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Thread: AP Tactics LV

  1. #81

    the wife and kids must love this.

    yet people are nuked for far less. He wants a high class board. Someone found calling someone sarcastically "a real genius" to be a insult..and a suspension ensued. Do women in general like this type of post?

  2. #82
    Wizard's Blog - Page 8 - blogs - Wizard of Vegas
    May 2, 2011 ... I just came from there and this is the story of my visit. The primary reason for my trip to Panama was banking in nature, but the secondary purpose was to investigate and report on the gambling scene in Panama City. I will go over that, and other non-gambling activities in two future blog entries coming soon.>>>>from wov search

    this is on the search thread when i plug in panama city......I remember reading this and the "banking" reason for being there///but it seems to be deleted, unless there is a way yo pull up old stuff.

  3. #83
    Originally Posted by monet View Post

    You should read this thread about how much knowledge every member has about hookers. It is clearly wrong to steal with the WoV community but playing with hookers... no big deal. It seems to be encouraged, cheered upon and idolized with WoV.
    This is perfectly consistent with a libertarian morality. Stealing involves a nonconsenting party, prostitution is a consensual business transaction, therefore if your morality is based around the concept of consent, one is AOK the other is not.

  4. #84
    Ok monet..I gave it a go....I believe its been removed. He did get alot of heat for it at GF at the time so he probably tossed it or one of his bosses did.

    It was a lengthy report. In the above he says it took up 2 future blogs. Its was very detailed, and after all in a "banking trip" in panama, why not hang out with and give money to a prostitute(even though he didnt admit to sex with her).

  5. #85
    No problem LarryS!

    Pepe... You are out of your flipping mind if you think prostitution or prostitutes are a victimless crime. I don't even have to research the subject very much to prove you wrong. It is a known fact that many hookers are abused from family members at a very young age or are controlled by someone like a pimp. It is also known that the sex slave trade runs rampant turning little girls into paid whores or just sex slaves period for wealthy aristocrats. You have no just grounds for your two or three rebuttals or obvious pro stance for prostitution. It is clear you are in favor of hookers. I don't really care. The world is completely messed up with mostly evil doers, myself included. My stance or fight is with this Wizard claiming moral and ethical and honesty but you don't have to dig very deep to find out that he is lying and two faced being a complete hypocrite from how he teaches or preaches. That's fine... I don't hate the guy I just want to show how full of it he really is.

    Next Pepe you have plenty of hookers running scams on Johns or outright strong arming them so stop this nonsense about a victimless crime. You can't even try to win that debate without being laughed off the stage. Even this consent theory of yours is way off base. You really are on the wrong side of this stance if it is even possible. Your one of the few people I know sticking up for the immoral trade of flesh. I say immoral because most of you claim this high and mighty morality in yourselves.

    Victimless crime? Consensual business transaction? Try to tell the IRS that nonsense. Oh right all you honest Abe's think hookers are claiming money earned or the johns are claiming business expenses for pleasure. Honestly Pepe, if your going to debate me, at least take an easier stance that you can win or just get in the mud like others and tell me how I'm sucking this or that or polishing myself. Just call me a POS like others instead of this Ridiculous Stance your taking.

    The point is when people can't win debates... they resort to name calling. Drawing Dead crushed Gordonm888 on the SaP/WoN thread using Gordon's words against him. Gordonm888 couldn't reply or defend his position. He didn't even admit he completely contradicted himself so he resorted to humor kissing and loving him instead. He obviously lost and resigned the debate.
    Last edited by monet; 03-22-2018 at 01:08 PM.

  6. #86
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    I am reminded of the dinosaurs who grew increasingly bigger over time, presumably to achieve evolutionary advantage.

    Were it not for their extinction the world could well be populated by 500+ foot long behemoths.
    Dinosaurs are big, but it ends there. Photons are small but can smear themselves over much larger areas, pass through each other, and convey information from one to the other across vast distances almost instantaneously. Imagine an analogous colony of sentient beings. AI may be more a matter of our evolution sorting itself out across a big drawing board, and compacting and miniaturizing the findings, then of our ever finer technologies such as computer chips. Anyway, if sentient life survives and thrives, there will be much more to it than technology. After all, we would have another few billion years, so it has to be something "big".
    78255585899=317*13723*17989=(310+7)*[(13730-7)*(100*100+7979+10)]-->LOVE avatar@137_371_179_791, or 137_371_17[3^2]_7[3^2]1, 1=V-->Ace, low. 78255585899-->99858555287=(99858555288-1)=[-1+(72*2227)*(722777-100000)]={-1+(72*2227)*[(2000+700777+20000)-100000]}-->1_722_227_277_772_1. 7×8×2×5×5×5×8×5×8×9×9=362880000=(1000000000-6√97020000-100000)-->169_721. (7/8×2/5×5/5×8/5×8/9×9)={[(-.1+.9)]^2×(6+1)}-->1961=√4*2.24; (1/7×8/2×5/5×5/8×5/8×9/9)={1/[7×(-.2+1)^2]}-->1721=[(10*10/4)/(√4+110)].

