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Thread: The WoV Thread

  1. #521
    Football season is far away but I'm willing to go 50/50 on it with Mission but he knows I have told him I'm lazy about it. I hate having to stand at those kiosks and push the buttons and collect the paper tickets. I certainly wasn't trying to con him in any way shape or form. I asked him if he wanted to pick the teams to help give me incentive to plug in my picks. Many times for many years I don't even bother. It's not that it's not beatable or that it's not free because it is but I just don't bother. I don't really bother with looking at UX all day either. That stuff is exhausting to me. I'd rather bang on a machine with break even expectations.

    I dont know if Mission is aware but I've hooked up a decent amount of WoVers with free rooms and food. Not only did I check people in under my name and credit card I also showed them some machines to play with clear advantages but you need months of time. These people are only here for a few days... it's not gonna work. People like RS and others think I'm up to something but I'm not. It's my way of giving. I don't give to the church or organizations. I give freely to individuals. Some people tithe... this is my way of tithing. Truth be told... I hung out with ZK and AW paying all expenses and gave AW a ride home. I hardly ever contact anyone I've met off of these sites because I'm busy... I got my own troubles. I sent ZK a message once telling him to be careful meeting people off of boards because it's painted much different online compared to real life. He agreed and we do our own thing on our own. That's one thing I like about ZK. He is out here doing it! Perhaps not very well but he's for real and never contacts me. I like that... don't call me, I'll call you. The truth is it takes time to figure out Vegas... ZK might be ahead of us all in 10 years.
    Last edited by monet; 03-13-2018 at 03:05 PM.

  2. #522
    So monet, it seems everyone in this world can be cheated or robbed or scammed, and they shouldnt complain because they took an improper deduction on their tax form, or they went on a supermarket self service line and realized when they geot to the car that they didnt scan the case of water under the cart....and didnt go back and pay. OR the 7-11 cashier gave you change for a 20 dllar bill after you gave them a 10.
    Or what happened to me, I had a stack of chips on the double street 31-36 on roulette. 36 hits.The dealer takes the stack away and breaks it down into stacks of 5 dollar chips....and then restacks it on single street 34-36. and pays as such.
    We all deserve to be scammed? Is there a difference between everyday people who do the above and AP people who do it twice a week or twice a month at casinos? I am sure you are not saying that there is a proper number stealing that makes them an ok target to cheat.

    So why is the daughter of darkoz more deserving of being cheated than john doe who cheats on his taxes, or doesnt return overpayment from a cashier. She must have heard about if from darkoz who in turn might have been swayed to let her try itout based on the meeting he had with mission present. Either consciously or sub consciously. He had to have given her contact info so she could do the deal. Just assuming. I may be wrong.

    I dont think that APs deserve to be cheated any more than the average small business owner who probably selectively reports certain income, and may inflate some deductions. Or the millions of people over the years who have privately purchased a car for 3k, but report it as a 500 dollar sale in order to save paying taxes.

    I dont see your point that APs should expect to be f--ked or take being screwed in stride...or that they deserve it. If anything no one is you are saying we all deserve it so dont complain when it happens.

  3. #523
    Deserves got nothing to do with anything really. I mean if you really want to get serious about life and all, we should be living honest lives loving one another. As crazy as it sounds we should even love our enemies more so than our family or friends because that shows the real difference when comparing individuals. This also safeguards against any problems with retaliation or hate or improper behavior. The point is an individual isn't supposed to be involved in questionable activity which frees them from getting scammed. However, the individual is supposed to have the attitude of giving away their cloak after finding out the con man stole their jacket. I am pretty sure none of us on these boards are at that level of living a truly selfless life which is really the AP move in the long run.

    Just because I know the way or plan that is clearly correct doesn't mean I'm even close to following it. It appears once you get enslaved into the greed of the world or other vices it is a mother F er to change your spots so to speak. I don't know how to explain it to you on my stupid cell phone because it's harder to type it out. The point is that in this situation everyone involved was up to no good to some extent and when your up to no good, bad things can and will happen.

    Another mind set that an individual should have is to be begging that evil doers are to be forgiven because they don't understand what or even why they are doing what they are doing. This life is very temporary and an individual is supposed to actually care more for others than their own life which is what true love is all about. However I know it in the classroom sense but I am failing miserably in the real world testing of it all.
    Last edited by monet; 03-13-2018 at 07:26 PM.

  4. #524
    Did anyone read the recent Mr V post in the Strictly AP/WoN thread page 23? I could sue for plagiarism. I seriously am jealous that it appears he stole a page out of my very own personal playbook. How many people were thinking that but didn't outright say it like Mr V!? Impressive! Nicely Done! I'm still in awe of that post... seriously, Great Post you SoB you!!

    Those who got fleeced should STFU...

    Golly Mr V... I can't get over that!! I just might have to frame that post.
    Last edited by monet; 03-13-2018 at 08:10 PM.

