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Thread: Milking Free Play

  1. #41
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    How can the IRS give a person trouble if they have nothing in their name? Worst cases scenario is they put a lien against you... We don’t have debtors jail here yet...You should research what the odds of actually getting convicted in federal court are. Honestly, too many fish in the sea and I’m too small to fry.
    Sorry to piss on your parade there Monet, but you said earlier you had over $700K in W-2G's in one year: that ain't "small."

    I assume your long-suffering wife hasn't filed returns either?

    I'll be brief: the two of you could well be sent to prison for tax fraud.

    No, it's not a crime to not file a return IF YOU OWE NO TAXES, but you report an income of six figures; again not "too small to fry."

    Maybe you'll stay under the radar, but I don't see how the IRS' computer could overlook your failure to report the W-2G income on a return: they have your Social Security number and name on the W-2G the casinos filled out and gave to them, so I am guessing you're pretty much...
    Listen my family stole 350k from my uncle over 20 years. The VA and other entities did nothing. They said it's too small and don't care. Now if the cops are coming to get me... I'm not hiding they know where I'm at. My wife is Legitimate and files every year. However after your post I'm sitting over here shaking like a leaf.

  2. #42
    Does she file "Married, filing separately?"

    If so, did she report any of the W-2G income?

    She should, you know, otherwise she's as guilty of tax fraud as you are.

    Let's test it: email me your name and SS# so I can report it to the IRS; we'll see who's right.
    What, Me Worry?

  3. #43
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Sorry to piss on your parade there Monet, but you said earlier you had over $700K in W-2G's in one year: that ain't "small."
    Monet quote "I hit over 750k in Jackpots." That was for 2017

    Listen, most people are concerned how they handle their taxes. No one wants to raise any red-flags. Depending on the type of audit and what might be involved, an IRS audit could be a very expensive and unnecessary if it could have been avoided.

    It's this AP attitude and claims of no fear of the IRS that makes the AP winning claims even more doubtful. Has anyone ever read a post anywhere where the AP'er complained of tax problems?

    Through out my years my wife and I had signed for plenty of casino W2's. Several times a few got lost in my office and didn't make it to the accountant. Every single time I was eventually notified, and my accountant would always be annoyed. There were usually penalties and interest fees always attached.

  4. #44
    Some other quotes from Monet with a brief scan.

    "I throw money away like water. Yesterday I had panhandlers asking for money so I started throwing 20s all over the sidewalk.
    One property alone on just my card I have 5 mil in coin.
    I figure I should be able to collect 40k in FP
    averaging 150k+ per property per month
    I hit over 750k in Jackpots.
    I paid off 2 2014 vehicles
    paid off the house, gave my wife over 50k in cash to hide... etc."

    How do you go unnoticed from the casinos, and avoid the IRS with all this flashy action?

    Monet, I'm not attacking you at all. I'm just pointing things out that don't make a lot of sense. I hope you get away with everything you do, especially if your killing casinos.

  5. #45
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    What this guy is claiming is that he doesn't file tax returns even though he has legal documents saying he is married, she files in some form, all of their assets are in her name, and all those hundreds of thousands in W2G's go unnoticed by the IRS? Not even remotely possible. In other words, Mr. V. can now rest assured that monet--and all of his lengthy, overly detailed posts--are and have been nothing more than a more sophisticated mickeycrimm pulling everyone's leg.

    I waited on this because I just called my son-in-law at the IRS and asked him if this were even remotely possible....that her assets were also not his in the state of Nevada, and that the IRS would never be able to add up 2+2 and get the right number for the self-proclaimed "small fish" who say they get hundreds of thousands in tax forms while playing "$10 million thru the machines". His response? Nevada is a community property state, unless the guy is filing under a false name with a false id, which of course would be another felony.

    There is so much bad and false information flowing from the keyboards of former WoV rejects that it's very simple to determine why they so easily come apart at the seams all the time. This fellow just kicked it up a notch, and in the process piqued quite a bit of interest over here.
    Maybe your right. Maybe one day the IRS will do something. I doubt it though. Two examples of long time players I've known for over 20 years. One just throws every tax form in the trash and never has a problem but he owns nothing. The other had over 20 million in w2s... they put a lien on him but nothing happened to his wife's property.

    People like you think that everyone gets caught or the IRS catches everything and everyone... thats just fear mongering. As I have said before another friend of mine WoN about 500k on dice one day about 4 years ago. He got a letter saying he owed the IRS 90k... that was the end of story. I get letters sometimes and that's end of story.

