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Thread: The WoV Thread

  1. #2881
    Originally Posted by RS__ View Post
    FYI babs doesn't read this forum.
    Yes, she does.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  2. #2882
    This is going to sound like sour grapes but I am so sick of crybabies at WoV. I was again suspended in what I see as a bad call because a certain member sent a PM complaining about a post I made that did not even involve them.

    I get rules are rules, but what asshat gets off on reporting others to the Wiz or other mods about someone else’s post. Like kids in school WoV has a couple members that seem to take joy in it.

    I have no problem doing the time, even if I don’t think this one would have drawn a suspension without ONM complaining about it. He seems to have it out for me. No clue why, but whatever, I’ll live.

    And while I know some of you work with and like Billryan, he too is a jackass. If I ever met him in person, which I have no interest in, I have no issue saying it to him. He preaches like some holy person, while milking the system with nothing to his name.

  3. #2883
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    This is going to sound like sour grapes but I am so sick of crybabies at WoV. I was again suspended in what I see as a bad call because a certain member sent a PM complaining about a post I made that did not even involve them.

    I get rules are rules, but what asshat gets off on reporting others to the Wiz or other mods about someone else’s post. Like kids in school WoV has a couple members that seem to take joy in it.

    I have no problem doing the time, even if I don’t think this one would have drawn a suspension without ONM complaining about it. He seems to have it out for me. No clue why, but whatever, I’ll live.

    And while I know some of you work with and like Billryan, he too is a jackass. If I ever met him in person, which I have no interest in, I have no issue saying it to him. He preaches like some holy person, while milking the system with nothing to his name.
    Sounds like you're the crybaby. Man up will you, you pussy flea.

  4. #2884
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    This is going to sound like sour grapes but I am so sick of crybabies at WoV. I was again suspended in what I see as a bad call because a certain member sent a PM complaining about a post I made that did not even involve them.

    I get rules are rules, but what asshat gets off on reporting others to the Wiz or other mods about someone else’s post. Like kids in school WoV has a couple members that seem to take joy in it.

    I have no problem doing the time, even if I don’t think this one would have drawn a suspension without ONM complaining about it. He seems to have it out for me. No clue why, but whatever, I’ll live.

    And while I know some of you work with and like Billryan, he too is a jackass. If I ever met him in person, which I have no interest in, I have no issue saying it to him. He preaches like some holy person, while milking the system with nothing to his name.
    Sounds like you're the crybaby. Man up will you, you pussy flea.
    3 minutes, not bad, sounds like another miserable day in your life. By the way, are you going to finally confront your Son in Law At Christmas Dinner? You know why. Any decent father would.

  5. #2885
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    This is going to sound like sour grapes but I am so sick of crybabies at WoV. I was again suspended in what I see as a bad call because a certain member sent a PM complaining about a post I made that did not even involve them.

    I get rules are rules, but what asshat gets off on reporting others to the Wiz or other mods about someone else’s post. Like kids in school WoV has a couple members that seem to take joy in it.

    I have no problem doing the time, even if I don’t think this one would have drawn a suspension without ONM complaining about it. He seems to have it out for me. No clue why, but whatever, I’ll live.

    And while I know some of you work with and like Billryan, he too is a jackass. If I ever met him in person, which I have no interest in, I have no issue saying it to him. He preaches like some holy person, while milking the system with nothing to his name.
    I'm not getting why that kindergarten class, aka the WoV forum, holds so much power over you people. Wizard's been just playing with you all over the years. He has some stupid escalating suspension system that seemingly has its own built-in humiliator, in that he knows members get so worked up over these little punishments, and how they're just chomping at the bit to get back on. He is the puppet master, the libtard/low income slug mods are his Pee Wee Hermans with a badge, and you people are his puppets.

    The whole set up and why anybody would go back to an immature situation like that, clearly defies logic.

  6. #2886
    Actually makes logical sense Rob, but there is something about these forums, not just WoV that keeps people coming back. Some even after being banned as socks, they need the fix it gives them.

    Maybe it’s the diversion from whatever we do in our daily life. Who knows, but we keep coming back.

  7. #2887
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    3 minutes, not bad, sounds like another miserable day in your life. By the way, are you going to finally confront your Son in Law At Christmas Dinner? You know why. Any decent father would.
    I think you've been drinking the martian cool-aid. What the fuck are you talking about? Stick that dildo back in your ass and keep it there, maybe you could start talking out of your mouth again and make some sense. What a fucken weirdo you are.

