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Thread: The WoV Thread

  1. #1141
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    You will see members like BH, Rob, Mr V and perhaps a few others try to discredit my information but nobody can even begin to go into great detail showing us how my information is wrong. The reason is because I play in the Casino constantly and have for over two decades.
    Monet, I don't particularly question your posts about the nuts and bolts of HOW you approach AP in the casinos; I give you a bye on that, as it seems coherent enough.

    No, it is when you start personalizing things that your train begins to derail.

    For example, you portray yourself as a bad ass, a thief, a scoundrel; that may or may not be true, but to give yourself some cred you make stupid, unrealistic scofflaw claims.

    Claims like getting W-2G's for 20 or more years (over $700K in W-2G's last year alone) and never reporting them as you claim not to have filed a return for two decades.

    Not filing with all those W-2G's will bring the IRS down on you like flies on shit.

    Hello, paper trail.

    Perhaps I am missing something about your claim; please explain how you (and your wife; you've involved her in your little felony) avoided any contact with the IRS over the past two decades when every year you get shitloads of W-2g's which you seemingly ignore?

    In conclusion, by your own admission you've made a lot of money from AP yet you intentionally refuse to pay a dime in justly due Federal income taxes.

    That is chickenshit of the highest order; you ought to be thrown in prison, ala Al Capone.
    Monet, you shouldn't answer anymore questions about W-2G's. Fuck V. He doesn't need to know and if he had any class he wouldn't ask.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 04-15-2018 at 05:15 PM.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  2. #1142

    I too am a felon at heart.

    Educate me.
    What, Me Worry?

  3. #1143

  4. #1144
    Are you kidding MC? Mr V doesn't know anything. He can't even tell when someone is serious with him or yanking his chain. All Mr V knows is how much to bill per hour in a scam that he has people coming and going. He doesn't understand the first thing about Vegas or anything in general. He plays both sides of the fence on these boards all the time. He created a thread telling Dan to uphold Rob only allowed in 2 threads. Next he is Robs best buddie... in a week he will hate him. Nobody on these boards respects or takes Mr V seriously and he is fun to toy with. He says he smokes pot every day so what can you expect. Some members you just ignore or never read their posts again.

  5. #1145
    i would think as a divorce attorney you learn to sit on the fence.

    A guy tells you all the fucked up things his wife has done....and if you say that she is a fucking cunt....the guy might say...what do you know,,,,she's the love of my life.

    lawyers and fence sitting .....perfect together

    a chameleon fence sitter at that.

  6. #1146
    V, if you want to go after a liar then these two links will work. The first is Shack's interview with Singer. The interview is about Rob's claim that he tracked holding two pairs, four flushes and and open ended straights, 4685 times and a card of the same rank as the card he threw away appeared 2,211 times. That's 47%. According to the math the chance is 3/47. That would be 6.4% or 1 in 15.6666. But Rob claims it averaged happening once in every 2.2 draws. Shack said that was 114 standard deviations from the norm and totally off the charts. I think we can lump this claim in with 18 yo's in a row. The interview occured in June 2009.

    Then comes Alan Mendelson interview of Singer in the link below. Alan put the video up on youtube in August 2010 so I take it the interview occured shortly before this date. In the interview Rob brought up the 5th card flip and told Alan a card of the same rank occurs 18% of the time. This is wildly different than what Singer told Shackleford.

    So here we have Rob telling one guy 47% and then later telling another guy 18%. Also, in Alan's interview, Rob admits to running a test on the 5th card flip with a couple of guys. Those guys were Shackleford and the Administrator of Video Poker Forums. They both ran separate tests of the 5th card flip with Rob present and the results came in as expected, about 6%. Alan knows this so Rob tells him the tests were too short term, that in the long term the results would be 18%.

    So now we have Singer who has claimed for years that he plays in the short term and the long term is irrelevant is now claiming that the short term is irrelevant and the long term is relevant for the 5th card flip. It's all in the video, folks.

    So what you get with Singer is incoherent psychobabble. Shack most likely told Singer how mathematically outlandish his claim was so he (Singer) toned it way down for Mendelson. In other words, he was lying out his ass to both of them.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  7. #1147
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Mr V doesn't know anything. He can't even tell when someone is serious with him or yanking his chain.
    Nice try at deflection, but there's a fly in the ointment.

    The post you lied your ass off in, you know, the one where you said you never filed tax returns although you got over $700K in W-2G's last year: that post wasn't you talking to me, it was you talking to someone else, l.e. Blackhole.

    You bragged to him: "Blackhole... you have confused millions of coin in with millions won. It is true I have had many w2gs... last year over 750k. This can be offset but I don’t file. I haven’t filed in 20 years. I don’t own anything."

    I guess I missed the part where Blackhole and everyone else except me learned how to tell when you are lying.

    Face it: the truth is that none of us can tell if you are serious or lying, but then you already know that, unless of course you are so fucked up in the head you can no longer distinguish reality from fantasy.
    Last edited by MisterV; 04-15-2018 at 06:28 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  8. #1148
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Mr V doesn't know anything. He can't even tell when someone is serious with him or yanking his chain.
    Nice try at deflection, but there's a fly in the ointment.

