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Thread: Million Dollar Blackjack

  1. #101
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    What makes you think it's alimony V? There can be other issues even years after alimony has ended.

    Suppose for example there were negotiations over a buyout of shared assets?
    I’m sure they all got the “short end” of the dick, sorry I mean stick in dealing with you.

    If you treated them half as bad as you did your son, they are lucky to have gotten away with anything of value they had before meeting you. I’m sure you never used any of them to feed your habits.

    The same amount of certainty I have that you never used business assets to gamble with.

    Face it Alan, you and your actions are why your business failed and you are broke.

    Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person.

    While I’m a huge personal responsibility fan, I wonder if at this point you would have a case against Stations for continuing to allow a know gambling addict to frequent their properties daily?

    Remember there is help out there all around Vegas Alan if you want to quit. Somehow I doubt you do but why not throw it out there.

  2. #102
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    What makes you think it's alimony V? There can be other issues even years after alimony has ended. Suppose for example there were negotiations over a buyout of shared assets?
    The operative word there would be "negotiations."

    The final divorce order would have fixed with certainty all financial obligations owed by you to your ex, and / or it would clearly spell out the formula to calculate all amounts due.

    What you describe as "negotiations" would in fact be a ploy to reopen the final order to chisel out a better deal for yourself.

    Nothing wrong with trying to do that, of course, but it is optional and not required.

    Of course your lawyer might have done something unusual, reflected in the final divorce order, due to odd facts; could be something I don't typically see in my practice.
    What, Me Worry?

  3. #103
    This is obviously above your pay grade V. There can be negotiations on assets post divorce and after a settlement.

    Stick to your two-bit cases.

  4. #104
    Originally Posted by Kim Lee View Post
    Alan's biggest advantage play would be to just stop gambling.
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    four ex wives.
    I take it back. Alan's biggest advantage play would be to just stop getting married.

  5. #105
    Originally Posted by Kim Lee View Post
    Originally Posted by Kim Lee View Post
    Alan's biggest advantage play would be to just stop gambling.
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    four ex wives.
    I take it back. Alan's biggest advantage play would be to just stop getting married.
    Mr. Mendelson's biggest advantage play would have been to jettison the Jewish schtick and go Mormon.

  6. #106
    Originally Posted by Kim Lee View Post
    Originally Posted by Kim Lee View Post
    Alan's biggest advantage play would be to just stop gambling.
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    four ex wives.
    I take it back. Alan's biggest advantage play would be to just stop getting married.
    Duece. No Mas.

  7. #107
    Is it any wonder why these people can only post anonymously....

  8. #108
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Is it any wonder why these people can only post anonymously....
    In the lyrics of Tom Jones song "I believe for every drop of rain that falls - a flower grows."

    What I don't believe is some farmer from the midwest travels the US and makes enough playing blackjack to support a family, gets banned twice a week, and is going to kill the casinos and retire early. Covering expenses alone would be a stretch and ending up in divorce court would be likely. Being gone 50% of the time would be enough to tear the average family apart. Money doesn't solve everythng. But it doesn't hurt either. Problem is some dipshit will sign up for some two week training course for 3 grand and try it.

    Mind boggling to believe a muslim doctor gives up his practice, relocates his family a few times in order to support his addiction and is happy to earn McDonalds wages and kipe candy from Walmart. LMAO when I vision him rasslin in the aisles and getting cuffed by the 75 year old lady Greeter. Actually, it's just the McDonalds part I can't get past. Hence, idiots don't make money, they LOSE it...and brag about it.

    The 100K a year average for 10 straight years? Perhaps if one had a million to begin with and was a topnotch sportsbettor with a knack to identify underdog plays. The hard part to believe is all those that do believe. I guess they need a hero and/or something to believe in. Making 6 figures a year in business usually requires emloyees, commission overrides, and 14 to 16 hour days. The phone never stops ringing and you're on a pace to get more done before 9am than the Army does all day. But a million in blackjack simply requires HiLo and a skateboard. I'm kidding you KJ.

    Then there is the guy that will teach you Hi Opt II for free....And he has has time machine so you can actually go back to the 80s and use this information. I love the qoute "he improved 98% of my game." What? You started with "this is a blackjack table and these are a deck of cards"? Of course, this legend is now a horse handicapper. Legendary I'm sure, and no doubt with legions of followers.

