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Thread: The WoV Thread

  1. #2741
    Originally Posted by Prozema View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    I am not betting Mickey, but I think you are thinking with your heart, not brain.
    KJ, it's okay that we disagree on Trump. Neither of us is 100% right and neither of us are 100% wrong. It's in the eye of the beholder.

    PS: I like my proposition. The big books still have impeachment at +200.
    Careful Mickey... Impeachment and being removed from office is two different things.

    Mr Clinton was impeached but was not removed from office.

    Mr Nixon resigned but was not impeached.
    That's why I worded my proposition "removed from office."
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  2. #2742
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Monet, I am not political. I consider myself a conservative, am registered republican and voted for Trump in the Nevada Caucuses. But, Trump is going down. And the republicans are going to pay dearly for "getting in bed with him". If Trump had committed no crimes, I think 2018 would still be a huge year for democrats as except for hard core republicans, voters have realized Trump is unstable, mentally unfit for the job and want to put a "check" on him. The way to do that is by electing democrats to House and Senate. Most people, including elected republicans have known Trump is mentally unfit for quite a while. They chose to do nothing. It's about to cost them big, and probably for years to come.

    The fact is Trump isn't even a republican. He is about Trump, money and power. ALL of his life he held positions more associated with Democrats than Republicans. He simply adopted republican positions, so he could run as a republican. He is not a Republican and certainly not a conservative.

    Now what I said until now, would be assuming there was no crime, just an unstable "kook" who loves money, power, and attention. But there is a crime. It is all about these 5 Golf courses, 2 in Scotland, 1 in Ireland, 1 in Florida, 1 in New Jersey. Throughout Trumps business life, everything he built or bought was done with someone else's money. He would get loans from banks and then later either renegotiate those loans, or just flat out reneg and file bankruptcy. So along comes these golf courses, and Trump pays cash....nearly a billion in cash. He didn't personally have that kind of money at that time.

    in 2014, in an interview in the UK, Eric Trump was asked where that financing came from and he answered "WE don't need traditional financing from banks anymore, we have all the money we need from Russia". Eric is not all that bright and actually told the truth. Russia financed the purchase of these 5 golf courses, to the tune of about a billion dollars. And these Golf courses continue to lose money every year. Because of this Trump is tied to, beholden to Putin.

    Mueller knows all this. Has all the proof he needs, including financial and tax records. And BTW, this is precisely why Trump wouldn't release those tax records. And this is about to come crashing down in the next 6 weeks before Labor day. This will not only end Trumps presidency as the repubs will have no choice but to force him from office, but unlike Nixon, who was allowed to walk away, his penalty was loss of the presidency, I think Trump has to be prosecuted after they take the presidency away from him, because it is Russia.

    The only question is my mind is why would someone who has done this, run for the presidency. He has to know this would come out. This is where I think Trump has really lost his mind. He thought he was powerful enough to stop it. He isn't. He is about to go down and the repubs both elected officials and voters are about to pay a huge price for allowing a greedy, egotistic to hijack their party.
    So you voted for Trump in the caucuses but not in the general?

  3. #2743
    This is from Nathans Thread at WoV...

    Joined:Feb 13, 2010
    Threads: 300 Posts: 6362
    July 25th, 2018 at 7:46:36 AM

    I fear for Nathan's mental health.

    Her post seems to involve a form of "magical thinking," for lack of a better word.

    No point in speculating, other than to urge her to get any needed professional help and to follow through with any recommendations.

    Sometimes our lives careen off the rails, and we need the help of others to get back on track again.


    Another Fucking unqualified internet forum poster telling people they are mentally ill and need to find help.
    These Assholes must get some strange kick back for sessions and pills.

    These kinds of posts are allowed at WoV but for some reason other posts that aren't as libelous are cause for being banned.

  4. #2744
    Here is a post from an AP who makes all sorts of easy money and has plenty of it. I just find it odd that this well to do AP calls other people rich? Isn't he rich from APing?? How does a well to do AP making hundreds per hour not have a decent set of steak knives?? Using plastic ware for eating!? Perhaps he does have all sorts of cash but can't spend any of it because he loves it too much. I just don't understand these well to do APs afraid to spend 120 dollars on a tip or on dinner. Afraid to buy expensive cutlery... heck you can steal the stuff from the Buffet if you don't want to buy the equipment!? The truth is that most APs in Vegas and on these boards are busted or just scraping by. They have no life away from the Casino or do not know how to function away from pushing the button. I just don't get it. I guess I can't relate. I can only relate to Maxpen... at least he spends 600 dollars for a blender!! One of these days I am going to pull the trigger on one of those Vitamix Blenders but I am more into Juice rather than smoothie!

