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Thread: $25k challenge

  1. #221
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Just wondering claim axel "supports himself" by being an ap. Can you tell us how you know this to be 100% true?
    I know this because I know people that know Axelwolf. The AP community is a small community and I network with other AP's.

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Kew, all your "ap earnings" babble is irrelevant. $65k, $75k, $125k/yr. or whatever you people like to manufacture is stupid. My WIFE averaged more than that as an engineer for 33 years, and you wouldn't be happy knowing what I earned.
    You have that exactly backwards, Mr Foodstamps. What you and / or your wife made in an unrelated field is irrelevant. This is a gambling site. What I make as an AP is relevant to this discussion.

    So take your insecurities, as quite apparent by your "mine is bigger than yours" pissing comments, and your phony claims of making a million dollars with a progressive betting system and stop limits, and ride off into the sunset.

    As I always say, "It doesn't take much to figure out who knows what they are talking about and who is just talking". Rob, or whatever your name is, there just are very few here who haven't figured out that you are just talking. And It sounds like it is the same thing on other forums that you try to push your bullshit. And of the few that claim to support you, like slingshot and coach belly, they know in their heart your claims are bullshit. They just are so anti-AP, so against those that actually make money, that they re willing to lie to themselves. Hell, Alan can't even bring himself to admit whether he believes or doesn't believe your claims. But yet he supports almost everything you say and all your hatred because it goes along with his own resentment of those who actually make money from casinos.

    You anti-AP people....get a life! If you are unhappy being a losing player, then incorporate some AP play and techniques into your play. There are enough legitimate players here sharing information that you could improve your play and results. And if you are happy being a losing player, telling yourself it is recreational, then be happy. But I don't see a lot of happiness here. I see a lot of hate and resentment.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 08-24-2018 at 09:51 AM.

  2. #222
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    I think thats the understatement of the year.

    You should include that statement any time you mention the 18 yo's in a row story.

    I'm not sure how anyone can ever take you seriously on any subject that this point.
    I don't care if you take me seriously because you are insignificant.
    Axelwolf is insignificant? Kettle meet black.

    Alan, you may not like Axelwolf. Hell, I don't like Axelwolf a lot of the time. But he is a known AP, that supports himself by gambling profits. That is not a person who is insignificant on a gambling related forum.

    Funny, you label Axelwolf insignificant, but you put a lot of stock in Rob Singer. Somebody's judgement is pretty screwed up.
    Let me rephrase a bit. Gamblers are insignificant.

    Thank God I'm not a professional gambler. What contributions to the good of society do gamblers make?

  3. #223
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post

    I don't care if you take me seriously because you are insignificant.
    Axelwolf is insignificant? Kettle meet black.

    Alan, you may not like Axelwolf. Hell, I don't like Axelwolf a lot of the time. But he is a known AP, that supports himself by gambling profits. That is not a person who is insignificant on a gambling related forum.

    Funny, you label Axelwolf insignificant, but you put a lot of stock in Rob Singer. Somebody's judgement is pretty screwed up.
    Let me rephrase a bit. Gamblers are insignificant.

    Thank God I'm not a professional gambler. What contributions to the good of society do gamblers make?
    No you’re just a Deadbeat Dad that f’d his son out of
    Money he earned. And then Gambles away what little money he has left. Yea Alan, Gamblers are bad people. And you are the worst of the worst.

  4. #224
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Let me rephrase a bit. Gamblers are insignificant.

    Thank God I'm not a professional gambler. What contributions to the good of society do gamblers make?
    Oh here we go! The old "contributes nothing to society" bullshit that the haters always pull out of their pockets (or asses).

    Alan, I could argue the case of what good does your phony TV show peddling paid advertising as if t is a legitimate honest review do to society?

    But it doesn't even matter. The days where everyone "makes something", where everyone is a butcher, baker or candlestick maker are gone. In today's society, most professions are middlemen and /or paper pushers. Very few people actual produce anything. What is important today is that anything earned, and spent, helps fuel the economy. As long as it is money earned legally, and sadly even money earned illegally, helps support many supportive type jobs, so those people can take a paycheck home and spent to further support the economy. It is a never ending cycle.

    So get off you high horse Alan. My money helps keep people working and support the economy just the same as yours.