  5. #525
    Those who got fleeced should STFU and take it, not whine about it being Mission's fault.

    the above is brilliant? Except victims or fathers of victims are not complaining of being fleeced on wov. Even darkoz whose daughter got burned didnt complain. And no fleeced person has ever blamed mission.
    who that got fleeced was whining on wov? Dancer had a legit play and was fleeced, it was out and out theft..and he hasnt talked about it for years and he never blamed mission. Darkoz mentiioned it but didnt whine, he just gave a factual account and neither of those 2 men blames mission.

    So name the people who got fleeced that blamed mission.

    I thought it was all about special treatment of a conman, in allowing him to use a sock and deleting rather than editing a post that outs him, and allowing advertisement in the signature by someone that worked for or with him in the past. It was more about preferential treatment by a mod than a bunch of fleeced people whining.

    the statement by MrV was very safe......he offended nobody, because out of the 200 posts on this topic....virtually no fleeced person on wov was whining about their loss while at the same time blaming mission.

    All the people on this website whining about the price of gasoline.....STFU and pay at the pump..prices go up and down...and stop blaming Norway .

    All the people on this website whining that Dustin Hoffman hasnt made a decent movie in 2 decades...STFU and stop blaming Spielberg

    All the people on this website whining that that price of Bell peppers has double in the last 3 years...STFU and stop blaming Justin Timberlake

    All the people on this website whining that you cant get a decent looking vegas whore anymore...STFU.....and stop blaming trump for taking the good ones

    direct me to the thread that had the masses of people moaning about getting fleeced while blaming mission. I have yet to see one fleeced person blame mission. Its fake news.

    MrV did say that the actual people who were fleeced were blaming mission, and i guess he needed to address those masses.

    well mission accomplished. All those folks got a piece of MrV's mind....who ever and where ever they are in fairy tale land.

  6. #526
    For a moment I joined the frenzy but then it hit me that the same state of mind that has led to the "Me Too" movement had infected WoV.
    What, Me Worry?

  7. #527
    Money, what would be on a slot card that would make it have a sale value of $1000? And are we talking about a card in someone else's name or one of those generic cards? Anyways, what's the scam here?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  8. #528
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Money, what would be on a slot card that would make it have a sale value of $1000? And are we talking about a card in someone else's name or one of those generic cards? Anyways, what's the scam here?
    If a card is getting back 500$ in free play a week, for the next month or two, it easily has a value of 1000$ cash pending you trust the person you're dealing with and assuming all risks. Multiply that by several cards you can do pretty well.

  9. #529
    Drawing Dead trumps Mr Vs direct approach with a very witty and hilarious post but doesn't get one thank you or even a reply to his wonderfully worded post.

    I am Prince Moohoohollah of Abudja, and I would like to request your inconspicuous assistance protecting a large monetary sum...

  10. #530
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    So mission resigned.

    The king is dead, long live the king.
    More like mission over.

    Obviously, after all that time on such a "scared of the slightest truth" forum, one mod became every bit as corrupt as the other; and if one has to step down as mod for that, than all should resign as members.
    78255585899=317*13723*17989=(310+7)*[(13730-7)*(100*100+7979+10)]-->LOVE avatar@137_371_179_791, or 137_371_17[3^2]_7[3^2]1, 1=V-->Ace, low. 78255585899-->99858555287=(99858555288-1)=[-1+(72*2227)*(722777-100000)]={-1+(72*2227)*[(2000+700777+20000)-100000]}-->1_722_227_277_772_1. 7×8×2×5×5×5×8×5×8×9×9=362880000=(1000000000-6√97020000-100000)-->169_721. (7/8×2/5×5/5×8/5×8/9×9)={[(-.1+.9)]^2×(6+1)}-->1961=√4*2.24; (1/7×8/2×5/5×5/8×5/8×9/9)={1/[7×(-.2+1)^2]}-->1721=[(10*10/4)/(√4+110)].

  11. #531
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Any guesses as to who will be elevated to fill the empty mod slot?
    The front runner to be mod is currently BoyMimbo, his face is covered in brown, it's so far up Shacks ass.....SOOPOO your the runner up.

  12. #532
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    The front runner to be mod is currently BoyMimbo, his face is covered in brown, it's so far up Shacks ass.....SOOPOO your the runner up.
    78255585899=317*13723*17989=(310+7)*[(13730-7)*(100*100+7979+10)]-->LOVE avatar@137_371_179_791, or 137_371_17[3^2]_7[3^2]1, 1=V-->Ace, low. 78255585899-->99858555287=(99858555288-1)=[-1+(72*2227)*(722777-100000)]={-1+(72*2227)*[(2000+700777+20000)-100000]}-->1_722_227_277_772_1. 7×8×2×5×5×5×8×5×8×9×9=362880000=(1000000000-6√97020000-100000)-->169_721. (7/8×2/5×5/5×8/5×8/9×9)={[(-.1+.9)]^2×(6+1)}-->1961=√4*2.24; (1/7×8/2×5/5×5/8×5/8×9/9)={1/[7×(-.2+1)^2]}-->1721=[(10*10/4)/(√4+110)].

  13. #533
    William Yung is by far the voice of reason and analyzes the situation perfectly. I notice Yung and LarryS take a lot of backlash and criticism but in the last few months they post up some darn good points and posts IMO.