    Low Quality Rib-Eye... Fucking AP's can't buy High Quality? Reminds me of Billryan and the 99 cent store!?

    First off if you are going to eat Raw Garlic and can't hack it you just mince it up and mix in some Honey. Of course Real Honey will cost you 20 dollars at the farm for a small jar. Same with Raw Ginger. However you actually have to spend some money for a high quality Knife. It doesn't have to be expensive but you need to keep it sharp which requires you to buy a sharpening stone and a cutting board which should be made of wood. Do not buy the Knife Sets because they are a scam. Of course spending money is a no no with this crew member. If you don't like Raw Garlic you just roast it and spread it on whatever... your finger if you like. If you don't have tin foil and a toaster and you don't want to turn on the Oven you can toast the garlic in a saute pan. You still need to buy Olive Oil which again... costs money. However if you eat raw or roasted garlic you will begin to smell like garlic no matter what you do. This guy is still an obvious Poser IMO who is supposed to be saving the world with his "group" of friends that help one another! Do yourself a favor and just get drunk with your alcoholic friends which are many on these forums.

    Joined:Feb 11, 2014
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    July 26th, 2018 at 1:55:49 AM

    Day 23 of keto diet (sort of) --

    Had a bushel of asparaguses with plenty of garlic mixed in. Also a low-quality ribeye with a bunch of blue cheese crumbles dumped on top. Thankfully I found a set of steak knives in my cupboards. It was annoying in the past eating steak with those flimsy Chipotle plastic knives.

    I'm starting to get into this whole "cooking" thing, although I can tell there's a HUGE learning curve. Just figuring out what ingredients to buy and where the hell they are at the store is enough to make someone go crazy. I'm obviously just a beginner, so I've only been cooking eggs omelettes* and ribeyes....with obviously vegetables on the side or mixed in.

    Avocados are a pain in the poopschute and I'll probably be avoiding them for now on while shopping and cooking. They're just not worth. Garlic seems to be up there, too. Them puppies are spicy AF, too. Figured I'd munch on a clove or two while wasn't my best idea (I've also had worse ideas, like the time I tried to just eat a raw onion and raw potato for dinner, but that was in my youthful days, maybe 2-3 years ago).
    Some foods have to be WASHED, as the legend goes. I thought that was more for like rich fancy people and/or optional.
    Also had Chipotle for lunch. It was good (duh), but I'm still mad I can't eat rice or beans. I still get the salsas and the "funny green things" even though they have carbs because IDGAF.
    That's all for now. Until next time. Your favorite neighborhood dietitian, signing off. -RS
    Last edited by monet; 07-26-2018 at 02:31 AM.

  5. #2745
    In case I wasn't clear, I rarely -- or at least in the past -- would cook at home. Almost all of my eating was done in restaurants. Most of what I'd eat at home was either snacks from the store (chips, crackers, tuna laced with mercury, etc.) or left overs.

    What's your infatuation with me? What's wrong, you haven't hit any royals in El Cortez recently?

  6. #2746
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    If Putin helped to elect Donald Trump then we owe him a great big thank you. What has Trump done for Putin in return? After all, the ultimate goal of Putin and the Russians is a weaker America.

    1. Trump's regulation and tax cuts put the American economy on overdrive resulting in a stronger America. Sorry, Mr. Putin.

    2. Trump pushed through a record military budget resulting in a much stronger American military. Sorry, Mr. Putin.

    3. Trump gave the greenlight to Keystone, Dakota Access and ANWR which deteriorates Russia's position in the world oil market. Sorry, Mr. Putin.

    4. Trump gave significant military aid to Ukraine resulting in a weaker Russian position. Something Obama was to chickenshit to do. Sorry, Mr. Putin.

    5. Trump bombed Russia's ally, Syria, twice despite Mr. Putin's warnings. Something Obama was to chickenshit to do. Sorry, Mr. Putin.

    6. Trump demanded that NATO countries spend more money weakening Russia's position. Sorry, Mr. Putin.

    7. Trump berates German chancellor Angela Merkel for enriching the Russians by buying oil and gas from them....while NATO is spending tremendous resources to defend her country from the Russians. Sorry, Mr. Putin.

    8. Trump placed sanctions on Russia and expelled 60 diplomats. Sorry, Mr. Putin.

    How much on the above list would Hillary have done if she had been President? Zilch! If Putin and the Russians truly wanted Trump to win the Presidency then my advice to them careful what you wish for.

    Anyways, if Putin helped to elect Trump then I give a big THANK YOU to Mr. Putin.
    Trump keeps winning and the libtards at WoV keep losing. This is how retarded they are: Babs actually thinks Trump is selling us out to the Russians. And she has deluded herself into thinking she is a moderate. There are none so blind as those that cannot see. The scaredy cats at WoV were all over Trump about tariffs. Starting a trade war, they said. The idiots don't understand that we've been in a trade war for 40 years. When we charge a 2.5% tariff on something while they charge a 20% tariff on it, THAT'S A TRADE WAR, YOU LIBERAL IMBECILES!!!!!!