    I guess as usual I'll accept your accusations and admit every word I post on these forums is complete fabrications and I don't even live in Las Vegas to be honest with you now.
    Using examples of others who cheat and claiming you know anything at all about what they REALLY do re: their taxes and filings, is deflecting and diverting in an attempt to make yourself feel good.

    mickeycrimm and his bag of peanuts might be overlooked by the feds, simply because he's never been married, he has nothing, and he actually lives off of them.

    OTOH, someone who's name and address can be easily traced, and who comes on a public internet posting site claiming you're cheating the govt. over six figures a year while somehow making them look stupid by you skating by under their noses, would create quite the whistle-blower payout....IF any of it is true, of course.

    Even moreso than the BS kewlj spews in his posts, yours have nothing that is believable.

    But we will see.

  6. #46
    You guys caught me finally. I actually live in the LA area collecting public assistance. I am currently at the library and my internet time is up. It has been fun playing make believe for 2 years. Since I'm caught I guess it's no fun to post anymore. It was fun while it lasted... back under the bridge to my sleeping bag for me.

    I did find this statement that I can share...

    Being convicted of a federal tax crime can shatter your life. While the IRS moves slowly, unfortunately, when the IRS does finally sets their sights on you, life can become fairly miserable.

    This is not to say everyone who owes the IRS money or has unfiled taxes or unreported foreign accounts will be indicted and convicted of federal tax evasion. As a matter of fact, that's about as far from the truth as we can get. In reality, there are under 3,000 tax crime indictments per year. Compare that to the 20 million taxpayers that are in poor standing with the IRS. It is apparent that both convictions and indictments affect a tiny portion of taxpayers that have some level of criminal exposure.

    There are millions of people who have the potential of being charged with a tax crime, and yet out of those millions, only a fraction will be selected for punishment (~.00015%). These odds are low. Yet being charged will happen to someone. If you have a tax issue, know how to protect yourself and decrease your odds of making it to the federal court.

  7. #47
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    You guys caught me finally. I actually live in the LA area collecting public assistance. I am currently at the library and my internet time is up. It has been fun playing make believe for 2 years. Since I'm caught I guess it's no fun to post anymore. It was fun while it lasted... back under the bridge to my sleeping bag for me.
    It would be sad if you picked up your toys and go home.

    This is the same type of behavior every other AP pulls when challenged.

    Most of us here are old and have been around the block more than once. I think everything we asked you was totally reasonable, having had many life experiences already ourselves. Along with many gambling experiences also.

  8. #48
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    You guys caught me finally. I actually live in the LA area collecting public assistance. I am currently at the library and my internet time is up. It has been fun playing make believe for 2 years. Since I'm caught I guess it's no fun to post anymore. It was fun while it lasted... back under the bridge to my sleeping bag for me.
    It would be sad if you picked up your toys and go home.

    This is the same type of behavior every other AP pulls when challenged.

    Most of us here are old and have been around the block more than once. I think everything we asked you was totally reasonable, having had many life experiences already ourselves. Along with many gambling experiences also.
    I don't know what else you want from me. I've already admitted that I was lying about everything for two years now. You guys finally caught me... end of story. I can't keep up the charade any longer since I've be caught by Rob Singer. I admit defeat and that I'm a compulsive liar. I only heard stories about gambling and used those stories to make up my own lies. The gig is up now... no reason to continue on. I have to get back to the Mission before 7pm.

  9. #49
    That's just it--no one can trust anything any anonymous poster puts up, esp. anonymous AP's. And most if not all have the exact same pattern of behavior....just as blackhole says. You people actually believe you can pull the wool over everybody else's eyes, even when you understand some of us are much smarter and have had many more experiences across the entire board, than you guys.

    Welcome to the world where theories stop and reality begins.
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 04-12-2018 at 05:18 PM.

  10. #50
    Blackhole, there are a bunch of AP's here

    Please sign up and challenge them. I'd love to read it.

  11. #51
    Are they all anonymous cowards like you?

  12. #52
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    How can the IRS give a person trouble if they have nothing in their name? Worst cases scenario is they put a lien against you... We don’t have debtors jail here yet...You should research what the odds of actually getting convicted in federal court are. Honestly, too many fish in the sea and I’m too small to fry.
    Sorry to piss on your parade there Monet, but you said earlier you had over $700K in W-2G's in one year: that ain't "small."

    I assume your long-suffering wife hasn't filed returns either?

    I'll be brief: the two of you could well be sent to prison for tax fraud.

    No, it's not a crime to not file a return IF YOU OWE NO TAXES, but you report an income of six figures; again not "too small to fry."

    Maybe you'll stay under the radar, but I don't see how the IRS' computer could overlook your failure to report the W-2G income on a return: they have your Social Security number and name on the W-2G the casinos filled out and gave to them, so I am guessing you're pretty much fucked.