  8. #2888
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    there is something about these forums, not just WoV that keeps people coming back. Some even after being banned as socks, they need the fix it gives them.
    True dat.

    My theory: these boards offer the opportunity to scratch several itches at once: learning, comraderie, and of course insulting.

    The ongoing evolution of humanity.
    What, Me Worry?

  9. #2889
    Picked a bad week to be suspended from WoV. Would love to blow up the libs heads with our early Christmas Gift of RBG possibly having cancer removed today. Nothing worse than they get away with wishing on Trump daily with no repercussions.

    Oh yea, Fuck Billryan, you lazy government dependent piece of shit.

  10. #2890
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post

    Oh yea, Fuck Billryan, you lazy government dependent piece of shit.
    kewlJ got banned/nuked for posting about WoV members on another forum.
    Be Careful.
    BBB and others are reading!
    Certainly, OnceDear is reading and reporting like Heinrich Himmler.

    Here is an idiot quote by V who thinks Church and State are separate.
    Truth is they always work together to make big tax free money and control the populace...

    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    "it should be the responsibility of family and church, not strangers / taxpayers, to care for the poor and the homeless.

    America is the land of opportunity; if people are too lame to figure out how the game of life is played it shouldn't be my problem.

    "Keep up, or get out of the way."
    Reminds me of Li'L Hitler...
    Not my problem.
    Till your overrun with the homeless and mentally ill.
    What do you do with the millions of people who can't fend for themselves mentally or physically...
    What about the ones with no family or victims or rape or incest?
    Bring back the Guillotine?

    Last edited by monet; 12-21-2018 at 04:33 PM.

  11. #2891
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post

    Oh yea, Fuck Billryan, you lazy government dependent piece of shit.
    kewlJ got banned/nuked for posting about WoV members on another forum.
    Be Careful.
    Having read Boz's comments today while I was out, I too wanted to warn Boz that you can be permanently banned at WoV for things said on another forum, but Monet beat me to it Although in fairness, I believe there has been exactly 1 member that has been banned at WoV for something said elsewhere and that would be me.

    Anyone that has followed me since Shackleford decided to pull that stunt has probably seen me post the quote of Shackleford's announcement of my banning: "while normally we do not consider things said on other forums, KewlJ has been banned for something said on another forum".

    But there is really more to the story that that. The forum in question is a forum named ZenZoneforum. It is mostly dead these days, although I believe Moses might still be posting there somewhat regularly. Anyway, it is a site where some of the detractors of Norm Wattenberger go to post negatively of him. And Norm reads everything posted.

    So I can guarantee that prior to the day that he banned me, Mike Shackleford had never visited ZenZoneforum. I would go as far to say, he had never even heard of the forum. And I can equally guarantee that he has not visited since. Yet somehow on the day I posted, Shackleford read what I posted and within 2 hours, banned me for it. That is pretty interesting isn't it.

    And for the record for anyone wondering what dastardly thing I posted on another forum that got me banned. I posted that "Norm Wattenberger had contracted Mike Shackleford repeatedly including 19 times within a 24 hour period, demanding that he silence me". Amazing isn't it. No name calling. No threats. Just a completely true statement revealing what was taking place behind the scenes.

    So yeah Boz, be careful.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 12-21-2018 at 05:27 PM.

  12. #2892
    Typical liberal bullshit from monet, above.

    "Oh those poor people, me oh my!"

    "Oh, those poor Guatemalan refugees, let them in!"

    Uh, no, fuck em.

    Not ... my ... problem.

    My problem is rebuilding the crumbling infrastructure, regulating interstate commerce and national defense.

    I'm libertarian, i.e. make do with as little government interference in life as is reasonably possible.

    What, Me Worry?

  13. #2893
    Thanks for the warnings KJ & Monet. I did think of that when I posted it, and if it happens, it happens. Honestly I don’t get much off of that forum anymore. I give it credit for allowing me to meet many good people and learn a lot over the years. But most of that is long gone. I used to add AC info years ago, and many times got hit for putting too much info out there. The past few years have been mostly nonsense like arguing politics. Or aggregating myself with jackasses like Bill, Stevorina and ZK. Even though we agree on next to nothing, I like and respect AMS and Terrapin. Just my opinion, sure I’m not Billys favorite either.