  5. #225
    Then let's go back to my original statement. AxelWolf is insignificant to me. He has no influence on my life or my decisions. He hasn't helped me in any way. He hasnt offered any advice or guidance. The same for keystone, boz, MisterV has done nothing but hound me for 15+ years. Mickeycrimm is an exception because he's actually offered useful information. Mission in his short time here has also provided useful info. The rest of you (and please I'm not including everyone) are trolls who do nothing worthwhile here.

    Kewlj despite all your claims about doing good what good have you done here? You said this is a troll site and you troll, you say this is a hate site and you hate.

    You're all insignificant to me. You mean nothing. You do nothing.

  6. #226
    Kew now "knows people who know people" and that's supposed to suffice as confirmation that anonymous gamblers are successful. Wise up. If you had a normal life you'd never even come up with a load of crap like that.

    It's hardly irrelevant that you guys keep claiming some type of "ap income" that makes you look foolish. OF COURSE you people get food stamps and other types of government handouts. But what you don't admit to is how much more you'd be making "in the long run" with even a cage cashier's job. Imagine having a secured financial future instead of making believe and getting handouts! And you think that what you claim to do with your silly "grind it out" scenario is any easier that that cashier's? Plus, someone with your claimed medical challenges would find it dreamy to have a heavily subsidized company healthcare plan instead of the slug Medicaid "entitlement" you guys live with.

    This is no ap gambling site. It's where the truth is told about ap's. You keep wanting to believe this us some sort of spin-off of WoV. Shack must have really put the hurt on you.

  7. #227
    Alan, I troll back to those that troll me.

    When I came to this site, I tried to share my experiences, in a positive manner, in the hopes that someone might benefit, just as I always have. Within several days of coming here, Singer began his homophobic attacks and you began a now year long campaign to discredit me. So I fight back.

    But, mixed in with all the trolling that everyone does, there is an occasional discussion about AP and AP techniques and I have been able to share some things that I hope and think may benefit others. And I suspect some of those "others" are people that don't even post much, but just lurk. Because of my circumstances of basically being exiled from legitimate AP forums because of personal shit, that is the best I can hope for right now.

    It's true that Axel doesn't share a lot of stuff that can benefit others. He holds his knowledge pretty close to his vest. But other AP's, mickey, monet, and others share quite a bit that can be of benefit to anyone who wants to benefit. I have benefited. You choose not to.

    I don't know why you and others in your anti-AP group that have congregated here, are so bitter and hateful. You choose to lose money at the casinos and then hate those of us that don't. Like I said, if you are unhappy with that choice, then change it. But just don't hate for no reason. No one here forced you to spend all your time and money at casinos. That was your choice.

  8. #228
    Kewlj let me ask, politely, what did you share? What info did you post here that will help someone else?

  9. #229
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Kewlj let me ask, politely, what did you share? What info did you post here that will help someone else?
    Are you serious? OMG you are really dense Alan.

  10. #230
    Pay your son Alan, pay your Son. Stop Gambling. Suck cock for $50 and give to your Son. It would certainly make a difference to him, who cares what we think. Alan, Do the right thing for once in your life. Pay your debts.

  11. #231
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    I offered you a 10K challenge a couple of years ago that I could produce a $500 win any day of the week if I get to pick the casino(s) and machines I play.
    And then you revealed that you would need to employ confederates
    to front-load the machines for you, and then you would pick off the plays.

    That's why you must play in Montana, pick the casinos and the cheat.

    Talk about a phony challenge? admitted yours was.
    Please put up the quote where I said I would employ confederates and I will donate $10,000 to your favorite charity. And I never said I would set Rob up. I only said how easy it would be to do. So no "gotcha" for you today.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  12. #232
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Plus, someone with your claimed medical challenges would find it dreamy to have a heavily subsidized company healthcare plan instead of the slug Medicaid "entitlement" you guys live with.
    Rob I don't know how Medicaid works and I have no need to have you who obviously is very familiar with all these government social programs explain it to me. I doubt the hospital that I went to last year for my heart surgery accepts Medicaid people. They are a top facility with a top cardiovascular surgery team. That's why I chose them. My medical insurance that I pay for from AP earnings afforded me that choice. As I said, I doubt they accept Medicaid, although I don't even know....maybe they are required to. That is really not my concern.

    My only experience with any kind of government program for myself (my partner received medicare) was when I was 18 years old, still in high school and homeless for 3 months. I received food stamps for those 3 months, which allowed me to eat, while I finished high school. I am grateful for that benefit.