    When the IRS comes down you immediately hire one of those tax firms that negotiates with the IRS for you. I know people that have done it. Pennies on the dollar.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  13. #53
    I'm sure their wives are hotter. But then again, anything is hotter than yours.

  14. #54
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    How can the IRS give a person trouble if they have nothing in their name? Worst cases scenario is they put a lien against you... We don’t have debtors jail here yet...You should research what the odds of actually getting convicted in federal court are. Honestly, too many fish in the sea and I’m too small to fry.
    Sorry to piss on your parade there Monet, but you said earlier you had over $700K in W-2G's in one year: that ain't "small."

    I assume your long-suffering wife hasn't filed returns either?

    I'll be brief: the two of you could well be sent to prison for tax fraud.

    No, it's not a crime to not file a return IF YOU OWE NO TAXES, but you report an income of six figures; again not "too small to fry."

    Maybe you'll stay under the radar, but I don't see how the IRS' computer could overlook your failure to report the W-2G income on a return: they have your Social Security number and name on the W-2G the casinos filled out and gave to them, so I am guessing you're pretty much fucked.

    When the IRS comes down you immediately hire one of those tax firms that negotiates with the IRS for you. I know people that have done it. Pennies on the dollar.
    Again, another idiotic, uneducated response from he who lacks and sorely misses a high school diploma.

    Who told you that gem--another "AP"? That's called an Offer In Compromise, and it's only available to those who can prove they did not try to hide anything or cheat.

  15. #55
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Blackhole, there are a bunch of AP's here

    Please sign up and challenge them. I'd love to read it.
    Now I know your fucked up giving that place any credibility. Imagine mixing it up with that many morons in one place.

    Are their really that many desperate gamblers out there? I could only guess their all broke and will try anything that could get their hands on a free meal. Direct them to Monet's post over here. Maybe you could help some desperado's out.

  16. #56
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Blackhole, there are a bunch of AP's here

    Please sign up and challenge them. I'd love to read it.
    Now I know your fucked up giving that place any credibility. Imagine mixing it up with that many morons in one place.
    Don't be a fucking pussy...JUST GO DO IT YOU DUMB CHICKENSHIT!

  17. #57
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I don't know what else you want from me.
    I don't want anything. You volunteered everything you posted up on a gambling forum. If you didn't want conversation, why post at all?

  18. #58
    I just went through the first two threads that looked interesting.

    Traveling the country / minimizing expenses
    How to approach a situation?

    It's a back and forth pissing contest and immediately read like a bunch of adolescent kids lost and desperate, pretending like you.

    And for the record FUCKO, fuck-off.
    Last edited by blackhole; 04-12-2018 at 06:31 PM.

  19. #59
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Are they all anonymous cowards like you?
    Robert Harry Argentino was an anonymous poster in the forums, using the name Rob Singer, and trashing people left and right in the forums, until his biggest nemesis, known as arci here, but mroejacks in the early 2000's, used bits of information in Singer's posts to piece together who he was....then exposed him to the world. He found Argentino's bankruptcy case and the judgements against him for failure to pay apartment rent to two different landlords in Arizona.

    There is an old thread here about Argentino's supposedly new home that he bought in Arizona a few years ago. Argentino even posted up pictures of the dwelling. Arci uncovered that the house was actually in Argentino's daughter's name and it was the house that she and her former husband and kids lived in until she dumped her husband and kids and ran off to Minnesota with another man. Argentino then claimed he bought the house and put it in his daughter's name as an inheritance. The problem with that is early in the thread Argentino said he had just recently bought the house.

    Making up lies to cover up lies is the forte of Robert Harry Pinochio Argentino.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 04-12-2018 at 06:42 PM.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  20. #60
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Are they all anonymous cowards like you?
    Robert Harry Argentino was an anonymous poster in the forums, using the name Rob Singer, and trashing people left and right in the forums, until his biggest nemesis, known as arci here, but mroejacks in the early 2000's, used bits of information in Singer's posts to piece together who he was....then exposed him to the world. He found Argentino's bankruptcy case and the judgements against him for failure to pay apartment rent to two different landlords in Arizona.

    There is an old thread here about Argentino's supposedly new home that he bought in Arizona a few years ago. Argentino even posted up pictures of the dwelling. Arci uncovered that the house was actually in Argentino's daughter's name and it was the house that she and her former husband and kids lived in until she dumped her husband and kids and ran off to Minnesota with another man. Argentino then claimed he bought the house and put it in his daughter's name as an inheritance. The problem with that is early in the thread Argentino said he had just recently bought the house.

    Making up lies to cover up lies is the forte of Robert Harry Pinochio Argentino.
    Lmfao...I’m sure Blackhole shares a similar story

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