    The post you lied your ass off in, you know, the one where you said you never filed tax returns although you got over $700K in W-2G's last year: that post wasn't you talking to me, it was you talking to someone else, l.e. Blackhole.

    You bragged to him: "Blackhole... you have confused millions of coin in with millions won. It is true I have had many w2gs... last year over 750k. This can be offset but I don’t file. I haven’t filed in 20 years. I don’t own anything."

    I guess I missed the part where Blackhole and everyone else except me learned how to tell when you are lying.

    Face it: the truth is that none of us can tell if you are serious or lying, but then you already know that, unless of course you are so fucked up in the head you can no longer distinguish reality from fantasy.
    Correction: None of the confederacy of dunces can tell when he is lying and when he is not. But the rest of us have no problem discerning which is which. Anyways, I put up a ton of evidence on a liar, Robert Harry Argentino, AKA Rob Singer. If its liars you are after then hit Argentino hard, V.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  9. #1149
    V... I've told a handful of people exactly what I do at casinos. The most interesting thing is that approximately 0% of them believe me with the exception of my wife that sees the money. The others just laugh and think I'm a idiot.

    The casinos have won the information war on the general public. No one can win... It's just entertainment... All the APs are lying... I'm not authorized to speak for everyone, but I personally am ok with that.

    I'm a part time guy in the AP world with a full time job, a wife, and 3 kids... I've been picking things up for years now... I do a lot of listening and a little talking... That's the best advice i can give to you or anyone if you sincerely want to inprove your play. Just don't expect to be able to walk into any casino and hit any random button on any random machine and somehow come out ahead... Just imagine if you did that on your keyboard at work...

    There is really no value in finding some gotcha moment to discredit what someone says.

    Let's just say you are right that Monet is full of shit on how he handles his taxes... So what? It's often tough to see what a forest looks like with so many trees in the way.

    After the small mind crack, I really don't know why I'm writing this.

  10. #1150
    MC, unlike you I have no hardon for Singer; to me he's neither friend nor foe.

    I had hoped Dan would stick to his guns as I like to understand what the rules are, but he's giving Singer wide latitude so I guess that is that.

    The fact that I agree with some of what Singer has posted does not mean he's my new buddy.

    Prozema, I'm sorry but unlike you I cannot blithely overlook Monet's bullshit; you ask "So what?"

    The answer, in a word, is "credibility."

    When a man is exposed as a liar all he has said and will say becomes suspect.
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #1151
    One other thing... I'm thinking that the idea of margins and opportunity costs are different if you can always work another couple of hours writing a letter or doing some law research and generate another billable hour. I have no margin or opportunity costs if I don't do anything net positive in my free time. I'm on salary for my 9 to 5... My margin for working one more hour than I have to is actually negative!

  12. #1152
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    MC, unlike you I have no hardon for Singer; to me he's neither friend nor foe.

    I had hoped Dan would stick to his guns as I like to understand what the rules are, but he's giving Singer wide latitude so I guess that is that.

    The fact that I agree with some of what Singer has posted does not mean he's my new buddy.

    Prozema, I'm sorry but unlike you I cannot blithely overlook Monet's bullshit; you ask "So what?"

    The answer, in a word, is "credibility."

    When a man is exposed as a liar all he has said and will say becomes suspect.
    So basically since everyone has lied about something at some point, everyone's word on everything is suspect. That take on things makes reading the encyclopedia a real waste of time, eh?

    Anybody notice that the two posts most damning to Argentino (monet's and mickey crimm's above) were immediately followed by Mr. V commenting on monet's IRS stuff? If I didn't know better, I'd say the deflection is in the shape of a V.

    Now to credibility -- the fifth card flipover stuff has been rehashed over and over. How do Argentino's fifth card comments compare to monet's IRS comments?

    Don't even get me started on pseudonyms as a form of lying. How often are pseudonyms allowed in court?

  13. #1153
    Yeah, I get all that V. In an atempt to summarize... You, and I'm sure some others, think Monet lying and is not crediable. At the same time other people (or maybe just me?) disagree.

    I just want to read what Monet and others have to say.... I even want to read what Singer and Mendelson (Ol' S&M... Hahahahhahahahaha) have to say... After reading all that, I just want to make up my own mind on what makes sense.

    As I've written this, I think I've come to understand the value of your posts.... Even though I disagree with your take on Monets crediability, you gave me the opportunity to consider that. For that I thank you.

  14. #1154
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    MC, unlike you I have no hardon for Singer; to me he's neither friend nor foe.

    I had hoped Dan would stick to his guns as I like to understand what the rules are, but he's giving Singer wide latitude so I guess that is that.

    The fact that I agree with some of what Singer has posted does not mean he's my new buddy.

    Prozema, I'm sorry but unlike you I cannot blithely overlook Monet's bullshit; you ask "So what?"

    The answer, in a word, is "credibility."

    When a man is exposed as a liar all he has said and will say becomes suspect.
    So basically since everyone has lied about something at some point, everyone's word on everything is suspect. That take on things makes reading the encyclopedia a real waste of time, eh?