    ...And of course we have Blinkie. The guy who sees flashing lights on a shuffling machine and firmly believes they designed the machine just to screw him. Yet he still plays all the time and makes money hand over fist? Sort of goes hand in hand with the guy who seeks everyones opinion on a sports bet and then claims casinos are screwing him when he's down 7-0 in the 1st quarter. Of course, they wait for him to make his $50 bet before calling some authority to fix the game because Hector bet on team X. LMAO Now if I could just always get behind Hector in line and bet the opposite? THAT's the way to easy riches.
    Last edited by Moses; 09-19-2018 at 05:51 AM.

  9. #109
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    This is obviously above your pay grade V. There can be negotiations on assets post divorce and after a settlement.

    Stick to your two-bit cases.

    Why should there be any new "negotiations?"

    I cannot recall a case where we went back to court post-decree to argue that the award of assets should be changed, absent agreement of the parties.

    Sure, child support and alimony can often be reviewed based on a change in circumstances, but assets?

    Maybe you are trying to argue you cannot pay her the money you once agreed to pay her, is that it?

    Sounds eerily familiar.

    I suspect my prior use of the word "chisel" was apt.

    Did your lawyer use an affidavit from your son, describing how you're too broke to repay him the money justly due him?

    I can just see it now: "Your honor, Mr. Mendelson is too poor, too broke, to retire a debt to his son; how then can he be expected to cash out ex-wife number 3 for her interest in the internet business he was awarded? It's the economy, your honor: it has nothing to do with gambling."

    Better hope the other attorney doesn't impeach you using the thread Jason started, the one where he "shamed" you aptly and mercilessly: it could be Exhibit "A" to be used against you.

    What's the other lawyer's name?

    I'll send him / her a link to the thread, he'll/ she'll get a kick out of it and you'll get a few swift kicks because of it.
    Last edited by MisterV; 09-19-2018 at 08:14 AM.
    What, Me Worry?

  10. #110
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    This is obviously above your pay grade V. There can be negotiations on assets post divorce and after a settlement.

    Stick to your two-bit cases.

    Why should there be any new "negotiations?"

    I cannot recall a case where we went back to court post-decree to argue that the award of assets should be changed, absent agreement of the parties.

    Sure, child support and alimony can often be reviewed based on a change in circumstances, but assets?

    Maybe you are trying to argue you cannot pay her the money you once agreed to pay her, is that it?

    Sounds eerily familiar.

    I suspect my prior use of the word "chisel" was apt.

    Did your lawyer use an affidavit from your son, describing how you're too broke to repay him the money justly due him?

    I can just see it now: "Your honor, Mr. Mendelson is too poor, too broke, to retire a debt to his son; how then can he be expected to cash out ex-wife number 3 for her interest in the internet business he was awarded? It's the economy, your honor: it has nothing to do with gambling."

    Better hope the other attorney doesn't impeach you using the thread Jason started, the one where he "shamed" you aptly and mercilessly: it could be Exhibit "A" to be used against you.

    What's the other lawyer's name?

    I'll send him / her a link to the thread, he'll/ she'll get a kick out of it and you'll get a few swift kicks because of it.
    What is your obsession V?

    I do keep you awake at night. LOL

  11. #111
    Uh, no, alan.

    I criticize and flame you because you deserve it; I am certainly not alone in this regard.

    You've become the forum's own whipping boy.
    What, Me Worry?

  12. #112
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Uh, no, alan.

    I criticize and flame you because you deserve it; I am certainly not alone in this regard.

    You've become the forum's own whipping boy.
    Thanks for admitting you're a troll.

    Dan, you blocked Singer in another thread at mickeycrimm's request, I'm asking you to block MisterV.

  13. #113
    Singer can take it--Mr.V would blow his brains out. Come to think of it....not a bad option for the guy.

    Besides, Dan put mickey into his own little safe space in doing so. Pussification at it's best!

  14. #114
    alan, criticizing and flaming is not trolling.

    Get a clue.

    I irk you because I comment on how I often disagree with the content of your posts.

    I don't post shit in an attempt to lure you into the tar pits; you supply ample material for me and others to criticize you BASED ON WHAT YOU POST.

    I try to avoid ad hominem attacks and focus on what people say, not their ethnic, religious or political stripes.