    I will say in all the years I posted there, I never had anyone screw me over or even try. I made money and the knew enough to avoid WoN. As you guys have shown, there is life after banishment.

    And I’ll never go back as a sock if banned. As I say, I’ll live.

  14. #2894
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Picked a bad week to be suspended from WoV. Would love to blow up the libs heads with our early Christmas Gift of RBG possibly having cancer removed today. Nothing worse than they get away with wishing on Trump daily with no repercussions.

    Oh yea, Fuck Billryan, you lazy government dependent piece of shit.
    I would love to see one more conservative judge on the supreme court before the 2020 election. It will put a stopper in socialist asses for decades to come.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  15. #2895
    You guys should be grateful that I don't run this forum like WoV, and keep the bans/suspensions to the absolute minimum.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  16. #2896
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    You guys should be grateful that I don't run this forum like WoV, and keep the bans/suspensions to the absolute minimum.
    If you ran it like WoV almost all members who post here would of been nuked long ago, including myself.
    I tried to get banned a year ago but finally realized that you don't believe in such.
    I commend you on the way you run the site.
    On WoV they say they believe in freedom of speech but on this site you prove that you believe.

  17. #2897
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I commend you on the way you run the site.
    On WoV they say they believe in freedom of speech but on this site you prove that you believe.

    Freedom of speech? Sure I buy freedom of speech to a point. And that includes the likes of Alan posting that he saw 18 y.o.'s in a row (he didn't). It also includes Singer posting his looney tune Singer VP strategy and claims that flies in the face of mathematics and reality. I believe it is the responsibility of the rest of us to continually debunk these false claims.

    But I don't think all of Singer and now Blackhole's personal attacks should fall under the category of "free speech". These nasty personal attacks are usually not even on subject matter. These attacks serve a purpose for these trolls. The intent is to 1.) change the subject away from the fact that whatever particular topic is being discussed, flies in the face of mathematics and reality. And 2.) serve as a warning and deterrent to anyone else not to challenge such claims or they too will be subject to such personal attacks.

    And while #2 is meant as a specific deterrent to anyone challenging the alternate reality of these clowns, it has a broader effect of deterring new members that visit the site or just lurk from joining in and participating.

  18. #2898
    Gambling forums can have a rough and tumble character to them wherein people post without first filtering their ideas through a sieve of polite reflection.

    Singer blames it on anonymity, but since his name is known and since he's the worst troll / offender that dog won't hunt.

    I think it boils down to personalities, and how we view life and interaction with others.

    Newbies should not be deterred from jumping into the hot tub; it's not a club, it's not a clique, it's just a pretty much anything goes place to talk about life and gambling.

    Be bold, newbies: post.
    What, Me Worry?

  19. #2899
    Another situation has developed at WoV where a long time member, Crystalmath, having never been suspended before, has taken two suspensions within a week, and of course was martingaled. CM is a video game designer and knows his stuff, especially the math. His posts have always been high quality content. And he has stayed out of the fray when arguments break out. But it looks like he finally grew weary of Michael Bluejay's condescending attitude and said something about it. MB used to be a moderator on the site and may have had something to do with it's creation. The suspension of CM came straight from Shack. It's clear Shack is protecting MB from criticism.

    It will be interesting to see what CM will do when his latest suspension is over. Will he come back? Will he resign? Will he continue to criticize MB? It looks to me like Shack is quite willing to get rid of a very valuable member and let MB continue with his condescending attitude. Shack has said absolutely nothing to MB about his attitude.

    The biggest sleazeball on the site is billryan. This lowlife prick needs his ass kicked. He's a bottomfeeding hustler and works the government freebies all the while running down the people paying the taxes to feed his punk ass. A true slimeball if there ever was one. He's taken 5 suspensions, some of them very close, but has never been given more than three days. He wasn't taking any suspensions until enough heat was put on Babs to do her job. They are two peas (libtards) in a pod. You can tell she begrudgingly suspends him when he gets out of line but never marty's him.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  20. #2900
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    He wasn't taking any suspensions until enough heat was put on Babs to do her job. They are two peas (libtards) in a pod. You can tell she begrudgingly suspends him when he gets out of line but never marty's him.
    Babs could not fit into a pod by herself let alone with another pea.

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