    But I find it very interesting that you, this titan of industry, Mr Vice president at a top company, making hundreds of thousands of dollars, with a wife also making 6 figures, and with your so called golden parachute retirement benefits, somehow knows all about these different welfare programs in such detail. usual, with your stories, something just doesn't add up.

    It is funny...public records show evictions from low rent apartment complexes, and still outstanding judgements that you continue to run from, along with welfare and food stamp fraud, where you are now no longer eligible (prohibited) to participate in the programs. And all this extensive knowledge of these various programs. Interesting....very interesting.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 08-24-2018 at 11:13 AM.

  13. #233
    Mickeycrimm I do recall you saying you'd have the machines loaded up so when you played them they'd hit for you.

  14. #234
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    LMAO....Mickey channeling his inner Dan Aykroyd.

    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Oops. Didn't take too long for me to find it. You've made more money than Rob. But I see it took you 26 years. So what's that on an annual basis? Let's take a figure of $1.5-million which is more than Rob's claim and divide that by 26. That's about $57K a year. Not bad. Do you get fries, pension and health insurance with that?
    Why do people do this? Why do they make everything into a pissing contest, like this?

    AP for a living isn't really like this. AP, for a living is a grind. There aren't many that can make 100k a year, year after year for any period of time. Doesn't matter if it is blackjack or machine play, you will be not be undetected for too long. I suspect that is why Mickey travels a create an expansive rotation of opportunity, so as to extend his longevity.

    Now in the short term, yeah, players can make more. In blackjack, my 70-75k a year that I average is small potatoes among blackjack pros. BUT most blackjack pros have short careers of 2 or 3 years, like the various known, high profile guys of the last couple decades and then they are running "bootcamps", seminars and writing books.

    I have been at this 15 years, Mickey 26 years. We are grinders. Grinders find that level of play that is tolerated and milk it. It is that shear vs slaughter mentality and debate that I have referenced. AP just isn't going to get you rich in a few years. It is a grind. Anyone looking for the quick road to riches, better look somewhere else.

    I suspect mickey is quite content with his range of earnings, as am I. To push beyond these limits, risks losing the who deal. And that is one of the problems with Rob Singer's claims. It is on the outer edges of what a player can do and really get away with year after year, for an extended period, without wearing out his welcome. That alone makes Rob's claims hard to believe, but when you add in the math....which just doesn't add up.....completely impossible!
    Kew, all your "ap earnings" babble is irrelevant. $65k, $75k, $125k/yr. or whatever you people like to manufacture is stupid. My WIFE averaged more than that as an engineer for 33 years, and you wouldn't be happy knowing what I earned. But does what you guys claim come with vacation/sick/personal time, a pension, co. matching 401k contributions, bonus programs, or stock options?

    In other words, WTF are you arguing about? It's like mickeycrimm trying to convince people that living in a dumpy apt. in the middle of nowhere while driving a beater is the end-all for a gambler's life! So how in any way, shape, or form are these supposed "earnings numbers" suppose to equate with having any kind of success? By you people being too stupid and lazy to have gotten real jobs, it is YOU who are being taken HUGE advantage of on a day-to-day basis. You idiots are pissing your days away inside casinos while the rest of the world passes you by. With benefits, even the cage cashiers make more money than you fools claim to. And they get paid for their days off.

    So much ignorance in the oh-so-special "ap" storyline.
    Rob in the retirement community of Emery, South Dakota that you live in. You know, that little shithole town surrounded by cow pasture. How does the guy that owns the local feed store get a 401K with matching contributions, stock options and bonuses? How does the guy that owns the local gas station get a 401K with matching contributions, stock options and bonuses? How does the guy that owns the car wash get a 401K with matching contributions, stock options and bonuses? Damn, you're dense.

    You say you spent all the money you say you made playing video poker for 10 years, so how did it help your retirement account, and what kind of stock options and bonuses did you get out of it. What really happened was you quit working long before retirement age and lived off your wife until you were old enough to get an SS check.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  15. #235
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Let me rephrase a bit. Gamblers are insignificant.

    Thank God I'm not a professional gambler. What contributions to the good of society do gamblers make?
    Not True!

    Look at RS and the Good Collegiate Group of Friends that he runs with!
    This former college student/grad not only is a math wiz and had to deal dice but...
    he constantly gives back to Society as they Hustle from Machines (Not People).
    They may have to stoop to hustle a promotion or two but that is for good merit!
    Perhaps, Maybe... even... Hole Card!?
    They must continue on their path of converting the wicked to the righteous and...
    make Vegas and the World a better place for all... So Be It or Amen!!