  7. #87
    There are sexuality transmitted diseases. Ever hear of hiv? Herpes? Vernarial warts? Hpv...all viruses that can stay dormant for years...especially in women. They can be transmitted to new borns. Not every prostitute is Julia Roberts in PrettyWoman. Thousands of people have died in the USA from hiv from prostitutes .many marriages were ruined as wives became infected. And children suffer, some die from STDS transmitted from prostitute to dad to mom to newborn
    Last edited by LarryS; 03-22-2018 at 02:07 PM.

  8. #88
    Originally Posted by LarryS View Post
    There are sexuality transmitted diseases. Ever hear of hiv? Herpes? Vernarial warts? Hpv...all viruses that can stay dormant for years...especially in women. They can be transmitted to new borns. Not every prostitute is Julia Roberts in PrettyWoman. Thousands of people have died in the USA from hiv from prostitutes .nany marriages were ruined as wives became infected. And children suffer, some due from STDS transmitted from prostitute to dad to mom to newborn

    LarryS, inquiring minds need to know. If the whole prostitution thing is bad news, you didn't vote for a certain Prez who cavorts unprotected with porn stars, did you? Nawwww, no chance, right?

  9. #89
    I didn't vote. It's a young man future. It's unfair for me to vote on someone or something that will have repercussions decades from now.
    As a senior, there are things that may effect me now..
    The biggest thing is obamacare..

    But the horse is already out of the barn and usa Healthcare
    e is fkd going forward

  10. #90
    Let us look at a response by Mission that was directed to me... He says that no friendships that are lost "don't count." This is obviously wrong. In life or even in the government or the armies of the world they have people that they classify as expendable. Make no doubt that we all have friendships in life that are expendable. Now, one could argue that it is subjective and that Mission does not believe in people or friendships being expendable but I think if anyone looks at situations objectively they can clearly see where one person is more expendable than another in their life. Most people will agree that things happen and you have to keep moving forward if you want to overcome.

  11. #91
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Let us look at a response by Mission that was directed to me... He says that no friendships that are lost "don't count." This is obviously wrong. In life or even in the government or the armies of the world they have people that they classify as expendable. Make no doubt that we all have friendships in life that are expendable. Now, one could argue that it is subjective and that Mission does not believe in people or friendships being expendable but I think if anyone looks at situations objectively they can clearly see where one person is more expendable than another in their life. Most people will agree that things happen and you have to keep moving forward if you want to overcome.
    Exactly. Why, our leader would probably add, "Show me a friendship that ISN'T expendable." Whether it's Steve Bannon or the wayward son-in-law or the first couple of wives or Stormy or the Playboy bunny or Merv, every friendship turns out to be eminently expendable. That's the way of the world.

  12. #92
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    No problem LarryS!

    Pepe... You are out of your flipping mind if you think prostitution or prostitutes are a victimless crime. I don't even have to research the subject very much to prove you wrong. It is a known fact that many hookers are abused from family members at a very young age or are controlled by someone like a pimp. It is also known that the sex slave trade runs rampant turning little girls into paid whores or just sex slaves period for wealthy aristocrats. You have no just grounds for your two or three rebuttals or obvious pro stance for prostitution. It is clear you are in favor of hookers. I don't really care. The world is completely messed up with mostly evil doers, myself included. My stance or fight is with this Wizard claiming moral and ethical and honesty but you don't have to dig very deep to find out that he is lying and two faced being a complete hypocrite from how he teaches or preaches. That's fine... I don't hate the guy I just want to show how full of it he really is.

    Next Pepe you have plenty of hookers running scams on Johns or outright strong arming them so stop this nonsense about a victimless crime. You can't even try to win that debate without being laughed off the stage. Even this consent theory of yours is way off base. You really are on the wrong side of this stance if it is even possible. Your one of the few people I know sticking up for the immoral trade of flesh. I say immoral because most of you claim this high and mighty morality in yourselves.

    Victimless crime? Consensual business transaction? Try to tell the IRS that nonsense. Oh right all you honest Abe's think hookers are claiming money earned or the johns are claiming business expenses for pleasure. Honestly Pepe, if your going to debate me, at least take an easier stance that you can win or just get in the mud like others and tell me how I'm sucking this or that or polishing myself. Just call me a POS like others instead of this Ridiculous Stance your taking.

    The point is when people can't win debates... they resort to name calling. Drawing Dead crushed Gordonm888 on the SaP/WoN thread using Gordon's words against him. Gordonm888 couldn't reply or defend his position. He didn't even admit he completely contradicted himself so he resorted to humor kissing and loving him instead. He obviously lost and resigned the debate.
    All I know is, EvenBooB (yes, I intentionally spelled it that way) just called Melania a prostitute. That got me to giggle.

  13. #93
    "Hook and Crook"

    What a couple.
    What, Me Worry?

