for my team 6 or 7 years ago, despite my concerns over his forum posting activities. As his posting activity has grown more disturbing in recent years, I don’t know if I would feel comfortable recruiting him again. Perhaps with some sort of silence agreement. But for anyone to suggest that his online activity is any indication of his blackjack ability, is someone who has not seen him play."

    Hello, back-handed compliment.
    What, Me Worry?

  8. #268
    Well thank you for reposting that MisterV. Did you think I missed these comments when they occurred, or did you just want to be sure I (and everyone else) knows that this person had some unflattering things to say about me. Mickey brought it up in another thread the day it occurred so yeah, I am well aware that MrBo does not approve of my posting on forums.

    If MrBo is bojack from Ken Smith's Blackjackinfo back in the day, I have great respect for him for what he has achieved in blackjack as well as appreciate that he took an interest in me back in the day helped me both privately and publicly. So, he thinks I post too much. Big deal. He can join the club. I don't see what business that is of his since I am not, nor ever was a member of his team.

    One of the things I just adore is when people make comments about me on a site, where I can not respond.

  9. #269

  10. #270
    Can I get cliffs on this thread plx?

    And yeah I had a hunch MrBo = KJ, thanks for confirming, Axel.

  11. #271
    You would think that WoV would be glad to have a new member like MrBo. Imagine what a guy like that could tell you about blackjack. The stories he could tell. But no, Babs has to treat him like a fucking kid. No wonder AP's aren't flocking to the site anymore.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  12. #272
    It's unbelievable the false premises the libtards start in the Trump thread. Trump never denied there was Russian meddling in elections. He only denied there was collusion between his campaign and the Russians. If you want fake news you don't have to go to CNN. Just go to the Trump thread at WoV. And with Babs moderating you've got the fox watching the henhouse.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  13. #273
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    MrBo = KJ

    MrBo and I differ on several topics. He thinks I post too much. I am thinking....not enough.

    MrBo apparently feels bad and wants to help ZenKing. That ship has sailed for me. I think ZenKing is a nut, who deserves most of the shit he is getting because of his idiotic comments. I think ZenKing is not cut out for Blackjack card counting or any kind of AP. He should move on to the next thing in his life.

    If I remember correctly, over-moderator Babs, looked into MrBo, when he first showed up and declared him not a previous member. I am guessing the others looked into that too.

    But you know what, if MrBo is the guy from the old blackjackinfo, he is a BJ hall of fame guy (I am pretty sure). Doesn't Mike know and have contact with the Hall of Fame guys. He should be able to easily confirm. Or maybe he has and that's why he has remained silent.

    I have come to think pretty little of you Axel, so I expect very little of you. But you continue to surprise me and set the bar at new lows with such a unfounded and easily disproven suggestion. I guess all is fair in disparaging me. Just make shit up!

  14. #274
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    You would think that WoV would be glad to have a new member like MrBo. Imagine what a guy like that could tell you about blackjack. The stories he could tell. But no, Babs has to treat him like a fucking kid. No wonder AP's aren't flocking to the site anymore.
    I would say a lot of AP's probably lurk the site, or just post random ass memes and stuff like I do

  15. #275
    KJ, how can you claim you're not sure as to his identity when MrBo says he recruited you for his blackjack team 6 or 7 years ago?

    One would think recruitment involves some form of personal contact, which would lead to introduction and exposure of identity?

    Or was it all cloak and dagger?
    What, Me Worry?

  16. #276
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    You would think that WoV would be glad to have a new member like MrBo. Imagine what a guy like that could tell you about blackjack. The stories he could tell. But no, Babs has to treat him like a fucking kid.
    This kind of caught me off guard. I had to go back and read it. I guess I missed where Babs was pissed because Bojack commented on Zenking. She is pissed so, she will likely drive away a very successful AP. I still wonder how Babs got to be in charge over there, because that's pretty much where they are at. She basically runs things. And look what that has resulted in. That site is nothing like it used to be.

    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    No wonder AP's aren't flocking to the site anymore.
    I honestly don't know why I ever signed up over there. In fairness, WoV was different when I signed up. It has really gone in the toilet and basically now has little to do with the topic of advantage play.

    I am reviewing my history. Everyone knows about my banning 2 years ago, so I won't rehash that. But here are some things that have occurred since then:

    1.) A member sid the squid was allowed to repeatedly attack me over and over before he was finally banned. Sid the squid blames me for his blackjack career not going as he had hoped.

    2.) In one of his first posts, ZenKing made reference that I was responsible for his move to Las Vegas and HIS BJ career not going as he had hoped. he suggested that I worked for the casinos.

    What the fuck....I never told anyone to quit their job and move to Vegas to pursue card counting....NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!