    Trump has proposed no tariffs. The EU ran and hid under their desks. They are protectionist as hell and don't want anything to do with it. They don't want to compete straight up with us. THAT'S A TRADE WAR YOU LIBERAL IMBECILES!!!! But Trump is holding a pretty good hand. He'll tariff their cars at a higher rate if they don't cooperate.

    So now he has squeezed some concessions out of them so far--with more coming. The biggest one is the EU has now agreed to buy American liquid natural gas. This is the brilliance of Trump. Killing two birds with one stone. The EU buying LNG from us is a MAJOR BLOW TO PUTIN AND THE RUSSIANS!!!! They are loaded with LNG that they badly want to sell to the EU.

    So now I can add one more item to my above list of things Trump has done that hurts Putin and the Russians. Babs and her libtard minions really need to wake up and smell the coffee. Trump is the best thing that has happened to this country in a long long time.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  7. #2747

    Joined:May 21, 2013
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    July 29th, 2018 at 6:14:34 AM

    "If we ban somebody it means we don't want to hear from them any longer.

    I would further suggest you leave that forum and not poison your world with those people. There are many of us here who refuse to interact with those people. They are banned for a reason, and we do not want to give them a voice here through you."


    The above quote was from BBB to Nathan in Nathans Thread...

    Ask her why her and her WoV crew associated with Strictly AP/WoN after he was banned and allowed to post again for a long time as a Sock Puppet. Aren't Sock Puppets the Devil according to AxelWolf and others?? Why did all the members like GWAE and DarkOz deal with a Poison Member even after he created a Sock Puppet that everyone knew about?? It couldn't be because of Money... could it?

    Ask her why she would take free room and board from a known banned member Monet? Ask her why she would allow said member to pay for a nice dinner at the 4 Queens and drink an 800 dollar of wine with him and enjoy a dinner bill over 1100 dollars and never pay one cent for anything?? Ask her why she constantly hinted for me to back her on anything pertaining to advantage play... meaning she would play for an hourly rate or percentage. Ask her why she lied to Mike and others in PMs over at WoV about Monet when I had no idea what was going on and never talked to anyone about anything. BBB constantly lies in PMs and even on the boards and even Ibeatyouraces called her out on it and had to admit she lied when I told the board the truth that I never said any of that and had no idea what was going on. After my post she claimed that she was protecting a member and couldn't tell the truth lol.

    Fucking Poison your World huh?
    Poison your World... look in the mirror!!

    300-400 lbs of wheezing heart attack/stroke is what you call poison and could never run around doing what I do in this town.
    Last edited by monet; 07-29-2018 at 07:25 AM.

  8. #2748
    I would never make it if I were unbanned over there because I would be routinely calling romes, darkoz, terapined, aids288 and a few others what they really are, bags of shit. They are so blinded by their idiotic ideology that they would rather see the country fail than Trump succeed. Imbeciles to the core, and that includes Babs too.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  9. #2749
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    I would never make it if I were unbanned over there because I would be routinely calling romes, darkoz, terapined, aids288 and a few others what they really are, bags of shit. They are so blinded by their idiotic ideology that they would rather see the country fail than Trump succeed. Imbeciles to the core, and that includes Babs too.
    LOL... She actually said "Those People" like her and her people are superior. I suppose they have a large network that likes to hustle free play all over the country so that makes them non-poisonous. That is what most of them do over there... they are all about asking people if they can pick up free play here and there for them or can they get them players cards for a percentage. The idiots over at WoV are the ones who run 9 cards on the same machine or bank at the same time and get back roomed at the Former Hilton or current Westgate and now when you download your free play they check every single person to make sure the person lines up with the card being put in. Way to go WoVers! Way to Poison the Well! Yes BBB has issues with the Westgate lol

  10. #2750
    You guys have seen the Bubbly and innocent Newbie lately, right? I welcomed her warmly, but now I am beginning to have my doubts. Does she seem potentially shady to you? Am I wrong to see red flags about her? I mean I was completely taken by another Newbie last year and I stood up for that Newbie multiple times when people were saying she seemed fake and she turned out to be a Scammer. This Newbie seems kind of like the old Newbie. So I'm wary now.