  14. #94
    Here is another interesting AP story or just a story how I am different compared to others. It also shows how broke people really are in the world. However, they can own large SUVs or trucks, tvs, cell phone, computers and whatever else they need or want.

    So I'm sitting here watching a nature show about squirrels. We hear a bang outside. My uncle says what was that? I say most likely a truck door or truck making a delivery of some kind. A minute or so later my door bell is ringing like crazy. I don't like that. So it looks safe... just some guy in a huge blue Dodge Ram. He gets me outside saying he hit my wife's car on the bumper. Doesn't look too bad a good scratch. She's had this problem before in parking lots. Since this bumper can't be fixed with the usual body work because they say they can't match the paint it costs about 700. That might be high or low... who knows if he caused other problems. He says he has insurance and I can take his information. I tell him let's just settle for cash. He says 500... I say 600 and we're good. He says he doesn't have the money. I say when you have the money just ring my doorbell and give it to me. He says let's trade names and information. I say what's the point. We agree on a cash deal. I'm not calling the cops or insurance. I don't care if you pay me or not... I'll fix it myself. This is too minor of a deal to bother me. He says I'm your neighbor living over there. I say... whatever... when you got the money just pay. I don't care either way.

    Maybe now you see a little bit of how I am. I don't really care about money and I'm not calling the cops or insurance of most any matters in my life.

    The point is people don't even have 600 cash to their name. I had over 10k talking to this neighbor on my person... that's just me.

  15. #95
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I am different compared to others. I I don't really care about money
    What exactly do you mean by that?

    Are you saying it doesn't matter whether you have it or not, as you can always steal and thieve to get by?

    Or is it that you are set financially now and don't have to worry about it?

    Or maybe you're just a hippy at heart yearning to live in a yurt and play his kazoo?

    We ALL care abut money, sport: don't kid yourself.
    What, Me Worry?

  16. #96
    Originally Posted by Bill Yung View Post
    Photons don't age because they go the speed of light because they are both the light, and the spatial field on which light propagates.
    Bill, photons don't age because they are not alive (which I define as having one or more cells each with a mitochondria and capable of reproduction).

  17. #97
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    I am reminded of the dinosaurs who grew increasingly bigger over time, presumably to achieve evolutionary advantage.

    Were it not for their extinction the world could well be populated by 500+ foot long behemoths.
    Indeed. Sharks are amazingly powerful creatures. Now imagine its extinct (or commonly believed to be so by mainstream science) ancestor, the megalodon, which was orders of magnitude more powerful than a shark.
    Name:  VMNH_megalodon.jpg
Views: 342
Size:  17.5 KB

  18. #98
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I am different compared to others. I I don't really care about money
    What exactly do you mean by that?

    Are you saying it doesn't matter whether you have it or not, as you can always steal and thieve to get by?

    Or is it that you are set financially now and don't have to worry about it?

    Or maybe you're just a hippy at heart yearning to live in a yurt and play his kazoo?

    We ALL care abut money, sport: don't kid yourself.
    You sir are on thick headed son of a gun. I expect that from someone who takes sides of two parties to get the best award for their client. I expect this from an individual who thinks they are doing humanity good by providing people to get out of blood covenant agreements. I expect it from someone who profits on other peoples misery.

    Now as I have stated many times in life or to you or on forums I am a complete contradiction. That is my actions in life contradict my beliefs or knowledge. As I have stated before I am in complete bondage to sin, pleasure, worldliness, the easy life, stealing, lying and many other improper actions. I really don't care about money. I tried to get my family involved in farming instead of the world system but nothing doing. We are too addicted to tv and the easy life. I throw money away like water. Yesterday I had panhandlers asking for money so I started throwing 20s all over the sidewalk. The truth is I am scum but don't worry soon enough I'll be dead.

  19. #99
    You're not scum, Monet.

    You're just a guy getting some daily positive reinforcement (attention) where he can find it.

    You're like alan in that way.
    What, Me Worry?

  20. #100
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Here is another interesting AP story or just a story how I am different compared to others. It also shows how broke people really are in the world. However, they can own large SUVs or trucks, tvs, cell phone, computers and whatever else they need or want.
    Right. So here's a story (non-fictional) about just such a "broke" person. I am waiting in line to buy some groceries at the store. A clerk in a different aisle quietly says "I'll take the next person in line over here". So I exit the line I am in and go to the newly-opened aisle. I place my items on the conveyor belt. The person who was in front of me in the previous aisle I was in decides to go to this new shorter line. The person cuts in front me as if I am not there, shoves my items back and places their items on the conveyor belt in front of mine and pays for the groceries (lobster tails, steaks and the like) with an EBT card (that is how I know the person is "broke"). After I purchased my items I am waiting on a bench outside the entrance to the store because the bathroom at the store is in use and I need to use it. I hear a small boutique toy dog (I'm thinking in the $800-$1000 range) barking its head off out the window of a fancy black Escalade in the parking lot. I see the person who was in front of me in line (that shoved my grocery items aside), get in the $60000 Escalade, comfort the dog, and drive off.

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