    3.) About a year ago, well know AP James Grosjean, using a sockpuppet, made a disparaging post at WoV (and one of the blackjack sites) that I should have progressed much more than I have up the AP ladder. I am sorry, I haven't progressed to James's expectation. I like what I do. And I don't particularly like hole carding, which is James specialty.

    4.) Recently member Horse, who was a Singer sock puppet, was allowed to make several attacks of me at WoV. The new rule that sock puppet's post were immediately removed, was overlooked, since he was attacking me.

    5.) And now my old friend bojack, shows up with some negative comments, wrapped around supposed support of me. I respect bojack, but come on, the guy suggested he came to Vegas and watched me play without my knowledge. He specifically said it isn't that hard to find me, which would encourage others to do so.

    The AP community is really fucked up! Backstabbing and egos. And WoV seems to be at the center of all the negative shit. Mike has allowed this atmosphere. Without a doubt signing up at WoV was the worse decision of my AP career.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 02-17-2018 at 11:48 AM.

  17. #277
    WoV is not a site dedicated to AP's.

    It is the message board associated with WoO, which has no dedicated board of its own.

    That AP's gravitated to WoV early on seems to have been more by coincidence than by design.

    The board's primary purpose would be to provide correct info as to how to play various casino games, both recreationally and "professionally."

    Question: was the Wiz ever a renowned blackjack AP?

    If not, why should his board have to cater and pay homage to AP's?
    What, Me Worry?

  18. #278
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    KJ, how can you claim you're not sure as to his identity when MrBo says he recruited you for his blackjack team 6 or 7 years ago?

    One would think recruitment involves some form of personal contact, which would lead to introduction and exposure of identity?

    Or was it all cloak and dagger?
    I was recruited or asked if I had interest in joining 3 different teams. Two were new teams just being put together and besides that I wasn't really interested in team play, I didn't feel like they knew what they were doing. One of those two has gone on to pretty big success.

    The third team was run by a member at Blackjackinfo with the handle bojack. Bojacks history was /is that of a long-time team manager and member of a very successful team that began in the late 70's in Atlantic City and is still successful today (although most members are getting older and slowing down). What I didn't realize at the time is that bojack's history is identical including years started to a well know, (one of the top BJ teams in history) team member and manager, who is a member of the blackjack hall of fame. The team is still know by this player's name.

    So that's what I mean when I say I am now 90% sure bojack or MrBo was/is this rather famous BJ team organizer / player / manager. I am speaking of his real identity. I know bojack recruited me, I am just not yet 100% sure he is the BJ hall of fame guy with identical background. Pretty sure though....if I were a betting man....

  19. #279
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Question: was the Wiz ever a renowned blackjack AP?
    The answer is yes...absolutely. When Mike moved to Vegas, he was doing a lot of card counting in his early years. I am not going to speak for him and honestly don't know if that was ever his entire means of support. But that is where he started. I get the feeling that he pretty quickly expanded to other areas though.

    Why are you asking me? You are on that site....ask him.

    And yes, WoV used to be considered an AP "related" forum, when I signed up. It wasn't all AP discussions, that is one of the things I liked, but there was significant AP discussions and many cross-over members from a couple of the blackjack AP / card counting sites.

    Not to slap at WoV, but it really doesn't have the reputation any longer. Many blackjack AP's were banned or driven away. It really is just sort of a goofy...I don't know how to even describe it other than a jr high atmosphere. Name-calling and trying to get one- another suspended and banned. Kid's stuff! It really has little to do with AP or even gambling these days and that is sad.

    You know how you know WoV is so screwed up? You can go to the ban list, which is many pages, because Mike gets off on that shaming aspect (power trip), and you could easily make the top AP related site from members that have been banned! And it would be all facets of AP. Just think about that.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 02-17-2018 at 12:06 PM.

  20. #280
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Question: was the Wiz ever a renowned blackjack AP?
    Why are you asking me? You are on that site....ask him.
    Lack of balls? Look, I doubt that the "Wizard" was or is a renowned anything.
    78255585899=317*13723*17989=(310+7)*[(13730-7)*(100*100+7979+10)]-->LOVE avatar@137_371_179_791, or 137_371_17[3^2]_7[3^2]1, 1=V-->Ace, low. 78255585899-->99858555287=(99858555288-1)=[-1+(72*2227)*(722777-100000)]={-1+(72*2227)*[(2000+700777+20000)-100000]}-->1_722_227_277_772_1. 7×8×2×5×5×5×8×5×8×9×9=362880000=(1000000000-6√97020000-100000)-->169_721. (7/8×2/5×5/5×8/5×8/9×9)={[(-.1+.9)]^2×(6+1)}-->1961=√4*2.24; (1/7×8/2×5/5×5/8×5/8×9/9)={1/[7×(-.2+1)^2]}-->1721=[(10*10/4)/(√4+110)].

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