    Anybody notice that the two posts most damning to Argentino (monet's and mickey crimm's above) were immediately followed by Mr. V commenting on monet's IRS stuff? If I didn't know better, I'd say the deflection is in the shape of a V.

    Now to credibility -- the fifth card flipover stuff has been rehashed over and over. How do Argentino's fifth card comments compare to monet's IRS comments?

    Don't even get me started on pseudonyms as a form of lying. How often are pseudonyms allowed in court?
    so you really want to get into a discussion of who is a bigger liar. Honestly what good is that.

    that is nonsense. If Mr V makes a comment on one person, does he really need to give equal time to another. And what if MrV is like me, and has no clue about the specifics of what Singer is talking about as we dont play VP....need we live in a world where either we comment on everything ...or nothing?

    You want your boogey man to get the brunt of all negative attention. I get that. But maybe Singer is not high on MrVs list of offensive people.

  15. #1155
    I don't understand why so many of you are so frazzled by Rob Singer's fifth card flip over comments. As he has said he can't say it is widespread and he plays all machines as if they are 100% random and fair.

    I once bought a six pack of McNuggets and got only five but I don't go into every McDonald's now expecting five McNuggets in every six pack.

  16. #1156
    Originally Posted by Prozema View Post
    Yeah, I get all that V. In an atempt to summarize... You, and I'm sure some others, think Monet lying and is not crediable. At the same time other people (or maybe just me?) disagree.

    I just want to read what Monet and others have to say.... I even want to read what Singer and Mendelson (Ol' S&M... Hahahahhahahahaha) have to say... After reading all that, I just want to make up my own mind on what makes sense.

    As I've written this, I think I've come to understand the value of your posts.... Even though I disagree with your take on Monets crediability, you gave me the opportunity to consider that. For that I thank you.
    I learned one impportant thing from reading monet as a novice gambler. The the average person cant do what APs do on a weekend on vacation, or a weekend in reno, or even a week. It involves pumping tens of thousands of dollars into a machine over a period of hours and hours to the point where you may need a second person to do shifts with you. While MC cherry picks machines that are due to hit small jack[pots, which is another tactic......the other APs are pumping massive cash into the machines.

    So I learned that its not as simple as saying"hey monet just point to a good machine for me".......because I would not ever use those type funds. I dont have the patience or the nerve.
    Monet and the article by Dancer...i think thats who it was who got involved with WoN..where he detailed bringing something like 40k to a promotion and was feeding the the point where he was collecting ticketsTITOthat he didnt even know he had.

    it was eye opening, and i believe it from monet .....anything else he says doesnt effect me one way or the other. I will never be working with him, he wont be invited to my grandsons bris., I dont expect to interact with him or have my wife do his taxes. He is insignificant in my I am in his life. So for me to feign disappointment, or anger that he lied would be unfair and false. Yeah, I dont believe he got away with no taxes for 20 years. Even if he uses multiple UPS store mail boxes to get all his"offers" doesnt take a genius to track him down, He may want to portray himself as a shady James Bond.....or some sort of mission impossible master of disguise....but thats fine.
    Since he prefers to work alone its not like he can have a worker get paid(for a fee) instead of him. So it all comes down to this. He makes a claim that is hard to believe, but then if by chance he has figured out a way to dodge the feds....I dont expect him to detail it here...or anywhere in public....or even tell anyone privately.

    There is no real info that I need to extract from him on any subject. So if he is lying about wont hurt me one way or the other.

    Maybe he has really paid taxes, maybe he didnt throw 20 dollar bills at the homeless, maybe he didnt go to a hockey game, maybe he never met AW as he cllaims,...who the fuck knows....and i dont means nothing to me as far as my life goes.

    on this entire board, the only thing I believe, is that MrV takes mind altering drugs. Other than that its all window dressing, its all a make believe community with a bunch off oddball people
    one dude that sees the impossible and acts like a catatonic oaf while it occurs
    another dude that claims to be the second coming of billy walters
    a shady tax evading self proclaimed dirty AP
    A dude that proclaims that the math and long run doesnt apply to him
    a dry for a year alcoholic which I doubt every much
    a dude that thinks wearing a flying dice shirt is fashionable
    a dude that faked at least one death

    and I am supposed to get upset when one of the above lies?

  17. #1157
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    I don't understand why so many of you are so frazzled by Rob Singer's fifth card flip over comments. As he has said he can't say it is widespread and he plays all machines as if they are 100% random and fair.

    I once bought a six pack of McNuggets and got only five but I don't go into every McDonald's now expecting five McNuggets in every six pack.

    thats nothing.

    that happened to me 18 times in a row before I decided to complain

  18. #1158

  19. #1159
    I find it interesting that while monet claims to be a highly experienced casino rat, it takes him buckets & buckets of words to get his lies....I mean points....across. Sort of like mickey after he barfs in the toilet. And just like redietz, he buried himself.

  20. #1160
    I don't have to worry about anything, anymore. That's exactly what makes me so special. I don't even have to floss.

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