  16. #236
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Just wondering claim axel "supports himself" by being an ap. Can you tell us how you know this to be 100% true?
    Axel has been advertising to put gamblers in action for a percentage on WoV for years. Why don't you apply for a job. You could use the money and you might learn something.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  17. #237
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Kewlj let me ask, politely, what did you share? What info did you post here that will help someone else?
    Are you serious? OMG you are really dense Alan.
    Yes I'm dense. Now what did you post?

    Was it the El Cortez misinformation that not only could not be proven but the machines you mentioned were no longer there?

    What info did you post?

    I'll tell you what APs do. They talk about history.

    I actually have helped people. When Rincon added money from a slot progressive to their video poker progressive I immediately posted that info on the WOV so that forum members could take advantage of it. And one did. It cost him $15k but I think he hit the progressive for something like $78k. Curiously the APs on WOV blasted me for openly posting that info. They told me I should have SOLD it. Well I don't sell info. I openly post it. Always.

    I've also posted info about other progressives and how pay tables have changed and about the locations of certain VP machines with advantageous pay tables.

    But the APs? Would they ever share current info? No. They say it should be sold. LOL

  18. #238
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Coach, that's because he's a chump, and that's what chumps do. And why would a bum who makes "6-figures a year playing nickel & quarter keno and slots" care about a chump-change bet like that anyway. Isn't he one of those capitalists kim lee talked about....waiting in the wings to take Rob Singer down? Gotta do a lot better than that, and gotta come up with a location outside the gaming capital of the militia states.
    Rob, do you know how to get to Emery, South Dakota from Montana? You go south until you smell it. Then you go east until you step in it.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  19. #239
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Let me rephrase a bit. Gamblers are insignificant.

    Thank God I'm not a professional gambler. What contributions to the good of society do gamblers make?
    Not True!

    Look at RS and the Good Collegiate Group of Friends that he runs with!
    This former college student/grad not only is a math wiz and had to deal dice but...
    he constantly gives back to Society as they Hustle from Machines (Not People).
    They may have to stoop to hustle a promotion or two but that is for good merit!
    Perhaps, Maybe... even... Hole Card!?
    They must continue on their path of converting the wicked to the righteous and...
    make Vegas and the World a better place for all... So Be It or Amen!!
    Monet...stop! Let it go.

    Your feud with RS, is silly. It isn't even a feud. No one is fighting back.

    And what is with the different colored print? Did you just recently discover different colored fonts are available.

    If you want to know about a feud….I can tell you about a feud. The great and powerful one recently did a pretty dastardly (and very petty) thing to me recently that has real life implications. Takes money out of my pocket sort of thing. But actually, I promised the person that informed me that I wouldn' I guess I can't discuss it. But THAT is a guy consumed with revenge.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 08-24-2018 at 11:26 AM.

  20. #240
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Kewlj let me ask, politely, what did you share? What info did you post here that will help someone else?
    Are you serious? OMG you are really dense Alan.
    Yes I'm dense. Now what did you post?

    Was it the El Cortez misinformation that not only could not be proven but the machines you mentioned were no longer there?

    What info did you post?

    I'll tell you what APs do. They talk about history.

    I actually have helped people. When Rincon added money from a slot progressive to their video poker progressive I immediately posted that info on the WOV so that forum members could take advantage of it. And one did. It cost him $15k but I think he hit the progressive for something like $78k. Curiously the APs on WOV blasted me for openly posting that info. They told me I should have SOLD it. Well I don't sell info. I openly post it. Always.

    I've also posted info about other progressives and how pay tables have changed and about the locations of certain VP machines with advantageous pay tables.

    But the APs? Would they ever share current info? No. They say it should be sold. LOL
    Lies Again!

    I post up plenty of Free Information and have never charged anyone for anything Gambling Related.
    Actually I never charged anyone for anything come to think of it.
    Not even Gas Money or things like that.
    I seen Mickeycrimm post up plenty of Free Information.
    I seen others as well.

    Let's have a contest!
    I know!!

    Lets post up as much free information as we can about what is going on in the Casinos to take advantage of or let others take advantage of it for free!
    The Winner... errr no Winner really... only the players who use, find and make money from the information will win but I am good with that!

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