  11. #2751
    It's just hilarious watching "the clique" operate over at WoV. Every new member with a question just absolutely has to be a sock. No way around it. They got this new girl, Lonestarlyla, over there in the Slot Question thread that asked a couple simple questions. Out come the sockpuppet police grilling the shit out of her for here true identity. These people really need to get a life.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  12. #2752
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    It's just hilarious watching "the clique" operate over at WoV. Every new member with a question just absolutely has to be a sock. No way around it. They got this new girl, Lonestarlyla, over there in the Slot Question thread that asked a couple simple questions. Out come the sockpuppet police grilling the shit out of her for here true identity. These people really need to get a life.
    One thing is for sure, none of them have any money. They keep posting up pictures of food that they make at home but they all have cheap plates, walls and limited kitchen space. They post up the food they make which looks like a pile of oil and cheap food that they bought at the 99 cent store.

    After they post up whatever they tried to cook up they all jump on each others back about what they are eating.

    What a bunch of phony degenerates.

    The exception being Maxpen... I believe he has money and isn't afraid to spend it.

  13. #2753
    Joined:Jun 22, 2013
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    August 6th, 2018 at 9:42:39 PM

    This isn't about video poker but I couldn't figure out where the post should go.

    There is a Seven Stars Signature Event in Vegas from August 23-26 and I have the two tickets I'm entitled to. I also have extra family members who would enjoy the cocktail reception on Thursday night and the brunch on Sunday.

    Anyone have any extra tickets they have no use for?


    What an Asshole! Doesn't have enough money to go out with his family. He has to hustle up free cocktail party tickets... sickening!

    Another Billionaire Cheapskate who loved his free rooms, free private jets and 2 million of our money.

    Last edited by monet; 08-06-2018 at 10:01 PM.

  14. #2754

    I assume he is willing to negotiate a purchase or some sort of quid pro quo like a private Video Poker lesson. With that, I don't think that he's going to put the maximum he is willing to exchange in the OP of a thread. That'd be bad negotiating. He probably does want to see if anyone offers them for free first.

  15. #2755
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post

    I assume he is willing to negotiate a purchase or some sort of quid pro quo like a private Video Poker lesson. With that, I don't think that he's going to put the maximum he is willing to exchange in the OP of a thread. That'd be bad negotiating. He probably does want to see if anyone offers them for free first.
    Same reason I don't agree with your Pal, Mike, begging for money on his website that he calls his personal playground that he pays for until he decides he doesn't want to pay for it.

    I have a problem with people with plenty of money begging for stupid stuff on public forums in writing.
    If it was on the street or person to person I wouldn't have as much of an issue with it.

    Are you not a big enough player to get some extra tickets? Does this person not have enough money to take his whole family out somewhere besides some dumb cocktail party at a CET property!?

    Don't worry Mission146. I don't discriminate and I am not prejudice. I hate most everyone

  16. #2756
    Rich people don’t get rich by wasting money.

  17. #2757
    Originally Posted by RS__ View Post
    Rich people don’t get rich by wasting money.
    If Dancer were "rich" he wouldn't still be working multiple jobs for an income at over 70 yrs. of age. He'd be enjoying retirement and stop trying to make up all the money he lost by being divorced by and being mentally abusive to Shirley by despicably ignoring her wishes because of her illness.

    This is simply par for the course for these type people. Talk a big game, then when something is needed, beg others for it. Anyone who's followed Dancer even a little knows he's trying to score freebies from others with this plea. It's obvious from his "anyone have any tickets they have no use for?"

    Maybe his beggar friend Mike could toss him a bone.

  18. #2758
    The Seven Stars Weekend in Vegas is a waste of time. It sucks, as anyone who has ever gone will tell you. I'm surprised Dancer or anyone else bothers.

  19. #2759
    Eh, idk. I went to a cigars and whiskey tasting thing once and a brunch at Caesars. They were pretty fun, but I wouldn't travel across the US just for those events.

    Does anyone know if you can even pay to do the event? It seems like you wouldn't be able to, since (I believe) it's specifically targeted to 7 stars players and being able to pay for it seems kind of hokey.

  20. #2760
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    The Seven Stars Weekend in Vegas is a waste of time. It sucks, as anyone who has ever gone will tell you. I'm surprised Dancer or anyone else bothers.
    Most all Casino Events are a waste of time. Don't get me wrong... they can be fun at times but usually I am only attending because of some drawing or giveaway they have mixed into the event.

    The best events that I have been at are golf outings where they have some serious money on the line in these 4 man scrambles. They send these food and beverage carts out all day long at each hole or two. The main problem is they aren't regulated enough and most likely teams are pencil whipping one another.

    Dancer does this for almost every 7 Stars Event and he begs the same way stating some family member this or that. For the most part I like to stay away from events because I really don't want to get to know the Casino Execs all that well. You would think with Dancers money or status he wouldn't have to beg on a public forum for this sort of thing. One would also think that if you were going to spend a nice evening out with a bunch of Family you wouldn't want to go to something like this, you would want to do something more special and private but whatever.

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