Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
Yes, Dan said those things.

Yes, Dan is not following through.

The reality is that he has clearly changed his position on the issue, for whatever reason.

Were I a gamblin' man I'd bet your plea will fall upon deaf ears.

It almost seems as if Dan is to Singer as Trump is to Putin: we, the people, see the danger and urge him to swerve, but instead of heeding our advice he continues to drive headlong into the abyss.

Whatever, it don't mean nothin'.
Now, you've turned it into a political thread. Trump has more negotiating experience than all previous presidents combined. No one has gotten the best of him and no one is going to.
Yes. That was rich.
Did we the people see how evil Russia and Putin were under Obama when he told Medvedev to tell Putin “I’ll have more flexibility after the election”? Or Hillary carrying that ridiculous red button around Russia. Or Hillary and Obama agreeing to sell 20% of our uranium to Rosatom’s uranium one. Or when under his watch, finding out about Russian meddling in our election, Pres Obama took the extraordinary tough stance and told Putin to, “cut it out”.
Yes, we the people saw it.