    FWIW I fully expect you to nuke me when / if you ever regain control of this forum again: macht nichts.

    Now tell us again how the long run doesn't apply to you when you gamble, lol.

    "It takes a village to support a village idiot."
    Last edited by MisterV; 09-19-2018 at 05:11 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  15. #115
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    alan, criticizing and flaming is not trolling.

    Get a clue.

    I irk you because I comment on how I often disagree with the content of your posts.

    I don't post shit in an attempt to lure you into the tar pits; you supply ample material for me and others to criticize you BASED ON WHAT YOU POST.

    I try to avoid ad hominem attacks and focus on what people say, not their ethnic, religious or political stripes.

    FWIW I fully expect you to nuke me when / if you ever regain control of this forum again: macht nichts.

    Now tell us again how the long run doesn't apply to you when you gamble, lol.

    "It takes a village to support a village idiot."
    This is like watching the Democrats on TV claim they didn't say something that's just been played back for them on tape!

    Mr.V, you constantly harass Alan for that which you know very little about. You claim he was wrong over what's going on with his son when you don't even know a third of the story. You claim he's broke because of gambling when you feel it's better to just look the other way regarding his retirement savings accounts.

    This is the stuff desperate libtards do when they can't get their way. So stop lying about yourself and Alan and grow up, then wise up.

  16. #116
    Actually, Rob, the most incredible thing is these trolls keep throwing back in my face exactly what I post myself. I have posted I never had a profitable year gambling. And the fact is, they don't know if I'm telling the truth or not.

    It's hilarious.

    As I have said many times over, why would anyone posting using their real name say on a public forum that they have a profit gambling in casinos? What business is it of anyone what happens when I play?

    Jason and I had a laugh about a related subject the other day. Jason asked me "why did you post the thread about using cash back when you don't gamble enough to get cash back?" I simply said to him, "because I was curious." And look what happened. I make the post and the trolls come out of the closet and start their bashing.

    Gee, I wonder if I had simply said several years ago "ya know, those three $100,000 royals, two of which I hit using free play, gave me two annual profits" what the reaction would have been?

    V, the expert attorney, even has to stick his nose in my divorces. What a laugh. V, do you think for a minute that I am going to discuss my divorces here on an open forum using my real name? You bozo.

    What a bunch of jerks are on this forum. We have several jerks here with nothing else to do but write scathing insults.

    And by the way, the biggest hater on this forum? It's kewlj. He hates anyone who disagrees with him. And I thought he was a kid? Now I find out he's in his mid 30s. What a laugh.

    V, I hope you find some real clients so you don't have to look busy by posting on this forum.

  17. #117
    Some people know what they are talking about. Some people just talk. It is pretty easy to discern one from the other.

    Yes, Alan, you’re the other. Your buddy Robbie is not even worth talking about.

  18. #118
    Actually, Rob, the most incredible thing is these trolls keep throwing back in my face exactly what I post myself. I have posted I never had a profitable year gambling. And the fact is, they don't know if I'm telling the truth or not.

    For once and for all, the bone of contention, is that using a proper name validates any comments that are made on the forum. Yeah, this is a sideways comment from another thread, but I believe it is relevant. In all sincerity, I trust all comments, hence my issue on validating one post more prominent against another post. Remember, I still love you all. Just stating.

  19. #119
    Originally Posted by Deech View Post
    Actually, Rob, the most incredible thing is these trolls keep throwing back in my face exactly what I post myself. I have posted I never had a profitable year gambling. And the fact is, they don't know if I'm telling the truth or not.

    For once and for all, the bone of contention, is that using a proper name validates any comments that are made on the forum. Yeah, this is a sideways comment from another thread, but I believe it is relevant. In all sincerity, I trust all comments, hence my issue on validating one post more prominent against another post. Remember, I still love you all. Just stating.
    For the record, I tried to copy and paste Alan's initial comments above.

  20. #120
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    And the fact is, they don't know if I'm telling the truth or not.
    That's because you are willing to lie and embellish (often) when it fits your narrative. We have seen this from you more than once.

    I guess that's how some "reporters" and "journalists" roll.

    " And the fact is, they don't know if I'm telling the truth or not." That will be your legacy with 99% of the people believing you are not telling the truth about anything that can't be 100% proven by you. Sad, very sad.

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