    Ozzy makes great points about the brown nosers but BoyMimbo did make a turnaround telling a story about getting shafted on a football contest. However, that member like many WoV members sure does love his Wiz Kid.

    I'm surprised Roger Kint isnt up Mikes rectum like he was when I told mike to GFY!?

  14. #534
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    William Yung is by far the voice of reason and analyzes the situation perfectly. I notice Yung and LarryS take a lot of backlash and criticism but in the last few months they post up some darn good points and posts IMO.

    Ozzy makes great points about the brown misers but BoyMimbo did make a turnaround telling a story about getting shafted on s football contest. However, that member like many WoV members sure does love his Wiz Kid.

    I'm surprised Roger Kint isnt up Mikes rectum like he was when I told mike to GFY!?
    You are correct that LarryS often makes good points and is a somewhat entertaining writer...he just never shuts his mouth for 14 hrs at a time, often saturating his good points with mud the rest of the time...Bill Jung is just a plain moron who’s posts give most people a migraine

  15. #535
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Money, what would be on a slot card that would make it have a sale value of $1000? And are we talking about a card in someone else's name or one of those generic cards? Anyways, what's the scam here?
    If a card is getting back 500$ in free play a week, for the next month or two, it easily has a value of 1000$ cash pending you trust the person you're dealing with and assuming all risks. Multiply that by several cards you can do pretty well.
    I don't know everything MC... far from it but I honestly know of only one person that I would break off 4K for players cards upfront. Not only upfront but you have to wait 3 to 6 weeks to verify the free play. Honestly, how dumb can one be? Especially someone like DarkOz who claims to understand APing and many things Casino. As always there are two sides to every story. I suspect we aren't getting the whole truth and even if we are they made a really bad play giving up that much cash upfront!?

    Just like Dancer did... ok here is a 2500 dollar ticket, pal. Send me the money. Sure Dancer... Checks in the mail buddy!!

    Keystone... I'm sure I give just as many members a migraine as well. I'm certainly not going to win any popularity contests on these boards but I do enjoy reading my own posts. I'm a sick, twisted, crippled individual though.
    Last edited by monet; 03-14-2018 at 08:00 AM.

  16. #536
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    William Yung is by far the voice of reason and analyzes the situation perfectly. I notice Yung and LarryS take a lot of backlash and criticism but in the last few months they post up some darn good points and posts IMO.

    Ozzy makes great points about the brown nosers but BoyMimbo did make a turnaround telling a story about getting shafted on a football contest. However, that member like many WoV members sure does love his Wiz Kid.

    I'm surprised Roger Kint isnt up Mikes rectum like he was when I told mike to GFY!?
    You may not like Roger Kint, but he has a mind of his own and is not a sheep, like many others on that site. He's very entertaining at times.

  17. #537
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I'm a sick, twisted, crippled individual though.
    Ah, a perfect candidate for the open mod slot.

    Zero pay and all the flak you can handle.

    They say that "virtue is its own reward."
    What, Me Worry?

  18. #538
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    William Yung is by far the voice of reason and analyzes the situation perfectly. I notice Yung and LarryS take a lot of backlash and criticism but in the last few months they post up some darn good points and posts IMO.

    Ozzy makes great points about the brown nosers but BoyMimbo did make a turnaround telling a story about getting shafted on a football contest. However, that member like many WoV members sure does love his Wiz Kid.

    I'm surprised Roger Kint isnt up Mikes rectum like he was when I told mike to GFY!?
    You may not like Roger Kint, but he has a mind of his own and is not a sheep, like many others on that site. He's very entertaining at times.
    It's not about like or dislike. He always attacked me for talking about machines and mail. Made fun of me with the Dragon Casino and Gas Cards. Makes fun of me trying to help a member out giving him free rooms and comps and picking them up at the airport for free.

    Now forget all that noise. I was saying that he kisses Mikes Ass just like the other brown nosers you mentioned. Go back and read jumping off a cliff thread and look how Roger Kint has Mikes back and is far up his rectum.

    I've read plenty of Roger Kints posts. Most of them are sarcastic one liners which is fine but he isn't breaking down any gambling information. He is just like most members waiting to strike when he sees weakness. That's fine, I do it as well but I'm not up Mikes ass or anyone else's like Roger Kint and his teaming AP pals. Of course you cant blame him he has to be like that to stay with the wolf pack!
    Last edited by monet; 03-14-2018 at 08:33 AM.

  19. #539
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I'm a sick, twisted, crippled individual though.
    Ah, a perfect candidate for the open mod slot.

    Zero pay and all the flak you can handle.

    They say that "virtue is its own reward."
    I stole that line from the hustler with Paul Newman.

    You don't have to wear a mask Eddie. They wear masks but you don't have to Eddie. Inside their perverted, twisted, crippled.

    Not the exact quote but close enough.

  20. #540
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I don't care really... I want to know if I can get in on the shop n save AP play!?
    I read this and was like WTH until I found the reference to the $1200 GE AP on WOV. I didn't realize there were still opportunities there.

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